View Full Version : AVALON 2014 - PHONEIX -Gen Zone meet's Legends

11th February 2014, 08:11 AM

[CENTER]IT's back baby.
AVALON, the Legend returns.
Friday 21st March from 21.00GMT to Sunday 23rd of March 18.00GMT ... CONTINUOUS !!!!
Unless Sony announce PSN maintenance for that weekend, you can pretty well lock it in.

Are you ready?

[If you are thinking yes, then you are a GEN-ZONE pilot]

Nothing can prepare you for AVALON

A special reunion AVALON2014 chatroom has been started for the event, you might need a friend to invite you if you haven't got a invite already.


Post your PSNID, GMT Timezone, and the amount of time you can host.[/CENTER

If attending AVALON 2014, please join the chatroom fist to see what is going on, as there could very well be several rooms open at the same time, some at the slower speeds, the people in the chatroom can tell you who is hosting what.

JUST NO Zone Battle and NO Eliminator, AVALON is just about pure racing.
The format is single tracks, two races weapons ON, then two races weapons OFF, then change track and do the same.

AVALON 2014 Hosting Roster............ Unless otherwise specified, the names listed will be hosting Phantom Speed.
I'll just put the names of those pilots that said when they were available to host, again, check the chatroom to see what's happening at any particular time.
Unfortunately we don't have the amount of pilots that can host like old AVALON events had, especially those living in the GMT -5 to -7 timezone, which used to cover the hosting duties over what would be the wee hours of the morning GMT.

Colnel_Gaddafi or Erik_Ponti [whichever PSNID he is using on the day] - Friday and from 14.00GMT Sunday
AnErare - Anytime
Blackwiggle - Anytime
Xtriko - Anytime
Apple_Guy_Cipher - Anytime
Vlhad13 -Anytime
jorg-garcia78 - Anytime
Meitepiet - Anytime
mannjon - Low speed classes
Novide - Sat 13.00 GMT to 21.00 GMT
Liod19 - Sat 16.00 GMT to 21.00 GMT
Stin_WZ [Possibly hosting some WO PURE/PULSE - 2048?] sometime over the weekend
Maciek1704 - Friday, Sat , Sun
Fabo810 - Anytime
Mitchemous - Not sure [needs advanced notice]
Azurooth - When Needed
Onlykpop - When online

11th February 2014, 09:01 AM
Psn id: Liod19
time Zone: GMT+1
amount of time i can host: mostly on saturday, from roughly 4pm GMT to 9pm, probably longer if someone needs me to
i would like to host, problem is my connection has been kinda unreliable for some time now, randomly throwing me out and showing me freezing lobbies, will have to see about it.

11th February 2014, 09:28 AM
For the Legends: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1Vpyb379W0

For GEN-ZONE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lq_YumNZkew

11th February 2014, 12:29 PM
PSN id: Apple-Guy-Cipher
Time Zone: GMT+1 (although i can stay on in other GMT times as well :p)
Hosting times: anytime ^^, just catch me online :p


11th February 2014, 02:51 PM
PSN: onlykpop
Timezone: GMT -5

My schedule fluctuates alot so I would basically be able to host whenever I am online. I cant give specific times but I will be on and off during those 3 days. Wish I had a more open availability :/ Sounds fun though!

11th February 2014, 03:50 PM
PSN id: novide

I could host from Saturday 13.00 to 21.00 GMT with some breaks.

11th February 2014, 05:25 PM
PSN ID - either Colonel__Gaddafi or Erik_Ponti

I can host all through Friday night and Saturday morning til about 12pm, and from 2pm Sunday afternoon til the end.

11th February 2014, 06:29 PM
PSN ID: vlhad13 and my brother jorg_garcia78 Ready! :rock

I can host friday,saturday and sunday

Let's funk :)

a pleasure to race with you guys :)

11th February 2014, 06:48 PM
Crikey, haven't seen those Avalon records for ages. Where'd you find them yeldar?

Put me down as an attendee. I may be able to host as well, but I'm tentative at the moment.

P.S: Pretty sure I nabbed that Chenghou Rev Endurance Weps Off record from you yeldar, by a couple of seconds. :p

Oryx Crake
11th February 2014, 07:02 PM
well I'll follow DP in adding my name to that list of participants and tentative hosts, it's too early to say what my schedule will be like that weekend but if I am available I'll host when I can:

PSN: Oryx_Crake
time: GMT -1

11th February 2014, 07:06 PM
Gmt (england)
Can prob host, as I am the best host, right Cipher?... :)

Oryx Crake
11th February 2014, 07:47 PM
what are the rules for hosting in avalon it's been so long I don't remember...

11th February 2014, 07:59 PM
You're probably right. That was the list I was keeping tabs on when I stopped racing, I wasn't around for a lot of the 'new' Avalon events so I'm sure my list is obsolete now.

Have removed to avoid confusion. It's irrelevant anyway as none of the records will be broken due to the new handling package.

I suggest starting a new records list for the purposes of the proposed weekend, it will give people some bragging rights to race for.

My most recent memory of Avalon was 1 race weps on, 1 race weps off, random track order.

However ORIGINAL Avalon rules was:
2 Races Weps OFF
1 Races Weps ON

The most common/longest standing (and my favourite) Avalon rules was
2 Races Weps ON
2 Races Weps OFF
Track by track

11th February 2014, 08:08 PM
PSN: Gekko_P
GMT+1 (Italy)
Can't host, my connection is often poor.

11th February 2014, 08:22 PM
@scar don't make me star a petition lol :P

@yeldar nooooo, i was going to use that as a reference for my own times dangit!, could you shoot that back to me in a PM or so please ^^

and any way of hosting is fine with me, i usually go track by track, as i'm terrible at random and forget which ones we've done already and what not :p


11th February 2014, 09:29 PM
My most recent memory of Avalon was 1 race weps on, 1 race weps off, random track order.

However ORIGINAL Avalon rules was:
2 Races Weps OFF
1 Races Weps ON

The most common/longest standing (and my favourite) Avalon rules was
2 Races Weps ON
2 Races Weps OFF
Track by track

The last few AVALON events were run pretty much as the last description above, per track.
Track requests were taken via AVALON chatroom, that's if enough wanted to race a certain track, but otherwise it is left to the hosts discretion which tracks are raced.
Usually there were so many people in the chatroom wanting to race that several different racing rooms had to be open / hosted at the same time, and people would just swap rooms as spaces became available.
Races were [and will still be] kept to one track at a time [No multi track tournaments], there is a reason for this.
Some people would find themselves racing well above there usual league, and subsequently drop out of the tournament after just one or two races, which is annoying for everybody, especially if you have been waiting patiently in the chatroom for a spot to become available.

I'll just remind those that are not familar with a AVALON get together, these are just PURE races [for the most part at Phantom speed], I'm sure somebody in the AVALON2014 chatroom will volunteer to host some Rapier / Flash speed for those who prefer those speed classes.
NO Eliminator, NO Zone.

The Only requirement is to turn up, and be logged into the AVALON2014 chatroom so you know who is hosting what room at what speed, then be ready to race till your thumbs are bleeding.

PS: Since there is seldom a room not full, and quite likely everybody would have chrome skins, it's very easy to do a quick Bling Brigade run if anybody needs it, just request it in the AVALON2014 chatroom


12th February 2014, 07:52 AM
nostalgic thought:
My last Avalalon was in 2010. Anybody remembering the Syncopia rooms? Would be great to have this "bonus-track" online again. (Leungbok, plz read this) :)

12th February 2014, 10:46 AM
Just what I was thinking yesterday, to try and start maybe with an opening party on Syncopia if we can still get into it ;D Cat was telling me yesterday it got more difficult possibly since the latest patches. No idea though, haven't tried yet.

I'll be able to host for probably the entire weekend for as much as is feasible for me to do :) My connection is great (fibre) so that should tackle any possible lag. Also seeing as I've been one of the main hosters for many of the earlier Avalon weekends I'd like to opt to be the main host for familiarity.

More hosts will be needed by the looks of it so it's good to see more people are offering. As mentioned earlier hosting will most likely mainly be Phantom but any speed is acceptable of course, whatever people want to race at or on should be an option.

12th February 2014, 11:32 AM
OOHHH! Nice thought, we should have this as a special room on the day.
If anybody can get Syncopia online to happen they should make it known in the AVALON2014 chatroom, then as long as everybody who enters that Syncopia room is in the AVALON2014 chatroom, and understands what is happening, it would be easy for the initial host to leave the room, and somebody else to inherit hosting that track [They just have to be aware NOT to change tracks]
In theory, if we work it like that, we could have a Syncopia room open for the entire Avalon meet.

For those who don't know.
It is possible to get Sycopia up as a race-able track online, like the normal choices, due to a glitch.
A Royal PITA to get happening, but repeatable.
Leungbok seems to have removed his video on how to do it, I've linked Cipher's slightly different one for those that want to practice getting it up online ;)

Also posted in the AVALON2014 poll thread.
REGARDING AVALON2014 chatroom invites.

For those that have sent me friends requests.
I got a PSN message saying that a few have been denied due to me being maxed out friends wise.
Problem is, I haven't been able to find a way to send people a AVALON2014 chatroom invite unless they are on my friends list, or in my recent "Players Met" list.

