Jennter can keep away from the affairs of Wyvern, Angelus and Crinale...yet.
Jennter can keep away from the affairs of Wyvern, Angelus and Crinale...yet.
Oh if your posting in this fiction thread they'll end up in our situation![]()
Also this is definitely the theme I want for my team, the unofficial Wyvern AR Theme:
(not mine btw, copyrights and what not)
Last edited by Snakenator1; 17th May 2014 at 10:07 AM.
I'm actually completely rethinking the XAF-72 Wyverns appearance for when I do my drawing of itI hope it looks cool at the end
Neat! I just realised that I have to rethink a future part, as it tied in with your first part, but is now contradictory to your second. Part 3 has been edited and ties in with your 2nd part.
I've decided that all part titles from 2.0 onwards be based on album titles. Part 2.0 was based on David Bowie's "Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)" and Skrillex's "Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites". I could make a little game of it, where you'd guess the album the title's based on, and I'd give the answer in the following part.
I don't know, what do you guys think of that?
We now return to your regularly scheduled program...
[Part 3.1] Rage Valley
Tuesday, October 17th, 2209
"The Anti-Gravity Race Commission has approved of a new race track created along the Perth shoreline in Western Australia. Constructed by the RidgeTech Corporation, "Omega Harbour" is the longest track ever approved by the Race Commission, reaching a total length of 12479m. Omega Harbour is designed for endurance, containing a balance of speed and technical sections and is notable for its "Death Spiral" corner, a 900° right turn. This track will be the location of the final race in the 2209 season of the FX400."
"Wait, so that's what they were building?!" Brandon Smith exclaimed, "Also, who the hell is this RidgeTech Corporation?"
"No idea," said Gareth Ardos, second pilot for Angelus, "But I hear that everyone will be getting an update to the simulator at the end of the month, so we can practice and eventually qualify on the new track."
"That leaves us a month for us to get used it. At least everyone's in the same situation. But something's not right. I've never heard of this RidgeTech Corporation before they started work on 'Project OMEGA'. I don't know, maybe I'm just being paranoid, but... oh, never mind."
"No, it's not just you, I have a gut feeling that there's something sinister about that Corporation, I just don't know what. Either way, I can't afford to think about that, we need to prepare for the race tonight."
"Yes, we do. Fort Gale White, Night run. Quite the technical circuit, but nothing we can't handle. Let's go."
Fort Gale, Gibraltar
There were less than 5 minutes until the race started, Angelus knew this nervous feeling all too well, but it would eventually pass. The final preparations had been made to both the team and their ship, and the latter was ready to take its place at the starting grid. The qualifying race had put Angelus in 2nd position, behind Wyvern, who had taken pole position by 0.02 seconds, with Crinale bringing the rear of the top 3.
"ARGH! I'm so sorry! I knew I could have done so much better!" Tarah Andrews apologized.
"It's fine. It could have been a lot worse, be glad we are in the top 5," Brandon said, "It's not a time to worry, you need to focus on doing your best."
"Yes, thank you. Will do, boss!"
"Fantastic! Let's go."
As soon as the countdown screen lit up, a familiar engine sound filled the air. It was Crinale, their second pilot had a habit of flooring the engine as soon as the countdown screen turned on. As the engine was originally Angelus', it sounded similar to their KA-AGR1 racing craft, but Crinale's F0-RG7 sounded a bit more aggressive, with a noticeable grunt added to the sound. The countdown started, at 19:29:57.
"3, 2, 1-"
Wait, what? The countdown usually says GO, not make a loud explosion-like noise.
The source of the noise was quite obvious. Crinale's ship suddenly belched black smoke, its engine stalled, the purple neons illuminating the #2 ship flickered off and then, finally, gravity took over, making the ship crash to the ground. The countdown stopped, seemingly milliseconds before the GO signal. This was because Crinale was on the grid, yet they had been 'eliminated' before the race began.
A few minutes later, Crinale brought out their #1 ship, and the race was ready to begin proper.
"3, 2, 1... GO"
<fort gale: white run_>
<phantom class_>
<lap 01_>
<uncrowned | celldweller_>
Immediately after the race started, Team Angelus knew that this would not be any regular race. Crinale seemed to have taken on a more aggressive racing style than usual, which of course meant bad news for their #1 target, Angelus. Brandon did not speak to Tarah about it, as she was experienced enough that she would have spotted the problem the second she saw Crinale. Also, Brandon felt like she needed to be more focused than ever, and talking to her would break that concentration.
