View Full Version : List of controls?

1st October 2014, 09:10 AM

I would like a full list of what the controls mean in the input section of the game's launcher.

It would make life easier for those who wish to use a controller if they don't have to guess what "fire1", "fire2", and "fire3" are, or what the difference between "fire1" and the other "fire1" is, etc.


You probably have plans in the works already, but here's a request to add xinput support anyway.

1st October 2014, 02:28 PM
Hello there,

I would like to inform you about the existence of the "readme" file included with the August SlipStream GX package, you should give it a read.

You probably have plans in the works already, but here's a request to add xinput support anyway.
One of our team members had the game running on Avcon natively with XBox controllers with no problems, so the problem doesn't exist. If you meant PS3/PS4 controller though
there is also a document included for that too.

Thank you.

2nd October 2014, 01:35 AM
I don't think I've ever had a readme that's ever addressed the controls in it before. Too used to .ini's and .cfg's I guess.
