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10th February 2014, 12:52 AM
Just post a line what you think about the day or a current event.
May you see something and think "I want this" post it here! Or you found this really great song, post it. Or you watched a football match and don't like the results, post it here

So I start:
I saw this freely flying jet in this movie and now I want to have my own jet :3

10th February 2014, 11:08 AM
Today I considered changing some courses in school, to help bring me closer to university.

Hybrid Divide
10th February 2014, 07:03 PM
I'm thinking that we need to get more organized with things here at my job!

... And still wrapping my head around the news of Studio Liverpool's closing. Yeah, a bit late, I know.

10th February 2014, 07:30 PM
I wanna surprise my girl with a big beard (she likes it), but it's starting to itch.
Shall I shave or not?

10th February 2014, 08:41 PM
Do you know this feeling. Yo have a day without school, know you can be lazy but your brother has to get up early >:-]

11th February 2014, 06:36 AM
Convinced a friend today to purchase WipEout HD Fury.

And still wrapping my head around the news of Studio Liverpool's closing. Yeah, a bit late, I know.

It only felt like yesterday.

15th February 2014, 09:28 PM
Hmm... same here.

Not too happy about this and thinking about how I can fix this:


Behold, the Yellow Light of Death.

Also tried to convince a friend to play Wipeout HD.

9th September 2014, 09:13 PM
Bumping this old thread a bit, but this felt kind off hilarious:

I'm having a crush on this girl in school, and my mother today said: "I'm wondering why you aren't annoyed that school is so long recently." Yeah, I totally have no idea ^^

9th September 2014, 09:34 PM
^ That's more along the lines of "how adorable" than anything else ;)

10th September 2014, 05:28 AM
Snake,you :redface: :P

Today I woke up early, but this f*cking cold didn't let me fall asleep again :(
But, yay, Schumi is home :P

5th October 2014, 09:37 AM
Now everything became unimportant #GetWellJules

5th October 2014, 09:44 AM
I agree #GetWellJules


For those who don't know,

Marrusia F1's Jules Bianchi had been involved in a very serious accident at the rain-soaked Japanese Grand Prix a couple of hours ago. He went off the track at the Dunlop Curve (Corner 7) and crashed into the recovery tractor that was recovering Adrian Sutil's Sauber, who also went off at that same point. AFAIK, he was unconscious and had been transported to hospital.

I would think the entire motor sport community, including virtual, would be thinking of Jules and wishes his full recovery.

EDIT: OMG! :eek I thought he hit it side on.


23rd October 2014, 10:02 PM
Had a discussion with another guy about the AG technology. He wanted to tell me that the crafts fly on "mag-strips", so they cold float.
I was destroying him with my true ag-pilot knowledge and just said: "But the magnets could be under sand or ice." Sure mate, but what about previous named mag-strips (the real one, not his floating technology).
The whole discussion was started by the Hendo Hoverboard trailer-thing.
At least he spoke german, making it easier for both of us.

17th November 2014, 09:30 PM
Managed to cut into my right tumb with a cutter knife.
Can't play wipEout for 3 days :frown:

19th November 2014, 12:21 AM
Found out that people being genuinely interested in me freaks me the f*ck out. Like they wanting to talk and stuff makes my brain go like "noooooo, please nooo, you're stepping over the invisible line, don't do it".
I guess I'm not used to it since all my life I was always the one who started the conversation while the other person sat idle if I said nothing.

20th November 2014, 03:33 AM
This might be a little triggering for some people, just putting that there. Dont read on if you think you might be.

You never truly realise just how much you love and care about someone until something awful happens. Tell people you care, tell people you love them, tell people how much they mean to you, make sure they know how special they are and how much they mean to you. Never let them feel like they are alone. Sometimes, thats all people need to hear. Those stupid little things could mean the difference of them being here or not.

23rd November 2014, 12:20 AM
Well said Knux. Good to see you post something ^_^

In my experience true humanity isn't volunteering for a charity, or donating money to a cause or even donating time to a worthy cause. The truest most meaningful gestures that a society can make are ones based on simply being able to directly impact someone's life on a personal level with no preconceived notion. It is the littlest of things that for me personally, make the biggest impact.

With all the school shootings or bombings or acts of violence, the true nature of most of these situations is someone just doesn't feel like society cares and they outlash in desperation when all they really needed was for someone to tell them that they mattered. I'm not the greatest humanitarian. In fact, I'm discerning, skeptical, and egotistical. Yet despite all my personal shortcomings, I hold the door for people, I speak politely to strangers, and I try to help people with random acts of humanity when I can. Not because I'm trying to redeem myself, but just to let other random strangers know that I acknowledge their humanity because I think it sets the civilized world apart. It is the type of interaction that justifies humanity as more than just animals acting according to human nature.

On another note... my in-laws were getting rid of some "junk" that had been stored away for a while and guess what was there about to be taken to the thrift store? A FREAKING N64 IN PRISTINE CONDITION WITH MARIOKART_64 and WIPEOUT_64 WITH THE ORIGINAL BOXES INCLUDING THE BOX THE SYSTEM CAME WITH!!!!!!!!!! Karma? I don't know. But, I'm starting to believe.

23rd November 2014, 03:46 AM
On another note... my in-laws were getting rid of some "junk" that had been stored away for a while and guess what was there about to be taken to the thrift store? A FREAKING N64 IN PRISTINE CONDITION WITH MARIOKART_64 and WIPEOUT_64 WITH THE ORIGINAL BOXES INCLUDING THE BOX THE SYSTEM CAME WITH!!!!!!!!!! Karma? I don't know. But, I'm starting to believe.

Please tell me you took it off their hands.

23rd November 2014, 07:36 PM
Oh yes. It was a glorious day. I prolly stayed up to 3 in the morning playing 007 and Perfect Dark alone. This thing looks brand new.

5th December 2014, 05:50 AM
I will post it here, coz why not. Erm where are the time trial records ? I have not been present here for - 4, 5 years i guess .i was in top 10 , wanted to see how it looks after all this time but cant find anything time trial related. Can anybody direct me to an according subpage please ?

5th December 2014, 03:13 PM
On youtube and wipeoutrankings.com mostly ;)

Some stuff gets posted on here in the Wipeout HD Videos thread (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?5403-WipEout-HD-Videos/) as well ;)


Light Buster
6th December 2014, 11:10 PM
PlayStation's 20th Anniversary? I hope Wipeout makes its much needed return.

7th December 2014, 04:35 AM
Hey there Light! Well done on those Zone runs. Welcome to the WR club!

Welcome yme! The wipeoutrankings.com only applies to HD/Fury. If you had TT records for those, this site is the best place to go as Apple has already stated.

7th December 2014, 11:58 AM
I will post it here, coz why not. Erm where are the time trial records ? I have not been present here for - 4, 5 years i guess .i was in top 10 , wanted to see how it looks after all this time but cant find anything time trial related. Can anybody direct me to an according subpage please ?
Were you referring old games?, been offline for nearly 5 years due this website had been hacked! :( but records are still there but admin has not put it up yet due he is pretty busy atm, so we just have to wait.

stevie :)

9th December 2014, 09:22 PM
Decided to try playing wipeouts 1 to 3 after finishing pure and hd. Made good progress until silverstream in wipeout 1, vostok lake and spilskinanke in 2, and p-mar project in 3; those four tracks completely demoralized me :( and I thought citta nuova in pure was bad...

9th December 2014, 09:39 PM
When I read this I'm damn proud that I finished the Rapier Tournament (the first time, not the second one). Is this still a good thing if I have done this on the Vita version?

14th December 2014, 03:59 PM
Today there was a bushfire, and luckily I was near where the helicopters picked up the water


14th December 2014, 06:18 PM
Yesterday my whole village had a blackout for 45 mins

15th December 2014, 01:02 PM
Managed to fall from my bike in an incredibly easy corner #KingIncompetence

15th December 2014, 05:21 PM
Borderlands the pre-sequel does not have enough mr. Torgue! Explosionssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15th December 2014, 07:13 PM
Took the day off from school due to the flu. Now I can't decide between playing video games, working on my novel study, or learning to program :/

16th December 2014, 10:08 AM
I still think this is the best Space Jam mashup ever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyVr1ux1Cok

16th December 2014, 01:04 PM
Someone wants to buy some racing stuff? -> http://cagp.auctionhq.net/view-auctions/live-sale/id/91/

16th December 2014, 04:49 PM
A couple of draws sended to Horacio Pagani, creators of Pagani! :D
Now I can end with the WipEout Chronicles draws and start new ideas, such as ending some new Representatives aaand do the Slip Stream Humanifications Ships too ;) , while ending the studies before the beginning of Holidays finally! XP

16th December 2014, 09:44 PM
Today afternoon I managed to drive intoabush with my bike -.-
So on my right leg is a mid-sized skinless wound and on the other one little red dots from tbe spikes (of the bush).
I wonder what's next.

