View Full Version : Recent Zone Accomplishment

2nd May 2015, 08:30 AM
Hey everyone. Ok. So I'm 7 years late to the party. But I just made the top 100 in Zone mode on Vineta K. I realize that the leaderboards are messed up and that there are X number of cheaters at the top of each leaderboard who don't have any business being there... but I quite obsessively paged up until I determined exactly how many cheaters there were (see Exhibit A)...


And then I subtracted that number, 237, from my leaderboard score of 336 (Exhibit B)...


Which puts me in 99th place. Woo hoo! If anyone else would like to post a Zone score they're particularly proud of, please feel free to post screens. I'm going to get back to trying to break my own record and move further up the leaderboard.

2nd May 2015, 10:31 AM
I am proud of my 8th place on Unity Square with 86 Zones (lol coincident).
Don't request a screenshot of a Vita game :P

2nd May 2015, 11:16 AM
...Don't request a screenshot of a Vita game :P

That is very impressive. I haven't really sunk my teeth into 2048 yet. Will have to quit slacking off... But isn't it possible to do a screen grab by pressing the PS button and Start at the same time? Or maybe you just don't want to use Sony's Content Manager? lol, I can't really blame you if that's the case.

3rd May 2015, 07:47 PM
It is indeed possible to make Screenshots with Start+PS, but it doesn't works in most of the games. Good Job Sony

7th May 2015, 01:14 AM
I just edged out my record by a few hundred points. If you'll pardon the poor quality of my camcorder footage, it's here (unfortunately there's no sound for the first half because the music got picked up by YouTube's system):


7th May 2015, 05:13 AM
Better still, I've managed to rank up to 310 (in reality, that's around 73rd).


7th May 2015, 06:15 AM
I think everyone saw this but why not give a link here again? :p

I know, I'm not good at Zone in HD Fury D: I'm better on Pure, Pulse and 2048 :)

7th May 2015, 09:35 AM
Hey everyone. Ok. So I'm 7 years late to the party. But I just made the top 100 in Zone mode on Vineta K. I realize that the leaderboards are messed up and that there are X number of cheaters at the top of each leaderboard who don't have any business being there... but I quite obsessively paged up until I determined exactly how many cheaters there were (see Exhibit A)...


And then I subtracted that number, 237, from my leaderboard score of 336 (Exhibit B)...


Which puts me in 99th place. Woo hoo! If anyone else would like to post a Zone score they're particularly proud of, please feel free to post screens. I'm going to get back to trying to break my own record and move further up the leaderboard.

those ae not cheaters, you can see the top score: kousoku -> 100 zones 79 perfect zones score: 339466.

CRAZY_CHICKEN13 -> 26 zones 8 perfect zones score: 43808.

it's just the zone leaderboards that are messed up...i noticed that if you look at global records, the stats are ****ed up, but if you look your 'friends list record' you'll see the real stats...ofc you need friends who played zones.

i'll post 2 screenshots when i'm back at home, to explain better :)


7th May 2015, 02:38 PM
those ae not cheaters, you can see the top score: kousoku -> 100 zones 79 perfect zones score: 339466.

I'm counting everyone above kousoku as cheaters, because despite having low zone scores they've somehow managed to be at the top of the leaderboards without justification. So, #1-#237 can all hang their heads in shame. They have no business being where they're at. The way I arrived at my score was to subtract those 237 people from my current leaderboard position (which is now 310) which equals 73. But if I'm in error, please show me.


- - - Updated - - -

Stupendous, Maciek1704!

8th May 2015, 09:36 AM
i said: the leader boards of zones scores are messed up, broken, bugged or whatever you like to call it. those are not cheaters.

they havent managed to be at the top, they didnt hack something...it's just a coincidence because LBoards doesnt works, the raking looks like are randomly placed.

back in the days there was a glitch on anulpha pass that did let you reach incredible\not human zone scores, but this was patched in latest version of the game.

it's a bug. deal with it.

for a better raking consultation\update just check wipeoutrankings.com, still a better choice :P


9th May 2015, 10:15 PM
i said: the leader boards of zones scores are messed up, broken, bugged or whatever you like to call it. those are not cheaters.

they havent managed to be at the top, they didnt hack something...it's just a coincidence because LBoards doesnt works, the raking looks like are randomly placed.

back in the days there was a glitch on anulpha pass that did let you reach incredible\not human zone scores, but this was patched in latest version of the game.

it's a bug. deal with it.

for a better raking consultation\update just check wipeoutrankings.com, still a better choice :P


I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to disagree with you on a couple of counts. It's not my intention to start an argument here, but you've made a statement that does not correspond with the facts as far as I'm able to determine and I'm hoping you might clarify. You'd previously indicated that you'd post a couple of screenshots to "explain better", I'm still hoping you might indulge me.