The race started with Angelus barely making any ground over Wyvern, as they had around the same thrust power. However, due to Angelus' higher top speed, it slowly pulled closer to the repurposed jet fighter. The second corner, an outward banked right hander threw the ships into the air, due to the immense speed of Phantom class. Both Angelus and Wyvern took this advantage and performed a barrel roll. However, due to Angelus' advanced boost module, it pulled ahead upon landing, though not by much.
Suddenly, there was a flash of purple light to Angelus' rear. Wyvern had been hit with a Plasma, though they were not eliminated. Sure enough, when Tarah looked behind her, there was the unmistakeable sight of a black craft resembling that of Angelus', with deep yellow neons running around it.
"Huh, they seem more aggressive, better watch out." She thought. She ran over a weapon pickup, obtaining the Angelus Laser Cannon. She absorbed it, restoring the remaining shield energy lost to the initial barrel roll. Crinale weren't that far behind, picking up a set of rockets, which they promptly fired. Tarah strategically sideshifted out of the way of them, with two rockets shooting past either side of the craft.
As they passed out of the first tunnel and over the drop in the track, Tarah performed another barrel roll, hoping to lose Crinale. However, they barrel rolled too, so she didn't get as far away from them as she hoped. The only thing the audience saw were two glowing objects, one azure, one deep yellow.
As they entered the second tunnel, Crinale tried to make their move. They pulled alongside Angelus and sideshifted into them, attempting to run them into the wall, however, they were out of the second tunnel, entering the third, where a left hairpin impeded their progress. They pulled open their airbrakes to slow down, but Tarah continued at full speed. She sideshifted to the right, then opened her left airbrake, turning left sharply at the same time. The featherweight ship swung around the hairpin at an alarming rate, but had cleared the walls perfectly. Crinale soon came into view, their airbrakes open. The speed was too high for the heavy craft, however, and it ended up grinding into the right wall. An aggressive sideshift pulled them away from the wall and into a weapon pickup. They fired it.
"Missiles." the onboard computer warned. Upon hearing this, Tarah immediately activated the weapon she picked up: A shield, which promptly disintegrated the missiles. As she rounded the corner, Crinale attempted once more to run the sleek white ship off the track. It was then that Tarah performed a gutsy move. As Crinale were getting ready for another sideshift into her, she opened her airbrakes fully, slowing the craft down and bring it behind Crinale, just as they initiated the sideshift, which caused them to careen into the wall. Tarah took this chance and slipped by them, flowing through the chicane series, around the final corner and on the home straight for the second lap.
This vicious rivalry between Angelus and Crinale continued throughout the race, as it usually was in other races, but this time it seemed Crinale really had it out for Angelus, taking any and all chances to violently eliminate them. This continued until the very last lap...
<lap 100_>
<final lap_>
<pursuit of the hunted | celldweller_>
At the beginning of the second corner of the final lap, Crinale took a unique racing line, not one that would be faster, but one that would lead them to force their ship to collide with Angelus', who was already in the air, preparing for a barrel roll. Just as Tarah executed it, Crinale smashed their ship into the side of Angelus', causing the barrel roll to fail. They then followed that up with an up-close missile hit, ensuring that all 3 missiles would have a direct hit.
"Energy Critical." exclaimed the computer, as a warning tone sounded. Tarah picked up a Turbo, thought for a moment, then used it, wanting to get as far away from Crinale as possible. She ran over another weapon pickup and absorbed it without a seconds hesitation, restoring her shield energy up to 47%. Crinale were still being relentless in their goals of Angelus' elimination, but Tarah persisted, right until the moment she cracked.
Upon entering the final tunnel, getting smashed by Crinale's ship at the hairpin and hearing "Energy Critical" for the second time, Tarah could no longer keep her cool, and finally snapped. The odds seemed to be in her favour, as she had picked up a Plasma before the chicane series. At that exact moment, she decided she was going to end it all, right there. She forced the airbrakes on completely, just as she had done the first lap, but she let Crinale pass. Then, with a yell which signified that she had had enough, charged the Plasma...
"......Contender Eliminated."
That sound emitting from the computer was the best sound she had heard all race. She opened the thrust all the way, accelerating around the final corner, past the eliminated Crinale ship, which no longer emitted yellow light from its neons. She did not let up from the thrust until the azure lit ship screamed past the finish line at top speed, where the computer spoke for the final time that night:
"First place."
That was the first time Angelus had come first in a race. Usually, they would rank high, but at most, 2nd place. Upon seeing that they had won, they were somewhat joyous, but not as much as they wanted to be. The elimination by Angelus was a bit of a buzzkill. But they had won nonetheless, and were through to the final round, held at Omega Harbour.
I created an image of Omega Harbour, now in 3 flavours: Angelus Blue, Crinale Yellow, and Crinale's alternate skin Purple!
