Nice one,leung! How about taking it a step further,and also make it slower to side-shift or using weapons? :3
Nice one,leung! How about taking it a step further,and also make it slower to side-shift or using weapons? :3
I think its time to revive some other older threadshow about this?
weapon type - Defensive (Blue)
Damage - 25+8x10
Absorb - 35%
This is your standard bomb with a twist, hitting this weapon causes it to pull off the same affects as a normal bomb. However it then releases 10 small grenades onto the track causing further damage to the craft and catching any other pilots in the near vicinity.
Its like: Noob! You hit a bomb, now f*** you and take this grenades XD
Gravity Smasher
Weapon Type: Offensive
Damage: Indirectly
Absorb: 43%
This weapon disables the Anti-Gravity generator under the ship for 7 Secounds and automaticaly activates a turbo (If the vicim has a turbo activated it will discard) causing the ship to scrab over the track surface and smash into the next wall and grinde along it.
Draining round about 30% shield energy and causes sometimes a dead halt.
Not to adversite or anything but a few of your ideas can be found in SlipStream GX more or less... The white light flash idea with an EMP that interrupts camera frames, the wormhole idea almost like described, and also the EMP turns off your AG device randomly, or locks control and thrust and you can only watch how your ship travels into the wall
Weapon name: Timeline Snapshot
Weapon Type: Green
Damage: 0%
Absorb: 15%
Appearance: Very rare [5% case]
When activated, a snapshot of the current situation of the game gets taken [without the player being able to notice]. The race continues for 5 seconds. After those 5 seconds, the game fast-rewinds to the snapshot point like the 5 seconds didn't happen. But what you saw in this 5 seconds will happen exactly the way you saw it. So you can foresee the moves of the AI and avoid dropped stuff or place precise rocket shots.
If the enemy uses this pickup, of course you would not notice any of the "forecasting" or rewinding, it's just like that certain AI ship reacts more instantly to things you do or other ships do like that triggerer ship knew what would happen.
Of course this pickup is unavailable in multiplayer races.
A bit too complicated maybeGot that idea from the "Time Dilator" in Fatal Inertia EX.
(already mentioned in the background history of Jennter Enterprises)
Weapon Type: Offensive Superweapon
Damage: 50-100%
Absorb: Not Avaiable (F9000)
The dangerous superweapon of Jennter Enterprises during the F9000 League. It locked on a enemy ship and shots some protones into it.
This causes the material of the ship to change and the whole construction becomes instable.
Weapon type: Offensive Superweapon
Damage: 5%
Absorb: 50%
The super weapon of Wyvern AR, this is a guided missile that isn't designed to directly damage a ship but can cause long term problems. Instead it targets the crafts airbrakes and destroys one of them entirely. This means the airbrake removed cannot be recovered for the remainder of the race and leaves the ship incapable of turning sharply in that direction. It will also disable side shifts in the direction of the lost airbrake.
While this loss is manageable in the lower speed classes, this weapon can have devastating consequences on phantom class and technical circuits.
Last edited by Snakenator1; 22nd June 2014 at 02:25 PM.
OK, I'll use this thread to give more info on the Angelus special weapon, the LazerMG.Deluxe, or Laser Cannon, since Jonny and Snake (part of the Faster Than Angels fan-fic) gave theirs.
Type: Offensive
Damage: 50% (1 per round)
Absorb: 33%
Rounds: 50
Appearance:Angelus: 80% chance
Others: 0% chance
Angelus Research and Development are a team that prefer to win through speed, as opposed to violence. However, they are not afraid to dish out some damage if they so need. The special weapons system on board their FX400 ship, the KA-AGR1, ensure that the ship is as lightweight as possible, but this has a drawback. It can only use certain weapons. To remedy this, the team have developed their own lightweight, yet powerful weapon for use in the FX400.
Model LazerMG.Deluxe, or the Laser Cannon, is a lighter alternative to the standard Cannon. Using highly advanced laser technology, this weapon, if completely emptied on a rival, can eliminate them if they aren't careful. The Laser Cannon performs almost exactly to the Cannon, except it has 50 rounds instead of 30, and has a higher rate of fire.