16th December 2014, 11:41 PM
Maybe biking isn't your thing Johnny... perhaps stay in the air.

17th December 2014, 05:25 AM
...already booting up the board computer, anyway the windshield is iced :-/

24th December 2014, 12:25 AM
Finally in the Worldwide Top 8 for Unity Square Zone! I was like: Wohooo Yabbadabbadiee ring ring ring ring ring

Ragsus Maxima
24th December 2014, 01:31 PM
Without really knowing how, I'm in a Japanese tweet. :D

Sauce here (https://twitter.com/sakach15c/status/547677890817437696).

24th December 2014, 01:51 PM
How did you even find that lol?

It's not really a random thought on a random day, cuz u know, today's speshul and all But;
Merry Christmas Everyone! :)


Ragsus Maxima
24th December 2014, 02:22 PM
From time to time I browse through the Ace Combat Infinity tweets searching some useful info regarding to strategies or comments about specific planes or weapons I'm interested in. And because my Japanese level is near zero, I have to rely on a translator (shrugs).

The Japanese player base is really something; they get the info like really really quickly, borderline instantly. And also, I'm curious how Japanese play this. :P

And in one of those, I found that tweet by chance, and I was like "Wow, really?!". :D

24th December 2014, 03:57 PM
Dang Ragsus that's an awesome find, I also am a fan of the AC series but refuse to play Assault Horizon because of DFM or Infinity because I ain't spending money on a free-to-play game of any kind :P

Belkan War still remains my favourite in the series, although I really want to play AC X skies of deception :)

Ragsus Maxima
24th December 2014, 05:53 PM
Yeah, I know that feel. :P

Infinity isn't that bad if I think about it. The gameplay returns to the roots of AC6, and after the Assault Horizon fiasco, this one gives me some kind of hope for a new retail instalment.

I'm not fond of the F2P system either, but by looking what kind of games we're currently getting for PS3, well... this one isn't that bad, although it gets repetitive after a while.

The way I see it, that game is working as testing waters for a possible new instalment, and since how much money Bandai Namco has got with this, that scenario is quite possible (or that's what I want to think).

24th December 2014, 10:43 PM
We can only hope for another AC game that returns to its original roots.

Anyway back on topic, On Monday my pet Snake Sam bit me while I was feeding her but I just handled her today with no problems. So I can't tell if it was accident or something else. I've been pondering the idea lately :P

2nd January 2015, 04:19 AM
Frank Montagny (?) was tested positive on drugs after the Malaysian ePrix.
Imagine if he did ecstasy it would really be Formula "E" XD
That pun reminded my the conspirancy about the capital "E" in the stylised wipE'out" logo.

2nd January 2015, 07:38 AM
Random thoughts!

For the last three weeks were absolutely unbelievable, that was the best holiday I have had for a very long time. My`s daughter`s boss got married, PS4 and three games!
Now, random thoughts?.....this is more seriously important and I will reveal eventually.......................;)


2nd January 2015, 12:07 PM
I love / Love.
Russians do it well.

Russian choir ... doing Daf Punk....Love it!

Respect :rock

2nd January 2015, 12:13 PM
Yes, seen it this morning and red army were brilliant. Seriously impressive!

stevie :)

8th February 2015, 05:18 PM
I just searched "Napalmbomb" on Facebook. It turned out that related sides are: Pjöngjang, Koreawar, Kurds, Benzol and Flamethrower
I just leave it like that XD

23rd February 2015, 06:24 PM
Today, I was wondering what I could do. Touhou fan art, work on my comic/manga, upload a mini manga I drew yesterday, search for a job, etc. So many things I should do in so little time! :dizzy

Rapier Racer
24th February 2015, 11:15 AM
Where did I leave my keys...

4th April 2015, 07:30 PM
Kiyoshi Fujiwara (Chief Development Executive at Mazda) announced that there will be a new RX-7 in 2017.
Now I'm fully statisfyed :)

8th April 2015, 09:24 PM
Kiyoshi Fujiwara (Chief Development Executive at Mazda) announced that there will be a new RX-7 in 2017.
Now I'm fully statisfyed :)


8th April 2015, 10:18 PM
Surprised that Brandon didn't made a pun about a Fujiwara and RX-7s :P

9th April 2015, 12:21 AM
he's japanese :D they can't do english puns mate :D not even in translations.

9th April 2015, 03:03 AM
Surprised that Brandon didn't made a pun about a Fujiwara and RX-7s :P

I actually honestly did not see it until now. XD

8th May 2015, 10:49 AM
It's not really random but i'm thinking about another 5 years of conservative government. Truly gutted :(

8th May 2015, 10:10 PM
My thoughts are mostly about the UK Government. Hoping the SNP make our voices heard in Westminster

9th May 2015, 05:36 PM
I will get to the point, Ed Milliband did make a total arse of himself over Referendum and killed alot of voters including me!...sheer stupidity! He just shot himself to his foot!

And yeah another five years over that bloody twat and his bloody etoniantwats chumps!

Rant over


16th May 2015, 06:13 PM
I have moved house!!! To an actual house!! With an upstairs and a down stairs!! More space and a garden for my wee boy to go play in!!! And my internet is back on!! All I need to do is find my console box and get them back online. Getting serious game withdrawal XDD

26th May 2015, 11:30 AM
so..... my town is flooded. I have to make this quick before my internet dies again. We had a HUGE storm in the Houston area and now most of everything is flooded. Luckily though, my neighborhood isn't. They've issued a flood emergency. 9504

27th May 2015, 04:43 AM
I really hope you guys can bounce back from this. I've been hearing a lot about the floods from here in Australia and we know how bad it is from our own recent experiences.

27th May 2015, 09:20 AM
Yeah, I saw pictures of HUSTON under water.
As Keg_11 said, we have just been through several weeks of extreme storms here in OZ ...good luck, I hope you don't lose and gear due to water damage.

Speaking of which, I just went to turn on my projector so it could warm up the lamp for tonight's "State of Origin" rugby league match ...Boo Hoo, the bloody thing has died on me, I guess being left on stand by for 10 years will do that to you, I think it's just the power supply ....I had only about 15 hours on the new Lamp [which cost me $500]...not sure if I should get it fixed which would probably cost me another $500, or look at getting a new native 4K 3D unit.... a bit of a jump in expense though....I'd be looking at around $10k-12k for a new Sony VW350s projector, they haven't even arrived in the country yet , plus it would mean I would need to update my HT amp to 4K pass through, another expense [the Current Yamaha is just 2 years old]....truth is that I have rarely used the projector since getting the Sony 3D TV ..... I might be better off just upgrading the TV for around $5k, getting the PJ fixed for $500 and just use it for gaming [Formula Fusion and PSP WO's VIA PSTV or PC emulation]

27th May 2015, 03:16 PM
I love (read: hate) how people don't call me on the phone for most of the week, but then call me at like 8AM on the only day I can sleep late.

30th May 2015, 12:58 AM
My neighborhood isn't flooded because we're not by a lake. (we have many lakes draining into the gulf of Mexico) Apparently only towns close to lakes are flooded. One by one the dams overflow spilling water into cities below. The town I used to live in had to have a water rescue. Sure glad I moved!

7th June 2015, 02:05 AM
okay this isnt 'random' or off topic but this is my first post from a psvita! :D and also im in maui! (hawaii)



7th June 2015, 05:42 AM
Congrats! I was going to go to Maui as well, but the great outdoors just isn't my thing really. I hope it isn't too hot there. I'm in Canada and I'm scorched! I can only imagine what Hawaii must be like.

7th June 2015, 05:52 PM
Actually, the weather is perfect. What is the temp in Canada? Im from Texas, so back home we have temperatures up to 105 around this time of year. by the way, my psn id on my vita is RPK111. It is a shared account with my brother, but if it's winning its me jk xD

8th June 2015, 03:36 AM
Well, it was 24'C today (75.2'F) With a lot of humidity, so shade could only get you so far. In Canada, this is about the maximum I can stand for very long. We're used to the cold. :cold

9th June 2015, 07:37 PM
Down here in humid sticky Alabama, we have temps in the high 80's, near 100% humidity with scattered showers later.

9th June 2015, 08:26 PM
75? That would be a miracle to have something like that in Texas in summer!

10th June 2015, 04:23 PM
Here in Westphalia the post-guys are protesting, means that I wait for over 2 weeks for a letter send by Saramica :frown:

10th June 2015, 09:37 PM
A package i ordered was returned to sender because apparently my address "does not exist" o_O
This is a first lol


11th June 2015, 02:03 PM
A package for my father arrived today, but still not my letter.
Damn you Post! XP

12th June 2015, 10:34 AM
I was born and raised in Scotland. I still live here. Scotland is best known for whisky, bagpipes, haggis and ultimately its crap weather. We can experience all 4 seasons in one day no matter what time of year it is. We're used to the freezing cold and rain... It has been about 20 degrees plus for the last few days. I may die soon. I cannot cope with hot weather. There is no breeze and no clouds, just sun... Cool down tips from anyone would be greatly appreciated.

