View Full Version : European WipEout Convention 8
10th June 2014, 10:15 PM
Shortcutting the long story: Mad is unable to host/care a convention and now I'm the leader. To those who don't know: it'd be in Germany - either Frankfurt Main (just like in 2012 ( and 2009 ( or alternatively Köln (Cologne) if we want to combine it with attending the gamescom (
Update: Frankfurt only.
Personally I'm able to provide/attend a convention:
From Wednesday,
to Wednesday,2014-06-11
From Wednesday,
to Thursday,2014-08-13
From Tuesday,
to Everday,2014-09-16
This means I'm open for the following weekends (Saturdays):
2014-06-14 (week 24)
2014-06-21 (week 25)
2014-06-28 (week 26)
2014-07-05 (week 27)
2014-07-12 (week 28), break.
2014-08-16 (week 33) (the gamescom (
2014-08-23 (week 34)
2014-08-30 (week 35), break.
2014-09-20 (week 38) and beyond.
Edit: gamescon is not possible, as the member nearby is occupied already.
New time window: September, October, November.
In Frankfurt Main the meetings can happen in my apartment. Again. Also up to 5 people are able to sleep here aswell. All others can rest at a hostel not far away that also has a great lobby ( to play the mobile games. One night ~27 EUR only.
Maybe in Cologne (Köln), but sleeping and daytime location are not known/confirmed yet. KappesKopp lives there and we could do it at the weekend when the gamescom is open from Thursday, 2014-08-14 to Sunday, 2014-08-17 (highest ticket price is 15,50 EUR).Update: gamescon is not available.
Like in the past (Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris, Heerhugowaardt, Frankfurt and London) we have to bring most of the stuff ourselves: monitors, PS3, routers, controllers, PSPs... This time it's even harder: it's unsure if Mad is able to contend at all. Likewise Asa will most surely not have time to stop by.
Please reply with the following data:
Are you interested at all this year? When are you able / not able to come?
Where do you want to go? Frankfurt or Cologne? Are you interested in visiting the gamescom?
What can you bring? People having a car could use it to their advantage by bringing i.e. two monitors. If things turn out blurry then this year might be the first one without a European convention. As usual: gaming is not the focus - we can have just a meeting aswell.
10th June 2014, 10:39 PM
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! I wish I had more notice of this!!! I'll see what I can do though. For me it would be a case of the later in the year the better, purely because Im busy as hell with festivals this year. If I had known sooner I'd have probably not bought a ticket for Creamfields. Been dying to go to EuroCon for ages, but timing has been a massive problem nearly every time. Plus July/August time is usually chaos here for travel because thats when the school holidays are. Loads of people going places, so the costs get pushed up. I really want to go and I really hope I can.
Rapier Racer
10th June 2014, 11:39 PM
Well I'll say right off the bat that sadly I cannot attend this year :( For me the notice is not enough for me to make the necessary arrangements for a few reasons.
For example its first come first served for booking in holiday/time off at work so the more in advance I know the better. It is especially difficult with only a few months notice when the convention is held in the summer months of July or August. I understand the weather is better, is this why it was moved from March to August? I'm basing that on the first convention maybe there was a reason given since then I missed it if so, there was more time to prepare for the first too I think about 5 months.
Also it costs a lot more at that time of year due to the fact everyone is going on holiday so flights and travel go through the roof, just another small reason for more notice.
I will say that combining it with gamescom is an excellent idea though
11th June 2014, 12:00 AM
I ever wanted to visit the gamescon and I ever wanted to visit a WipEout convention PLUS it's not far away and the uocoming 8 weeks of doing NOTHING. So...I'm doing this :D
11th June 2014, 07:02 AM
Finding a proper place in Cologne during the gamescom weekend is probably going to be a nightmare by now. I'd be down, though.
11th June 2014, 08:10 AM
Sorry Friends, I'll probably won't attend the EWC this year :(
11th June 2014, 09:12 AM
Great news Amigo! You can count me in.
I'm fine with following weekends:
2014-07-12 (week 28 ), break.
2014-08-16 (week 33 ) (the gamescom)
2014-08-23 (week 34 )
2014-08-30 (week 35 ), break.