So people.
To get everybody on the same page, if you already have a AVALON2014 chatroom invite, could you PLEASE pass the invite on to others who have yet to receive one, and want one.
Likewise if you want a AVALON2014 chatroom invite and have yet to receive one, please let it be known so somebody can send you one.

It takes all of us to make this event a success.


12th February 2014, 01:43 PM
PSN ID: texasalex
Timezone: GMT +1
Host: Cannot host, because of <1Mbit connection.

12th February 2014, 04:02 PM
PSN ID: Xtriko
Timezone: Wich on is the Martian Timezone?
Host: If you need and hardcore host, you can trust me. I have a good internet connection. Fiber 100MB. Should I start buying beer now? Who's up for it? I'll pay a few loll ;)

12th February 2014, 07:00 PM
Psn id stin_wz

Preferably weekend if possible.


12th February 2014, 07:34 PM
I lgladly participate that tournament. But i dont know for sure whether i have time.
Psn-id: xi-ei2aiizza-ix (please no comment due to my id :D)
GMT +1
I prefer nnot being host.

Im only at weekend at home. So dont wonder if im not online/replying on psn

Btw:is anyone willing to do some races on lower speedclasses with me. Phantom is cool yes, but i tend to venom/flash because of rolling around :D

14th February 2014, 05:56 AM
PSN: Mietepiet
hosting: when duty calls

any date in the poll is fine for me

14th February 2014, 06:42 AM
NOTE: I just updated the first page.

From the messages I'm getting, both here and via the PSN, it would seem that the first choice [March] for the event, is the much preferred one by almost everybody.
So you can basically lock those dates in people, baring Sony deciding to have PSN maintenance on any of those days [I remember it happening before to a AVALON event :bomb:-- ]

I also tried to alter a old image KANAR sent me many years ago, as a sort of poster for the event.
I don't know wtf is going on, but for whatever reason I can't get pictures in the first post to show center screen or at larger than thumbnail size, so you need to click on it unfortunately to view / read.
Please do, as it's meant as a little tribute to a Wipeout pilot that has meant a lot to everybody at this forum and Wipeout Arena over the years, his enthusiasm and tireless work in starting and organizing AVALON has made a lot of people the friends they are today.

14th February 2014, 06:24 PM
I've just tried to glitch into Syncopia in racebox and it still works just fine. Took me 2 minutes :) I've also looked at Cipher's video's to confirm online so it's all go for a kick-off party on Syncopia!

15th February 2014, 01:55 AM
PSN: Azurooth
GMT: +1
Hosting: Whenever needed.

15th February 2014, 06:42 AM
PSN: Maciek1704 (new account :D )
Time Zone: GMT +1
Hosting times: fridays, saturdays and sundays

15th February 2014, 11:17 AM
Glad to see you Maciek :)

16th February 2014, 06:10 AM
Will we be having a little tournament when Avalon is running?

16th February 2014, 12:11 PM
Ask in the AVALON2014 chat room when it firsts starts...... or at any time from kick off.
If those logged in at the time agree, then it's dead easy to have yourself a mini tournament.

PS: I've found out that since a PSN update [which one I don't know], that you can no longer send a Chat room invite to somebody from your "Players Met" list, which is a PITA, also that all text chat rooms have been capped at 16 people at one time [not sure if that has always been the case ?]

The Only way, as far as I know to do so, is by having somebody on your friends list.[Maybe straight out invite via PSN messaging ?}
SO, please pass on a AVALON2014 invite to all those wipeout pilots you have on your friends list, even if you know they might not attend, at least they can pass on the invite to those who want it if you ask.

16th February 2014, 06:15 PM
I have a tupperware reunion but i ll have to cancel, avalon sounds fun:)
id: fab0810 can host
nb: good slides danterich;)

17th February 2014, 04:52 PM
Can the same glitch be used for mallavol? Cause LOVE that track, be nice for future reference.
Also I can probably host, I'll need to know the set date though so I can plan accordingly

17th February 2014, 08:02 PM
There's a single race time, flash on the leaderboards. so it could be possible. may be if you try the same method on the other fury reverse tracks. but it could take long :(

22nd February 2014, 03:18 AM
I'll put up set dates / times for hosting closer to the start date.

I got a message from Pirhapac just now, he read my comment on my PSNID saying AVALON2014 20th March.
Wished us well, and said it was his birthday on the same day.
I asked if he will be attending and sadly he said that not only had he stopped playing HD ages ago, but he had deleted it from his console.

He said he would return to wipeout if ever a new game was released.

22nd February 2014, 12:54 PM
Thanks a LOT for making this happen again :D, i'll do my best to join.

23rd February 2014, 12:33 AM
I will try to attend the event, if possible all weekend
psn : morfeo378
gtm 0
a greeting

28th February 2014, 06:56 AM
I talked to Wotan998 yesterday, he said he will probably turn up for some races.:+

[He also told me Kaori became a father around 6 months ago - a late congratulations :beer; something he hasn't shared with the forum as far as I can tell looking at his post here over the last several months [well not the wipeoutzone at least - Arena possibly]

And AKA-sho has replied to a PM saying he will be letting Japanese pilots know the event is on :+:+

This event is getting bigger by the day, the ranks are swelling !:D

ALSO: Check the first page.
Terra Wrists has made a truly AWESOME AVALON 2014 Promo Video !!!

28th February 2014, 12:36 PM
PSN id: Tiduch

Old good Wipeout...

28th February 2014, 01:21 PM
Oh Yes!
The premier league is making a appearance!

Loving it.:)

28th February 2014, 02:52 PM
@blackwiggle, i think you forget the main thing here: explain us what Avalon is ;) .
Everyone seems to know what it will be but i don't, so i think i'm not the only one. Could you explain the event in detail please?
Is it a tournament? Rules? Which speed class/game modes/tracks/etc ?
Also, what phoneix gen-zone means?

Oryx Crake
28th February 2014, 06:41 PM
well Kleido, Avalon is essentially a weekend long gettogether for all pilots
it's where you race, chat and generally meet everyone in the community, it has been a large part of what has made the woz community what it is. it isn't exactly a tournament though. if anything I would say it's a track day. everyone gets on and races, race times are logged but there are no winners as such. as for modes and classes well... we generally refrain from doing eliminator and zone battle events but there is nothing to say that that cant happen during the event, I don't know how strictly this will be followed but generally hosts will do what we call grand prix which is every track in succesion weapons on and weapons off before moving on.
then there are the enduros 10-20 laps weps on/off depending on host and er... yeah thats it really speed classes aren't that important as such but most of us old guys will be playing phantom.

hope that helps

28th February 2014, 09:57 PM
@Orix Crake: Oh ok, thx :) . Because you all set up a special week-end for the event, i was thinking it will be something different.
I remember playing a little this kind of events on some fridays last year.

I understand that old wipeout players like going phantom, but barrel rolling as much as possible on venom/flash is alot of fun two ;)

28th February 2014, 11:52 PM
Assuming I don't run into too many problems, I'd love to give this a shot when I can and meet some pilots.

Granted I'm still a 'newbie' and while I'm getting a handle on phantom class with heavier/slower turning craft...I've got ways to go. It'll be something though. If I can make it, I will.

PSN: Rossriders_86
time: GMT: -5.

1st March 2014, 08:51 AM
Will be possible for me to dig in, if nothing unexpected falls on me.

PSN ID : Mikahail

1st March 2014, 01:06 PM
I apologise for plugging this video again, but I'm doing it here because it's available for non-members to see also. They can't see the pilots lounge:


True Endurance
2nd March 2014, 04:12 AM
PSN: True Endurance
Time Zone: GMT -7

2nd March 2014, 04:04 PM
thats a cool PSN name :)

2nd March 2014, 05:12 PM

a video mix from avalon late 2009 until 2011

3rd March 2014, 06:53 PM
Very nice work on these videos terra-wrists, novide :) Hope many will come back and play again !

Ragsus Maxima
4th March 2014, 11:42 PM
Nice work on those videos, guys. :) I'm also excited about this meeting!

5th March 2014, 03:10 AM
Hey hey!

GMT - 6

@xI-eI2aiiZZa-Ix, I would LOVE to race some on a slower speed class. I don't think enough people appreciate a good acrobat at slower speeds!

I might be able to help host. I'm in the US/Mexico/Canada time zone.

5th March 2014, 04:55 AM
Hey hey!

GMT - 6

@xI-eI2aiiZZa-Ix, I would LOVE to race some on a slower speed class. I don't think enough people appreciate a good acrobat at slower speeds!

:) i like your attitude and im also looking forward to that meeting. During that period i will already have done most examens. Thus i can focus on speed. :rock

Light Buster
5th March 2014, 05:36 PM
PSN ID: Lightbuster88
GMT: -8

Hope I'm not late to the party.

If I can find time between my Titanfall sessions and if I don't run into too many problems before then.

6th March 2014, 01:55 AM
:) i like your attitude and im also looking forward to that meeting. During that period i will already have done most examens. Thus i can focus on speed. :rock

yeah me too. But you're a BEAST beast on slower speeds though. Seriously - A BEAST!!! :) very VERY ridiculously fast. Eats BR's for breakfast in your sleep man.