12th June 2015, 12:35 PM
With my experience of 35 to 40 degree summers i'll give some tips

House, If without air-con:
Keep curtains closed
Open windows at night
if two story house, downstairs is cooler
avoid using appliances that can produce heat as much as possible

keep hydrated - keep a jug of water in the fridge
eat cool food
use a spray bottle to mist yourself with water if needed
if sitting for a while, soak feet in cold water

14th June 2015, 01:54 PM
Today Sara and I celebrate the 123 days anniversary of our great friendship ^^

16th June 2015, 10:43 AM
happy belated celebration :) ^^

I'm thinking today how E3 has offered me nothing to get excited about :(

16th June 2015, 12:09 PM
The last Guardian got final release YAH!
The PS4 got a half arsed Media Player after being initially sold with none. [Still no Red Book CD playback, no WAV or FLAC files playback ... so basically it's useless to pretty much everybody :brickwall ]

Please, Honestly, put me in charge of Sony for 6 months, I could turn the whole company around.

By the way, hold off buying a PS4 or any new 4k TV or Bluray player if you haven't bought one already.
Sony has applied for accreditation for sale of two new PS4's, both of which have bigger HD's, I suspect they will also ship with Bluray drive capable of playing back 4k Bluray discs.

The new Bluray Ultra HD spec's were only ratified a few weeks ago, any current model TV or Bluray player that isn't showing this logo will NOT be compatible with the TRUE 4k standard.
That includes the entire "Yet to hit the stores" 2015 range of Sony TV's /Projectors.

Yes folks, you friends at Sony are quite prepared to try and fool you into thinking you are buying the newest technology with their 2015 range of 4 K Tv's, in the full knowledge that they know that is not true.
Pay several thousand pounds on a new TV and find it's out of date 6 months later ...what is your perception of Sony now?

They wonder why consumer confidence had gone down the drain and their stock prices have plummeted.

16th June 2015, 09:20 PM
I'm thinking today how E3 has offered me nothing to get excited about :(

exactly what i am thinking right now. i was hoping they'll introduce 'Project Morpheus' big time, but it was merely 5minutes of the conference. BIG disappointment for me, AGAIN!

@blackwiggle: just wait and sit it out, until 8k is mainstream. 4k is just an in between solution. until 8k is ready, 1080p will do it just fine. most HDTV channels deliver just 720p anyways. i have over 30 HDTV channels (satellite) and none of them is in 1080p.

iPhone 7 + galaxy s7 will have 4k screens, hear my words ;)

18th June 2015, 01:08 PM
As for E3
I'm sort of warily happy of Squares announcement of a FFVII remake, I just hope they don't screw it up by modernising it so much it bares a scant resemblance to the original we all know and love......looking at that trailer has me worried.

Watching the Uncharted 4 trailer....to be totally honest, I thought, hang on, isn't this the opening to Uncharted 3?, I must have to wrong video....it felt like I had already played it...Uncharted 3 was a foot race through a market, the only difference this time was it changed to a car chase though the same.
Naughty Dog say it's going to be the last Uncharted....once it's released they get on with finishing the sequel the The Last of Us ....which I'm really looking forward too ...Currently discounted at the PStore to VERY Cheap!!!

As for Sony's TV's.
The new spec's are more than just resolution, it's a wider colour gamut and a different reference Black / White level.
Sony's new [2015] TV's, none of them are to this spec, but they are trying to fool people into thinking they are.
Some of the new 4k TV's have the Playstation NOW streaming app built in, so you don't need a PS3/4 to use the service, not that means anything if it's not available in your country....or if you are not prepared to pay the seemingly exorbitant rental prices Sony is charging.

As for 8k, I wouldn't hold my breath.
Several reasons for that, file size of media being the main one - it's either going to be far to big to download + take days to do so + slowing down you internet for doing other things while it's downloading [if you are single, not much of a problem, but a household with multiple internet users, I don't think so].
Physical media - the new double density Bluray discs can handle 4k [It took 2 standard Bluray disc's for the Hobbit in 1080p 3D]- no way 8k - unless some magical new lossless compression algorithm is invented.
Then you have actual perceived better picture of 8k over 4k over 1080p....here's a chart showing what size screen you would need to actually see a difference and at what distance from that screen.

I got a email from Sony 3 weeks ago inviting me to the first showing of the 2015 range of 4k TV's in Australia, I went on Monday.

Sony did their presentation, then asked if there were any questions, I asked are all these TV's at true 4k spec's?, they said Yes, I then asked, so they all have the new wide colour gamut and white black/ level "Ready for Bluray Ultra HD"?...and then it was a hesitant, [Sony staff start looking at each other in a "What do I say" sort of look] err, well actually no.....So these TV's aren't true 4k spec, but you are promoting them as that?....err well, um....

The other people who had sat through the demo then all wanted to know what it is I was talking about, as they didn't know that these TV were as good as out of date before they hit the shops, it's then the Sony rep had to sheepishly come clean, and boy was he embarrassed.

I had a about 10 people come up to me after that and thank me for letting them know, as they were prepared to pre order then and there....mutterings of %^$# Sony.
I told them the same thing is happening with Samsung and LG as far as I know, and they are better off wait a year till the real 4K TV's come out.

It just pissed me off that corporations are willing to do that, and expect their staff to cover up facts, if not downright lie for them..... I sort of feel for the staff as well who are put in that position.
These same companies then wonder why they loose consumer confidence....... I mean how often do you drop UK 2k -3k pounds on a "new release" TV [Aus $5k-7K], wouldn't you be angry if you suddenly found a few weeks later it was already old technology.

18th June 2015, 06:15 PM
so now my brother has his own account for his vita it's MadDriver11 mine is RPK111. For ps3/4 my account is GolfKilo11.

20th June 2015, 05:34 PM
I retract my earlier statement about E3, I found out they are making another South Park game :) That Stick of Truth was the best laugh I'd had in ages, much recommended.

24th June 2015, 05:15 AM
I had a dream last night. It was E3 and I was in this shopping mall/school hybrid thing, and a TV monitor came up displaying Sony's conference. They showed a new WipEout game called "WipEout 2116." It looked pretty slick. I was upset when I found out it was just a dream. :frown:

24th June 2015, 06:16 AM
Well AGgamer, we must have connected brains, because I had such a dream last night too: out of the blue, "Wipeout 252" (sic) was revealed.

It had some shitty design and terrible graphics, but I was so hyped that it didn't matter.

24th June 2015, 10:10 PM
It had some shitty design

Was one of the ships a yellow one with wheels for some reason? like 2-3 wheels? most of the other ships seemed to fly like normal.

25th June 2015, 11:55 PM
No, actually it was more of an F-Zero kind of design, with larger tracks and natural environments rather than the usual WipeOut cities :p

30th June 2015, 06:14 PM
If two people on opposite sides of the world dropped a slice of bread at the same time, the world would become a sandwich.

I should stop thinking too hard

1st July 2015, 03:20 AM
That's actually quite profound.

2nd July 2015, 11:42 AM
Biggest storm I have ever seen in my life happened last night. We dont get a long of ones like that in Scotland, never mind Edinburgh. We had lightning going off every few seconds across the whole sky everywhere. Pretty much surrounded by lightning. Im petrified of storms so my fear was off the chart. Went on for over 2 hours. My conclusion is that I could never live anywhere apart from the UK, Im not equipped for mega weather.

2nd July 2015, 05:07 PM
I'm melting

3rd July 2015, 12:28 AM
I'm melting

Is that right? Might want to do something about that sharpish.

3rd July 2015, 04:34 AM
If two people on opposite sides of the world dropped a slice of bread at the same time, the world would become a sandwich.

I should stop thinking too hard

It's actually a thing. It's called "earth sandwich" and one interesting fact about it is that it's not that simple to make it. Here is map, where orange spots represents opposite sides of earth with dry land.

3rd July 2015, 05:59 AM
But that's the planisphere applied to a cylinder, not on a sphere. You need to join the opposite side of Earth by going through its center, so technically it's not corresponding to the Earth sandwich theory :p

I'm sure such a map, for a sphere, exists somewhere.

3rd July 2015, 11:05 PM
The North American X-15 is the worlds fastest manned aircraft with the world record of 4,520 miles per hour (7,274 km/h), or Mach 6.72.
Now if the X-15 had an unlimited supply of fuel and was cruising at an altitude of 19.3 miles (31.1 km) at which its top speed could be achieved, how long would it take the aircraft to travel around the Earth once?

