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Thread: Feedback thread - v0.0.4

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    Default Feedback thread - v0.0.4

    v0.0.4 has finally been released on Steam Early Access and is now available to the public and to Kickstarter subscribers. Please use this thread to discuss any issues you encounter with this version and to give any general feedback. I will post a new thread every time a new version is released so we have an easily traced backlog of what has been addressed between versions. I'll be doing a video on this version in the near future, but please post your thoughts here for the time being.

    My general impressions so far are as follows:

    • At the moment, the handling feels very "flat". There is no floatiness to the craft and it sticks firmly to the track. Despite that it does feel smooth, albeit it does feel like there is a small amount of control lag. It might be because I'm not used to racing with an analog stick (no d-pad controls) but there you go. Without airbraking, the craft feels very heavy and it is near impossible to navigate the test track without using them. This might put off prospective newcomers who are unfamiliar with the airbraking system.
    • The HUD is an absolute mess. R8 have gone for a "chase" HUD, in that the details follow the tail of your craft like in Split/Second. However, it works in SS because there is only a little information that you actually need from the HUD, namely how much power you have to set off PowerPlays. It's bright and easy to follow even in the middle of a race. Here though, it is incredibly difficult to read, which makes it all but useless while racing. Try to read it and you're hitting a wall. The fonts also do not appear to display correctly, with parts of certain characters missing. Like what happens when you try to anti-alias text. And to top it all off, your craft's ion train goes straight through the middle of the HUD, so even if it were legible, you couldn't see it anyway!
    • Rather than random pickups at the moment, you choose which weapon you want to equip your craft with before the race and it activates whenever you run over a weapon icon. With 10 craft per race, good luck actually trying to pick up a weapon! I've gone whole races without having any opportunity to pick up anything. Probably a good thing, because the rockets are horribly overpowered, one hit taking down half your shields. I have absolutely no idea what the barrier is supposed to do, I've never actually got it to do anything at all. Restoring shield energy is done by collecting floating shield icons on the track. Each one restores about 10% of your shield. Nowhere near enough to mitigate the damage caused by rockets. It is common to see a lot of eliminations, which leads me to believe this build has gone way too far down the combat route.
    • Speed pads are way too overpowered. The FOV effect when you hit one is quite jarring as it is, but the overall speed gain from hitting one is huge. If you're not ready for it, you'll easily slam into a wall. If you are, you get to keep most of the speed you gained from the pad pretty much until you hit something. Speed pads in Wipeout provided a subtle speed boost - enough to make a difference after a fair few but not enough to allow you to put up an insurmountable lead. The effect needs to be heavily toned down for the sake of balance.

    Nonetheless, what little we have to work with so far actually feels quite good. I've found it quite enjoyable just cruising round on Time Trial mode, and to be honest with these early builds that's what you really need.
    Last edited by Hellfire_WZ; 3rd August 2015 at 02:46 PM.

  2. #2
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    Nice report - just about to fire it up I will let you know

    - - - Updated - - -


    - Its far too 'flat'. Its just not as exciting as previous wipEout iterations due to being 'stuck' on the ground.

    - Speed pads are probably the worst I've ever seen/felt in a wipEout game. This for me is 'where the money is'. It does not feel like you have a burst of acceleration like previous games as it is so overpowered. Feels like too much of a disconnect when you hit the boost.

    - Ship design. If only they got Dean Ashley to design the craft

    - Music. Top notch and loving the new tunes.

    I really think the handling + speed boost needs fixed asap.
    Last edited by Mu5; 3rd August 2015 at 10:28 PM.

  3. #3
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    I haven't been able to get it to load, I decided to put off trying again till the problem they had with Steam was sorted late Monday, which early Tuesday morning here.
    Guess I'll give it another shot when I get home from work today.

    From the video I've seen, it's looking, and handling [speed pad issues HellFire mentioned], like a cross between Wipeout and Blur, which isn't surprising as you have people that went to Bizzare Creations to make Blur from Psygnosis/SL, that are now at R8.

    I know it's early days, but..