The few times I've been in rooms with xI-eI2aiiZZa-Ix, i've been very impressed by his skill set.

If only I had what it takes to take what he's got :D not happening. :D

6th March 2014, 05:02 AM
yeah me too. But you're a BEAST beast on slower speeds though. Seriously - A BEAST!!! :) very VERY ridiculously fast. Eats BR's for breakfast in your sleep man.

The few times I've been in rooms with xI-eI2aiiZZa-Ix, i've been very impressed by his skill set.

If only I had what it takes to take what he's got :D not happening. :D

Lol, boy calm down ;) every playet has his pro n cons. Mine lay in venom and flash. Therefore im worse than 95% of player hanging around here at phantom, lol

6th March 2014, 07:31 PM
same here :D I suck at phantom. Makes my eyes bleed :D I just love FLASH speed the most. SS BR nose up BR etc, such a rush when you fly over other pilot ships. I really want to play but I have a migraine for the past week. Wisdom tooth related.

6th March 2014, 10:20 PM
@Terra: Just removed all your wisdom teeth, you'll feel better and will no more have this kind of problems. ;)

@2aizza: I'll probably be there the friday, maybe some more. Waiting for you on venom/flash, i don't really wanna play phantom and i'm scared to have no one to play with most of the time. ;)

7th March 2014, 04:43 AM
@Terra: Just removed all your wisdom teeth, you'll feel better and will no more have this kind of problems. ;)

@2aizza: I'll probably be there the friday, maybe some more. Waiting for you on venom/flash, i don't really wanna play phantom and i'm scared to have no one to play with most of the time. ;)

Now we need to convince only texasalex to join our group :D

7th March 2014, 11:05 AM
Hello to all.
But what the day of the event? .. Unfortunately for about 10 days I have problems with the internet at home, perhaps within a week everything is resolved but I do not know ...: (
if I am available on weekends or in the evening, I will be there to participate.

7th March 2014, 11:37 AM
Now we need to convince only texasalex to join our group :D

Has anybody been in contact with texasalex regarding AVALON2014?

Somebody who has raced him online recently please post .... I don't have him on my friends list, and I haven't been racing online for a good while [BIG Practice session for me this weekend, I sure need it :redface: ] I've just been snowed under at work recently, with one staff member on holiday, another sick, and having to instantly dismiss another due to theft from the work place .:frown:

PS: I'll try and organize a HOSTING ROSTER in the next 2 or 3 days, and PM each and all, then, once all agree, I'll post a definitive HOSTING ROSTER on the front page of this thread.

Then it's just ..... well, practice, practice , practice !

If you don't .... well .... more fool you .... I'm damn sure you opponents won't mind, easy Plasma Fodder.

To make this AVALON meet a truly memorable one, everybody should be at the top of their game.8)

7th March 2014, 01:49 PM
Im friends with texasalex and he's a cool and quiet guy. He doesn't play very much WO these days but when he does the best u can hope for is 2nd. No joke


8th March 2014, 11:24 AM
I want in on this action, I'm not the best pilot out there but I can certainly give you a run for your money.

PSN ID: Snakenator1
GMT +0

I can host as well, anytime of the day, just give me a shout.

11th March 2014, 12:14 AM
Phantom rooms are thriving again! Some footage of AVALON 2014 practice sessions. And I finally have an HD capture card to record great races :)


11th March 2014, 06:19 AM
looking forward to see more videos ;)

but your audio is out of sync. i've the same problem when recording in mp3. change it to ac3 solved it for me.

12th March 2014, 02:40 AM
Thats strange... Audio is perfectly in sync on my end O.o

- - - Updated - - -

I want more racers to join! So i will post more videos in hope to lure them hihi


12th March 2014, 05:59 AM
sorry mate my bad. I watched from my phone yesterday, must be something wrong with that.
When I watch from pc everthing is fine in both videos.

12th March 2014, 01:00 PM
Psn id: possesed13
time Zone: GMT+2

i dont know if there is still room i just saw about avalon and im intrested to join!!!
ive never participated in a tournament before...
id love to fly with the best !! :)

12th March 2014, 02:29 PM
That weekend I will get my AG-Sys out of the hangar again! C y'all there :)

12th March 2014, 04:11 PM
I woudlike to join as well :)
PSN id: marcingru
Time Zone: GMT +1

Oryx Crake
12th March 2014, 04:16 PM
damnit miles you picked races that I sucked in XD now people are gonna think I'm slow hahaha nice to see some new online racing though :)

Rapier Racer
12th March 2014, 10:58 PM
I'd like to take part if theres still spaces :)

What makes a legend pilot a legend pilot?

That weekend I will get my AG-Sys out of the hangar again! C y'all there :)

**** yeah! Mad man boon :D it had been toooooo long...

13th March 2014, 12:20 PM


It is a Get To Together, but the difference is, it is co [swap] hosted, by the fastest WO pilots on the planet over a 2/3 day period, constantly, so ALL WO pilots at the different timezones can compete at a level playing field aginst the best.

That is NOT usually available, ....well it hasn't been for several years at least .

There are NO Spaces needed.
Just turn up on the dates AVALON 2014 is running.

Hook yourself up at the AVALON2014 chatroom first, those in the room will give you the info of the current state of affairs regarding which room[s] are open [and who is hosting them] and what speed the different room are at.

Not difficult.:)

14th March 2014, 06:42 AM
Hi RR, the Assegai-assassin. Ag-sys killer :) I hope to see you for sure. And of course we need to set up a Pure tour in the nearby future.

Greetz Mad-Ice

14th March 2014, 11:57 AM
Pure sessions you say? I'm in!!! Still want to whup rr's arses! :p


14th March 2014, 01:01 PM
I've just turned on my PS3 and see that KGB1971 is busy putting in some HD / FURY practice time, well I assume that's what he's doing, as he is not racing online ATM.
I haven't seen him active in ages.:D
Yet another Legend the Gen Zone pilots are going to have to deal with next weekend it would seem.
EDIT: KGB1971 just replied to my PSNPM that he hopes to be able to attend the first Friday session, cool 8)

Regarding PURE/PULSE/2048 AVALON .... go for it!
I have never been active in that dept, so use this thread to sort it.

Somebody propose a day over the Avalon weekend, and a GMT and Host ... job done

14th March 2014, 06:34 PM
Well, if there is still room for someone who hasn't been invited, I'll pop in. :)

Oryx Crake
14th March 2014, 06:49 PM
Everyone is welcome gekko no need to ask. I get a lot of those questions on psn too, people who've never participated in avalon before.


hehe pass that message around, just tell someone who has access to the chat room to send you an invite that is all you need to do to participate.

stay frosty ;)

14th March 2014, 06:55 PM
if only i still had a working PSP... Pulse is sorely missed.

14th March 2014, 09:22 PM
get vita and whup yer arse ;)

stevie ¦)

15th March 2014, 08:14 AM
Quite a few interest through Facebook wanting to play Pure Pulse sessions today :) I will let you know the outcome or Mad-Ice might arrange?


16th March 2014, 12:38 AM
I've just posted a list of hosts for the event.
And clarified the few racing rules for AVALON for those who have never attended one before.

Since most available for hosting duties are all living in pretty much the same timezone, and that we have roughly half the amount of hosts that old AVALON events could get together, I just went through the posts in this thread and listed peoples availability.
After mulling it over, I didn't think it would go down too well if I were to try and enforce some sort of hosting roster upon people, I've left it loose.
The success of this AVALON event will be up to you people out there who love the game.

What I think would be cool is if we used this thread over the weekend to announce who is hosting at any particular time.
We tended to do that with previously AVALON events anyway, so I know it works.
If somebody who is hosting needs a break they can just announce it in the chatroom [and / or here] and get somebody else [preferably to somebody who is on the hosting list on the first page] to agree to take over hosting duties, then post the change of host in this thread so everybody knows what's happening.
Same thing if you are hosting, and want to request somebody take over from you at a certain time.

Any questions or requests?

Right, I'm off to check that Sony isn't planning any PSN maintenance over AVALON the weekend

16th March 2014, 06:44 AM
This sounds like great fun and i'd love to join in :)

It will be my first avalon but i read through this thread and think that i have a grasp of whats happening. I am happy to host or be on the host roster if you need an extra one.

psn ID - idloveacupoft
T/Z - GMT+0
Available anytime (except 21:00 - 02:00 GMT+0 on friday and saturday night)

16th March 2014, 10:29 AM
Is there anyway we can only participate on certain days? I'm only available on Friday and Sunday as I am seeing my Girlfriend on Saturday, so my schedule is a bit all over the place at the moment.

So far I'm available
Friday GMT 4pm - 11pm
Saturday GMT 3pm - 9pm

I really want to participate but this is my schedule right now so please tell me if I can miss out Saturday and still participate like this.

Oryx Crake
16th March 2014, 01:36 PM
lol I think you young guns are taking avalon a little bit too seriously it's a free for all participants whenever, whereever, just join in and have a laugh really. we compete but we compete for fun... well a little bit of glory and status too I suppose but the main thrust is just to enjoy the community and share a few laughs over the thing that brought us all here.