4th July 2015, 02:28 AM
Around the Equator, with:

d1 (Earth Mean Radius) = 6.371.000 meters
d2 (d1 + X-15 elevation) = 6.402.100 meters
P1 (Earth Circumference) = 40.075.017 meters

P2 (Trajectory Perimeter) = 2πd2 = 40.225.580 meters

40.225.580 ÷ 7.274.000 = 5.53 hours

... or ~5 hours 31 minutes 41 seconds

4th July 2015, 10:07 PM
^ Wow, I have to give you some respect for that :clap
I can establish you must be smarter than me at physics and what not (I'm more of a biologist) xD

5th July 2015, 02:46 AM
It's just basic mathematics and logic :p

The only formula you need to now by heart is 2 x Pi_x, the rest is pure deduction ;)

5th July 2015, 07:39 AM
Biggest storm I have ever seen in my life happened last night. We dont get a long of ones like that in Scotland, never mind Edinburgh. We had lightning going off every few seconds across the whole sky everywhere. Pretty much surrounded by lightning. Im petrified of storms so my fear was off the chart. Went on for over 2 hours. My conclusion is that I could never live anywhere apart from the UK, Im not equipped for mega weather.

Aye!, that was 530 in the morning!! Never seen so much rain for a while! equivalent, a week of normal rain in one hour!!


13th July 2015, 10:09 AM
Love f***s you dry from behind :g

Sorry, I am in a bad mood

13th July 2015, 12:10 PM
Very bad mood :g
There are days .. so and so ... Damn ... Normal .. and also Fantastic Days ... it is life:)

13th July 2015, 12:12 PM
Around the Equator, with:

d1 (Earth Mean Radius) = 6.371.000 meters
d2 (d1 + X-15 elevation) = 6.402.100 meters
P1 (Earth Circumference) = 40.075.017 meters

P2 (Trajectory Perimeter) = 2πd2 = 40.225.580 meters

40.225.580 ÷ 7.274.000 = 5.53 hours

... or ~5 hours 31 minutes 41 seconds

what does this number stand for 7.274.000? there's two options to fly around the planet, you can fly eastwards or westwards. the eastern way will take longer because of the rotation of the planet.

13th July 2015, 12:59 PM
The 7,274 was the speed in km/h

The method AdHoc used was for a sidereal orbit, which is literally the time taken to fly through an angular distance of 2 pi radians. To reach the same position over the Earth's surface again, a synodic orbit, you would need to account for the rotation of Earth and you would need to work out how far the plane would need to travel before it has a phase difference of 2 pi radians with Earth.

13th July 2015, 01:09 PM
The round form of the earth is kinda like a differential, considering rotation speeds at different points.
Or 2 hours half-sleep are not enough for me... xD

13th July 2015, 05:49 PM
Earth does not undergo differential rotation. Its linear rotational speed does vary depending on your latitude, but its angular speed is constant. Differential rotation happens in fluids.

In actual fact, what am I talking about? Earth's rotation is irrelevant here! The example I gave above was from a purely mechanical point of view, assuming both bodies were being observed from an external frame of reference and the plane was moving completely independently of Earth. It's not, the plane is taking off from Earth, and so to the plane Earth might as well not be moving. The speed of the plane is relative to Earth, so the time for it to circumnavigate is simply what AdHoc said. Earth's rotation doesn't even enter into it.

13th July 2015, 05:56 PM
Huh, oh I was just "Ontopic" with a "random thought" :P

13th July 2015, 06:05 PM
That's just the teacher in me jumping out ;)

13th July 2015, 06:17 PM
And for me just the petrolhead. ^^

14th July 2015, 06:49 AM
you would need to account for the rotation of Earth

Ouch :lol

Well, if the plane was flying much higher, maybe... But you corrected it quickly anyway :+ :p

15th July 2015, 04:37 AM
All I did was driven by the intention to convince her being with me.
Now I do it just to make her happy.

15th July 2015, 09:37 AM
Well I hope you're not too deeply in love, because it might hurt a lot more soon.


15th July 2015, 12:55 PM
Oh, erm...well...!?

15th July 2015, 01:53 PM
Just trying to interpret what you write :p

15th July 2015, 02:42 PM
Then you should write this :P
"Hope it won't hurt a lot more soon, because you're deeply in love"

15th July 2015, 03:15 PM
Fingers crossed ;)

15th July 2015, 06:40 PM
Uh, thanks, I guess :g

15th July 2015, 07:41 PM
Why do people make things like this, the internet has ruined my favourite gaming character >.<

17th July 2015, 04:01 PM
i discoverd that im on google street view twice :D

19th July 2015, 10:27 PM
I'm thinking how Alien is going to be amazing with Neill Blomkamp at the helm :hyper


20th July 2015, 01:29 AM
Ok, here's a though... wormholes?

I did a bunch of amateur research (I'm no wizard of smart afterall) and I came to the conclusion they are ENTIRELY POSSIBLE because my keys keep winding up on opposite sides of my apartment from where I left them the night before. But seriously, time distortion has been proven to some degree by communication perception differences from ground control to a shuttle in lunar orbit (or even while still in Earth's atmosphere). That is to say that astronauts "age" at a different rate than us here on the ground or at least would in a controlled experiment. Can't remember the source I saw it from, I just remember it as non-conclusive evidence that wormholes are some sort of super condensed time space field where gravity has a different effect on time-space and perception of time dilation.

20th July 2015, 01:56 AM
You should read a few good vulgarization books, you'd be hooked.

If I may recommend Brian Greene's "The Elegant Universe", "The Fabric of the Cosmos" and "The Hidden Reality".

20th July 2015, 04:08 AM
Is advanced-amateur science for dummies? That's what I need.

I'm "totes" into theoretical Quantum Physics! I just severely lack a PHD in String Theory.

20th July 2015, 01:35 PM
Then Brian Greene is for you!

Start with The Elegant Universe, you shall not regret it.

20th July 2015, 03:32 PM
let's say you travel through space with nearly the speed of light, you would age alot slower than the people who are left behind on earth. a theoretical physician said: fifteen years travelling with nearly the speed of light, would be enough to cross the whole universe!! what does this mean? well, it is possible to travel forward in time, theoretically ;) a few seconds with the speed of light, would let you age a few seconds, but all others who aren't moving at that speed, would age lots of years.

20th July 2015, 08:49 PM
I have no idea how to feel right now

20th July 2015, 10:37 PM
I watched a concept trailer for MOMENTUM the other day and it's quite interesting. It's probably more about the main character than the whole AG racing thing, but still...

21st July 2015, 04:23 AM
Think about it like this (this is a great post by a guy called corpuscle):

Everything, by nature of simply existing, is "moving" at the speed of light (which really has nothing to do with light: more on that later). Yes, that does include you.

Our understanding of the universe is that the way that we perceive space and time as separate things is, to be frank, wrong. They aren't separate: the universe is made of "spacetime," all one word. A year and a lightyear describe different things in our day to day lives, but from a physicist's point of view, they're actually the exact same thing (depending on what kind of physics you're doing).

In our day to day lives, we define motion as a distance traveled over some amount of time. However, if distances and intervals of time are the exact same thing, that suddenly becomes completely meaningless. "I traveled one foot for every foot that I traveled" is an absolutely absurd statement!

The way it works is that everything in the universe travels through spacetime at some speed which I'll call "c" for the sake of brevity. Remember, motion in spacetime is meaningless, so it makes sense that nothing could be "faster" or "slower" through spacetime than anything else. Everybody and everything travels at one foot per foot, that's just... how it works.

Obviously, though, things do seem to have different speeds. The reason that happens is that time and space are orthogonal, which is sort of a fancy term for "at right angles to each other." North and east, for example, are orthogonal: you can travel as far as you want directly to the north, but it's not going to affect where you are in terms of east/west at all.

Just like how you can travel north without traveling east, you can travel through time without it affecting where you are in space. Conversely, you can travel through space without it affecting where you are in time.

You're (presumably) sitting in your chair right now, which means you're not traveling through space at all. Since you have to travel through spacetime at c (speed of light), though, that means all of your motion is through time.

By the way, this is why time dilation happens: something that's moving very fast relative to you is moving through space, but since they can only travel through spacetime at c, they have to be moving more slowly through time to compensate (from your point of view).

Light, on the other hand, doesn't travel through time at all. The reason it doesn't is somewhat complicated, but it has to do with the fact that it has no mass.

Something that isn't moving that has mass can have energy: that's what E = mc2 means. Light has no mass, but it does have energy. If we plug the mass of light into E=mc2, we get 0, which makes no sense because light has energy. Hence, light can never be stationary.

Not only that, but light can never be stationary from anybody's perspective. Since, like everything else, it travels at c through spacetime, that means all of its "spacetime speed" must be through space, and none of it is through time.

So, light travels at c. Not at all by coincidence, you'll often hear c referred to as the "speed of light in a vacuum." Really, though, it's the speed that everything travels at, and it happens to be the speed that light travels through space at because it has no mass.

