View Full Version : WipEout Haven™ New Forum

25th June 2003, 10:10 PM
Rachel and Daniel Johnson (two of the more sensible peeps at the OFF'WOF'' boards) have setup their oun fan forum. It looks a little *familiar* and totally quiet. If you wanna go look, then click the blue writing here > http://members.lycos.co.uk/axelalloy/index.php

But once your done over there, you come straight back home now :P

26th June 2003, 12:49 AM
at this early stage in its development, the ''Johnsons' '' new board appears more focussed on role playing and other peripheral interests than on WipEout. it will be interesting to see the course of development.

it is very quiet, but at the time of my visit, there were only 5 members posting, and 3 of those were the ''Johnson'' ''family''. [that seems to be role playing. dunno if there is any genuine bf/gf thing happening there]

i note that you have a different personality there than you do here ;)

26th June 2003, 08:23 AM
The whole Johnsons thing is very bizarre, actually - if I remember rightly they both post from the same IP address, yet the girl who calls herself Rachel is in her early teens. I'm guessing it's her brother who plays the part of Daniel and it's everyone else who plays along as if it's normal. :)

26th June 2003, 09:24 AM
Or she just plays both roles?


26th June 2003, 10:43 AM
I wouldn't dare accuse her of that!

I remember the Fusion Webmaster suggested that she stop messing around with different user names (she had four on the go from the same IP at one point) and she got very defensive about it.

26th June 2003, 01:28 PM
the Rachel persona currently says she's the same age as Thrusty, which he stated as 22

26th June 2003, 02:46 PM
Maybe the persona is 22, but the person playing the persona doesn't have to be :)

26th June 2003, 02:59 PM
hence my use of ''the Rachel persona'' instead of the use of ''Rachel'' ;) :)

26th June 2003, 05:16 PM
I am 22. My "persona" is 22, wether it be Thruster, Thruster2097, Thrust3r, or Thruster SE. (I know youre not accusing me, i just wanted to make it clear :wink: ) I stuck a new name in over there because I didnt want to make a direct cross to that site. Over there, I will be a newbie, and since I have already been accused of being too bossy on the off'wof'' boards, I thought it would be fair if I made a new start.
In my own strange world it felt like the right thing to do. :D

Seriously, I do wonder about the whole "family johnson" thing.... my family wont even let me play wipeout - or any game - on the main house TV, let alone help me with a fansite!

meh, I guess if it makes her feel important and special, and its not hurting anybody, then it must be okay! :P

26th June 2003, 06:13 PM
does the official fusion site still exist? whenever i try to connect to it, my browsers say that either they could not connect to remote server, or that the site is either down or too busy to contact. this has been the on several occasions in the few months, whether i try to access the forums or the home page

26th June 2003, 06:52 PM
yep, its still there, and it is very very quiet. :cry:
I dont have problems with connecting

26th June 2003, 08:24 PM
to use a vermont term, I think the whole johnson fanclub thing was freekin' stupid

26th June 2003, 08:31 PM
if there is a connection problem, that would sure be at least one strong reason for the official board's quietness. i wonder if those idiots are still trying the DOS attacks

26th June 2003, 08:55 PM
al, are you sure you only use that in vermont? I think I used it four times already today! :wink:

you got a point, though
why cant she/he/they just join a long-standing ,fast and reliable board.
Like this one.


27th June 2003, 09:14 PM
I'm 16, my persona (NiktheGreek/Poltroon/Nickt95) is 16. Being real on the net? What a crazy idea, it might just work!

28th June 2003, 05:33 AM
good for you, Nik. that's what i do. my nick is my real name

5th July 2003, 06:18 PM
well, my forum nickname is my real nickname. People call me thruster on the phone, at work.. well everywhere!. Only people that dont know me that well call me mark.
I dont really mind it because it gives me a good gauge to judge if someone wants to be formal or informal about the forthcoming conversation.
It works for me :)

just trawling through the off'wof'' board "the person above" topic, stumbled across some actual factual content. Quoted from the moderator....
" < wonders how long SCE are going to pay for this creche "

Makes me wonder, if scee really detest the kids-acting-like-babies, why dont they kick'em out?