Let's begin where we agree, though, in that "the leaderboards of zone scores are messed up..." I'm willing to concede that the 237 people at the top of the Vineta K Zone leaderboard are not cheating in some way, that there is some bug that has caused them to be at the top of the leaderboards inadvertently. However, the rankings do not "look like they are randomly placed" at all. The way I determined this was to page up from my current rank to the world's top scorer, kousoku. And then from there I paged down to my own score and beyond - all the while checking to see that everything was in order. And, indeed, from 238 down, everyone's score is ranked in order - from highest to lowest. Now, I'm not going to page down 66,000 times in order to prove that without a doubt, but please do check into that before making statements that are demonstrably false. The only thing wrong with the leaderboard for that particular challenge that I am able to determine is that there are 237 people with low zone scores ranked higher than the world's top scorer.

As for your statement that it's a bug and that I should "deal with it". I am perplexed at your tone, as I'm just wanting to share some gameplay and get a handle on where my latest efforts put me in terms of the global rankings.

Thank you, though, for directing me to wipeoutrankings.com. I am skeptical a bit, however, about the the user-submitted nature of the records featured there. Incidentally, my personal best places me at 49th place. So again, I don't believe it's a realistic metric in that sense, but it's nice for the ego I suppose.

9th May 2015, 11:05 PM
Nugget is right though, zone boards are broken ;)

They are not in order either, if you do a zone run and press square at the end to check where your score's at it should be pretty obvious there's something completely messed up there, just accept that the online leaderboards for zone (and a lot of other races/modes) are broken :)


10th May 2015, 01:41 AM
Hi Cipher, I'm not disputing that the boards are broken. I'm just saying they're not so broken that, with a little bit of investigation, you can't get a good idea of where you actually rank on the official in-game leaderboard. Now, really, look at the leaderboard for Zone mode on Vineta K. If you have the patience, find my current rank of 304, 163753 points. Page down with R1. Keep paging down to your hearts content. What you will find is that all the scores are ranked in a descending fashion and there are no scores that are obviously out of place. None whatsoever. Conversely, starting from around my score, go ahead and page up, and you'll find that the scores ascend and are in order. Nothing is out of place until you reach rank 237... From 1-237 the scores start from low to high. Don't ask me how that happened, I wouldn't know, but I just don't count those 237 people that I previously (and perhaps mistakenly) referred to as cheaters. That's all I'm saying, is take a good look at the leaderboard. If I'm blatantly wrong, feel free to prove it.

And sure, pressing square at the end of match gives you zero info, I realize that, but I don't see how it negates what I'm saying about the actual leaderboard. It's a 7 year old game that's not being supported by anyone any more.

10th May 2015, 03:49 AM
I suppose you're right with the first 237 players, but that proves that the leaderboards are broken and you can't really take them seriously, for all you know there could be other records in other places where they shouldn't be, but those are not cheaters, they're record just got placed up there for some reason
It seems it could've been an issue during one of the short lifetime versions of the game which was then later patched with a new version, but the leaderboards were never fixed, it's a possibility, but not saying it's the case, in essence, they're broken regardless, races have a lot of glitched times (where spectator mode or Zone Battle times count as race times etc etc) So you can't really trust the online boards anymore, which is why quite a few ppl prefer wipeoutrankings.com these days ;)


10th May 2015, 09:30 AM
Ok, thanks. Damn, I'm looking forward to Formula Fusion.

10th May 2015, 05:06 PM
Ok, thanks. Damn, I'm looking forward to Formula Fusion.

As Cipher and Nugget said, the leaderboards are broken. There are no hacks or mods.. so no cheaters..
If you do a low record in mode zone, you'll be probably placed in the top of leaderboard, but of course, it's bugged.
Btw, nice find for see what is your real position on leaderboards :)

11th May 2015, 06:08 PM
Btw, nice find for see what is your real position on leaderboards :)

Hi XxSuperRyugaxX, it's possible to determine how many people are out of place on each of the zone leaderboards, I believe. For example, on Chenghou Project, there are just 86 people who've wound up at the top of the leaderboards with low scores. I haven't bothered paging up on some of the other tracks' leaderboards yet because I'm ranked too low and it takes forever, but I have a sneaking suspicion the case is similar on all the Zone leaderboards. I guess cross referencing that number you determine to be your approximate rank (from the in-game leaderboard) and the rank you determine from WipeoutRankings.com can give you a good idea of where you actually stand.

Formula Fusion! (excited, had to throw it in there somewhere)

Also - for anyone else following this thread just for amusement... As mentioned above I recently beat my personal best again. It's not pretty to watch me fail during Subsonic class, but I did manage to survive to Mach 1:


26th June 2015, 07:38 PM
Update about muh Unity Square plans:
4th place with 92 zones, directly behind finya!

Light Buster
9th September 2015, 05:34 AM
God status achieved.


19th August 2016, 05:19 PM
Score: 98944
Zones: 42
Perfect: 13

Xander Ze iTec
9th November 2016, 07:09 AM
My (Not So) Amazing skill earned me a zone of....... [dramatic drumroll]

forty three............


infact, heres me doing it.