Photons are not born and don't die, they don't experience time, because they travel at the greatest speed ever possible in our universe. If you had the eyes of a photon, you wouldn't see a thing, because you'd appear and disappear in a moment from your perspective.
The faster you travel in space, the slower you travel in time, because you spend more energy travelling in space than in time.
Conversely, if you spend more energy travelling in time than you do in space (like you're doing right now you big fat... :p), well, you age faster.
Ergo, motion is life :)

21st July 2015, 10:15 PM
^ That would sort of support the theory of wormholes, because the theoretical science behind them is that a wormhole is a super dense region of space time where light either does not "exist" shall we say, or cannot be seen. People have photographed the region around the wormhole, because there is a light source there. BUT, it is impossible to peer inside a wormhole because light can not be seen (or does not exist as we perceive it). I don't really quite understand it, but it sets up a theory I have. We can take a picture of the space around a wormhole, not the wormhole itself.

Since space itself is expanding constantly, we can make a few loose assumptions:

1. The rate of space expansion is essentially at the speed of light, considering that nothing travels faster than light. In short, the universe is not only expanding, but if you were surfing on the wave of the universe expanding, you would be traveling at a theoretical "maximum speed" or at least as we might perceive it.
2. Since time is merely a way to judge speed, which is relative, any planet that already exists by definition is not traveling as "fast" as the universal expansion rate. This is why sonic booms occur, an object is traveling faster than the speed of sound.
3. Applying the same theory to movement, if it was possible to "see" someone on the edge of the universe from our back yard here on Earth, we would see their past (actually we wouldn't see them at all, but to make it easier to discuss let's assume we can see them). The perception of the faster moving object would not be delayed.
4. Assuming the universe expands in a 360 axis (X, Y, Z), any point in space time has a relative "speed" based on their X, Y, Z distance proportionally related to how close they are to the cusp of the universe expanding. This would technically mean that "time travel" isn't actually moving through time rather your perception would be altered base on distance. You aren't going to the future, rather you are going faster than objects located at 0, 0, 0. Based on this, going back in time is theoretically impossible.
5. If the Earth is the center of the universe (and it likely isn't), then we are essentially stopped in time as it relates to universal expansion. For someone at the edge of the universe however, we are all dinosaurs.
6. If a wormhole is essentially a point in space time (X, Y, Z) the theory is that time bends or distorts at the specific coordinate and leads to another coordinate. The fastest way to travel to the opposite coordinate on the Earth is to go straight through the center of it, strictly speaking (because I can't obviously travel through molten Earth). So the same is possible when considering traveling through the solar system. My theory is that a wormhole is essentially just that: a point where one can directly travel in a linear path through space/time as opposed to traveling around the long way (or by using a tangent curve along a circular axis). If the universe is a true 360 degree expansion, if there is a wormhole that is say at coordinate 1, 1, 1 (and this is made up of course) it could end up closer to a point where the universe is expanding. Since no current faster than light travel exists, the wormhole would compress time (at least our perception of it) and thus create a short cut.
7. Lastly, if there was some sort of engine capable of traveling at the speed of light, it wouldn't actually go that fast in pure linear motion, rather the drive would open up a super compressed point (essentially create a small wormhole) and zip through the "short way." It wouldn't travel "faster than light" rather it would instead compress the time space around it.
8. Confused yet? I am.

22nd July 2015, 12:52 AM
It hurts, it hurts so much.
My best friend...tortues me like this...
I gave her all I was able to give...
For a moment she gave me a lot of hope, all felt so save and wonderful.
It came like my worst nightmare.

Maybe she used to love me, she appreciated the way I cared about her.
And then...she coldly shoots me down.

Please let someone end this suffer.

22nd July 2015, 04:53 AM
Look away. If it's meant to be, one day it will.
In the meantime, you gotta take care of yourself :)

22nd July 2015, 11:52 AM
If a Church had a WiFi hotspot would it be called..... The Promised Lan :D

22nd July 2015, 12:13 PM
We cleared things and stay great frieds.
I sacrificed my own desires and wishes to let her have a peaceful time.
Maybe sooner or later, we still can be more than just friends.
She hurt me, but I'm ready to forget everything if she decides to give me a chance. One day...I hope

22nd July 2015, 01:46 PM
Like I said, don't wait for her, do your own thing, and you'll win either way.
If you do wait for her, you'll lose everything.
Also, the "stayed great friends" thing, that's an illusion.

22nd July 2015, 02:19 PM
I recently had oral surgery. I got my wisdom teeth out, and two teeth up-righted and I had brass wires put on them to hold them in place. I went in to the office confident. I went into the surgery room and got nervous, but then they used the anesthetic and I fell asleep. I had been playing 2097 that morning, and I have vague memories of dreaming about 2097. When I woke up, they didn't give me pain medicine, and we had to drive to get it. When we arrived, the slow people at my local Walgreens didn't have it ready for ONE HOUR. I was forced to go home and suffer having four gaping holes in my gums for an hour, then I took the pain medicine and regurgitated blood. By the time I was settled with some meds in me, I could only watch TV, because I had to hold ice packs on my face. I continued on like this for days. Eventually I got angry because I couldn't eat anything but soup and ice cream. After a week I still can't eat and we've found the problem. The freaking brass wire is jabbing into my flesh causing it to swell. Whenever I try to bite down I bite the swollen flesh resulting in extreme pain. *sigh*

22nd July 2015, 02:36 PM
But...we are really best friends

22nd July 2015, 03:04 PM
You can't be friends with someone you're in love with and who doesn't love in you in return.
At least that's how I've gotten to experience it.
But who knows? Time will tell.
But like I said, in the meantime, if you don't want to hurt too much, find yourself someone else to fill that heart :)

22nd July 2015, 03:50 PM
How could I stop to love her, just because she wants to be with someone else?
I love her to make her happy. Long time it was the only useful thing I did.
Maybe...she changes her mind...

22nd July 2015, 04:04 PM
I'm not saying you have to stop loving her, you can't anyway. That's the whole point. You will always want more than just being friends.
Also, love is not as simple as "changing your mind". If she did love you, you'd already know and she would already do her best to show it to you. But she's not.
I'm sorry, I know I sound harsh, but I've been in your position (quite recently too) and when people close to me kept telling me that it was not going to happen, I started to let go of that idea.
I still love and miss her and will always do, but at least I'm moving on.
I suggest you start doing the same as soon as you can. Right now, you're still processing all that ****.
Your best allies: time and action. Be patient, but also DO STUFF to shift your mind to something else... and then someone else.

Viel Glück!

22nd July 2015, 06:48 PM
Maybe just forget what I said...
Damn, my life is twistier than a movie XD

23rd July 2015, 09:53 AM
Random thought;
Why can't ebayers package their stuff properly?? It seems like they think items get shipped alla "Beam me up scotty"

Bought 3 wipeout things for the collection, all 3 cases arrived damaged.. :(

FYI; Bubble-wrap lined envelopes are worthless, don't waste money on them.

Oh, and superglue is best used on your hands, it's the one thing it'll insta-glue..


23rd July 2015, 12:35 PM
Random thought;
Why can't ebayers package their stuff properly?? It seems like they think items get shipped alla "Beam me up scotty"

Bought 3 wipeout things for the collection, all 3 cases arrived damaged.. :(

FYI; Bubble-wrap lined envelopes are worthless, don't waste money on them.

Oh, and superglue is best used on your hands, it's the one thing it'll insta-glue..


Speaking of Beam me up scotty, search beam me up scotty in youtube. ;)

23rd July 2015, 02:32 PM
Trippyyyyyyyyy :D


24th July 2015, 02:30 AM
I finally found and activated my online pass for 2048, so now I can finally race with you guys online!

26th July 2015, 04:02 PM
Oh, I'm fault...

26th July 2015, 04:07 PM
I've been doing some graphic design for one musician and today we agreed that work for past few days is not as good as he thought it would be so I'm starting almost from scratch again.

27th July 2015, 11:21 AM
I will not be completing Five Nights At Freddy's 4. Im 100% not ok with what I was on Night 5 and it ruined my sleep last night. Filled me with at least 10 many No feelings.

28th July 2015, 09:10 PM
I love her, from all of my heart over everything in my life. She loves someone else, her boyfriend who she was going to leave. On a visit she found her love for him back.
She lives far away, but is very similar to me. We resemble each other and differences are an addition for us.
We are great friends, since February.
I promised her to stay at her side, to help her up and be there when she needs me.
I will always be her friend and wingman, her protector and supporter. All she needs, I try to give her.
And I will always love her.

29th July 2015, 12:59 AM
I know exactly how you feel, but jonny, you can't force love, it's the decision of both individuals, not just one side, if you got the taught that she really really liked you, and you also really really liked her, then maybe it is still to be, and you'll just have to sit patiently, and it'll be hard, yes, but trying to force it is not going to work (imo), you might end up scaring her, she might not know what to do, maybe has a hard time understanding her own feelings, or isn't ready to make the step, there's many possible reasons, Just calm your heart, it's probably going at phantom speeds, but shhhhhhh, let it rest, give it time, and if it doesn't work out, stay besties, but don't break the friendship by trying to force something that may or may not be ;)
In the mean time, distract yourself with working on your future (read school/college/job/portfolio/...) and other stuff like vidya games, anime, movies and iunno what you like doing


ps don't go so vocal about it on a public forum, a lot of people (i think) try to not get involved in seriously private matters as these, you should talk to your mom or dad about this (A grown up, not a young friend, but family is best), probably mom, she'll have a better perspective on it, as awkward as it might become, just do it, it'll greatly improve your family relationship as well, trust me on that one ;)

@Ace3000 Hit me up on PSN and shoot a msg whenever you wanne play 2048!