2014-09-20 (week 38 ) and beyond.
Also there is no difference for me where EWC will take place, it can be Cologne or Frankfurt Main. I don't have to go to the gamescom but if group will decide to go there I will also go. I'm also fine with just a meeting, having beer, chatting and maybe a little playing on PS Vita/PSP just for fun (like we did in the park near the Buckingham Palace last year :D).
I will probably be traveling by plane so I can bring at last one PS2/PS One, PS3, PSP, PS Vita and almost all WipEout game editions but no monitors unfortunately.
11th June 2014, 12:04 PM
Well, this year is a no no for me, my life is chaotic atm through my health issues ie, back problems and trying to get sorted it first and then hopefully go from there.
Now, my wife has a new job but we are trying to sort everything out first before we can do anything. Lastly, l was hoping to meet asa again and now l'm not too sure due far too much to do.
Hopefully for next year if timing right and then you will never know. :)
Sorry guys and gals. :(
stevie :)
11th June 2014, 03:45 PM
In Germany?! NOoooOOOOOoooooOOO
I can't afford to fly to Germany cause I'm going to Iceland on July 7th, but I want to go now >.< argh!
11th June 2014, 08:50 PM
Looks like a very empty event ò.Ô
12th June 2014, 06:17 PM
Nobody announced his interest or created a thread earlier although the EWC always came up yearly. For all those who can't come this year just keep planning for the next year already - the earlier a thread is created the better.
There is no real reason why it shifted from its initial season (in March/April) to later dates - I understand doing it during summer costs more. And as I wrote: this year will most likely miss long-time contenders aswell, so I also want to check out if it's reasonable at all.
The original plan was to do it in France and we'll see if we can realize this next year. I see one new "face" who wants to join: Jonny. :)
Facts so far:
yes (6x):
undecided (5x):
Flint Fandango
no (7x):
Rapier Racer
Flint Fandango
13th June 2014, 09:04 PM
If temporarily abstinent members are welcome, I´ll try to participate! :)
I´d prefer Frankfurt, because it´s nearby and I´m not interested in visting the gamescom. I´m on vacation in the first three weeks of August, if that´s in consistence with the time schedule?!
Rennfisch and me could bring a TV, a PS3 including equipment, a PS2 including a NegCon and an ordinary controller, our PSP´s as well as the following WipEout-games: WO3SE, Pulse, Pure, HD/Fury. :cowboy
I´m looking forward to it, if it´s going to happen! Great idea!
14th June 2014, 10:05 PM
Hello everyone.It is a pity the convention doesn't take place in Paris.For me august is already planned,and to the gamescom im not in germany.September is ok but would it not better to meet in oktober or november to get more people togheter?
14th June 2014, 10:24 PM
I can travell to both cities, Köln is even the same Bundesland (confusing others with german words ftw! :D), Frankfurt a.M. isn´t far neither.
What could I bring with Vita (everyone can use it, but don´t tough my savefiles! And wash your hands ;)), I have a PSX and PS2 and own the original WipEout, 2097, wip3out and Fusion. Maybe someone has a link cable? :D
On my Vita I have 2048 (including the HD/Fury DLC), PurE and PulsE, so I´m avaiable for some ad-hoc.
The only problem is, how could I travel to this convention...
14th June 2014, 11:10 PM
@ Jonny: by train for example
15th June 2014, 01:18 AM
Right! I think I'm already old enough to travel alone for a day ^^
15th June 2014, 03:06 PM
Everybody is welcome, of course, Flint! When Rennfisch visits she can finally pick up her pillow again. ;)
Jonny, travelling to Frankfurt should be no problem - no matter how you ride and where you arrive, I/we can pick you up personally so you don't have to care for finding the hostel or my flat.
Too bad you're not there during gamescon, Kappeskopp - that kills the chance to combine both things.
So, is everybody okay to do it later this year? September, October, November? Would that convince others to visit then? I have pretty much no plans around that time, except that one week mentioned in early September and maybe a week around early November.
15th June 2014, 06:14 PM
Ocober would be no problem due to autnum holidays
15th June 2014, 07:51 PM
Ahh, the pillow I forgot last time. I've already forgotten.:P
Later will be bad for us, because we've got holidays in August only. Flint wont get days off during semester and I'm working often at weekends.