5th July 2003, 09:30 PM
I think that new forum makes a common mistake, making all kinds of sections and the result is none or few of them gets used. They should start small and expand later by demand. Thats what I think anyway.

6th July 2003, 02:45 AM
i agree with Wam on that opinion; the few people they have so far are scattered thinly like a little group of explorers who've lost contact with each other and wander alone through a giant cave system hearing only their own echoes. they would have been better off with only a general discussion section to start. they are too organised with sections for things that may not even happen. it should grow more organically

6th July 2003, 07:48 AM
Are we talking about the same place here?
the off'wof'' site forum only has one topic..... wipeout.
I dont see any maze, or people, or echoes or anything viable, I just see a bunch of kids in a playground, lulling themselves into a false sense of security that theyre actually doing something worthwhile.

im(h)o :wink:

6th July 2003, 12:11 PM
They are talking about WipEout Haven forums, Thruster. ;)

6th July 2003, 12:49 PM
heh, now it makes sense :P

thanks xEik

7th July 2003, 02:49 PM
ive been wanting to make a fansite for a long time.. too bad i just dont have any content to deliver :/ i think thats the problem with all the fansites nowadays. I dont think a newly established wipeout fansite can survive very long if a new wipeout isnt officially announced or something like that.. theres just no fuel for it now.

8th July 2003, 09:56 AM
True :)

8th July 2003, 12:42 PM
:o Its no good I've got to ask..........................................
How did you get Thruster as a nickname, hip movement perhaps? :P

8th July 2003, 04:18 PM
8 )
Check his second post in there.

- J (Task)

9th July 2003, 01:06 AM
I just consider The "Johnson" family crazy :lol: but thats just my point of view.

9th July 2003, 07:10 AM
Thanks Task, it's all very clear now and not at all saucy!!! 8)

18th July 2003, 10:20 PM
oops, totally missed that one...
thx task!

yeah, as I said, its just a name that stuck with me from college.
I have been seriously thinking about changing my nickname to something bizarre like "mark", but firstly, a name that extreme could easily shock youngsters and elderly, second, I'm trying to rack up a few posts here, so far I only got 210, which by my standards is poor, and thirdly, who cares... its only a name! :lol:

I am pretty sure theres a multiple persona going on with rachel, but I'm too chicken to ask. :P

RJ O'Connell
18th July 2003, 10:54 PM
another good job from Axel Alloy :D

19th July 2003, 12:07 PM
Thrusty said: ''I'm trying to rack up a few posts here, so far I only got 210''
that's okay, Thrusty, we still remember your thousand or so on the previous version of the forums. those still count. and anyway, this isn't a competition, we can do that on the times tables. we still respect you anyway. it isn't how many times you talk, it's whether you say something worth hearing, and you're doing fine in that way

19th July 2003, 12:44 PM
In case you wanted to change your nick, this can be done while conserving the same user. However, I like it being Thruster2097.

It sounded kind of strange when zargz was Ramirez.

26th July 2003, 10:36 AM

Been a while again since I've been here. My job is keeping me occupied most of the time, not to mention the Gentse Feesten :p.

In case you wanted to change your nick, this can be done while conserving the same user. However, I like it being Thruster2097.

It sounded kind of strange when zargz was Ramirez.

Hm xEik, I don't really get this... do you mean the forum or the time tables? A while back I've been looking to change my nickname here but I couldn't do it (my new nickname would still start with a V though ;)).


Rachel Johnson
6th November 2003, 12:02 PM
Uh... wow.. o.o sorry to bring this back, but er... wow! o.o;

Should I clear it up once and for all?

I will anyway...

Me, Rachel Johnson (real name Rachel Prince) never discloses her age online, so therefore no one would know unless I decided I trusted them. If any of you DO know my REAL age, I would not like he/she to tell anyone else, as it is private and very personal.

Daniel Johnson is NOT my brother at all. Sure, we have to use the same computer and yes we do live in the same house, but he is not my brother. If you ever wish to speak to him, you can do... he has an MSN name: Daniel_Johnson_@hotmail.com He also roleplays Zapher at the RDS boards if you have ever visited them.

Serenity is roleplayed by the same person as roleplays Arelliat at the RDS forums. Thats really all can be said of her. She never comes on MSN anymore, but her addy is Arelliat_Throuan@hotmail.com

Happy? o.o;;