View Full Version : Scottish Independence Referendum, thoughts??

29th August 2014, 10:20 AM
As Im sure most of you are aware, on September 18th Scotland gets to vote on weather or not we become an independent country. Im just curious to everyones opinion on the matter, be them from the UK or not. Trying to gauge how the rest of the world feel about this. I'll share my thoughts with you of course. So guys, Scottish Independence, yes or no? Reasons?

29th August 2014, 04:47 PM
This doesn´t affects me, but the funny thing is, Great Britain wants out of the EU, while they have to keep their Union lasting.
A independent Scottland would have adventages for them, for exampe being a "Full EU-Member", not like UK, just formal but still doing things on their own. And not to forget the economic reasons (Oil...).
I just can say what I see, but nearly every Scottish race driver, prefers to race under the Scottish flag.

But Scottland is not alone, there are so many regions that want to get independent. For example the Bretangne, Basque country, Catalunya, the whole Northern Italy (into several single states), Corsica, even Bavaria has a very little group of people supporting an independence.
But the most important case is Belgium, probably splitting in three parts (Flandern, Wallonia and Eupen) in some years. The thing is Brussles is the capital of the EU, the representative organisation of European Unification.

18th September 2014, 05:48 PM
Gosh its tonight 0.0

I actually hope that Scotland says no to Independence, mainly because of the fact:
-Once you've left the UK it'll take you five years to get into the EU as Independent Scotland.
-Since you lose your EU status, you lose the benefit of reduced prices on oil, gas and other things.
-The idea of me using my passport to enter Scotland for my holidays and airsoft events seems stupid.
-Scotland will have to enter the euro which can prove baaaad :P
-We lose your renewable energy sources such as "Sea snake" pelamis wave power which is really awesome btw :)
-And many more reasons.

Honestly Scotland is only running on half its work force as well, a lot of people are unemployed from what I am aware so how will the economy cope???
Besides "The United Kingdom of England, Northern Ireland and Wales" does not sound as cool. Its also a beautiful country and filled with rich culture, history and you Scott's are awesome people ;)

So my opinion is that they should vote No, the disadvantages outweigh the benefits of becoming Independent.
Besides you may have joined the UK 300years ago, but you've been a part of the UK for 480 billion years when the continents collided and closed the Iapetus Ocean during the Palaeozoic Time Era (Geologically speaking) ;)

18th September 2014, 06:20 PM
I was at the polling station at 7.15 this morning. Im confident the choice I made is the right one for me, me family and my country. My vote actually changed from one side to the other over the course of the last year. Made sure I was very well informed before I done anything.

18th September 2014, 06:26 PM
I wish the best for you no matter what the outcome is, Likewise for anyone else affected by this. Guess we shall know tomorrow what will become of the referendum ;)

18th September 2014, 06:36 PM
Thanks Snake ^_^ This is going to be a rather restless night for us. Not just Scotland, the UK. This vote is a life changer.

19th September 2014, 03:19 PM
So from what I have seen and heard Scotland did not become independent (55 against vs 45 for) I'm a little relieved now that is the case.

I do believe firmly Scotland can become Independent but now is just the wrong time I think. Besides I love Scotland and I like its part of the UK, please don't leave us lol :)

19th September 2014, 04:01 PM
Yep, spot on with the numbers Snake. Im heartbroken to be fully honest.

19th September 2014, 07:07 PM
@Snake: Wot, having the €uro could be bad? Ever had a look at our economy? :P

Back to topic: 55-45 isn't a pretty big win, there will certainly come something in near future.

Also these "Better together" lines are quiete cheap if you think about all the people who want out of the EU.

19th September 2014, 07:14 PM
Seriously, It`s not about England, it`s that fecking Westminster!, all that bloody media hype gone too far and also, as you aware, that governments are controlling BBC which we don`t know the half of it! It`s not tories, also labour as well, they all liars, even better, What`s so special over Eton`s school?

Gutted for Scotland though but dreading for next year brings.:(


19th September 2014, 08:56 PM
@Snake: Wot, having the €uro could be bad? Ever had a look at our economy? :P

I was quoting some other countries that went into the Euro and suffered, you guys are doing great economy wise.

Also you guys are gutted??
I feel a little awful thinking that you not becoming Independent was a good thing, I must of not gathered enough info to draw that opinion if that what you guys think :|
I'll look into it a little further, but yeah the media did over hype the situation.
I still wish the best for you guys in the years to come, I love Scotland too :)

20th September 2014, 04:34 AM
Gutted is an understatement. I have sobbed into my saltire most of today :(

You'll have a lot of reading to do Snake. It has never been about Scotland and England, but Scotland and Westminster. Scotland would have been great. The media are possibly the worst source for information on this whole thing. All the promises that were made by Westminster are already being challenged and look very unlikely to happen. We had the chance for our voices to be heard, to truly have our say, and its been thrown away :( Theres been trouble in Glasgow caused by pro unionists and members of the orange order from what Im seeing. They have attacked people, set things on fire, Nazi salutes... Its a mess for now. I am fully aware that not all No voters are like this, but this certainly is not a good representation for those who always claimed we were "Better Together"... My heart is breaking for my country :( This is not who we are.

If theres anything you'd like to know, feel free to message me. Im open to talking.

20th September 2014, 06:11 PM
Knux said " There`s been trouble in Glasgow caused by pro unionists and members of the orange order"

Total fake, they were asked to fight to make it more interesting. ;) Again BBC media hype!


20th September 2014, 06:45 PM
I found that out through friends in Glasgow. I had no idea they had actually been asked to fight... Wtf is going on here? Why would people even do that?

20th September 2014, 06:54 PM
TBH, I don`t know but to make scottish peeps think again and again I`m totally dreaded whats the outcome next year!


20th September 2014, 07:30 PM
I've been delving into news articles and opinions from other friends I know who are wise in this subject. I definitely see why you guys are disappointed now for not gaining Independence. Plus the trouble being caused by pro-unionists and people who didn't want independence.

I see your point of view now Knux, I'm gutted to now for Scotland with this wider understanding I learnt.
Best of luck to both of you two, I hope fate brings a bright future to you Stin and Knux ;)

Rapier Racer
20th September 2014, 08:29 PM
I also voted yes and am subsequently very disappointed. This was a time for great change for the better, for Scotland to take control of itself and it's future and, an end to the Westminster rule. I could go on about how I question the integrity of the ballot based on things I believed 2 years ago the things I've seen and heard since the vote but I won't rant on and on.

Yes was fighting a battle with attacks on all fronts from a scaremongering UK government, a No campaign full of nonsense but convincing nonsense nonetheless and a heavily bias media. Yes lost a battle, but the war isn't over.