18th June 2014, 10:58 AM
Hi zoners. :)
I can safely say that the next six months will be too busy for me to attend a Wipeout Convention. Though the reason I still check the forums every once in a while is to see whether someone has posted about a new convention. I can't make it but I'm still curious! Maybe next year...
18th June 2014, 11:09 AM
Guillaume! Good to see you, been a long time :)
Sadly AnE and I are in the same situation we have been for the past 3 money and my health is still failing me so we can not attend this year. Really wish we could as it's such a great experience. Hope you all have a great time if it goes ahead and I hope next year will be a different reply from me. Wishing you all the best and fly high :)
19th June 2014, 08:36 AM
Too bad none of you is able to come - I almost forgot how stinkle and AnE look. ;) Memories of guillaume are also fading... I really wish it'll be a big reunion next year!
Right now I'm thinking about skipping this year, as we seem to be very few. However, it's literally no effort to me to pull off a meeting anytime - it's just up to you if you still want it.
19th June 2014, 05:09 PM
Put me on maybe, will have retakes somewhere in august and not quite sure what the drift will be with my holidays, but would love to combine it with gamescom perhaps
IF i come, i could bring; TV, PS3, 2x DS3, Wipeout HD/Fury, Video Distribution Amp (1x component in to 5x component out, for hooking up to a projector for example), matrox mxo2 mini (for possibly capturing some races on video), PS Vita with 2048 + DLC, Wipeout 2097, PS1 MAYBE
But yeah i don't know yet, will see how things go and update here ;)
19th June 2014, 09:51 PM
So this will happen in August, October or November? should I carry all my WipEout stuff ^^
21st June 2014, 12:41 AM
Being in Mons, Belgium which is but a short ride away I'm down, I'll bring every version I have the PS1 mini, PS2, controllers a spare PSP and extra copies of pure and pulse as well as my Vita. Tell me Moar!
21st June 2014, 10:06 AM
Living not far from Frankfurt, so I think I can attempt aswell. I will go by car, so I can bring some stuff. Though I only have a PS3 at home... 2 screens and 2 controllers. But I can check if I can lend some equipment from friends if more is needed.
23rd June 2014, 08:59 PM
6 people already willing to come, 5 more potential joiners - that's already big enough to become serious. :)
Carrying all the stuff shall pose no problem to you - just bring what you can and in doubt leave it at home. Of course, bringing your PSP/Vita should be a minimum in case you want to play with others. Bringing monitors is more or less a bonus: I have one and as last resort a CRT TV aswell (wrong aspect ratio when playing HD), so at least a 1vs1 online game is already possible. More monitors just add more fun - if docfo4r brings 2 monitors we already have 3, which means a 3 player HD match is possible.
The hostel's website is currently looking weird, so I'll phone them tomorrow or check them out just on location. See for information that was at least correct when reviewed 2012.
I'm curious to meet new pilots. :) And old known ones aswell, of course!
23rd June 2014, 10:26 PM
Update: I probably come by train but Frankfurt is round about twice the way (ok, the way is short ^^)
So I could com for one day and take my Vita and some games (if I would be the only one who owns them:P)
Hopefully somebody has WipEout 64 :D
24th June 2014, 04:02 PM
According to the booking site ( there are already days when the price would be a bit higher than usual. So far these weekends (always Friday to Sunday) still have the lowest or almost lowest price:
2014-08-01 > 2014-08-03 (week 31)
2014-08-15 > 2014-08-17 (week 33)
2014-08-22 > 2014-08-24 (week 34)
2014-09-05 > 2014-09-07 (week 36)
2014-09-12 > 2014-09-14 (week 37)
2014-09-26 > 2014-09-28 (week 39)
2014-10-03 > 2014-10-05 (week 40; side note: 2014-10-03 is a public holiday)
2014-10-17 > 2014-10-19 (week 42)
2014-10-31 > 2014-11-02 (week 44) That doesn't mean we cannot use another weekend, it just means you have to expect prices a bit higher than now (after all this city hosts a lot of fair and exhibitions, which inflates hotel prices always).
Who's in for which weekend? I expect nobody who wants to do it off a weekend...
