thanks for posting your experiences all, I finally got the Beat Zico trophy (was stuck at 30.88 for a bit) with a final time of 30.63 (4 barrel roll method).
thanks for posting your experiences all, I finally got the Beat Zico trophy (was stuck at 30.88 for a bit) with a final time of 30.63 (4 barrel roll method).
Thanks heaps for posting your experiences guys. What camera view were you using? I use internal but it seems like a lot of the youtube zone vids are using external... is it worth making the switch and spending some time adapting?
Thanks again.
On Zone I would say that if you do the Anulpha Pass shortcut by falling off just before the end it is safe enough for Sub Sonic and even Mach 1. The tricky part is getting onto the bridge without hitting the near invisible sign post.
'AG Assassin' was the worst for me. I lost so many races trying to pick on poor individual pilots just for eliminations >_<
I have my Platinum now so I'm happy!
Well done amorbis! That's very impressive. I'm going to lay off the wipeout until mid november when university semester finishes (HD will not help my marks, oddly enough) but after that I'm going to be straight back into it, I wanna get me a platinum too... something like AG assassin will happen over time for me so I'm not in a hurry to get it. I'm just worried about zone zeus and beat ziko... having said that i've made it up to 71 on zone so I'm within spitting distance.
RE: the bridge... I think I'll keep giving it a miss. Although I usually have a scrape or two going through the low road on mach 1 it's nothing compared to the mess i make up on the bridge... fall off, hit the top of the tunnel, accidentally barrel roll, slam into the wall... ouch. I guess I'm just not that good
I think I might try and find a white noise mp3 with lots of compression so the course is constantly lit up but without all the equaliser visual effects (awesome though they are)... i find the pulsing visuals distracting but for me at least I NEED to have some music selected so the course is at least illuminated on mach 1, otherwise it's black walls and black track... slam!
Thanks for the advice and congratulations again!
Last edited by trk_rkd; 7th October 2008 at 07:47 PM. Reason: Respond to anulpha pass bridge advice...
I finally got the air-breaker trophy today!
I was shittin bricks though, zone 49 damage critical. I just went all ninja reflexes and scraped through to the 50th zone then BOOM!
Big thanks to all the folk who participated in the bling brigade trophy about 10 mins ago aswell and to MrOrbital for organizing it
Zone 70 is a psychological barrier I cannot break. :'(
I did Zone 69 multiple times, and quite well too, but for some reason, when I'm nearing Zone 70, no matter what I do I just die... :/
My 2 cents about zone mode ( zeus + airbraker) the hardest is to accutumate our eyes to the different shemes of color ( i found it hard racing with the dark ground of the track and the fade-light backgrounds.)
After your eyes are ok with those different colors especially mach1 you can definitly pass that zone 75.
When you got the trophy try immediately the airbraker one : i did passed it on the 1st attempt finishing at zone 63. I haven't using a lot of sideshift here to obtain that trophy i just alternated by ultra quick tapping on airbrakes and long time ( 1 or 2 sec ) maintening 1 airbrake with this technique you can even turn better at high speed i.e : on the 1st left curve, right after the start.
So no need to try the airbraker before the zeus : just do it immediately after you got zeus.
Great Thread , thanks ^^.
After FAILING "Zeus Zone" attempt (dying at the Zone 74), I've finally got the gold trophy (76 zones)!! **** yeah!
Now the next trophy I wanna take is the last secret one, which I need to play with 7 online players, all of us with Campaign Color...>_>
Also I need to get the "Double Kill"...WTF I have the Zeus Zone and not that Bronze one LMAO!
I'm still missing the following:
- Gemini
- AG Assassin
- Zone Zeus
- Elite Campaign Legend
- Arcade Perfect
I'm on the Meltdown run of Elite Campaign Legend now. I'm almost starting to lose hope... I can't even seem to place above 5th in any of these phantom races. Which, of course, would mean I won't be able to do Arcade Perfect, either. I don't even want to think about Zones...
I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I saw that platinum trophy. ):
The trick to beating Elite on phantom especially is using your weapons to slow the computer down.
Well, and flying almost perfect lines, but I assume that goes without saying. But using well placed cannon fire, rockets, missiles is the key to obtaining first place.
A very weak tip: to get the motion sensor one just go to anulpha on novice setting in venom, and then just use the airbrakes. not much of a tip, but i wanted to contribute
ok i got a 31.2 attempting to beat zico, but missed one speed pad (after dropping off the shortcut). would one speed pad make up 0.4??? i have a feeling it won't, which means a lot more laps
i'm actually not that fussed about getting trophies, but this one seems special.
Are you doing the four BRs? They are a must if you wish to beat the time, unfortunately... But you should hit that last speed pad when dropping down as well, it will take off some time.
I think some of the devs did it with 3 BR's. I personally haven't tried beating yet. I'm not a big fan of trophies (unless there'd be rewards for them, besides a bigger e-penis).
I can't believe I beat Zico today! Epic!
I got a time of 30,71 (I have a screen ^^). I like how the trophy looks like LOL.
Now the only hard trophy I have to do is the Perfect Campaign (Elite), and I'll get it soon. My last trophies are :
- Elite Campaign Legend
- AG Assassin
- 100,000 loyality points
- Platinum xD...
- Blind Brigade (can anyone help me to get it =P?)
And that's it. These days I won't be able to play more than 1 hour, but I hope I'll get some of those trophies next week ^^.
I was thinking that Colin said that the Beat Zico challenge time was done with only 2 barrel rolls, but I'm not at all sure of that. Was it 2 or 3?
I beat the Zico time a few weeks weeks back but it hasn't given me my trophy yet, wtf is that about?
Did you use Piranah on Venom ?