Also BW you can put me down for some hosting duties, no set times though, I'll host as much as I can over the weekend though.
gmt+1 is my timezone.

16th March 2014, 07:27 PM
I can attest to your hosting - I never got the chance to thank you for hosting last nights flash room, excellent selection of tracks and timing between races. Room packed up nicely also. Was a bit like avalon warm up when I think about it :)

Cheers. :+

- - - Updated - - -

get vita and whup yer arse ;)

stevie ¦)

don't tempt me :D I have to save for a wedding lol (excuses)

16th March 2014, 10:41 PM
Is there anyway we can only participate on certain days? I'm only available on Friday and Sunday as I am seeing my Girlfriend on Saturday, so my schedule is a bit all over the place at the moment.

So far I'm available
Friday GMT 4pm - 11pm
Saturday GMT 3pm - 9pm

I really want to participate but this is my schedule right now so please tell me if I can miss out Saturday and still participate like this.

Well AVALON doesn't officially start till 9pm / 21.00 GMT on Friday.
I decided to start it then as it's not too late for UK pilots, and not too early for the rest of the world [it will be around 4pm/5pm in the USA] [it will be 8am Sat morning for me in Sydney]
The way it will probably pan out, hopefully [?] ....... well the way it used to pan out was, those at GMT started the AVALON event off and as it got later those in say the USA or anywhere else at -5/-6 GMT started to take over hosting, then those at -10 or +10 started taking over from them, then the UK/French/Dutch started coming back racing again...... that's how it could run continuously for several days.

Sadly we have very few pilots in timezones other than +/- 1 or 2 GMT this AVALON event, so it will be interesting to see how well it goes overall.
I sort of expect a huge surge on the online boards for the first 5 to 6 hours, then slowly tapering off for a while, then a surge again as we pass through the various timezones.
We always used to have a few IRON THUMBS, who played for stretches of 12+ hours at a time :dizzy

If you can host at all that's great, but just turn up when it suits you, and if you are asked to takeover hosting duties and you can, well great, if you can't that's OK too.

16th March 2014, 10:58 PM
How do we tackle the 16limit chatbox restriction?
Do we make a special thread on here and have each host have a psn chatbox?

16th March 2014, 10:58 PM
I don't want to be a part of Avalon, that's all I like to say.

Oryx Crake
16th March 2014, 11:10 PM
why is that kronic? we'd love to have you mate.

16th March 2014, 11:20 PM
If ALovelyLilith is going to be at Avalon I'm out.

17th March 2014, 01:50 AM
@Kronic - I only ever respond or make a comment to you whenever you start to stir up drama. You can keep sending me messages but don't expect a response...

You are welcome to race just like anyone is, but if you try and start s**t with Lilith again I will make sure to exclude you from any room I am hosting. She is a lovely young girl who I have met through the WO community and a friend. There is no room for posts like " If ALovelyLilith is going to be at Avalon I am out."

I only know you as "bad news", so please try to change my perspective and stop singling people out. You and Lilith drama is history. History stays in the past. Lets keep it that way.

17th March 2014, 04:04 AM
I'm done, tell the admin to delete my WZ account. I'm sorry.

17th March 2014, 06:08 AM
How do we tackle the 16limit chatbox restriction?
Do we make a special thread on here and have each host have a psn chatbox?

Well when you try to join the chatroom it will tell you how many participants it has already.
Although only 16 people can be in one chatroom at any one time, each person can be in up to 4 separate / different chatrooms at any one time.
So any spill over from the AVALON2014 just start a AVALONIANS chatroom, send a invite to those you know are in the other one and want to communicate with, and if they accept the invite they will still be able to read your messages coming up on the right side of the screen, as well as the original chatroom.

If that second chatroom fills up start a AVALONIAUTS or AVALONATICS [whatever you want to call it - actually those who wish to race AVALON at slower speed classes might consider using one of those names ]

I only see a chatroom lock out problem over the first 5-10 hours of Friday, people will join, race for a while, leave, then return again a few hours later, so I suspect there shouldn't be that much of a problem.
Saturday ...mumm, don't know .... I think we should get by ... then again, that's when I suspect some of the Old Legends to make appearance on mass, as most will probably just drop in after work on a Friday to test the waters, then have the weekend off work and kick butt on the track Sat/Sun

17th March 2014, 10:55 AM
I'm able to host anytime that I'm playing :)

17th March 2014, 11:54 AM
I'm able to host anytime that I'm playing :)

Thanks mate :)

18th March 2014, 03:13 PM
Oh, sorry, I can't host. :(

18th March 2014, 04:04 PM
Everyone is welcome gekko no need to ask. I get a lot of those questions on psn too, people who've never participated in avalon before.


hehe pass that message around, just tell someone who has access to the chat room to send you an invite that is all you need to do to participate.

stay frosty ;)

Thank you.
Very nice then, I sent a message to theconzio.

18th March 2014, 06:50 PM
Has anyone got a hi-res version of the Avalon logo? Planning on putting something together to go on the FB/Twitter pages and the largest one I can find is is about 250x250.

18th March 2014, 07:50 PM
Il b around this sunday. Busy satday though booooo!

18th March 2014, 10:22 PM
Has anyone got a hi-res version of the Avalon logo? Planning on putting something together to go on the FB/Twitter pages and the largest one I can find is is about 250x250.

I suppose either Leungbok or Kaori would be your best bet.
From what I understand Leungbok was the one who did most of the graphic related stuff for various tournaments

18th March 2014, 10:47 PM
Sweet, I'll pop them a PM.

19th March 2014, 01:08 AM
Yes I like to be a part of Avalon, but I don't want to because of one person. ALovelyLilith. If anyone wants to talk bad about me, I'll tell the admin to delete my WZ account and that is final.

19th March 2014, 05:44 AM
As far as the Wipeoutzone goes, if their is any personal attacks the moderators give out a warning, temporary barring from posting or in extreme cases complete banning from the forum.
If it's abuse over the PSN, well use the block feature [I have a few pests on my block list] it works fine.
If abuse continues under another PSNID, well report it to Sony, which you can do via your PS3 or more directly via a official Sony Playstation forum.

It seems strange to me that you are letting one person cause you so much distress, by letting then get to you so badly that it makes you want to give up doing something you enjoy, that's racing HD/FURY.

Personally if it was me I'd be thinking to myself, F*)% Y#$, I'm not going to let you stop me from enjoying racing, blocking them on the PSN, and racing away to my hearts content.

Try laughing it off, you will in years to come when you look back and see how trivial the whole thing is in the big scheme of life.

19th March 2014, 11:14 AM
@Blackwiggle there is literally no point trying to talk any sense to him, trust me I tried. Not going to discuss it over the forum though. Aaaanyways, back on topic here. I have this weekend free so I will 100% be playing. I miss having a good online session.

19th March 2014, 11:28 AM
@Blackwiggle there is literally no point trying to talk any sense to him, trust me I tried. Not going to discuss it over the forum though. Aaaanyways, back on topic here. I have this weekend free so I will 100% be playing. I miss having a good online session.

All anybody has to do is contact somebody else.
It always works.

19th March 2014, 12:46 PM
@Blackwiggle there is literally no point trying to talk any sense to him, trust me I tried. Not going to discuss it over the forum though. Aaaanyways, back on topic here. I have this weekend free so I will 100% be playing. I miss having a good online session.

Happy happy! Glad you will be joining us!

- - - Updated - - -

I suppose either Leungbok or Kaori would be your best bet.
From what I understand Leungbok was the one who did most of the graphic related stuff for various tournaments

I'm a master of Adobe, and a professional Graphic Designer. If you can send me a picture of the logo, I can get you a vector based extremely high resolution image if you haven;t gotten one already.

19th March 2014, 04:40 PM
Great what I'm I evil? The answer is no, I just can't handle people like her, that is all I like to say.

Light Buster
19th March 2014, 07:49 PM
A reminder to everyone, if something comes up before the weekend, I won't be able to join on this.

19th March 2014, 08:06 PM
Got my schedule booked in for Friday and Saturday, nothing but pure AVALON action these two days. Ready for the action, me and my FEISAR are good to go :D

19th March 2014, 08:25 PM
mannjon: Awesome. Here's a link to the thread with the image I'm referring to, it's the biggest one I can find.


And KR, I've no plans to see anyone excluded from this meet-up over personal disagreements that have happened off-site unless they have been so severe to have also merited action on this forum. Beyond posts that I have directly dealt with, I have not received any notifications or reports from anyone so it seems this is not the case. Lilith will be there. What you do is up to you, just join a different chatroom and lobby to Lilith and you'll never have to come into contact - problem solved.

Everyone else, whether he joins or not is down to him and him alone. Let's move on.

19th March 2014, 08:27 PM
^^ Amen haha good problem solution there ;)

Light Buster
19th March 2014, 10:13 PM
I was about to say what is @KronicReaper's problem with @ALovelyLilith, but since @Hellfire_WZ solved the issue, I'm not going to bother asking the question.

20th March 2014, 04:20 AM
That's ok with me. issue resolved.