    Problem for me personally is that I never liked Blur [floating icons you run into annoy me no end ], so I never bought I hope for my sake FF doesn't doesn't go down this path too much, otherwise I can see myself also giving FF a miss.

  4. #4
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    I'm pleased i'm not the only one who hates the floating icons... pads are much better.

  5. #5
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    It's just a hang up I have about racing games.....if R8 want people to take FF seriously as a racing game, you don't go putting in aspects of a arcade karting game that obstructs the drivers field of view, playing this at any speed in cockpit mode [always my preferred view in racing games ] is just going to be a game killer for me.

    When you add in the trail effects of any craft in front of you [option to turn off please as effects HUD reading as mentioned], the HUD [when they sort that], weapons going off, track lighting effects, and the blur effect speed pads have [option to turn off please, like WO HD ]......You'd be lucky to be able to see much of the track at all.

    Perhaps they could still have the icons floating, but just off the surface of the track horizontally, not vertically, like WO pads except floating...that might work, but as it is...sorry, losing interest already.

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    I can totally agree with the hologram pickups, especially if you're flying internal, i didn't find them too bothersome when flying though, but i can understand that it gives a really arcady feel
    They still have a lot to do to make it great, definitely not a fan of the current handling, track design could be more wild and 100% agreed on OP speed pads and rockets

    I wrote a full feedback thingy on the r8 forums,b ut i'm not gunna post it here cuz it's a bit of a giant wall XD (But if you're interested, here it is; )

    I'm not really going to be testing/looking at every update though, only when something major's changed

    And i'm really happy i'm not the only one who dislikes the ship design, they said there will be different designs at the highest speed class, but all the others will be these :/ (Maybe they'll re-consider )


  7. #7
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    Well I'm home from work and still no luck getting FF to start, it says it's in my library, it start to load up with the big start button which you can see the track behind, but when I go to press it Ziltch, it tries to start but nothing happens ......I'm just wondering...I have 3 drives on the PC FF is loaded on, C:/ for OS and programs [Steam is loaded onto this drive], another as a scratch drive for photography, and a large WD black as a storage drive, which I think I might of told Steam to download the FF onto that.

    Does FF or any other game you want to play via Steam, have to be loaded onto the same drive Steam is loaded on?

    Looking at the handling, it reminds me of when a mate strapped a Go Pro video camera to the front of his skateboard

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    No, I run the same setup with Steam on a different drive to the steamapps folder. It should work fine.

    Silly question, but are you trying to use the controller on the menu? It only works with the mouse.

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    I realised the game could only be launched from a mouse, a message came up when I tried doing it with the 360 controller, tried it, no success.

    I wasn't sure about the situation with different drives, so I checked the Steam site....this is what it said.
    Steam installs to the following folder by default:

    C:\Program Files\Steam
    Files for games installed on Steam are stored in the following folder:
    C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\

    During the installation of Steam, you have the option to install Steam to a location other than the default. Since Steam relies on the game files residing in the SteamApps folder, your game files cannot be moved outside of this folder. The game files must be in the SteamApps folder in order to function.

    If Steam is already installed, you may move the installation to another location, such as a different hard drive using the following process.

    So I followed the instructions below given at Steam's site to the letter [I copy/pasted it and printed it out]

    I had hopes,...Steam updated, I verified the game cache...then diddle's even worse now....I have no Steam shortcut on my desktop that works as obviously the files have been moved, Steam has disappeared from START> All Programs [just a steam folder you click on and it takes you nowhere]'s basically all gone to sh1t....even went to un-install programs...clicked on Steam and windows said it isn't there....there's nothing to un-install.