24th June 2014, 05:15 PM
Nope, weekend is the best.
Atm I can't think of anything that would be blocking my weekend, so I am very flexible.
About the monitors: Mind these are not TV screens, just normal PC monitors [my current Full-HD one and the other one is dusting out under the roof of the house, gotta check if that sucker is still working as proposed].
Where do we guys go to eat and stuff? Is there a need to bring some food/water?
24th June 2014, 07:56 PM
We're able to come from 15.08. to 17.08. and 22.08. to 24.08..
24th June 2014, 08:17 PM
I hae time the following weekends: 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42
26th June 2014, 04:33 PM
Monitors are great, as long as they have the same plugs as the PS3 (i.e. HDMI) - no need for TV support. In doubt just check if you get it displaying output from your PS3.
Eating was mostly done in the group by going to nearby restaurants (prices vary from EUR 4.00 to 12.00) and once by buying pizzas (EUR ~6.50) and eating them here at my home. Everybody is free to eat on his own, of course. Buying food/water is neither a problem at the hostel, nor here: there are at least 3 supermarkets, open until 22:00. It's a living city - chances are low you can't get what you want. ;)
As proposed by others we now have:
2014-08-15 to 2014-08-17 (week 33) or
2014-08-22 to 2014-08-24 (week 34)...whereas it's no problem to already arrive on Thursday and/or leave on Monday. Please vote for the weekend you want. If I remember correctly Kappeskopp is definitly unable to come in week 33...
26th June 2014, 06:50 PM
Either HDMI or DVI, I got my PS3 running with DVI + external speakers. Btw, do we need those aswell? Cuz my monitors don't have speakers attached. If nothing helps, there is always a DVI-VGA adapter for older screens. Doesn't look that nice then, but at least we have one more screen ready for battles :)
26th June 2014, 08:48 PM
Hi everybody,it is right that i can't come in august but if the majority is for this month its ok lives go on.I wish you a good time together and we will meet another time.
greetz Marcus
26th June 2014, 09:10 PM
I would come, but I've spent £800 on a trip to Reykjavik in Iceland for my Geology course I'm doing at college. Wish I didn't :brickwall
Have fun though guys, surely all will go well for you ;)
27th June 2014, 01:01 PM
To determine the best deadline, let's use this Doodle thingy over here:
Layout is german though it is very easy to use. Just write down your name and mark the dates where you would be available.
27th June 2014, 04:14 PM
I just see me on the 3rd October annoying everybody with German history :P
27th June 2014, 11:02 PM
Haha well, more like that I guess some people might have different plans for that day already ;)
27th June 2014, 11:28 PM
Yeah like on 1st May ^^
28th June 2014, 07:39 AM
To determine the best deadline, let's use this Doodle thingy over here:
Layout is german though it is very easy to use. Just write down your name and mark the dates where you would be available.
There is a language selection at the bottom right of the page, and I believe it automatically changes language based on browser settings ;)
29th June 2014, 07:26 PM
Hello everyone :)
Rennfisch just texted me asking if I would like to come (thanks!) and I would love to join as well to meet some fellow pilots in personal.
Problem is I'm on holidays in August (Thailand, yay), so I can't then but September would be great. Also I don't play Wipeout anymore, haven't touched it for a good month at least, but I would be willing to join in for some sessions if someone wants to. I could also bring my ps3, a monitor and up to 4 controllers.
So I will think about this a bit and text again here.
29th June 2014, 10:39 PM
Is it just me, or are 98% of the visitors german?
30th June 2014, 04:12 PM
Well, the convention IS taking place in Germany, so it kind of makes sense ^^
@Janani Neeeerrrrr, was wondering where you were, come back! we miss you! Or maybe the next avalon, can't give up on wipeout though :P Have a great vacation ;) And see you @ Wipeoutcon perhaps!
i'm still @ a maybe, but don't take me in account with dates and stuff, i never know my schedule :p
30th June 2014, 08:12 PM
Oh nice, another new face! I haven't touched HD (let alone Pure & Pulse) within the last 8 months. The conventions started as a tournament, but we already had a no-tournament 3 years ago and last year in London it was the same... so if we want to race: fine. But it's really no mandatory - we meet for the fun.