20th March 2014, 06:28 AM
I'm in!

PSN: keg_11
GMT +11 (Aust. Eastern Daylight)
Host: when online, not between 1PM - 9PM GMT (12AM - 8AM AEDT)

20th March 2014, 11:55 AM

btw, the records on the 1st post, are they up to date?

20th March 2014, 07:00 PM
Sorry I've not been around much lately. Just wanted to say I'll be online from 9.00pm tomorrow until the early hours of Saturday morning (a 12 hour shift is not inconceivable). If nobody is hosting then I'll start a lobby, otherwise I can take over hosting whenever needed. Can't make any promises for Saturday afternoon / evening, but on Sunday I'll be on from 2.00pm til the end.

I'll be using my Colonel__Gaddafi account. See you all there, can't wait :)

20th March 2014, 10:03 PM
I don't know if I will be around for the very beginning of Avalon [it will be 8am Sat morning my time], as I won't finish work till late tonight and I have certain chores I would like to get out of the way beforehand so I can sit down and race uninterrupted.

So if I'm not about by all means somebody start the event off.
I suspect there will be more than a few putting in a few practice races before the start, Wotan and KGB1971 said they will probably turn up for the beginning sessions

21st March 2014, 07:24 AM
Hi I'm new here. :D

There will be a volunteer to do some livestream :) would be fun to see how fly the best!

Oryx Crake
21st March 2014, 07:46 AM
welcome to the forum PB and welcome to avalon. If you have any questions about what the best are doing I'm sure they will be glad to answer, other than that good to have ya and enjoy the ride.

21st March 2014, 08:40 AM
I'll do some live-stream.

21st March 2014, 08:50 AM
amplifier lvl 50, beer fridge, pizza, loaded lever, darling with her mom, my son with his mom, cat bowl filled, electricity and internet bills paid I think
I think to be ready for tonight AG friends :)

21st March 2014, 12:35 PM
Ready and excited here to. I'll be home lately cause I work until 10pm (GMT + 1), but I just can't wait. Been doing some practice in the last few days, I'm feeling a bit rusty but it'll be fun.
I really miss racing with some of you guys. :)

21st March 2014, 12:41 PM
ive been wishing for this since 2097!!!
ready as ever...
its gonna be great fun!

21st March 2014, 02:04 PM
I'm sooooo freaking excited!!! My first Avalon, as soon as I get off work I'm gonna go buy a case of red bull and some snacks. Even a a playlist specially made for this weekend!

21st March 2014, 02:44 PM
I'll be waking up early for the start time :D

21st March 2014, 03:24 PM
Just finished my day at college and placed special reservations on my PS3 so my Dad doesn't steal it from me, I'm so dam excited for my first AVALON. And now I practice before the event to get those extra hours in to enhance my performance :)

The Snakenator and his FEISAR are ready for take off!!! bring it on AVALON :D

21st March 2014, 04:24 PM
* dry roasted peanuts - check
* after eight mint choc slices - check
* cigs/tobacco - check
* rizla (rolling papers) - check
* ganja - check
* ice water - check
* eye drops - check
* tiger balm - check
* wrist support - check

I think I'm ready, well I should be by the time I get back from work (which should be roughly the same time when Avalon starts today) I just need to pick up my Icaras hoodie from the dry cleaners... hopefully the guy actually washed it (I gave it in late), if not, I'll be wearing my thowb and sandals instead - what? - it's comfortable ok? :D

21st March 2014, 05:01 PM
Terra I like your checklist, resembles mine very closely!! Haha

21st March 2014, 05:49 PM
Ah thanks bud. Yours inspired mine. I usually have peanuts and after eights handy. (BULK BUYER LOL)

21st March 2014, 05:51 PM
I was hoping to play tonight but I`m going to get drunk! lol but, I`m hoping the weather will be bad tomorrow afternoon so I can play Avalon instead of golf (Opening day but I`m not drinking due I`m driving which is very rare for me!).

We will find that out tomorrow ;)


21st March 2014, 06:01 PM
No excuses for Sunday then Stevie :) you have to enjoy avalon with us !!!

21st March 2014, 06:09 PM
LOL!! that is true, though my wife is working Sunday as well, I cannot play from 1930 to 2030hrs and after that I can have a few beers but, it will be short cos I will be up very early on Monday coming like 5am to take my daughter to her airport for her holiday! :/

stevie :)

21st March 2014, 06:54 PM
So busy Stevie :) like me. I'm very fortunate to have this weekend half free (the other half I will have to do product photography [need to set up an infinity curve] for my ebay lol, and I have to make an App for a client but that's easy for me).

I think I will be available at sporadic times, I'm guessing an hour in the early afternoon, and then mostly evenings/late nights in the GMT London time zone. As usual, I'll be racing our cousins from across the pond dues to my late arrival usually :D

21st March 2014, 07:37 PM
I'm cool, ready to have a good time and meet the old breed.

21st March 2014, 08:45 PM
Have fun tonight guys, I'll be on and off over the weekend so I'm sure I'll catch you all at some point :)

21st March 2014, 10:04 PM
Avalon is in full swing! Anyone who can't get into the avalon 2014 chat room should use the old Avalon Lounge room. If you don't have it, ask around your friends to see if they can help :)

21st March 2014, 10:08 PM
The event started and it runs quite well regards to servers for now.
Some disconnections though..
At the moment Mietepet, AlovelyLilith, Possesed and AnErar are hosting lobbys.
The main chatroom "Avalon 2014" is full but you can join us / ask for an invite, on "Avalon Lounge" (the old one).

21st March 2014, 11:35 PM
I'm sure there's a lot of people with a PC of some sort near their setup.
Any number of people can join this room to chat, I'll be streaming some pre 2.51 WipEout a bit later on also if anyone's interested. My attempt at joining in :D

21st March 2014, 11:50 PM
Had a good time before. I was terrible though. Cheers everyone.

Oryx Crake
22nd March 2014, 01:32 AM
my ps3 crashed now thats it for tonight nice racing ya'll

22nd March 2014, 01:54 AM
I'm having some really weird connection problems.
When I could finally get into a room after 7 attempts my craft just blew up at the start and didn't re spawn.:frown:
It's even taken me 15 minutes to connect to the zone.

Of all the times to have internet problems why the hell now? :brickwall

I'll try again later

22nd March 2014, 01:57 AM
mannjon: Awesome. Here's a link to the thread with the image I'm referring to, it's the biggest one I can find.

Hope this isn't too late to be useful!8572

I have an original PDF version too if needed. I had to change the bottom font, because I couldn't find the original, but you'll appreciate the "Goteki 45" font used instead!

22nd March 2014, 06:50 AM
hey blackwiggle, maybe try to use an open-dns in the network settings.

22nd March 2014, 07:49 AM
That's brilliant! Do you have one with a transparent background?

EDIT: Ah, never mind, I've just got it from the PDF :)

22nd March 2014, 07:51 AM
I finally managed to get connected and have played for a couple of hours.
From what people are telling me in the chatroom the whole PSN is having a few issues, it's causing some of the strangest things I've ever encountered playing online.

Like not being able to accelerate past Rapier speed in a Phantom race :dizzy , that's a first.

I'll be back on the track later after I've had some dinner.

22nd March 2014, 09:16 AM
Few races, now house cleaning and back in the afternoon. Really a pleasure racing with you guys. Of course, as usual, I got poor connection so I'll face network errors every now and then. Sorry about that.

Oryx Crake
22nd March 2014, 09:40 AM
Just to let everyone know that if you're having lag issues during the weekend this is why: PSN support (https://support.us.playstation.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2185)

22nd March 2014, 12:59 PM
That was brilliant, alot of full houses throughout in the morning! Now I have to go out and play golf this afternoon! :( but I will be back ;)
Played all the legends and beating them...aah bliss..lol ;)

Edit, played HD from 815 am ;)


22nd March 2014, 02:03 PM
Hosting an avalon room ;)


UPDATE; streaming as well; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SegEI0T7nec

22nd March 2014, 02:09 PM
my food is making barrel rolls on my plate.

think i'm having a great time, in great races, with great pilots!

avalon FTW

22nd March 2014, 03:05 PM
Woop woop!

That was such a blast again last night!

Seen many old pilots and many new ones! I think Stevie kicked it of secretly at 10 yesterday morning ;D By the time I got there past 19:00 we seemed to be in full swing already! At the high point we had 2 chat rooms both almost filled up and 4 hosts going at the same time! I kept going until well past 2 in the morning and some of us still weren't ready to give up ;D Great outcome so far! Well done guys and gals!

About the problems, there have been many like some have said. Different network problems disconnecting people, the lag, I've seen a host locking up which wouldn't start races anymore but you couldn't quit it either.. At some point I tried to change ships, in the lobby it was showing the different name and logo but once in the race it kept reverting to Harimau alternative livery 2 every time. Luckily it would still let me play with Fury Harimau ;) And switching between the chat room and game, which used to delay a bit before the most recent patches, would just freeze the system for 6 seconds! Lag starts ahoy! :/

Hopefully things are going to get/be better the rest of the weekend! :)

22nd March 2014, 03:55 PM
Got two 1st positions against some legends, never thought I accomplish that :)

AVALON is one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had, having loads of fun and meeting legends :D

Oryx Crake
22nd March 2014, 04:06 PM
you're good snake don't doubt that, you deserved those wins! been having a blast myself it's like old times again. about the lag though check my latest post (one page back) Sony are mucking about with psn for the release of the new infamous game apparently. in any case keep flying boys and girls

22nd March 2014, 04:10 PM
Only a couple of wins for me, but damn it is good racing with you guys. I'll take a break now. See you later on the tracks.