    What crap instructions Steam

    I'm over it, I'm just going to purge the whole lot from my up until now, perfectly running PC, ASAP.
    I don't know if I'll bother to reinstall any of it again, I'm just too pissed off

  10. #10
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    Lol, those are some really silly instructions, simply deleting folders and files of a program is not something you want to do in windows XD

    Just re-install Steam Wiggle, if it says it's already installed, you're gunna have to mess with the registry, but i don't think you'll need to (Don't delete the folders you still have)
    Once steam is done installing, copy the contents of the steamapps/common folder (you did keep them right?) into the new installation directory (eg c:\ program files x86\ steam\ steamapps\ common)


  11. #11
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    Glad to see im not the only one steam is giving problems too

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    After I calmed down a bit and had a cup of Tea, I deleted everything, made sure there was nothing left, then re downloaded both Steam and FF "To the same drive this time"....still the same problem.

    I did some searching for what could possibly be wrong.....came up with either two different error messages when checking the state of the FF download....either a dll. file is missing...or error message 0x80070643 - Fatal error during instalation.
    I posted the specifics at the FF site.

  13. #13
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    Just joined you guys! Installing

  14. #14
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    well when i redeemed the code and the picture popped up on steam and the download supposedly completed but its just an empty folder

  15. #15
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    Note that the build is windows only, despite being able to download it on Mac OSX and not really complaining that you're on an unsupported platform, it's windows only, if you are in windows, right click the game in the library, go to properties -> local files -> verify integrity

    Al installation issues should've been fixed since monday though (unless they pushed a new update or something)
    Make sure you're on the TPP branch as well (also in the properties windows, last tab: betas -> from the drop down, select the test_pilot branch)


  16. #16
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    Im on windows and have done all that the integrity check is instant because all it checks is an empty folder the installation created and made sure I selected the right options so not sure what I can do any help is appreciated also seen some others on FF website with the issue

  17. #17
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    Ok now, since noone seems to be willing to address the elephant in the room, I'm gonna do it:
    To all the wipEout veterans out there, especially people fond of w3o's feel - do you feel any joy at all playing this build of formula fusion? Because I have to say, I absolutely loathe it. Now, I know this is very rough and very early, and there will be a lot of tweaks, but the very CORE of this gameplay is so fundamentally wrong in every aspect, I don't even know where to begin. What baffles me, is that this is made by ex-wipEout developers - heck, even people who worked on the perfection that is w3o - and they still managed to get everything about the handling, the sensation of speed, the floating/flying, the claustrophobia of narrow tracks so utterly and sensationally wrong! This is in no way a spiritual successor of wipEout, especially not to the original trilogy, and it just shows that without the right feel you get something quite boring. This early version feels stiff, twitchy, slow as f*ck and dominated by weapons. Sorry for being so harsh, but I have put a lot of trust (and money) into R8 Games' ability to create something that feels like wipEout, and so far I can't see this early version eventually evolving into something even remotely resembling wipEout's feel.

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    Ok guys ...FINALLY I got this SOAB to took a lot of leg [keyboard] work to sort out, and to find out what the possible problems could be, then how to question if they were the same ones others are having....after sorting that, actually solving the problem.

    Those having problems....I need to know your OS is first, which Windows Version are you on....please update your OS ASAP
    You want the latest Windows Net.Framework build to run FF, currently with WIN 8.1 it's at 4.5.2's a newer one on Win 10, but you don't need it...if you have Windows automatic updates turned on, well you should be OK.....To save you doing so, I checked, there are no Optional Updates that are available that will sort any problems regarding getting this game to work.

    Slightly OT: BUT -- DON'T TOUCH WIN 10 - MEGA Security ALERT!!! [personal information sharing issues ] with Microsoft's terms of agreement...see below

    My problem was when downloading the FF game, not all the files loaded ....there was a dll. file missing that stopped the game launching.....according to those at R8 responding at the FF forum, this is not a uncommon occurrence, it happens with a lot of PC games [The very reason I've avoided PC games for 20 years]

    I'll post a link above, rather than typing it all out again, what question/response were, and how I solved what was wrong [wait for answers and you'll die of old age]......but I can understand is anybody reading this thread goes...WTF....that doesn't help me.......which is why I'll keep a keen eye on anybody that posts as much in this thread.....I'll get the FU6KER working for you if it kills me!