Last edited by Ace3000; 23rd May 2014 at 11:07 AM.
This is getting interesting now, very good that part was, definitely had me engaged and picturing every moment in my head
Time for Part 3 for flying with dragons then:
Part 3: Aftermath
FX-400 Fort Gale: White Run
Phantom class
The Early lead into the race brought promise to Falon's victory, but a all to familiar sight of Angelus in close tail showed they meant business this race. However a confident thought of the barrel roll at the outwards banked corner made Falon think he would pull ahead and take a significant lead. But to his amazement Angelus pull ahead after the manoeuvre. Crinale was now in third and unexpectedly the Wyvern computer yells "Plasma".
Falon tries to evade, but Crinale are to close, the plasma is right on him. Unable to evade the Wyvern takes a crippling blow. "ENERGY CRITICAL!" yells as sparks and smoke engulf the craft. A direct hit to the main engine brings the Wyvern to its knees, the slowing effect is so great it takes a whole 5 seconds before the thruster reactivates and controls are restored.
A costly blow, Falon falls to last place. But his adrenaline does not make him admit defeat, he slams his foot on the thrust and continues the race. He absorbs multiple pickups to restore his shields, but there is a problem. Falon noticed that his shields wouldn't go above 67%. The shield generator was damaged, but AGRC approved weapons shouldn't cause mechanical damage like that, something was up with that plasma. But Falon continues the race handicapped.
"Final Lap" exclaims the computer, Wyvern are in a healthy third place, only 2.13 seconds behind 2nd place Crinale. Trying to catch up Falon opts for his most precise but risky racing line in order to keep up. But a huge explosion occurs in front of Falon. "Contender eliminated" exclaims the computer, Crinale was eliminated by Angelus. Seizing the opportunity Falon navigates the last hairpin pulling the Wyvern as close as it can to the apex. All is going well, But.
"WARNING" shouts the Wyvern's AI, "severe mechanical damage, engines critical". The rear of the craft belches out thick black smoke as a fire engulfs one of the engines. Falon is in grave danger "Warning, explosion imminent". David who was spectating from his VIP seat gasps in horror, Wyvern fans have their faces drained of colour as the craft slowly loses speed. But thankfully Falon crosses the line in 2nd place after Angelus, but the Wyvern soon veers into the wall and grinds to a halt. Emergency vehicles race to Falon as he emerges from the wreckage, unharmed to the eyes of the fans. David rushes out of the stands...
-2 days later-
David analyses the flight data collected from the Wyverns computer memory during the previous race, although the craft was severely damaged it was salvaged and is now under going repairs for the next events. The Wyvern was nearly destroyed by mechanical failure, something that has never occurred before in AGRC history. Concerned as to why it occurred, David analyses the damage data suffered during the plasma impact and noticed something odd.
The plasma had a mod added to it once was aboard Crinales craft, something illegal as well. It was KX-SI, it was designed to modify damage of plasma based via virus weaponry to cause mechanical failure in a vehicle. This then causes slow but long term damage to its target that could only be spotted until it was to late and the vehicle is destroyed. But thanks to the Wyverns advanced AI technology the virus was cleaned before it caused engine implosion, But not before it left a lasting impression.
David grows anxious, first the stolen XAF-72 CEFND warp, and now the use of virus based weaponry to cripple Wyvern shields and engines to destroy them. David sees the motive to redesign Wyvern shield technology to stop such a event from happening again. Crinale are taking seriously dangerous motives to destroy their opposition.
Last edited by Snakenator1; 23rd May 2014 at 10:27 AM.
Woah, I never would have thought of something like that! That's awesome!
In my eyes, no-one really dies when they get eliminated, their ship just kinda shuts down, or suffers actual minimal damage to the craft when the shields fail.
Also, you may or may not find out what caused Crinale's secondary ship to blow up and fail at the start line in the next part, there's a reason why this part is 3.1, instead of 3.0.![]()
Last edited by Ace3000; 23rd May 2014 at 11:08 AM.
Faster Than Angels
Jennterista Racing Chronicles
The Jennter Succession Conflict
Chapter 1/1: An Announcement
Jennter Enterprises HQ // Copenhagen // Denmark
5th October 2209
It was a rarity at this time for the old Jonathan Bovier to hold press conferences, the announcement he was about to make carried significant weight for his company. The multinational Jennter Enterprises group, which from its formation until today, has always been reigned solely by Bovier himself.
“I will finally retire from the position of being the President of Jennter Enterprises.” he spoke into the microphone, looking forward into the crowd with no sign of weakness, as he did so many times before.