22nd March 2014, 06:21 PM
I'll be hosting if you folks want to join?

22nd March 2014, 06:52 PM
Absolutely crazy out there but brilliant banter through chatroom :)

Guys and gals, honestly, I had a ball, great laughs :)


22nd March 2014, 07:48 PM
Fantastic races tonight, well done everyone. Got a bit of lag and micro freezes but so much fun.

Two phantom kings were Dark Phantom and Andybob. Really nice pilots.

And confirmation that pop is a perfect all rounder and ACE FLO is a great flash rival.

Forever yours,


22nd March 2014, 09:12 PM
Great races again tonight. Had the pleasure of racing some very old pilots and some very fast new ones. Can't believe its 6 years nearly since this game came out and 3 since I retired from it and yet it can still draw me back in. I hadn't been in the old Avalon chat room for 3 years. That's scary!
Just great to see everyone back and enjoying themselves. Avalon was always the best event. Pity Kanar's not about anymore.

22nd March 2014, 09:51 PM
ive played around 10 hours today and it was awesome! great racers all of you ive only managed to get 2-3 wins! ill remember them well!! haha
you guys are superfast... its a blast! i really enjoyed it today!
met the oldish and ate their dust!!
see you tommorow for some more!

22nd March 2014, 09:51 PM
Only managed a few races yesterday, but damn, that was fun! Will be back for more :)

22nd March 2014, 10:44 PM
Sorry guys I wasn't around much today, I only managed to get a couple of races in earlier on today with Oryx and the gang.
I'm pretty sure my Girlfriend is more important to me than AVALON ;)

I should be on tomorrow though for some more races with all ya'll and look forward to making more friends as always :D

23rd March 2014, 12:04 AM
Ye I couldn get on HD as much as i wanted today :( house was busy all day. Guacamelee and fight night round 4 dominated the ps3. I'll try get on in an hour, for an hour. If not, then it'll have to be tomorrow :/

23rd March 2014, 12:55 AM
I just care playing Battlefield 3 than racing, if you people want me to race just let me know. Not mad, can't handle stress, but I don't feel welcomed anymore is this community.

Light Buster
23rd March 2014, 04:17 AM
Anyone still on? I would like to join if you guys are still playing.

23rd March 2014, 06:57 AM
I`m ready for round 2!!! in 90 mins from now :)

stevie :g

23rd March 2014, 09:50 AM
Few races this morning, but stin, Mietpiet, possessed, Weed_Junky, phk... what a blast. I guess you were particurarly tired, otherwise I still can't explain to me how come I won against you. ;)

23rd March 2014, 01:20 PM
Yesterday's avalon was probably right up there with the best avalon for me. I spent most of my avalon in phantom which is rare as rocking horse **** for me. I was loving phantom again after 3 years lol.

Thanks to everyone who raced with me. Those were some very intense and crazy experiences. The chat was fun as always.

I have to work today but I will be back online for races later, once I finish work.

23rd March 2014, 01:39 PM
I haven't been to woz for so long... I wanted to say that it was really great racing & chatting with some old friends like the old times! :)
Met also some new really fast pilots, always nice to see new faces getting in to WO. :)
Special thanks to AnE & Cat, DP, novide, oryx who reminded and motivated me to play the game again even for a weekend! :)

23rd March 2014, 03:39 PM
I'll be online a little later, need to see if I can hook the new PVR up to the PS3. If it works I should be able to get some nice 1080p footage :)

23rd March 2014, 04:35 PM
I think I'm not welcomed here in this community anymore. I think I made too many enemies than friends here. I'm the only one that is an outcast or I can't handle people that are immature. I don't reality know.

Oryx Crake
23rd March 2014, 05:24 PM
look kronic you are the only one of us here thinking about it in those terms, there really isn't an us or them thing going on here, you can stick around if you like and we'll all have a laugh or not and do as you like, but everyone is as welcome as the next person on woz, the only cases where people are not welcome are if they are actively seeking conflict in some way.

No one hates you just, put those kinds of thoughts out of your mind man.

23rd March 2014, 06:06 PM
I have over 3k posts. I'm an asshole in most of them (trust me I've been a right twat at times). I'm still welcome.

It's that sort of community.

The love for WipEout overcomes all :)

23rd March 2014, 06:11 PM
Sadly AVALON has ended for me but it was a amazing gaming experience that I've never had before so I will definitely be joining the next one. I also walk away with some awesome winnings:

1st 11x
2nd 7x
3rd 9x :D

LOL I also discovered I had a evil side during the last few races (dubbed Maniac Snake by Mietepiet) where I turned evil, insane and super competitive, making sarcastic threats haha. I turned the chat into a mini RPG haha. sheesh that was funny of me, not sure I'll ever be considered "sane" anymore by you guys in that chat haha :P

23rd March 2014, 06:45 PM
Streaming again, little folks in the phantom rooms, come join in!


23rd March 2014, 06:55 PM
ifeel sad that i didnt go online 4 years ago and follow wo... missed alot i guess although i m playing this game for 14 years... AVALON was a awesome game experience i had an great time and finally got to race some exceptional racers and meet nice people!
We love this game and i think thats what makes wipeout really unique.

Many congrats to all the team that managed all this!
Getting all back together!

Personally as long as sony keeps the server online
ill continue hanging around wo rooms!

Hope to meet again...

23rd March 2014, 06:57 PM
hahaha that was funny snake :D
when I go through my videos, I'll upload an evil Snake video for sure. this guy was spamming me with all weapons like I had a bullseye on my back. :D

I had a great time in there, wanna thank you all for a great time, just to name only one: Pontiac400, this guy was hardcore, can't remember a game he didn't participate in. what kind of redbull did you drink?

23rd March 2014, 07:00 PM
^^ Maniac Snake wanted to take you and everyone else down >=) big style

Oh no, my evil-side is returning haha :P people hide from me I don't know how much longer I can contain it haha

23rd March 2014, 07:01 PM
i'm comming online again right now :D

23rd March 2014, 07:03 PM
Going in

edit: came back out. raced a few hours and it was good fun, we should try and organise these a little more.


23rd March 2014, 07:27 PM
I just want to say a massive thank you for convincing me to come out of retirement for this Avalon. Piloting the Mirage again and chatting with you guys in the Avalon lounge really brought back some great memories and I had so much fun! It was really nice to race with all of the old crew again and meet some of the newer guys too. I'm so glad that I got involved with this community and met some amazing people - seriously, you're all awesome.

A big thanks again guys and girls and much love. :g

23rd March 2014, 07:30 PM
not over yet though, still going strong! :D


23rd March 2014, 07:31 PM
1st x0
2nd x2
3rd x1
I am worst pilot 4ever ;_;

23rd March 2014, 08:44 PM
I didn't played that much and you all was in phantom, so unfortunatly i didn't met most of you.
I'll try to catch you next time :)

And thx to everyone who joined flash races :)

23rd March 2014, 09:42 PM
1st x0
2nd x2
3rd x1
I am worst pilot 4ever ;_;

Hey, it was very good racing from everyone all the same, including some good battles I had with you, Mac. :)

23rd March 2014, 09:53 PM
AVALON maybe over but I don't want to stop racing, people I would love to race against you all again so if you wanna have some games send me a message on PSN and I'll gladly arrange something with you.

AVALON maybe over, but the spirit of WipEout will always continue, keep racing guys, we'll topple the legends someday haha :)

23rd March 2014, 09:56 PM
That was insane weekend!!! I`m bloody shattered 15 hrs of playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I`m too old for this....NOT! LOL

It`s a shame to end :(, In the chatroom, the banter are hilarious, too busy laughing, must do again.

Could not believe every room are full and very hard to get in!, but in the end it is worth it!

Got a link for you but poor quality :( Hope you enjoy :)


See you next avalon ;)


23rd March 2014, 10:11 PM
Umm stin? what were you on during the video o.O

lol I can see the chat showing my mysterious win earlier on today (came 2nd but registered as 1st on the board :P)

23rd March 2014, 10:47 PM
Can we go back into hiding now ;)?

I've had a great time racing you all. I've a lot of fantastic memories of all the races we had since 2008 and the friendships I made. Not talked to a lot of you for a long time so it was nice to see so many old pilots again. It's made me feel very melancholy. Well done to everyone who organised it. :+

23rd March 2014, 11:01 PM
I did have a good time at Avalon with you folks, but I been playing Battlefield 3 during this time, sorry for making some people upset during this time. I know I might be a part of this community, but I want to let it go and do my thing and do your event without me. Sometimes I need to be left alone to cool off, but sometimes you need walk away. Thanks for the help and the support.

