View Full Version : Random question

3rd January 2015, 05:10 PM
Does anyone know what that little green dot under a person's username on a post means?
I rolled over it and all it said was"[User] is on a distinguished road"

Does that mean anything?

3rd January 2015, 05:16 PM
I think it has to do with reputation (that star next to the report button).

3rd January 2015, 08:26 PM
That is a user's reputation, its a way of establishing what said pilot is like when they mingle with the community.

Green - means you're on good tracks with the other members, Moderators and Admins. You can stay green by being friendly, welcome new members, offer constructive feedback and just be a very nice member of the community ;)

Red - means that you have possibly gotten into the bad books of other members, Mods or Admins. This happens if you offend someone, break the golden rules, abuse the forum's systems and just start being a nuisance to other members :naughty

Grey - is neutral which is in the middle of red and green and means you're a bit of both (nice person but an idiot sometimes)

Users give you "reputation points" based on your behaviour which affects your reputation which can be positive or negative (+ or -) depending on what you say and do. Positive points will keep you in the green whereas Negative points will decrease your points value. If your points are above 0 then you're green but falling to a value less than 0 (e.g -1) then you fall into red.
The phrases themselves are just purely there, green itself means you're becoming a nice person, red means you're becoming an idiot by our standards and the phrases are a representation of this. Bang on 0 keeps you neutral.

Basically stay green and you're more than welcome here and considered a part of the community. More info -----> here (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/faq.php?faq=vb3_user_profile#faq_vb3_reputation)