My random thought of today tonight: Euhm.. sleep well!!

My next random thought;
What is this?!?! No strikethrough text?!?! D:

29th July 2015, 05:20 AM
I never said something of force, indeed I realised that it is my greatest mistake to do so.
More or less I am simply idyling now, like you said, or not said. Indeed I need to do stuff.

I am just leaving here my mind because...I dunno, people rarly care about me.
Not everyone knows who I'm talking about :P

And while indeed the lack of strikethrough is disgusting I find it weird to write on my Vita although I was used to it.

29th July 2015, 10:43 AM
We care about you man! You're part of this community :)

If you're finding it difficult Leute in Deutschland kennenzulernen, maybe you oughta try online dating? Try OKCupid for example, there you can talk with random people around you and make friends or more :p

Alas there's not much more we can do for you here.

- - - Updated - - -

And, sorry to say, but because you seem to be completely high when you write on this thread, you should listen to this, which seems fitting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oroBQDFI3lc

29th July 2015, 12:22 PM
Difficult topic about to come up and it can be quite triggering, so dont read on if you feel it may upset you. Im just feeling a bit lost.

On Monday, I was told that one of my friends had committed suicide. And Im still not sure how to take it or process it. Thats 3 people I've known that have taken their own lives and one in November who was found in time and thankfully still here. Anyways, my friend... The last time we spoke, we didnt speak, we argued. And we never solved that. So... My random thoughts... If you yourself are struggling with mental health problems, thoughts of suicide or anything like that, please please please talk to someone. Im always here to listen to anyone any time of the day or night. Suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems and difficult feelings. I know that and Im sure a few of you do too. Everyone has a purpose and a place in the world. Also, life is far too short to dwell on things. Forgive quickly, love deeply and all that, because there will come a time when its too late to do that with people.

Final note - Please dont suffer in silence. People care and people want to help. Asking for help is difficult, but I promise it will make things better.

29th July 2015, 12:25 PM

29th July 2015, 01:12 PM
I dunno, people rarly care about me.

I betchu 100 moneys \( $_$)/ that's not true, certainly your family and friends do, possibly they just don't show it in an obvious manner (I'm a creepy creep and stalk people to make sure they're okay XD)

@Knuxy daaaaawwwwwwwww you're so nice :) And sorry for the loss of your friend :(


29th July 2015, 01:40 PM
Am I not a bit to young for online dating? xD
Oh well, I appreciate then the...support (?) :P
For now I'm fine, I just do what @Cipher told me, keeping patient. (And don't bother me with school in my holidays! XD)

29th July 2015, 05:35 PM
I don't know, how old are you? My little brother is 18 and has been meeting people from the Internet since (s)he was around 12 or 13 I think... And not just for dating, also meeting people who share the same interests, that can become friends and that you wouldn't have met without the Internet.

Many of my best friends I met online. A few of my dates too...

29th July 2015, 06:15 PM
Uh well, I met her over internet too, in fact, here in WOZ.

29th July 2015, 06:18 PM
Haha, that's awesome!

29th July 2015, 08:33 PM
I don't know if this fits here but this has been annoying me.

So I wrote this fanfiction (it's not wipEout related, it's something else) and now someone is asking me if they can use my general idea for their own story. While I'm flattered, this was not my intention at all; I wanted my story to be unique, one-of-a-kind in its concept (and it is, theres only 50 or so stories for this fandom and there's really nothing like it at all). If there are suddenly other stories using my idea I don't think I would be very happy. Would anyone know that it was my idea first? What if one of these similar stories gets more popular than mine? Would I just be forgotten and recieve no credit for the inspiration?

Any thoughts? I don't want to sound rude, but I also really don't want to give the guy permission to use my idea.

29th July 2015, 09:13 PM
Tell him to goddamn copyright the "General Idea" or something like that under your name (and that it is from yourt work)

Meanwhile the next driving lesson will be on the Autobahn :3
I hope it won't rain D:

29th July 2015, 11:47 PM
@Yoshi share it with a creative commons license, which in short means you're giving the right to someone else to modify and adjust it in their own way, but must provide proper credit to the original owner/creator and is allowed to redistribute his modification but only under the same license the original had (thus also a creative commons) and not allowed to make money off it

Or just say sorry, all rights are reserved ;)


30th July 2015, 01:28 AM
Welcome to the world!

Creativity is just an invented term to hide the fact that people always get inspired by stuff done before.

There's nothing you can do about it and thank god for that.

1st August 2015, 12:29 AM
I don't know if this fits here but this has been annoying me.

So I wrote this fanfiction (it's not wipEout related, it's something else) and now someone is asking me if they can use my general idea for their own story. While I'm flattered, this was not my intention at all; I wanted my story to be unique, one-of-a-kind in its concept (and it is, theres only 50 or so stories for this fandom and there's really nothing like it at all). If there are suddenly other stories using my idea I don't think I would be very happy. Would anyone know that it was my idea first? What if one of these similar stories gets more popular than mine? Would I just be forgotten and recieve no credit for the inspiration?

Any thoughts? I don't want to sound rude, but I also really don't want to give the guy permission to use my idea.

What fanfic is it??

1st August 2015, 12:46 AM
You really want to know? I figured "It's not WipEout" would have kept everyone from asking. :redface:

It's a fanfiction for Splatoon called "Overtaken." It's M rated on account of violence. In the lore of the game, it's 12,000 years into the future and humanity whent extinct before the new Squid inhabitants could evolve. The premise of the story is "what if the humans came back?"

1st August 2015, 02:40 PM
How violent is it? I mean here and then FTA isn't without...

1st August 2015, 04:45 PM
At the risk of spoilers, I describe a decapitation and a total dismemberment of a body in grotesque amounts of detail. I've received several messages from people telling me not to make another scene that intense because I made them sick to their stomach. So yeah. It's violent.

1st August 2015, 04:56 PM
O_O uh... okay....

1st August 2015, 05:06 PM
I like! :D

3rd August 2015, 06:56 PM
What if they had a Wipeout Arcade Game haha

And let us have another minutes' silence for Studio Liverpool 1994-2012
Bring back the FEISAR!

3rd August 2015, 08:00 PM
Im almost certain there were Wipeout arcade machines waaaaay back when. Didnt they have it in clubs? Someone help me out or tell me I dreamed the whole thing up?

3rd August 2015, 08:16 PM
I always read that they used to build up PlayStations with the game in clubs.

4th August 2015, 12:05 AM
Yes knuxy, they did have it in clubs, Ministry being one of them with their Playstation room ^^
*busts out the wipeout collection* (from the edge magazines)

My random thought, i really love the writing in these edge magazines and enjoy reading them (I usually hate reading >.>, it really depends what it is), wish there was more

And another one; loving the thunder, lighting and rain tonight, so relaxing x)
I TAKE THAT FREAKING BACK!!! It just struck right outside the house with a bang that made me jump higher than the Eiffel Tower!! Even made my speakers halt, sheesh!


4th August 2015, 01:40 AM
I can't decide between sleeping or staying up....

4th August 2015, 02:55 AM
You should sleep ;)
(He says fully awake at 5am, i'm so hopeless lol)


Ps really though, sleep, it's better, i'm just a really bad example :p

4th August 2015, 10:17 AM
Thank you Cipher <3 Would be awesome if something like that made a comeback. I do miss arcade gaming.

4th August 2015, 06:56 PM
when the world gives you lemons, screw making lemonade for peeps... instead, trade them for mangoes - they is in season :D

4th August 2015, 08:08 PM
I always thought if life gave you lemons, have a gin and tonic XD

4th August 2015, 11:16 PM
Who's going to gamescon on Saturday?

5th August 2015, 10:30 PM
Anybody watched SGDQ 2015 this year, had some brilliant runs.

My personal favourite moment was in the Luigis Mansion race: "GOLD DIAMOND! THE GOLD DIAMOND!" XD

6th August 2015, 04:46 PM
I genuinely believe I am going to die of some sort of stress related illness. Cant remember the last time I was even slightly stress free. >.<

6th August 2015, 05:53 PM
@Jony i wish, instead i'll be sitting here, doing retakes ;-;
@Snake no clue what that is/was o_O
@Knuxy from searching waterproof as f%#k tents? :p


7th August 2015, 05:17 PM
I sh*t you not that is EXACTLY what RR typed into google. "Waterproof as F*** tents", and he still looks pleased with himself about that.

