Some weeks ago, I got some re-interest in Wipeout2097/XL game. After some play, I was looking for some tracks drawings, to study them and improve my laps times
I found some good ones on Wipeout Central.
As you can see, the tracks drawings looks detailed and precise, I came to conclusion it was probably not something hand made, but rather the output of some script or tool.
After a quick search, I found a page that describe game internal track format : http://rewiki.regengedanken.de/wiki/Wipeout
The format itself is actually pretty simple. After a few hours, I had a ready C# script that was able to export game tracks to some 3D format that can be easily imported in a 3D editor.
The results I got (wireframe only, no texture and no objects around the track) looks pretty similar to the ones found on Wipeout Central (which confirmed what I thought initially)
While looking in game ISO, here is tracks I found (PSX PAL version) :
TRACK01 > Talon's Reach
TRACK02 > Gare d'Europa
TRACK04 > ?????
TRACK06 > Vostok Island
TRACK07 > Spilskinanke
TRACK08 > Sagarmatha
TRACK13 > Valparaiso
TRACK17 > Odessa Keys
TRACK20 > Phenitia Park
As you can see, there is 9 tracks (while game has actually 8!).
"Track04" is not available from game menu. I plug it in track exporter and open my eyes .
Here is some screenshots :
The beginning of the track reminds me "Gare d'europa".
It does not seems to be complete, the green line (which is actually a curve used by game AI and for various other stuff) does not make a loop (it should).
Is this a beta version of gare d'europa, which then evolve to become the real thing ?
I also tried to swap TRACK04 and TRACK01 in the ISO, then put it in emulator, hoping it would work and I would be able to play the track !
Unfortunately, it freeze after game loading screen (at 100%).
Not sure if the track is playable or it is just too much in bad state to be able to do something with it.
It would be also great to know what is around that track (city, buildings, forest ? ) and textures used.
As anyone already heard of that track ? Share your thoughts and comments !
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EDIT : Big news !!! (24/04/2015)
It seems the wipeout model viewer made by Phoboslab (aka Dominic) is fully compatible with Wipeout 2097/XL.
This means we can finally view the hidden track ! (as it would have been in real game)
Some screenshots :
As you can see the track looks pretty unfinished.
Most of the track is totally covered in tunnels (as seen on second screenshot). There is no sky or whatever.
There is a huge white cylinder near the huge drop. Is this sort of elevator / teleporter ?
There is also a huge gray model after the jump (with sort of cross at top). It reminds me the cave with the clock in odessa keys. (after the first jump/drop).
As explained by some wipeout forum member (named "zone"), this was supposed to be a bonus track (after you unlock the first two hidden tracks) but it was never completed and dropped at some point.
Source : http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/sho...track04-folder