View Full Version : Beliefs in the Paranormal anyone?

11th April 2014, 09:54 PM
So I'm a person who is HIGHLY intrigued in ghosts/strange creatures caught on tape videos on youtube (its one of my favourite hobbies ;) ) I just like the idea of "it could be real! but we cannot be sure"

what's your thoughts on this idea, am I a complete nutcase to you all :P

here's a example of what I like to watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeX2VfA3dv8

Oryx Crake
11th April 2014, 10:04 PM
I find that generally speaking alot of "psychics" and "ghost hunters" prey on gullible people, not saying you are one of them mind you. charlatans thinking they can make an easy buck off people with genuine fears and desires.

that really gets on my moobs something fierce

11th April 2014, 10:08 PM
No believe me, I am one of the most curious people out there :P My curiosity always gets the better of me so I can be quite gullible.

I have seen loads of these vids and most are clearly fake, but every so often I just find one where I'm like "I can't tell if this is fake", that's why I'm so into this stuff :P

Oryx Crake
11th April 2014, 10:14 PM
haha well what I meant was that these psychics and ghost hunters will sell gullible people a story for profit, they're obviously not making money off of you though :P

personally however, my feeling on ghosts and the paranormal is that it might be harmless fun but it is somewhat perilous to start dictating how you live because of those beliefs, not like physically but yeah...

11th April 2014, 10:19 PM
Yeah this is just harmless fun to me ;) I can be quite a strange person half the time :P

But that is one reason why my girlfriend loves me as well, we relate with each other by our strangeness :)

11th April 2014, 10:55 PM
I usually research those paranormal videos and articles really hard. So far I haven't found one that isn't debunked by simple logic and reverse engineering.

12th April 2014, 07:06 AM
I`m used to be right into it but I decided to back off for the last few years. So basically yeah I`m into it. Youtube is about drama and all that fake to keep viewing going.

psychics?, I have seen real ones but very very rare(They don`t want the money, if they do?, donate them of my choice.)

So yeah, I`m still very curious! :)


12th April 2014, 07:30 AM
paranormal... hmmm
my personal experience is 0 but im into it in terms of why not...
the world beyond our senses could be smthing like youtube!
i used to be more passionate in stuff like that, but at those years
things where much more simple no internet and the knowledge of these stuff
was coming from stories and books radio...
nowdays you log in you tube and you can believe in anything you
like !
but yes i like the idea of a parallel world of spiritual reality!
i can feel the logic in that but i havent any actual experience!
consider also the fact that our brain also can create and manipulate
the reality we live in ! so the paranormal could be somthing within us!

14th April 2014, 07:17 PM
I am into such stuff aswell. Hell, we humans are really that naive that we know about everything and think we can explain everything by the physics we have found and learned until today? Then let's go 500 years back and show electricity to our forefathers and let's see what they think of it.

The dumb thing is that with today's technology one can fake stuff so easily and professional so all this ghost hunting, ufo, paranormal stuff is seen as a ridiculous and laughable subject because in 99,5% of the cases it is all fake, sadly.
But fortunately enough stuff happened already at our beloved earth that left even professional scientists baffled. It's just, I wouldn't say it is "supernatural" or "extraterrestrial" stuff, it might be quite easy to explain, we just haven't discovered the laws yet.

14th April 2014, 07:22 PM
YAY ^_^ I am not the only one :g
The paranormal is a very intriguing subject to watch and talk about as well. The conflicting views keep the stuff alive.

It is sad though to know that most of the videos out there are fake, but you always find one that you keep watching over and over because we think "is this real!"