8th August 2015, 06:11 AM
My thoughts?, I`m seriously pissed off with my golf atm, after all these years, my game were always strong until just over a year ago and my game has not been right since. The amount of work I put in is immense, even expensive golf lessons too.
Now I`m losing confidence and also really frustrated. Golf is my life and all I want is my confidence and control back! :brickwall

Now in less than a hour time, I`m away to play an important golf today and I am dreading it! :paperbag


8th August 2015, 06:56 AM
"Waterproof as F*** tents"

That is the funniest thing I've read all week! XD

11th August 2015, 05:35 AM
Unless life also gives you sugar and water, your lemonade is gonna suck.

13th August 2015, 09:15 PM
Now in less than a hour time, I`m away to play an important golf today and I am dreading it! :paperbag

Just enquiring as to how this went Stevie, I hope you won, or at least got your golfing mojo back :)

14th August 2015, 03:51 AM
when life gives you the proverbial middle finger - go looking for sugar and water...


14th August 2015, 11:11 PM
Cat, funnily enough, my golf did come back after just one week but, all did was caused my left foot! (it`s amazing that CAN happens!) So, I am working on that and it is improving alot! For the record, me and my partner did won the scratch competition alas £100 voucher! happy days :) (£50 each ;))

LoL moshi! ;)

stevie :)

15th August 2015, 05:44 PM
Haha congrats Stevie, hope you and the lady have something special planned with those winnings ;) Sorry you've had problems with your foot, I'll send winning thoughts your way, Charlie Sheen style 8)

18th August 2015, 08:42 AM
Stick at it STIN....Did you see Jason Day's interview after winning the PGA Tournament yesterday....he said he could have chucked it in if he had been second yet again.

It was a particularly good win, 20 under par, the largest on record....I drink with his uncle at my local.....we've made a small fortune backing him on Sportsbet over the years, as highest finishing Australian in any Tournament :D

As for my day....well I just got called up for Jury Duty "Yet Again"....this is the 4th time.....expected trial length is 14 weeks...arragh....just hope I don't get picked....91 in the panel , that's a 1/7.5 chance

18th August 2015, 09:28 AM
Heh!, you know, I do it! ;)

Yeah, Jason was just simply awesome, every second shot he played, he just visioned his mind to play his important shot (he must have copied Jack Nicklaus`s his way of mind) . Been watching on Golf Channel since Friday night there, luckily I`m on holiday cos, I have to stay up till 2am! before I go to bed.
Sadly, I did not put a bet on him! cos, I did put Sergio Garcia and Rickie Fowler and went nowhere!

He was just brilliant! :D

You do love Jury Duty ;)

stevie :)

18th August 2015, 09:43 AM
Actually this Jury Duty could be a cash mine

I just looked upthe current rates being paid for Jury Duty, for the first 2 weeks it's $160 per day, your employer has to make up the difference, to your normal pay, and that is reimbursed to them ....all TAX Free to me.
If a trial goes over two weeks, it's $230 per day, plus meals and travel expensies all TAX Free....so basically I could make AUS$20K sitting on my arse doing nothing for 14 weeks......what to do? 8)

I did also check out what the fine was for not turning up for Jury Duty...it's currently at AUS $1800....not a fine I want to get

18th August 2015, 04:37 PM
I'm damn hyped to visit the Belgian GP this weekend!
HYPED AF! :hyper

20th August 2015, 12:55 PM
I'm so close to 100%ing Pure, only a few more Phantom championships to go!

EDIT1: As of this edit, I have 337 golds, with 2 championships remaining: Classic 2 and Omega.

EDIT2: And Pure has now been 100%ed. That's the 4th game I've completed, the other 3 are Pulse, 2097 and 2048.

Rapier Racer
20th August 2015, 05:45 PM
Good work, Pure is a great game :) Deserving of everyone's time

20th August 2015, 07:49 PM
@Jonny take an umbrella AND suncream with you, the weather in Spa is a nightmare! Changes from one instance to the next :p


20th August 2015, 11:04 PM
Good work, Pure is a great game :) Deserving of everyone's time

I definitely agree, Pure is a really good game

20th August 2015, 11:12 PM
@Jonny take an umbrella AND suncream with you, the weather in Spa is a nightmare! Changes from one instance to the next :p

I would listen to Cipher, i have been there on holiday for two weeks once. one moment it's way to hot and the other moment hell breaks loose and it rains every f***ing where.

21st August 2015, 06:49 AM
I have been rudely awoken by my wisdom teeth... Im pretty sure they're crushing my other teeth. What is the actual purpose of wisdom teeth??? I dont feel wiser, just pain and rage and Im convinced my jaw is going to fall off.

21st August 2015, 07:01 AM
Oeh KC that's gonna be a trip to the dentist for you.

I just discovered that i ruined my controllers left thumbstick maybe even the module itself. It now pulls a bit up and left, it's enough to pull my vehicle to the left in most racing game and let my character walk forward in shooters. So that defenitely needs replacement.

21st August 2015, 08:39 AM
I've recently finished Pure also!
1225 gold medals.
Pure PAL 339 golds (UCES-00001)
Pure US 284 golds (UCUS-98612)
Pure JP 314 golds (UCJS-10007)
Pure Korean 144 golds (UCKS-45008)
Pure PAL Beta 144 golds (UCET-00001)
It took a while. Phew...
I've also played the Stealth versions (golds not included though)
Stealth PAL 13 golds
Stealth JP 13 golds
Stealth US Region locked on my PAL PSP for some reason :(
Oh, and I've also played through 2 betas that cannot create save files.
Those also took a while... :)

21st August 2015, 10:02 PM
So I've been playing a lot of sniper games recently such as Sniper Elite v2 and III, Sniper ghost warrior and more. I look at the games boasting about how realistic they're but all I can do is laugh about one thing:

By definition- "the role of a sniper is to sneak into the battlefield and take out one high value target and then escape."
So why the f**k am I taking out entire goddamn armys to either save someone or blow something up? that is far from what a Sniper should be doing, but hey game logic I suppose xD

The saving grace is that all these games have the physics as to bullet ballistics correct ;)

24th August 2015, 02:38 AM
After watching a playthrough of Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, I cannot get it out of my mind! It makes me want to go through my Pokémon cards.

I just got an idea for a drawing! :)

24th August 2015, 12:25 PM
Watched an IndyCar race at Pocono and......this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKXJKqInYi0

24th August 2015, 01:45 PM
Today I jumped on the Rocket League bandwagon... MY GOD IS IT ADDICTING! :D

24th August 2015, 01:59 PM
Watched an IndyCar race at Pocono and......this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKXJKqInYi0

:( :( :( :(

24th August 2015, 08:19 PM
Today I jumped on the Rocket League bandwagon... MY GOD IS IT ADDICTING! :D

We are going to get Rocket League soon! Can't wait to play it, Supersonic Rocket Powered Battle Cars (yeah that was the full name lol) was awesome on PS3. Have fun :)

26th August 2015, 04:54 PM
Wilson passed away this night.
Godspeed, JW.

Seriousy, what is just going on this year!? Mass crash in Moto2 (?), two dead. Now IndyCar, again! Also after over 20 years, the first fatality in F1!
It just gives me a bad mood about racing in general...

28th August 2015, 04:25 PM
Tough shizz indeed... It's the nature of motorsport.

@Cipher: absolutely love your artsy stuff, keep it coming!

Thane Corrigan
28th August 2015, 06:21 PM
Been a fan of the series my whole life, but only managed to do a 100% run of 2097/XL, W3SE and Pure (almost tackled Fusion, but after being mostly turned off from that title, the Zone Golds elude me to this day).
Ok, so owing to my youtube subscriptions just around 3 weeks ago, I've had a strong urge for Wipeout appear out of nowhere.

So today's random thought was thinking of tackling another one 100%. Either:
The original WipeOut; WipeOut 64; or trying my hand at finally beating the Fury campaign and getting the Arcade Perfect trophy.

Oh, how I'd love to get WO'48, but I'm waiting for the Vita to become a little more affordable for my current savings if possible.

30th August 2015, 09:04 AM
I finished the first Rapier tournament in WipEout 1! Now to do everything all over again, this time with the addition of Firestar. :D

30th August 2015, 02:02 PM
My progress:
WipEout: Rapier Class Competence, still have to finish Venom and Rapier again.
WipEout 2097: Qualifyed for Piranha Challenge.
Wip3out: Not played too much, almost cleared Vector class in Single Race XD
WipEout Fusion: Some weeks ago got 100%! ^^
WipEout PurE: 100% without DLCs, now getting them too :P
WipEout PulsE: Campaign finished without DLCs, will get them soon.
WipEout 2048: SP campain finished. Svared every second of my life that my savefiles get wiped and my MP progress is lost (Lvl 15, I guess)

31st August 2015, 12:32 PM
I did it! I beat WipE'out"! Now there's two left to 100%: WipEout 3: SE and Fusion.