To his left sat Jana Bovier, his great-great-great-great-great-granddaughter, who he intended to follow into his footsteps. And to his right sat Henry Marsson, who has been his assistant in recent years.
Naturally each and every journalist in the room raised their arm to ask questions following this announcement. Bovier shook his head by this sight.
“I won’t answer questions about my decision” he continued, “I will only say: I am not feeling it anymore.”
Henry grinned as he heard that, being reminded once more what type of person his mentor was and placed his hand on the back of Boviers shoulder.
Jonathan smiled at him and stood up, whispered something encouraging into the ear of Jana and simply left.
Henry was keen to continue the conference and began to answer questions, while Jana appeared to lack the routine for such an act.
“Is it true that Jana Bovier will inherit the sole leadership over the Jennter empire?” has been the question of one journalist.
Jana smiled at that, to which Henry gave the answer: “There is no final decision about the leadership yet. But Jana is of course a strong candidate.”
Bovier marched straight to lab number 15, being greeted by several employees who just heard the announcement on the news screens installed around the building.
“I thought you retired?” a researcher asked him surprised.
Jonathan merely shook his head again while walking along “I still have things to finish.”
Last edited by Jonny; 7th May 2020 at 08:39 PM. Reason: Final Overture
Faster Than Angels
Jennterista Racing Chronicles
The Jennter Succession Conflict
Chapter 2/2: Business as Usual
Fort Gale // Gibraltar
16th October 2209
Qualifying runs have been underway in Fort Gale. While the initial grid of size of eight craft remained for the 2209 season, the entry list has been growing longer. Jennter has been away from professional AG racing ever since the end of the F9000 league and thus was, despite being one of the oldest teams on the grid, treated like any other new team and had to struggle for qualifikation.
“Quick Nico, our run starts in less than a minute!” Jennters Chief Mechanic, Kai Berbech, spoke to the pilot through the team radio.
“All personnel, leave the box!” he ordered his mechanic staff “Launch systems.”
The ion thruster engine of the Jennter JAG-FX401 craft began to emit a screeching noise. For Nico Bovier this has hardly been noticeable in the cockpit. He tensed up as the craft idled in the pit box and was about to be lifted onto the track.
Then the port opened and the ship has been moved upwards, the sun flooded its canopy.
“Next run in the qualifiers: Craft number 9, Jennter Enterprises, piloted by Nico Bovier.” the trackside announcer informed the spectators.
“Nico is heir to the Bovier family” another commentator spoke “But his younger sister Jana has been in favour of taking over the families business, by his own choice.”
The start signal played and Nico landed a perfect start. He had seven laps from now on to set a competitive time.
But for doing so the young Bovier had to perfect any sweet spot he could find on the track. No easy feat given the lack of practice sessions in the FX400 league and this being his first seconds on the Fort Gale circuit.
“Bovier seems to struggle out there” one of the circuit speakers noted, as Nico touched the same wall for the third time in three laps. “Cut him some slack, Jennter built a very conservative craft this year.” the other returned.
The final lap started and Nico managed to squeeze a tight barrel roll out of the first jump leading into the tunnel. Another one for the straight into the hairpin right-hander and smooth turning out of it lead the pilot into his less favoured section. He winded through the first left-hander of the tunnel esses perfectly and grabbed an ideal amount of speed pads to leap onto the home straight.
On his outlap Nico was briefed of the result by Kai “Great run, really!”
“Thanks!” the pilot smiled into his helmet “But why the tone?”
“We didn’t qualify.” Kai responded disappointed “I’m sorry mate. Return to pits.”
Nico couldn’t help it but slammed his fist against the side of his cockpit.
“Damn it!”
The craft descended back into the pit box, Nico cut off the engine and took off his helmet while the staff started to work on it immediately.
Nico marched back to the Jennter motorhome, avoiding the handful of journalists he would encounter.
“Good run, Nico. Hope we can give you a proper craft next year.” Herman Graf, the Technical Director of Jennter Enterprises Anti-Gravity Racing Division said, as the Bovier entered the motorhome.
He made a noise, then shook his head “No...sorry. I am frustrated because I was under the impression that this lap lasted.”
“He knows that his attitude right now makes no sense.” Jonathan threw in, sitting a bit further away from the other two men and looked into his glass “But it is understandable.”
“Oh it does make sense.” Nico turned to him “Anyway, I’ll be helping out the team to pack up already.”
“Well, I will be watching the race, when I am at a track already…” Jonathan said, looking back into his glass again. For a moment he showed determination in his eyes “Let’s see where they will be at the end of the day.”
Last edited by Jonny; 7th May 2020 at 08:37 PM. Reason: Final Overture
Two plots going on here?! 0.0 this is awesome!