    You need to know how to get access to certain folders in Windows OS to see what's in them [you need to have admin access as well - if you are sole user- you have admin access] you know your way around Windows? Y/N ?
    Answer that, then I'll help fix your just means I have to give very specific instructions on how to get to, rather than just telling people, which item within a specific sub folder, to check/change

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by eLhabib View Post
    Ok now, since noone seems to be willing to address the elephant in the room, I'm gonna do it:
    To all the wipEout veterans out there, especially people fond of w3o's feel - do you feel any joy at all playing this build of formula fusion? Because I have to say, I absolutely loathe it. Now, I know this is very rough and very early, and there will be a lot of tweaks, but the very CORE of this gameplay is so fundamentally wrong in every aspect, I don't even know where to begin. What baffles me, is that this is made by ex-wipEout developers - heck, even people who worked on the perfection that is w3o - and they still managed to get everything about the handling, the sensation of speed, the floating/flying, the claustrophobia of narrow tracks so utterly and sensationally wrong! This is in no way a spiritual successor of wipEout, especially not to the original trilogy, and it just shows that without the right feel you get something quite boring. This early version feels stiff, twitchy, slow as f*ck and dominated by weapons. Sorry for being so harsh, but I have put a lot of trust (and money) into R8 Games' ability to create something that feels like wipEout, and so far I can't see this early version eventually evolving into something even remotely resembling wipEout's feel.
    NO , you are not the only one.....I see this early incarnation of FF as a bedevilled love child of some slightly addled programmers within R8 that did PURE while with Psygnosis/SL, then Blur with Bizzare Creations, each a unique idea for a change within a game, but each that failed to get people to actually embrace that idea, and play the game.....a rather pointless pursuit to take further you should logically deduce, if you already know people didn't play it, and it had cost your studio to close.

    The Semi Transparent shield icons one has to run "INTO" rather than over, is my major bug bear....ElHabib....I know you work in the industry, and know some of the guys...please, help them help themselves before it's too late.

    - - - Updated - - -

    We only have hope if we stick together.
    So lets do so
    Last edited by blackwiggle; 5th August 2015 at 01:21 PM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackwiggle View Post

    NO , you are not the only one.....I see this early incarnation of FF as a bedevilled love child of some slightly addled programmers within R8 that did PURE while with Psygnosis/SL, then Blur with Bizzare Creations, each a unique idea for a change within a game, but each that failed to get people to actually embrace that idea, and play the game.....a rather pointless pursuit to take further you should logically deduce, if you already know people didn't play it, and it had cost your studio to close.

    I've not played it so cant comment on how it feels but to derail for one minute as I dont like misinformation, especially when it keeps getting blindly repeated as if fact....

    NO ONE from the Wipeout Pure dev team is working on this game (I could give a break down of where we are all currently working, but I cant be arsed, just take it from me given I am in regular contact with most of them - you work with folk for 10yrs you keep in touch, and the industry is kind of small so you always hear what folk are upto).
    I dont know who is on the code team of R8, but I do know where all the Wipeout Pure coders are working currently (and the designers, and most of the artists )

    R8 does have a couple of people from Psygnosis Studio Leeds, who were artists on WO3. This information is on their website.

    Oh and Wipeout Pure is almost certainly the most successful Wipeout to date. Pure sold close to 1.5million copies and made plenty of money for the studio (not saying its the best). WOHD ultimately had more people playing, but was given away a couple of times by Sony, once to apologise for the hack of PSN and I think it was on PS+ too.

    But yeah, Studio Liverpool didnt close because of Wipeout Pure, or indeed any of the Wipeout games.

    Apologies for the thread hijack, but there have been so many lazy journalist stories assuming this game is made by people from Studio Liverpool, I thought it important, no one in this industry wants to be given credit for, or take credit for working on projects they didn't.
    Studio Leeds made Wipeout3 (and WO3SE of course), and those guys deserve plaudits for that game, a few of them work at R8, but it shouldnt be confused with those of us who were at Studio Liverpool.

    I hope that sets a couple of things straight.
    Last edited by Colin Berry; 5th August 2015 at 10:25 PM.

  20. #20
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    I just have one question... How do I use internal view? :S

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