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13th February 2016, 11:15 AM
Snake, you will be fine, just don`t stress out! we are rooting for you! :)

Ad-hoc, ooh sounds serious, collarbone! just take it easy.

Me, I am booking an appointment for physiotherapy for my back (lower back problems) Few days ago, I had to cancel my gym membership and possibly give up golf as well (played golf nearly all my life! and also already booked for golf outing in April coming but paid it October last year about £200, that again down to 50/50 depending on my physio) So fingers crossed as if my life depend on it.

stevie :(

14th February 2016, 06:55 PM
Here we go again Snake, may the power protect you :pirate :rock ;) :cowboy

14th February 2016, 11:06 PM
I won't be able to, as I'm having surgery too on Monday and will be asleep on the operating table (fractured clavicle).

Dang dude that's never pleasant to hear, well I'm sending you my best wishes as well. Fingers crossed for a quick recovery for you ;)
Anyway I'll be without internet for a while so later, I will let you all know when I'm back.

15th February 2016, 02:47 AM
Aaand I'm done
http://reho.st/thumb/self/941f92afb206eafde62bece9ff84729c90390980.jpg (http://reho.st/view/self/941f92afb206eafde62bece9ff84729c90390980.jpg)

Good luck Snake and to you too stin.

15th February 2016, 03:08 AM
Goddamn AdHoc, how're you feeling?

15th February 2016, 03:12 AM
Great actually, thanks AGSys. Might be the drugs I'm on, but glad this is finally done. I've got a small $2500 titanium plate and 7 screws inside me now haha. This is how it looked after the accident:

http://reho.st/thumb/self/1e14cbb5df9ff3eec9f824e36b70ea3a4e53f782.jpg (http://reho.st/view/self/1e14cbb5df9ff3eec9f824e36b70ea3a4e53f782.jpg)

15th February 2016, 12:09 PM
My best wishes for a good recovery, see you soon on tracks

15th February 2016, 12:51 PM
Well done AdHoc, nice to see a good recovery happening :)
And best wishes for you Snake, hope all is well.

16th February 2016, 01:23 AM
Thanks for your messages.
We now wait for Snake's return, I'm sure it'll be a few days :)

http://reho.st/thumb/self/df46a6b160e3de11399a2995d81de7707e76efec.jpg (http://reho.st/view/self/df46a6b160e3de11399a2995d81de7707e76efec.jpg)

16th February 2016, 12:01 PM
That will take a while to heal properly. Pyshio?

stevie :)

18th February 2016, 09:48 PM
Hope everything went ok with your transplant Snake, been thinking of you all week. Wishing you a hopeful speedy recovery bud and we will see you on your return :D

And hope Adhoc you are doing well also :)

Amaroq Dricaldari
19th February 2016, 07:30 PM
I want to get a special CD made with Wip3out Special Edition on it, but hacked to run on NTSC machines, and with two extra layers; a Blu-Ray layer (in a similar manner to Super Audio CD) that lets you play the game on a PS3 or PS4 with little extras, like 60 FPS, widescreen, higher resolutions, better draw distance, faster loading times, remastered music, etc... and the other layer, the "label" for the disc would actually be a screen-printed, CLV Vinyl with Xpander on it.

19th February 2016, 11:36 PM
Back home now after 5 days in the hospital stuck to a bed and wheelchair, walking is definitely "eventful" now with my weak legs xD
Starting my recovery now, the operation was a success so I should be free of most heart problems for the foreseeable future, thnx to everyone for the support as it really helped me get through this rough week ^^

19th February 2016, 11:56 PM
Glad to hear it Snake, that's amazing news!
Let's fly high again!

@stinkleroy: thanks mate

20th February 2016, 12:03 AM
Awesome to hear Snake! Did they say when the recovery will be complete and back to normal?

20th February 2016, 12:26 AM
All the best snake, just read what's been going on and at such a young age

20th February 2016, 07:28 AM
That's good to hear from you snake :)

stevie :)

20th February 2016, 02:12 PM
Awesome to hear snake, all the guys from those livestreams (puremarathon) sent their wishes as well :)
You can now get back to flying high :D

5th March 2016, 03:55 AM
CONZIO!!!! Hey man, how's that Aussie music scene?

I need to pick your brain on publishing when you get a chance. Might need some feedback.

5th March 2016, 05:02 AM
Hey mann! Been so long, where've you been? How've you been?

9th March 2016, 12:11 AM
Hey hey AG!

Moved to "Music City" in Nashville not too long ago. City is great! The job is not. The craft beer here is to die for. There is a local brewery about every other mile here.

I've been deep into Fallout 4. Got a PS4 recently, but I miss WOHD. Wife currently is wasting the PS3 on Netflix and it was moved to the Bedroom. How shall I cope?

Anyways, if I can figure out the time zones (and if I'm awake) I'm gonna try to be in and around for Friday Flyabout.

Light Buster
9th March 2016, 05:37 PM
Today is Miku Day. I did a montage to celebrate the occasion.


11th March 2016, 10:20 AM
Proper starting my "Get Fit" routine. Had my 1st pole dancing class, loved it, even if I did look like a majestic whale XDD Starting to go on runs / power walks and stuff. Time to not be so pudgy. Seeing Scooter tonight too. Will hopefully get back to racing Friday Nights next week if life lets me ^_^

12th March 2016, 12:38 AM
Hey Knux I too started a get fit routine... I failed miserably. I ran for half a mile before deciding that I should only run when there is something to run from. Wife seems to disagree. I think I burn more calories playing WOHD. Good luck on getting fit. I'm personally fit for a nap. But they say exercise is 90% mental so maybe I'll start dreaming of running and put off the other 10% until later.

