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Thread: Future Weapons & Pickup ideas.

  1. #1
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    Lightbulb Future Weapons & Pickup ideas.

    If everyone were to come up with a new weapon/pickup for a future WipEout game. What would it be & what would it do?

    I thought I'd share some suggestion and thoughts on possible weapons I can imagin working.

    My First Idea, while not so much as a "new" pickup to WipEout & racing games, I would like to see a Cloaking device - a pick-up that makes you invisible. As combat mode is a thing in WipEout these days, along with a few combat arenas included in a future game the cloaking device would become super usefull as you sneak up on players.

    My second Idea... A insta-death shield. An upgrade to your basic shield, this would act in a similar way shields do on Jak X Combat Racing where if a racer hits you when the shield is active you loose a large chunk of health... or in a combat/online mode setting completely blow up. This weapon however would be a rare drop with a 0.5 chance of spawning in single player modes, but with a higher rate online.

    3rd idea... The Switch. Simple really, you swap places with who ever you hit.

    4th idea... The Transformer - Remember those future looking racing cars that road the walls in the WipEout 2048 intro video, well this is an idea to actuall have a game with them... if a racer were to pick up a "Transformer" and use it the could transform from WipEout ship to WipEout future Car/bike for 10 seconds or less. If used at a certain location in a track they would be able to enter a short cut that some how climes around the track. Idea may need work.

    5th idea... Micro mines... a pickup that drops a tone of small mines that bounce around the track exploading on contact. Would be usefull to excape homing missles.

    These are just some of the things i can think off, what everyones thoughs on these and what ideas have you got that are better than mine?

  2. #2
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    Well, I have fantasized about super weapons in a future WipEout or a Fan game.

    Plasma cannon- Pretty basic. Ammo based, but instead of proton shells, it would fire mini plasma bolts. They would do considerable damage, but have a semi-slow fire rate.

    Scatter bomb- If a target was available, it would lock on and fire. If there was nobody to lock on to, it would drop behind you. If locked on, it would fire like a missile and explode doing moderate damage. The explosion would also release a bunch of homing micro mines that would target all ships (besides yours) in the area. It would be capable of damaging and slowing a large crowd. If dropped, it would sit on the track like a bomb until someone approached. It would then home on the first person to pass by it, and explode in the same way as before.

  3. #3
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    They need to bring back the gravity bomb for starters. The return of super weapons would be nice too.

    I like skill based weapons, so how about a rail gun that locks on only after you have a physical lock like the missile does but you have to maintain a lock like you do with a leech beam for 6 seconds before you fire it. On impact it does slightly more damage than a plasma bolt and recharges your own shield by 15 points. Oh and it can go through shields for half damage.

    Energy generator. Ok so this would be really cool. For a brief time about as long as an autopilot, you get energy back when you barrel roll. It has a very slight turbo effect when activated to help get enough air to roll but with out having too much of an effect. As long as you are in a roll you will be unaffected by weapons.

    So if you are in a spot where there are back to back combo rolls you can get back all your energy and you won't fly off the track because you get missiled in mid air. The ultimate skill based green weapon that isn't op.

  4. #4
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    The Ionisor - Shoots very heavy Gamma- or X-Rays at a craft to damage it's structure on a nuclear level. It does little damage at first, but if you hit on a longe rperiod of time, the craft starts to fall apart.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    That’s very cool, Jonny, but wouldn’t it be redundant with the Cannon, which has the same effect?
    A few bullets do no damage, but a full stream is able to destroy an opponent.

  6. #6
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    So maybe what it does instead is steadily drains energy over time and maybe temporarily disables weapons and boost pads? That seems fair but kind of vibes with the radiation theme going on here.

  7. #7
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    Magnet Mines:
    - Four mines magnetically levitate and orbit around your craft, blocking projectiles with magnetic repulsion with a small chance of being destroyed; the more are destroyed, the higher the chance the next one will also be destroyed due to the weaker magnetic field. You can press the fire button to deploy them one at a time, where they become stationary explosives which don't do a lot of damage, but can affect ships as if they were hit by a Disruptor Bolt. Of course, these individual mines would be extremely easy to destroy, since they don't have the magnetic fields of other mines to protect them. Pressing the Discard button will instead launch all of your remaining mines behind you in quick succession, bouncing wildly like grenades until they detonate on their own. It is worth noting that each mine has a slight homing effect and a considerable area of effect. Again, they don't do a lot of damage, but they have plenty of unpleasant side effects like reversing your controls or jamming your weapon system.

  8. #8
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    Guess I killed the thread. Womp womp.



    The flamethrower could probably make a comeback if a Heat mechanic is ever added, wherein you could use the flames to overheat people's ships.

  9. #9
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    Deathstrike (Offensive) - similar to AG Systems' Shield Raider and Tigron's Nitro Rocket, with hints of Auricom's Orbital Laser, this is a cheap weapon that will instantly eliminate an opponent upon successful lock-on. However, this weapon is extremely rare to encounter in almost any game mode, so as to prevent it from being abused. The AI cannot use this weapon, but it can be used in online races and split-screen.

    Rear Turret (Defensive) - An auto-fire rear-turret of 100 rounds that immediately aims its ammo at the opponents. They do light damage, with a full clip being able to drain 30% of shield energy (50% in Eliminator).

    Flash Mortar (Disruptive) - A flashbang weapon that disrupts the player's view for about three seconds.

    Jammer (Disruptive) - Hacks into an opponents' weapons systems and steals their currently armed weapons, transferring it to your own ship.

    Magnets (Disruptive) - Micro mines that attach themselves to an oncoming ship. They will affect the ship's engine performance at the same time and cause damage once they explode. Wall impacts and collisions with other ships may be viable options to get rid of them, should a Shield not be within reach.

    Hunter (Offensive) - A missile that directly targets the leader, much like the blue shell from Mario Kart. The damage and slowing effects are enough to cause some frustration at the same time, and in Eliminator, this will directly target the opponent with the highest score. This could be risky if you're in first place or have the most number of points in an Eliminator session as it will target your own craft.

    Double Hit (Beneficial) - Doubles the amount of damage to weapons for about an entire lap.

    Rapier Blast (Offensive) - Equips the ship with laser emitters that fire from the sides of the ship. As it is fired sideways, it is recommended to fly near an opponent ship.

    Shock Ram (Offensive) - Similarly to the Penetrator from the F9000, the Shock Ram is a weapon that provides the craft with powerful electric energy which produces a respectable amount of damage upon ramming an opponent. Be aware that you will also cause damage to your own craft as well, but not as much as the target.

    Reverse Roll (Beneficial) - Successful barrel rolls will restore 15% of shield energy instead of consuming them for about an entire lap. The speed boost will also follow as well.
    Last edited by GBalao888; Today at 04:26 AM.

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