25th June 2009, 11:50 PM
SE has new more readable menus, plus modified game physics. More 'floaty'.
26th June 2009, 09:17 PM
i thought the menus were readable enough and the ships floaty enough personally, but that doesn't mean the SE's particular modifications were devalued any, perhaps they have a quality and a distinct wipeout experience of their own to make 3 SE a worthwhile time even for a veteran and owner of 3. i've seen videos of the extra tracks, and would to be honest love to try sagarmatha etc. on 3's engine as SE allows you to.
cheers for the information
28th June 2009, 06:03 PM
Yea, it's actually pretty cool, also 2 of the ships got increased stats. The extra tracks are pretty cool i must say.
28th June 2009, 06:40 PM
edit - aaaaaaah balls i quoted the previous post, sorry, editing it out
oh, well that's something to hate about wip3out, since there's so little else - it gets a special edition with even more cools that those who own the original version miss out on.
may i ask which teams got the increased stats, and which stats were increased?
28th June 2009, 07:22 PM
Instead of nickel and diming information here's a list of differences from Hellfire X's FAQ on GameFAQs
- 8 classic courses from WipEout and Wipeout 2097 make up a new Classic
- 2 tracks from the Japanese version of WO3 added to the prototypes and
the addition of a new high-speed craft to race on them
- Several AI bugfixes
- Game physics are now more "floaty"
- Assegai shield upgraded to 2
- Icaras handling upgraded to 3
- After finishing a race, there is now a "Next Race" option in the menu
- The game now auto-loads your data instead of letting you manually load it
- Certain tunnels have had their brightness increased to make navigation
- A number of bugs were removed that caused your craft to react as
though it had hit a wall when there wasn't one.
- Text size on the menu screens has been increased so you don't have to
use a microscope anymore
- Numeric characters available for player name entry
- AI craft now have shadows underneath them
- Perfect laps are now indicated on the race results by a red P next to the
- The console link-up feature is now fully available without having to unlock
it with a code
- There was a bug in the original that if you changed the configuration of
the NegCon controller, you wouldn't see your opponent's craft in
multiplayer/replay. This has now been fixed
- Weapon pads now grey out for a second once they have been used
- There is now a confirmation before saving/loading your game. before it
would just save/load without confirming, resulting in a lot of lost data.
- The four original prototype tracks have slightly enhanced graphics.
- Elimination mode is now multiplayer only
Copyright 2006-2007 Charlie Emery - Hellfire X
28th June 2009, 07:45 PM
interesting stuff, thank you. i would very much like to play icaras on phantom on wip3out special edition, after reading that, on all those extra tracks too, damn i am compelled to track down a copy now. 8 tracks from the first 2 games too? that's immense, i thought it might be just the 4 or something. i know sagarmatha is on it, as i saw a video on youtube a while back. and 2 new tracks from the japanese wip3out, and even a new fast craft? wtf? is this like the precursor to the zone craft or something, or another team?
that list also brings up a couple of other issues with 3, for the benefit of this thread;
- i did once lose my save file, in fact i've lost one twice, once when i was younger and not long after i got the game, once more recently - although it may have been a memory card malfunction on one or both occasions and not necessarily the game, but i haven't had this problem with other PS games - but it is slightly annoying to have to load it up every time you start the game up as well, to be fair.
- i have also been impeded by invisible walls - but only very rarely
- never noticed no shadows underneath opponents but if that's true, it's positive that they fixed that
- was not aware that console link up required a code in the regular edition of 3 either, because i never undertook to hook that up and play with multiple friends, but that sucks, if only slightly
- the special edition itself sucks for moving eliminator to multiplayer only, however; it is a lot of fun on single player, although after 40 or 50 laps or kills you do see glitches setting in, such as invisibles, voiced warnings not materialising etc. but it was still good. i can imagine it being great fun on multiplayer too, however.
anyway, nice one
29th June 2009, 02:46 PM
Yea, 2 prototypes were added as well as the Drag Prototype that you can only race on those 2 tracks. The Drag Prototype is ridiculous, 3 in thrust, 3 in handling, 3 in sheilding, and a mindblowing 10 in speed.
The Old Tracks are in a classic league with Altima VII (Wipeout), Odessa Keys (2097), Gare d'Europa (2097), Talon's Reach (2097), Sagarmatha (2097), Phenitia Park (2097), Terramax (Wipeout), and Aridos IV (Wipeout).
30th June 2009, 10:44 PM
The first Drag Prototype is just dope. When the controller begins to rumble because you reach high speeds and then becomes silent again as you get even faster than that. Pure speed, really.
I never got the hang of the second track, though.
1st July 2009, 04:34 PM
It's way too fast. I'd never be able to handle that thing.
6th July 2009, 02:00 AM
thank you sonicchaos. the drag prototype does sound exceedingly insane. an auricom statistically apart from double icaras speed. that would be unreal to shoot through on phantom. wow
pity silverstream, firestar, vostok island and spilskinanke don't get iterations in 3 SE; they would be spectacular. still, too much of a Good Thing and all that. nice one
6th July 2009, 01:03 PM
It definitley is a sweet deal. If I could I'd invest in some PAL to NTSC Conversion gear to get it running.
6th July 2009, 08:08 PM
doesn't NTSC have better framerate? or do you mean SE was never released in NTSC regions?
6th July 2009, 08:10 PM
SE was never released in NTSC regions.
NTSC framerate is 60 Hz: 30 complete frames per second, 60 interlace fields per second. PAL is 50 Hz.
6th July 2009, 09:37 PM
Yep hence why i need a converter. Why didn't you release SE NTSC Psygnosis. Curse you.
7th July 2009, 02:36 AM
thank you for the specific details lance. and it is unclear to me why they would refrain from releasing it in the NTSC regions... that is a shame for you people. i shall endeavour to get a copy in PAL, and perhaps send it around with my PS or something, haha. or you could come visit and we could play it inbetween sight-seeing and mashups
7th July 2009, 05:31 PM
Bad move on their part. Unless they release it on PSN sometime (Wink Wink Nudge Nudge).
Last edited by SonicChaos; 7th July 2009 at 08:01 PM.
8th July 2009, 12:05 AM
it would seem like a smart move on their part; i believe 3 sold well and is certainly popular among the fanbase from what i've seen; also, many people will have gotten the original edition but not the special edition, so it would probably get more downloads then the original edition re-released. *HINT HINT WINK WINK.*
8th July 2009, 03:10 PM
Given the choice I'd go with SE. It's still widely played as we have seen so what are you waiting for Sony?
8th July 2009, 08:57 PM
depends on demand really
qirex were pretty good in wip3out. i hate that the cold soviet team is one of the best of the lot
9th July 2009, 09:51 PM
Hated Qirex. I can't stand how it takes 2 city blocks to turn the thing. Everything else is great though.
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