23rd March 2014, 11:28 PM
Hey you guys, I just wanted to say thanks. I've had a real good time racing with old friends & making new ones. 'Twas real nice :)
I like what KGB said about being melancholy , very fitting.
I'll be back for more, cheers all.
Feel the rush! :D

Thanks to the organisers.

23rd March 2014, 11:36 PM
What an awesome event! Glad to have met so many great racers, and to have finally got an opportunity to race so many legends! I hope to see everyone again soon. I'll certainly be there ^_^

I have an entire year to get better at Phantom now, clock is ticking... Did anyone else notice that it seemed like you almost had to break a personal record to win a race? Anyways, had a great time, send a pm anytime to mannjon for a challenge. See you guys around!

Ragsus Maxima
23rd March 2014, 11:37 PM
Well, Avalon is over but the competition still continues. I expected to have fun with this and, wow! Although I suffered some nasty surprises while racing (hi Mr. Plasmafier, wherever you are), it was a blast overall; exactly what I expected from Avalon.

I said it on the PSN chat but I'll repeat it here too (and with less broken English). It's been a pleasure to be here this weekend and I'm glad for having the chance to meet lots of the veterans that Wipeout has. Seriuosly, you're the dog's bollocks. ;)

Again, thanks to everyone who attended and see you next time!

24th March 2014, 05:16 AM
I'm glad all the newer pilots enjoyed the event and got a taste of what a huge event AVALON was in the past, and hopefully, will be again at a later date.
The simplicity of the format and the "Open all Hours" timetable has proven successful yet again.

You should all give yourselves a pat on the back, as all a AVALON event needs is participants, the more there are the better the event. :clap :) and that's what we got in spades.

It was great to see a whole heap of names playing online that I hadn't seen in years, again thanks guys and girls for coming out of retirement and giving the newer pilots a taste of your skills.

As long as there are people interested [I think that's a "No Brainer" after this weekends Avalon], I'll look at prospective dates for another AVALON event around July / August, and it will give us a bit more time to prepare, with hopefully some online WO PURE/PULSE hosted events like the old days.

So let you thumbs recover and your controller's recharge.

Thanks again for participating. :rock:rock:rock

Oryx Crake
24th March 2014, 09:18 AM
This was special, next time this goes down BW I am all in to support you in anything you need. Thank you all my old mates and all you young guns for making this a weekend to remember.

24th March 2014, 10:07 AM
Big thanks for this event, had a lot of fun. Didn't attend as much as i wanted but none the less it was great! Extra fun seeing some big names in action, people i've only seen on youtube before. :))

24th March 2014, 12:27 PM
Umm stin? what were you on during the video o.O

Too much iron Bru! lol ;)

Honestly it was a great weekend! Needs time to recover!

stevie :)

24th March 2014, 12:51 PM
I have no idea what iron Bru is ?

Try Bookers Bourbon [which I am having a few nips of ATM ;) ] , I ran out of vino at home and just missed the supermarket liquor store, so I had to go to the PUB I used to manage to get something.
I saw it there and thought, what the hell, I hadn't drank it in years, probably since when it was first released back in 1992 .... but I remembered just how special it is.

Bloody Amazing, and I'm not usually a Bourbon drinker.

If you think of it more like a Hennessy premium XO Cognac or premium Vintage Armagnac [a 1960 Larrasingle ] you would get the best tasting experience.
Drink straight or on ice.

24th March 2014, 12:54 PM
Thanks for the weekend guys. I didn't get on the game as much as i'd have liked. When i did get on though, i had a blast :) some of the legends and newer pilots were very impressive :)

Hopefully race some of you guys soon :)

24th March 2014, 02:21 PM
Great races guys! I got a lot of nice footage ^^ I hope to see more Phantom rooms looking like they did on Saturday ;) Thanks to hosts too!

24th March 2014, 02:35 PM
Yeah, Saturday was crazy fun in those phantom rooms. Looking forward to the youtube vids kpop :)

24th March 2014, 02:47 PM
Avalon was a freaking blast!! Everyone kept talking it up and getting my expectations pretty high, but all I can say is you guys undersold it!! It truly is the best gaming experience there is, there wasnt a single race that wasnt fun, all of them produced good fun and I was truly honored to have shared the track with so many legendary drivers, to name a few tarquinfarquar, novide, KGB, mad-ice, OnlyKpop, dreamyelf, ragsus, colonel_gadafi, ZothOmmog, murcielago-mlrz, azurooth, Drmannevod, and the incredible Dark_Phantom (seriously, this guy inspired me) I thank all of you for being apart of AVALON and giving this rookie the opportunity to share the track with you guys I had a blast! And also huge thanks to all of the regulars who I see on the servers throughout the week for keeping the racing alive, truly an amazing community we have here!

I had a great time in there, wanna thank you all for a great time, just to name only one: Pontiac400, this guy was hardcore, can't remember a game he didn't participate in. what kind of redbull did you drink?

I went through 12 cans of the blueberry redbull, vodka mixed in a few ;)
my goal for Avalon was to log 24 of racing throughout the weekend, and I was able to tally up 26 total hours!! :) you put some pretty good hours in yourself miete, it's always a good time when your around, your a great pilot and you always make the chatroom much more fun!! And let me as soon as you get that Zone Battle uploaded!!

I expected to have fun with this and, wow! Although I suffered some nasty surprises while racing (hi Mr. Plasmafier, wherever you are)

Haha! That didn't happen on metro rev by chance did it? Because I'm guilty of a plasma elimination on that track haha

24th March 2014, 05:13 PM
Needless to say I hope to see Avalon back soon. I'm not online a lot these days, but it was so much fun. Oh, and Dark_Phantom_89: I'll never forget that missile on Chengou Rev. :)

24th March 2014, 08:09 PM
It's been another mad bad blast of Avalon! I think all together we've seen 50 hours of hosting shared between us, maybe more! :D And so many old pilots joining in and many more new(ish)! :)

Cat has been with me for the whole of the weekend, sometimes even racing as well and winning! Physically it's a bit hard on her as her health is making her feel much more anxious than she normally is but she's still got it ;) She's been a great support all weekend for me and in the chat as well :D To whoever doesn't know who she is, it's stinkleroy, we actually met in Avalon 5 years ago lol and now living together ;p How's that for bringing pilots together :)

We've realised we've been silly staying away from this game for so long, we still love this game so much and many others do. The community here is just great, it's seen it's ups and downs but it's still going! Besides, we don't know how long the servers will stay live for so we should take every opportunity we get time allowed lol :)

Thanks everyone for joining all the races and the chats and making this event what it is! :)

Btw, Blackwiggle that's a nice proposition but I think we can do better and host something sooner ;) We'll see!

See you all around :)

24th March 2014, 09:39 PM
I popped into PSN and then chat, and saw that avalon2014 chatroom was still pumping with pilots - so I joined.

Well, by the looks of things today, avalon was extended :D lol. Some crazy flash races and tournaments hosted by me. Brilliant races, very violent and tough. BUt for those reasons, so much fun... and the chat was hilarious as usual.

My thumb is absolutely wrecked and I can feel my old RSI coming back, so I will have to give it a break for a few days while I recover my wrist - and let that thumb heal. One Fat Thumb :D

and Stin... go to sleep man, I know you're reading this :D

24th March 2014, 10:36 PM
For anyone interested, the Avalon group has been reactivated if you would like to use this for any future discussion of this weekend's event or perhaps anything you'd like to see in the future :)

24th March 2014, 10:57 PM
When I drove to my work this morning, Air Force One was somewhere flying over my head. All I could think of was that poor guy Obama, didn't have an AG flight :D

Blagwiggle, Thank you for all the effort you put into this great stuff, and Mannjon as well for making this happen. And Hellfire for always doing a great job.

25th March 2014, 12:36 AM
For anyone who is interested, here is an almost 2 hour long (yes 2 hours lol) video of Saturday races at Avalon from my POV. First race is a warm up. Weapon off is my forte! Enjoy ;)

With more to come,


25th March 2014, 02:00 AM
y u no like embedding? :D

watched it on youtube... you in a triakis on chenghou LOOOL, too funny man, well played :)

I really want to thank everyone and mention their names(psn) here but I raced so many people over avalon that I fear I may leave someone out, and I don't wish to offend.

So, THANK YOU ALL, this was the most anticipated avalon event for me to date, and it's right up there with the best. The NEW GEN have some serious talent, and the LEGENDS haven't lost their skill at all, well maybe 1% hehe - either way, it made for some really exciting races and banter in the avalon chat rooms.

Special thanks to the hosts who spent hours upon hours keeping rooms open for pilots to jump into, amongst notifying pilots that there are slots available - frustrating work, so kudos to you guys, you are the bones and the flesh of this event, we just skinned it by being present :)

A special mention to Stevie or Golf champ, you're a complete champion to me mate. You kept racing even though your eyes have bags that would make prada and gucci jealous (how do you do it? and don't say "addiction to wipeout" coz I'm also an addict) seriously, you was probably the most present pilot in avalon, everytime I logged in, you was there...

...AnErare - dude, if I have to pick a host in future, it would be YOU. Such fantastic hosting, gentle banter and a generous personality which shows thru the chat :) and the hours you dedicated to hosting, along with the others has humbled me and added to why people love this game so much.

