The museum isn't a menu, at least not like the main menu. It's a separate room: while the main menu, race options and settings are all in the dark-ish hangar, the museum is on a large all glass building with all the stuff on expo, so I think it should have its own theme.
Hey guys, been busy with a SSGX 3D model for the last 1½ days, here are some pics of it in progress. When uploading I already noticed a mistake I made; one vertex at the airscoops is sticking out; already fixed that problem. Feedback is welcome of course! I'm taking a break from 3D today and continue with the museum music track.
Sorry dude, we're full out of ship models. Even so, that ship doesn't meet the design standarts, I mean, it's too diferent from all the other ships. We had one with the same problem: "Artezix" and it had to be replaced because it simply strikes as odd when you see 7 ships around the same lines, more or less and then one that's completely out of context.
However, if you make a very low poly version of that we can still use it as a background civilian ship flying around in the scenery.
No problem man, I understand. I'll think I'll finish it for my portfolio then. Maybe for an DLC 'Fury' pack in the future... ;p Do you need something else still modeled? And where can I find some style-sheets so if I start modeling I don't bump out of the art-style to much?
Hey if you like to, you can help me out. I am re-doing the "Nazca Remains" track. You can check out some info on the track in general at under the tracks section. That video of the track is totally out of date btw, new layout is very different so don't get distracted there.
So what I plan to do is, to have a tiny area in the desert where once was some sort of astronomical radio telescope / research lab / observatory. But, you know, this place was abandoned for a long time so there was no maintenance on the facility. Maybe if you like to, you can create some sort of antenna, or a tiny observatory. I already created the main building with air conditioner vents, a tiny cb-radio antenna and a satellite dish.
Do you think you can help me out there? Cuz' at the moment I am working on texturing the landscape at first. Once I got more progress [hopefully this weekend], I can send you over some screenshots. But atm it looks very messy
And don't forget the final touches on your cool "Defragmentated" soundtrack
That would be awesome mate! I'm very curious of the screens you'll send over. I'd love to help you out here.
'Defragmentated' is done, but I've currently used all of my minutes on SoundCloud so I'll send you the file in person; let me know what you prefer.
+ the museum theme is also getting more shape; I'll look for a way to stream it or send you a WIP file of it.
sorry for my late reply
Cool thing you like to help me out. Can you see the two pictures I placed into my last message? If you want to, I can give your more screens of that certain area [I think I should do, so you get a better idea of the location].
Also, nice to hear about the tunes. Yeah, if it's ok with you, please send them to me in person then. I'll PM you my adress.
Here's TypeProton trying to do something about Hubian and... fails. I'm bad at painting Nature.
"Bamboo Run" section of Hubian. Bumpy road and hard banking corner and all that. The AG craft is placeholder for track size comparison.
Cassandra is DONE! A few problems with light and transparency maps here and there in this video, but that has been fixed!
Props for zero3growlithe for the video!
Last edited by Xpand; 26th March 2013 at 09:39 PM.
Well it was two years because I had never done a track before and I was learning while I modeled. Plus I didn't work on it every day, sometimes I had work gaps of months because of school and university exams, so it's bound to take a longer time.
Draco Cavernae, for example, a few weeks after I started it, it got to the same stage that took several months to reach in Cassandra.
Hey Cassandra looks great! Well done!
I've redesigned my billboard (I couldn't salvage my other one when my hard-drive failed), and I think this one's way better
looks very good in my opinion. I immediantly thought about "freedom" when seeing that blue background and the black ship crossing it. I really like that simple style of it!
I think that fits very well with the game! Hey if you like to, maybe you can help us out with a few sponsors here and there. We have a list of sponsors we like to create but the list is kinda long. TypeProton and dreadofmondays are working on them but I think they would be happy about some support. If you're up for it, I'll send you the list.