Oh wow that's looking great Thane, great work so far!
This isn't related to ships but today I've been working on the tools for the game and I've implemented this feature that draws track tiles which makes for some nice looking layout screenshots
Oh wow that's looking great Thane, great work so far!
This isn't related to ships but today I've been working on the tools for the game and I've implemented this feature that draws track tiles which makes for some nice looking layout screenshots
Wow, looks great. Does it convert lines to the 2 segmented track and after that you can add different forms of bonuses (like speed, weapon or pit stop)? Or how does it work?
The tiles are generated by iterating through the track mesh's triangles and using that data to populate themselves (then I iterate through the tiles and every two tiles are used to generate a track section), the visual representation of them though is done by using the data stored in the tiles to draw lines and fill the space in between the vertices with a color. Each tile has a type which I have a painting tool for so I can easily go in and change them, which are color coded in that image (blue = speed pad, red = weapon pad, yellow = spawn and green = pitlane)
Just for the Rofls, I kinda want to see these high-polygon models subjected to the PS1-style lighting when they're all finished.
That's a really great track generator, by the way! I can't wait to see what crazy stuff people can make with it.
I wonder if mag-lock will exist in BallisticNG...
Edit; Double derp, I misread it as a track editor because I was half-asleep, my mistake. It's still a really awesome thing that you made, though :3
Last edited by Amaroq Dricaldari; 25th January 2016 at 03:30 AM.
Thanks guys ^^ it's taking a while longer than I expected, but it's getting there.
And yeah, Mega. I can understand what you're feeling. All my previous projects have been going down to ridiculous numbers of polys for relatively small elements
It took until now for me to think "Hey, maybe I don't need so many faces", since a lot of the extra definition can be brought in through specular textures and bump-mapping
...is that Luna?
Y'know, looking at the track layout like this instantly makes me think of those mini-map models on the track select menus in 2097 and Pure.
Last edited by Thane Corrigan; 25th January 2016 at 12:11 PM.
In the case of extra details on your model, culling (occlusion) and Level of Detail are on your side~
Besides, you don't plan on using it in the game, do you? You would just be putting more work on yourself if this is for a static render.
Besides, in the improbable circumstance that you were designing these with the intention that somebody wanted to import these models into BallisticNG, they would lose the bump mapping and the specular most likely. Trying to incorporate that stuff back into BallisticNG's rendering engine would take a lot of work and optimization, especially if they wanted it to fit the rest of the game's aesthetic.
Well... if the custom importer tools could handle it in the end, it'd be fun to see if it could be used in-game.
But of course, yes, the bump mapping is maybe one texture layer too many for the current game engine.
But I think these HD models are perhaps more like proofs-of-concept for the ideal designs of each team. With potential for a cameo appearance in a future project, given the right permissions.
Ultimately, though, mostly just for the fun of creativity.
Thane's model, dude. Because it's awesome.
This is not how lighting works. Models need to be lightmapped correctly and missing any face in the UV sheet will result in a corrupt lightmap, which the engine will work harder to compensate for. It isn't worth it.
Unity would more than likely disagree with this unless bigsnake wanted to abuse his mental health writing the code for it.
Yeah, sure you did. You've been deliberately spewing **** in this thread, ignoring what was posted in the hopes that we'd be dumb enough to listen, and editing out the more obnoxious parts when you think you've been caught out. Quit it.
This amount of detail is nothing compared to models used in games made today. The only valid criticism is the use of SketchUp for making this kind of model, however that's from a professional and academic perspective; you work with what you have, and it's what I had when I started out. Thane could well prove me wrong.
Seriously though, Thane. What you have there is really good! My advice, if you want it, is to go and get a student license for Max/ Maya sometime. You've got some crazy SU skills and once you can move verts around, you'll be even better.
How does this fit, exactly?
Very.... VERY slow progress here. The air intake now splits into two tubes as it passes [over the AG unit/under the cockpit] to reach the engine, but I'm having definite trouble working out the backend design.
Think I might need to get in contact with one of my buddies who creates countless airship and space-borne capital ship designs just for fun. I'm sure he could figure something out.
I guess this thread could be used for videos as well, here's Utah Project in a near completed state! I'm going to add some more buildings and other small details and I think I'll be able to call it complete, in particular I want to make the area around the start grid a bit more interesting and add some variety in the sections that are just surrounded in rocks.
That track reminds me somewhat of a mix between Half-Life and the first Unreal (leaning a lot towards the former), with the overall aesthetic. Looks really good overall.
Last edited by Amaroq Dricaldari; 7th March 2016 at 01:09 AM.
That looks really cool, reminds me of an under-construction geodesic dome. I also like the illuminated strips on the track.
Are different tracks going to be playable at different times of day and/or under different weather conditions?
Weather conditions I don't think so, time of day I'm not sure, but most likely not. Weather and time of day is static, but differs for each track though.
Looks almost like a night race at Koroderra! Nice!
And there was light....
Very cool !
Are you doing this by code or using a 3D modeler ?