Woah, this is awesome! Would I be right in assuming that this is the work of Crinale?
Glad you like it ^^
But this is not the work of Crinale, this is a fith party (Angelus, Crinale, Wyvern, Jennter and now these guys).
But this doesn´t means that they are working with Crinale
I'm in a writing flow, how about you?
Oh, you have no idea...
Anyway, this part is a bit of a breather from the epicness that was the penultimate FX400 race at Fort Gale, I guess you can call it the aftermath. Enjoy!
Also, the referenced album title of part 3.1 was "Rage Valley" by Knife Party.
[Part 3.2] Angelus Must Die
Wednesday, October 18th, 2209
Angelus R&D HQ, Perth, Australia
"I have some good news, and some bad news" Brandon told the group the day after the race.
"It's about me, isn't it?" Tarah spoke up, "I messed up, eliminating Crinale, right?"
"No, what happened then, happened. Pierre Belmondo allowed the use of weapons in the AG racing championship, something I believe to be a bit of a mistake. But we move on from the past, looking forward to the future.
"Anyway," he continued, "The good news is that, thanks to Tarah, Crinale are one ship down, though, they most probably would have created blueprints, so they would have a craft ready for the final race, be it their remaining craft or one created to replace the destroyed one. The bad news is that they can still use both their pilots."
"I still feel bad about losing my cool, though." Tarah mumbled.
"You shouldn't be. We're human. We make mistakes. The best thing to do is to just move on, look to the future."
"Wait, what about that other ship, the one that exploded before the race began?" Gareth piped up.
"What? Oh, hahahahahaha! Funny story about that," Brandon laughed, "As much as I'd like to believe it, it was not an act of terrorism, [snicker] but a bit of technology fail!"
"Huh? Technology fail?" Gareth said, confused.
"Yeah, technology fail. David Mendel, Director of Wyvern, spoke to me after the race. He said that the cause of the explosion of Crinale's #2 ship was due to an experimental device that was to be used with their craft. It was stolen by Crinale and added to their craft instead. However, an extra piece of security software embedded into the device ensured that it would not work with any other craft except for Wyvern's. Therefore, Crinale's ship exploded. However, the craft seems to be in good enough of a condition that it would still be able to work, unlike their #1 ship, which was decimated by Tarah.
Now, let's get to work, we need to be prepared for the final race of this season. We can do it!"
<day>, <month> <date>, 2209
<ERROR: Date Unknown>
Crinale Technologies, Inc. HQ, <ERROR: Location Unknown>
<ERROR: Time Unknown>
[well damn, they wrecked my thing, how did they do that?]
"That Angelus racer, Tarah Andrews, remind me to not mess with her again."
"I think not. You will do as I say, for the greater good of Crinale. Sure, she eliminated you, but the risks you took were... shall we say, counterproductive."
"I did what was necessary. I attempted to eliminate Angelus. You're going soft."
"No, I am wise. You were behind Tarah in the original Katana ranks, you had no chance of beating her, through elimination or otherwise. However, there is one other person who can beat her."
"And anyone else who stand in our way, for that matter."
"So why did you not use them?"
"I have my reasons. One being that I did not want to use them too much. According to the rules, the secondary pilot must be used for one half of the number of races in the season. I had to use you. I saved our lead pilot for the final race of the season."
"I see your reasoning, and I understand. I assume our lead pilot will be using our secondary ship in the final race?"
"Angelus destroyed the F0-RG7.1y. However, we were prepared for a situation like this. We have done the smart thing and created blueprints of both the 7.1y and the 7.1p. We will have the 7.1y up in less than no time."
"Excellent. One more thing, though, who exactly is our lead pilot, anyway? I never see their face, they always wear that cool helmet with the neons and stuff. All I know is that they're the best we have."
"Exactly. That is all you need to know. Oh, that, and they are completely human. We are not cheaters, unlike EG-R, their pilots had cybernetic enhancements. Now, we need to get to work. we need to prepare for Omega Harbour.
We will see how they like our... special weapon."
Believe me, you will need this breather. Part 4 will be more epic than you can imagine. So epic, it has to be split up into 4 separate parts!
You will enjoy it, I guarantee it.
As usual, 7 days...
Last edited by Ace3000; 30th May 2014 at 04:08 AM. Reason: I fail markup forever.
The Crinale boss seems to be: "Do what I want or you won't witness the next day"
However, when is the last race (in the calender of the fanfiction)?
The final FX400 race of 2209 takes place on Tuesday, November 28th, 2209. The race starts at 8pm.
Enough space to write some stuff ^^