I hosted a flash room on Saturday and today also (strictly speaking it wasnt avalon today lol) and those were some very tough races for us all. My thumb is completely numb on the DPAD yet, when I touch the hardened skin, it feels really sore - go figure - numb on the dpad and sore to touch? How does that work? lol.

I think I overplayed this Avalon. My thumb is complete BS lol

I know I'm not the only one... y'all have my empathy, we in the same boat, paddling with one oar lol going round in circles... paddle any faster and we'll create a whirlpool and sink.

Ok, I'ma stop talking **** :D

25th March 2014, 08:13 AM
THX to all who make this great avalon-weekend possible and to the hosts.
Good to see a lot of legendary pilots again.

There was some funny connections-issues, one race i was flying as Liod19 (sry for flying bad with your name).

I hope the wohd-servers will run for a long time and next avalon will be soon.

Avalon playlist (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Xh0WRaYCL4&list=PLlOk2k4iJVw31UhcmCXJevRyW03cdtDsT)

25th March 2014, 03:05 PM
Lol novide, no worries. I don't think you are bad at racing and even if I screw it up often enough myself :P
Thanks to everyone who made this avalon happen, the people I raced with, the hosts and the organisers. I'm looking forward to the next one, hopefully it will happen again.

Happy flying and see you on tracks.

25th March 2014, 04:43 PM
A little late, but it was a great week-end depsite the fact I didn't played really much. Busy, busy, busy...^^ Couldn't race with every pilot I wanted but I've had enough amount of great races to be satisfied.
2 new PRs, few podiums and great mayhems in elims (quake, bomb, quake : owch !).^^

See ya ! :)

25th March 2014, 07:04 PM
Thanks for the races everyone, was great fun, hope to see some of you sticking around! Sorry i had to leave so suddenly on sunday evening, unexpectedly had more important matters at hand.
See you all on the track some other time :)


Ragsus Maxima
25th March 2014, 08:18 PM
Haha! That didn't happen on metro rev by chance did it? Because I'm guilty of a plasma elimination on that track haha
No, that plasma kill was on Tech de Ra. :P

25th March 2014, 08:49 PM
It was great to race with you all again and i'm looking for the next one.
Thanks a lot for making this happen, hope to see you soon !

25th March 2014, 10:00 PM
Hold the phone guys I just remembered something cool ^_^

Long ago I played a game called Ace Combat The Belkan War which is a dogfighting game with modern day military jet fighters.
I just remembered that the second to last mission was called AVALON O.O

and here was the official song with the mission also called AVALON

Its so awesome it should be the official theme for the WipeoutZone AVALON events :D
(obviously won't happen though, copyright laws)

26th March 2014, 08:26 AM
Here's my video from Sunday evening :)


26th March 2014, 10:29 AM
Wonderful event and many videos ... unfortunately I could not be there, the next event .. so I will have time to practice more ..;) practice a lot to keep leading the race .. :)

26th March 2014, 11:58 AM
The next BIG [and special ] AVALON event is already in the planning stages people.;)

The AVALON RACING LEAGUE [in the forums group section has been reactivated :) at last ] so if you were a member before you will find you can now post in this section.
Sadly previous postings [with attachments ] are long gone :frown: , so we are basically starting from scratch again, no big deal really.
This was basically the organizing committee for AVALON events, it's a Invite only group, but everybody is welcome, if you want to help out organizing a AVALON event, shoot me a PM and I'll send you a invite.
Or just look at the top of the page you are one now: Community > Groups > Avalon Racing League > look for somebody already a member and get them to invite you ... the more the merrier [we had 300+ members at one stage ], which sort of explains why the last Avalon event was so successful, nearly all attendees were past members.

OH, and by the way.
Two ex SL people said they enjoyed the last Avalon event as well [they said they were QUOTE : THRASHED badly, but enjoyed it all the same ] and were impressed that "Their Game" still held such a following and devotion.

I asked if ever a new WO were to be commissioned, would they want to be part of the team that made it?
No reply as yet.

26th March 2014, 12:30 PM
This is good news BW. Your hand has been guiding this event all along and we appreciate this a lot. I'd like to get involved in this, namely to help organise the flash rooms for avalon. Many phantom pilots mentioned how this speed class requires alternative lines and knowledge getting air in the most unlikely of spots to stay ahead of the other ships. It's a different kettle of fish to phantom and quite under rated.

I used to race exclusively on phantom but 3 yrs ago I got my behind handed to me in a flash race by uber legend WizardplayHD. Since then I've been racing all speeds bar phantom. And though my phantom game suffered because of this - all it took was for me to get used to the speed again and phantom was fine and dandy. In fact my love for the phantom speed has been revived this avalon and I will be entering phantom lobbies in future.

Once again thanks for all the work u put into this BW.

@HellfireWZ, the recording quality is excellent bud. My missus (oxkatnipxo) learnt this game by watching your videos and she was really excited to race in the same room as you. I've just whatsapped her the video and she's gonna watch it tonight - she told me to tell you "say thanks to hellfire for me please" so thank you for this :)

26th March 2014, 05:38 PM
Terra-wrist wrote "A special mention to Stevie or Golf champ, you're a complete champion to me mate. You kept racing even though your eyes have bags that would make prada and gucci jealous (how do you do it? and don't say "addiction to wipeout" coz I'm also an addict) seriously, you was probably the most present pilot in avalon, everytime I logged in, you was there..."

LOL!, but seriously, I don`t normally play HD, but all of a sudden after four years just decided to play my second id and then just put my head down and work at it because, I do normally play Pure or Pulse and then got second plat!, addiction? nah!, just loves the game so much and yet I`m still looking for HD press kit. And lastly, Yes I`m now addicted to HD! and looking for ways to win races!

BW!, actually, I don`t like bourbon, too strong for me or even whisky too, but you did mentioned brandy!, oh yes I do drink them but funnily enough I had not touched them for over two years now! Prices are getting expensive now but I will get it with irn bru including ice! lovely! ;) Now you got me thinking........
More importantly, kudos to you for preparing Avalon! and it`s a pleasure to play with you or against you :p

That weekend were awesome and also Monday night there great too on Flash speed with Ace-Flo and others ! ;)

Next Avalon? bring it on! and,also,forgot to mention, as,bw said it you want pure or pulse? l'm there for you:)


26th March 2014, 08:51 PM
LOL!, but seriously, I don`t normally play HD, but all of a sudden after four years just decided to play my second id and then just put my head down and work at it because, I do normally play Pure or Pulse and then got second plat!, addiction? nah!, just loves the game so much and yet I`m still looking for HD press kit. And lastly, Yes I`m now addicted to HD! and looking for ways to win races!

Though I've always been an HD Fury Addict, I've now got the passion back for phantom. Avalon. Blame Avalon hehe, meeting all our old friends in lobbies, the chats, the mayhem, the experience was too nostalgic for me to keep deny myself a bit of the old phantom speed class. I've spent a fair amount of time on the slower speeds. Especially FLASH - my most played/raced speed class - just because I wanted to learn how to be fast in slow speeds... but now that's more or less where it needs to go, I believe it's time to set some new PB's on phantom online... you know I don't play offline at all. So TT's and SL's will not be happening anytime soon, and i'll have to learn all the lines and Br's chains in phantom strictly online in the "skool of hard knocks"... ofcourse there are better ways to learn (TT SL) but this for me provides fun to the experience, and i'm one of those guys that loves it when someone shoots the crap out of me :D I find it funny :D And never annoying :) besides, I learnt flash Br's and lines strictly online too - then one days I did some offline TT's to see how I'd fare... surprised myself :) i was good.

Ragsus Maxima
27th March 2014, 08:40 PM
It took some time to upload it, but it's here. My video of the Grand Prix races at Avalon. :)


28th March 2014, 08:54 PM
My favorite moment of Avalon!! Racing on my home turf (favorite game mode, favorite track :D) against some of my favorite and most admired legends!! Dark_Phantom, KGB, and The Colonel!! This was an amazing experience for me and a huge thanks to everyone on the forum, especially Blackwiggle for putting it all together, and mietepiet as well for recording!!


30th March 2014, 02:23 PM
Avalon Lives ON!

We just had about 9-12 pilots join the Avalon chatroom and had some crazy races :)

2nd April 2014, 09:11 AM
Hi guys. I've not posted since Avalon, to be honest it was one of the most frustrating experiences I've had in Wipeout. I tried playing Friday night but kept getting network errors, left it on Saturday and tried again Sunday. Managed about an hour but then kept getting kicked out again. I really enjoyed the races I had, just can't understand what happened. It worries me because I have a pretty good internet connection, and if this kind of thing keeps happening it will impact on my ability to take part in any online events.

Thanks to everybody who organised it, I'm really glad it was a success. Just hope this was a rare blip for me and I can keep playing online.

2nd April 2014, 09:16 AM
Same thing happened
No problem.
WO pilots still love you

3rd April 2014, 03:31 PM
Networks error on my side too, I know the feeling. :)

5th April 2024, 05:53 PM
10 years after, a phoenix rises. Again.
As always.