My progress:
WipEout: See above. 100% complete, all tournaments complete with Firestar.
WipEout 2097: 100%, completed Piranha Challenge
WipEout 3 SE: Some things complete, this version has a LOT of content to get through.
WipEout Fusion: Not 100%, Career mode complete.
WipEout PurE: 100% with DLC, 339 gold medals.
WipEout PulsE: 100% with DLC. All gold medals.
WipEout 2048: SP campain finished.
WipEout HD Fury: Not complete, a few grids left.
WipEout 64: ...what?

31st August 2015, 12:45 PM
You should definitely try Wipeout 64. It has some interesting challenges. Also, the PS2 version of Pulse has a completely different Campaign mode with 224 medals to be earned. :)

31st August 2015, 01:09 PM
Wait, the PS2 version of Pulse is different to the PSP original? I thought it was, apart from the updated graphics, a direct port.

Thane Corrigan
31st August 2015, 02:07 PM
WipEout 64: ...what?

Hehehehe... I was like that too up until around 4 or 5 years ago, when I was at a close friend's house party looking through his N64 collection.
It's fully licensed by Nintendo, and Psygnosis sent it to Midway to publish - it's just very unusual because Psy had been owned by SCE for at least 5 years at that point.

It has pretty much the exact same artwork and gameplay as XL, but with a new set of tracks (well... if you look hard enough they start to seem very familiar) and the introduction of unique team weapons like Fusion.

31st August 2015, 11:18 PM
I know it's pretty much a different version of 2097 for the N64, just... I don't have it

1st September 2015, 04:02 AM
I got it. Unfortunately my N64 finally kicked the bucket a few months ago, so I can't play it anymore.

I played it to completion. Velocitar is a fun unlockable track, but the Piranha II was just stupid good. I'm under the impression that the Piranha 666 in WipEout 2097 had perfect stats but couldn't pick up weapons? Well the Piranha II had perfect stats and could use weapons just fine. In fact it had one of the better superweapons in its Stealth. Feisar's minigun and AGS's drain beam were better. Auricom had plasma and Qirex had force wall as their supers, neither really compared to the aforementioned three,

1st September 2015, 01:42 PM
I found out that I do technically have WipEout 64, I've just completed all the Race Challenges

Thane Corrigan
4th September 2015, 03:26 AM
I'm well on the way. All standard challenges are at least a bronze, I've just unlocked the Combo challenges.

Think I'll get my challenge rating to all golds before I get on those. They're bound to be tough.

4th September 2015, 04:26 AM
Aaand my copy freezes after completing Time Trial Challenge 2. Fantastic.

4th September 2015, 09:52 PM
A good friend made this for me a WipEout styled logo and i really like it.

5th September 2015, 04:14 AM
It looks like a weapon icon for the WipEout 3 HUD of HD Fury.

5th September 2015, 07:14 AM
Well he told me his inspiration came from that. So your completely right.

20th September 2015, 03:26 PM
I really, really, really, really want an Airsoft replica of an FN FAL battle rifle to add to my little arsenal. But they're so bloody hard to find :|
Even worse is I have a short FN FAL and can't find a conversion kit to turn it into the full size rifle variant that I really want either. And then I see people with full size FAL's and I'm sat here like: F**KING HELL WHY CAN'T I FIND ONE!

Then there's the L1A1 SLR which is even more of a pain in the ass to find which I also really want.
Its like I'm trying to fight an impossible battle trying to find these things, guess this is what I get for liking such rare guns in the realm of Airsoft :P

25th September 2015, 09:00 PM
Apparently I'm documenting and organising the way I play video games, also my progress in them...

26th September 2015, 03:14 AM
Apparently I'm documenting and organising the way I play video games, also my progress in them...

You can use this: http://backloggery.com/

An example with my account: http://backloggery.com/adhoc

Very useful.

28th September 2015, 04:48 PM
I mean more like that I document race results in WipEout games, just as ONE example :P

19th October 2015, 01:56 PM
I've just connected 2 vintage speakers to an amplifier, about the same age, and trough the custom made reduction cable to the computer. The sound is great and good thing is, that i live in a house with two roommates, but they are out for most of the time (yay!).
Each one is 65 cm (25.5 inches) tall. Here's the picture of one of them with amplifier on top of it. They are currently under my desk.
EDIT: Moved the amplifier next to my desk due to heating worries.

6th November 2015, 05:18 PM
I've come cross this video and they are showing "kind of" antigravity stuff. What do you guys think about that. Can antigravity be caused by sound?

Light Buster
12th November 2015, 10:11 PM
Am I the only one in the Wipeout community using VOCALOID songs in my playlist?

12th November 2015, 11:58 PM
Nope, i have a couple as well ^^ (Altho in iTunes, i rarely use the PS3's music)


Light Buster
18th November 2015, 07:01 AM
Well at least I'm not alone. Aside from that:

1) I seem to be the only American here hitting Supersonic speeds (or at least trying to).

2) I honestly can't wait for Miku's return to Los Angeles.

3) My wrist hurt when I make turns when Zoning, especially on Tech De Ra.

18th November 2015, 01:03 PM
Well, thanks to you and a select few others, I will now occasionally be putting vocaloid songs in my WipEout vids.

20th November 2015, 11:25 AM
You can use this: http://backloggery.com/

An example with my account: http://backloggery.com/adhoc

Very useful.

Thanks for showing us this! I created my own :)

20th November 2015, 10:26 PM
So today I receive a letter from my doctor confirming my fears, I have been diagnosed with a severe Heart murmur that cannot be cured. Caused by a faulty gene I now have to live with an increased risk of developing heart disease/failure for the rest of my life. My heart rate is now erratic and goes from 88bpm down to 59bpm or less.

My life has to change tomorrow, and who knows what the future has in store for me.

22nd November 2015, 09:57 AM
Damn Snake I'm really sorry to hear that, hope all is well.


Today we had bushfires in my suburb.. Very grateful that it didn't reach our house


22nd November 2015, 02:55 PM
So today I receive a letter from my doctor confirming my fears, I have been diagnosed with a severe Heart murmur that cannot be cured. Caused by a faulty gene I now have to live with an increased risk of developing heart disease/failure for the rest of my life. My heart rate is now erratic and goes from 88bpm down to 59bpm or less.

My life has to change tomorrow, and who knows what the future has in store for me.


Wish you all the best, stay strong :)

23rd November 2015, 01:35 PM
@Conzio is that taken from just outside your house?? That looks petrifying wtf! :s

@Snake, best wishes, don't think too much about it, see it as something unique about yourself, think positive and just be a little cautious :)


Light Buster
24th November 2015, 01:09 AM
So today I receive a letter from my doctor confirming my fears, I have been diagnosed with a severe Heart murmur that cannot be cured. Caused by a faulty gene I now have to live with an increased risk of developing heart disease/failure for the rest of my life. My heart rate is now erratic and goes from 88bpm down to 59bpm or less.

My life has to change tomorrow, and who knows what the future has in store for me.

Jesus dude. I hope you can last as long as you can. Stay strong until the very end.

28th November 2015, 04:20 AM
i made a gif

30th November 2015, 08:11 PM
Today I finally got my Steam Controller and It's quite fun. Can't get it out of my hand now. So far purchase well worth.

Hybrid Divide
30th November 2015, 08:57 PM
Stay strong, Snakenator1. We're all pulling for you!

27th December 2015, 06:38 PM
So myself and RR got my wee one a PS3 for Christmas and a cope of HD/Fury of course ^_^ The wee man has since been online and added nearly everyone he's encountered online. So if you've been on and added anyone with "Sanic" in their PSN ID its potentially my 8 year old.

Light Buster
11th January 2016, 06:34 PM
Doing some research for a fanfic of the Wipeout universe. Also working at the same time.

29th January 2016, 11:07 PM
Heart attacks and pacemakers absolutely suck >.<
Life is getting tough, need this operation in February to come sooner before things get worse.

31st January 2016, 01:40 AM
Hold on Snake, I think we all belive you will be fine and you will definitely get better in February. I know someone who had trouble with heart and it got way more better after the operation. Just never give up, it's worth it.

31st January 2016, 05:37 AM
I have cerebral palsy so I know what it's like, @Snakenator1.
Just take the shock gently and go with it.

12th February 2016, 10:55 PM
So I need a favour, I'm having a Heart transplant on Monday to fix my shoddy heart. If you all could keep me in your thoughts I would appreciate it so much, things are getting big and stressful here. I'm hoping for a fairly quick recovery though.
Will be back as soon as I can once I'm all healthy again ^^

13th February 2016, 01:21 AM
All the best, Snakenator. I'm sure everybody will be thinking about you.
I won't be able to, as I'm having surgery too on Monday and will be asleep on the operating table (fractured clavicle).
But I'll be sending you my positive vibes before and after ;)

13th February 2016, 05:21 AM
Good luck Snakenator! :)