Make sure to enter your availability and check it from time to time:
let's use this Doodle thingy over here:
And yes: looks like we're almost only Germans. However, we always had the unwritten rule to talk as much English as possible, so everybody is able to listen (it's kinda rude to exclude others by talking a language foreign to them), so nobody should be afraid to still join (i.e. Belgium and Poland) - dreamerx: I promise to always speak English! :)
Of course, it makes things less complicated if most people already know how the country "works". On the other hand you'll surely miss a lot of great people that don't or cannot come (one has to experience i.e. Asa doing his long jump shortcuts on 2097 live).
DJ Techno
12th July 2014, 06:06 AM
hey guys and gals.
im just now catching up to the whole thing tonight...
kinda dont have time to read all five pages.
but is it a definate about the date in september?
as its been known.i have been working for the states mental hospital for inmates and on inmate patients and been there since october last year.
i would definetly make a date to come. and make an effort to use and make my PTO and Vacation pay kick in to make me have almost all seven days open. when it happens.
I'm actually surprised i just had on my mind to check into here today. Playing in a MTG Prerelease tournament and it hit me to check the news on the Zone. I just got amigos message. surprised i didn't get it a different way by phone, facebook or email.
12th July 2014, 09:21 AM
Hey DJ Techno,
we are still in planning which date it would be, so it would be good if you can mark your free weekends here:
DJ Techno
14th July 2014, 03:32 PM
i could make my weekends and a week free. the time to be there though is important to raise money, ticket finding, and tell work many times ahead.
so definetly i will mark october weekend or september weekend
15th July 2014, 06:34 PM
So we have 9 participants overall as it seems, and 3 dates where 5 of these 9 ppl have time. Though I might need to change my plannings a bit and would prefer the September date.
Anyone else who likes to join the EWC8?
16th July 2014, 06:32 PM
Too sad the availability is pretty equal on each weekend. But I guess there is nothing that can be done about it.
Also we should pick a date, because reservations/prices will rise the longer we're indecisive. As I'm the organizer I have no problem with any date brought in line by me (and really can't do it on other dates).
17th July 2014, 03:37 PM
Hm 5 ppl max is really not a big call :(
How many ppl have been at earlier Conventions in average?
I hoped we could at least fill the roster with 8 ppl so we have a full set when doing online races :D
18th July 2014, 11:02 PM
Hmph. This American surely can't go. Wish I had a real ship. Or a boat. Or a floatation device. Or a teleport.
Does anyone know if there has been a US event like this or who to contact to maybe try to start one?
DJ Techno
19th July 2014, 08:07 AM
Yeah. The US events get held and start at Al's place in Vermont.
But it's been a thing for him. To do one again this year. He didn't get to it last year. But it's been a talk to do one this year before the end of 2014. Should I say. Me and him had that talk.
And mann... try a flight with something called. Lum. Something I am looking up who they are. I heard they cheap.
And if the time goes right. Like October. I definitely would be glad to see my tickets be less than 700 again
31st July 2014, 05:32 PM
Not much activity, no decision on a weekend... Guess it's best to pass it this year?
31st July 2014, 06:03 PM
31st July 2014, 06:53 PM
That's too bad. I haven't traveled at all this summer.
1st August 2014, 02:47 PM
Too bad. I hope this isn't a general decrease of interest. Oh well
1st August 2014, 03:14 PM
There seems to be enough interest, just need a little more notice than 2 months before. Longer planning would give more people a better opportunity to save, book time off and make arrangements ^_^
2nd August 2014, 07:53 AM
Longer planning would give more people a better opportunityThat was always the case. Even this thread was started on 2014-06-10 and almost 2 months have passed already. There are two mutual exclusive options: either everybody can concentrate on one date only, or everybody gets the chance to participate. Both options together never worked. ;)
2nd August 2014, 10:03 AM
2 months isnt really enough for the majority of people. Im talking at lest 6 - 8 in advance and focusing on one date and one location. It just gives more time to prepare and finalise stuff. I really really want to go to one of these meets.
3rd August 2014, 10:12 AM
Hi guys! Sorry for not filling doodle and being quiet, I'm still in but it's hard for me to fulfill doodle page to be honest, I'm available for majority of weekends for the next 3 months but cannot guarantee my presence on the convention for 100% - sometimes I have to work during weekends (rare case... but still), on the other hand I don't have plans for holidays during next 3 months so I should be there if convention will happen this year.
DJ Techno
9th August 2014, 10:31 AM
Not much activity, no decision on a weekend... Guess it's best to pass it this year?
I would be glad to go.
This is funny but my girl im talking to. She trying to convince me not to travel over seas. Mainly because the Ukraine, ebola, and of course I wouldn't be flying with Malaysia Air.
If this still gets up for going. Even if it was a specialized wipeout thing and Christmas. And Mad Ice and Al and Asay would pay for everyone's gifts who showed up.
11th August 2014, 07:48 AM
Just dropping by on one of my rare visits to this site these days. I'd really like to attend to another EWC and I think that if it is held in Frankfurt this year I might be able to attend for one single day. I would arrive in Frankfurt at either a saturday or a sunday in the morning and leave the same day in the evening and I'd take my little daughter with me. Thus I won't have not much time for participating in any tournaments. I am in Hamburg on 2014-10-18 and 2014-10-19, so I won't be able to attend an EWC at this date, but any other date from mid september until the end of the year is fine for me at the moment.
13th August 2014, 04:40 PM
So what are the current plans? Is it officially dropped for this year or are there possibilities left? Though it gets kinda tight for me now...
13th August 2014, 05:38 PM
I'm the one living where it can happen: Frankfurt (Main), Germany.
I'm still available for all the dates I marked: (updated it as per Tomahawk's availability ( So far every weekend has its disadvantages, unfortunately. :(
I can still make reservations on the hostel:
Those who would rather invest lots of money just won't get the "full" experience of earlier conventions, as we'd have a rather tiny group. However, if that won't bother you then just come on over. I'd still guide the whole weekend and have my apartment available as the generic event location - even if only one decides to come. :)
15th August 2014, 05:45 PM
Or as another idea: we can make 2 weekends and whoever wants attends the one he prefers. Or both. :)
25th August 2014, 04:29 PM
I'm still here - anyone wants to come over on any weekend?
DJ Techno
28th August 2014, 01:59 AM
What is good in November. If October is crazy and more
17th September 2014, 07:18 PM
I am having an unplanned surgery next wednesday and I think I will be in hospital for about a week after that. I'll PM you, AmigoJack, once the surgery is done.
30th September 2014, 09:54 AM
I've updated the timetable that October is pretty much not possible to me anymore. Only Fri 10th to Sun 12th remains. After that the first weekend would be in November 7th to 9th and the following ones. I guess we just skip it this year.
30th September 2014, 10:09 PM
I can still make reservations on the hostel:
I stayed in the 5elements a couple of years back. As far as hostels go, it was pretty good and is just a very short walk to the main train station. As long as it hasn't changed for the worse since then, I'd say it's a good choice for cheap shared accommodation. Good showers and clean rooms. Card/reader for rooms was a little flaky but no big deal, and pretty sure reception is open 24/7.
Just posting if anyone is on the fence re: accommodation
6th October 2014, 03:49 PM
Thanks for the review. I'm a bit surprised they can still keep up with their fresh opening back in 2009 for that price.
Both the main hall and the basement have been occupied by us in the past. :)
20th April 2015, 09:33 PM
how did that turned out at all?
5th April 2017, 07:41 PM
Late reply: it didn't. As no weekend was dictated the whole event was wasted in decision hell. Let's never repeat this mistake.
10th September 2018, 07:55 PM
Are these still happening? What do you do at these meetups when they do go as planned?
Rapier Racer
14th September 2018, 07:02 AM
Official Tournaments involving the more up to date games seeing you can more easily set them up for multiplayer I think Pure/Pulse are easiest for that. Some folks bring TV's and consoles and use the old PS1 link up for example to play the classics 2097/3SE against each other on separate screens (NeGcon required :D)
There is also socialising eating drinking etc.
That's brief I'm sure I've probably missed stuff plus I've not been for a while so might be missing things.
5th March 2019, 11:25 AM
Hey all pilots! Any thoughts for 2019?
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