Amaroq Dricaldari
12th March 2016, 03:10 AM
I myself am on an epic weight loss plan... A new diet, the use of different prescription medicines, frequent supplement/vitamin intake and my newfound walks and runs around my neighborhood... I have already lost a little over 9 kilograms, which means about 36 more to go.

12th March 2016, 08:25 PM
I did find a good weight loss tea to make that is both legal and provides some additional psychotropic effects: Yerba Mate.

Now given these are not major effects, but it puts that nice little afterglow and feeling of serenity in ya. It works similar to caffeine, but is a different Xanthione Alkaloid Chemically similar, but operates on different receptors. Basically it lowers appetite, and boosts (slightly) metabolism. This isn't a wonder tea, but is a great coffee substitute with some extra benefits to it.

14th March 2016, 10:02 PM


18th March 2016, 08:29 PM
Wish I was able to play Wipeout HD but too poor to own both the game and the console ; _;

Light Buster
18th March 2016, 11:38 PM
Does anyone know how to add spoiler tags on this forum?

19th March 2016, 03:53 AM
Might wanna bring it up with Hellfire or Fox. As far as I'm aware, the tags are not activated on the forum.

20th March 2016, 11:05 AM
I stumbled across this today


20th March 2016, 11:57 AM
I stumbled across this today

Wow, uncanny as hell. And scary. And funny. I think someone's watching too many "I, robot".

20th March 2016, 02:10 PM
boy, that is creepy. that stare towards the end of the video is giving me nightmares.

20th March 2016, 04:36 PM
That's pretty cool! Scary and creepy, but cool!

22nd March 2016, 08:45 AM
You mean screepy?

31st March 2016, 04:15 AM
Yes. Somebody should call Webster and put it in the dictionary. :)

31st March 2016, 03:22 PM
I cant trust anything in this house. Nothing in here is what it seems. I found a mini bottle of Jagermeister, so naturally I took a drink... Only to get a mouth full of glitter. In case anyone else is curious, glitter has no flavour.

4th April 2016, 07:10 PM
So today I joined a gym as part of my own aspirations and Dr's advice, gonna be doing lots of cardio exercises to help my heart and make sure it stays healthy now. It also gives me an excuse to start building muscles x)
(Because I'm a stickman in reality)

5th April 2016, 07:01 AM
Should I take up Luthiery [Musical instrument maker] as a profession when I retire [not that long to go ....probably the oldest active person on the forum since Vance hasn't posted in ages ]
There are courses being run, but they are 2.5 hours by Train away from me.
The courses lasts 35 weeks, and is one day per week for 4 hours.
The big problem for me is that means it would be me going to work, then finishing work, then traveling 2.5 hours+ to the place where the course is being held, spend 4 hours there, 30 minutes back to train station, then another 2.5 hours back again, then get home.
Then be bright eyed and bushy tailed for work the next day...yeah right... I doubt it.
To do that 35 times....TBH I don't think I have the patience to do that amount of traveling
Pity no course available closer, at least at the moment.

6th April 2016, 11:54 PM
@ Knux, you know they say that glitter is the "Herpes" of craft supplies because you just can't get rid of it.

Case in point? Wifey had this brilliant idea to add some flair to Christmas gifts and cards this year. Seems innocent enough, until mannjon goes to the cabinet to get a big @ss mug to pour a pint of stout craft brew beer into. My first sip is a little gritty. I think nothing of it, it is craft beer afterall so maybe it is just part of this beer's appeal. Then later I hear "Honey? Why is there glitter on your lips?" Turns out the glass was tainted with glitter. The damn cabinet is nowhere NEAR the craft supplies, and it has been near 6 months now since the glitter inception first began. So this elicits a good question: Why is there glitter in my mug? An even better question might be: "OMG!!!!! HOW MUCH GLITTER DID I JUST DRINK? WILL I LIVE? WILL I TURN INTO A UNICORN?" I am presently not a Unicorn, but my prognosis is unknown. I will keep everyone updated.

I would like to add there is no WebMD entry for glitter ingestion, though there really should be because I'm sure it happens more often than we would care to admit as a civilized society. I hear stomach acid can digest concrete. Though I've never tried it personally, I'm sure my stomach was like WTF is this? when it hit the glitter and just decided to get rid of it. Hopefully there is none in my bloodstream. That being said, I have been listening to a lot of Diplo and Calvin Harris lately. Maybe I should get blood work done.

Washed the glass, and guess what I see at the bottom??? A freaking coating of glitter. That stuff never goes away.

7th April 2016, 09:37 AM
got myself a PS4 yesterday, and i must say its most underwhelming at best. 'PS4 just does nothing' at all really. im not a ps+ description owner, cause it's not worth the money. no video, nor music capabilities at all. just gaming, and that not even in native 1080/60p. im really playing with the thought to exchange it for a wii u...

Hybrid Divide
10th April 2016, 10:46 AM
Know what would make the PS4 feel a lot more worthwhile of a purchase?

A new WipEout game to play on it, of course! :D

What? Did you THINK you'd find a different answer around here? lol

10th April 2016, 08:00 PM
I was weighing around the option of whether or not to do a post declaring my return to WZ - but I guess I'm not going to.

Also, dang I need some cake.

13th April 2016, 07:36 AM
got myself a PS4 yesterday, and i must say its most underwhelming at best. 'PS4 just does nothing' at all really. im not a ps+ description owner, cause it's not worth the money. no video, nor music capabilities at all. just gaming, and that not even in native 1080/60p. im really playing with the thought to exchange it for a wii u...

Oh crap, are you going to feel even worse in a month or so, if as strongly rumored, Sony releases a more powerful version of the PS4 so it can run it's VR helmet.

Actually, with the latest system update, the PS4 isn't too bad [Apart from lack of decent games], it's certainly a LOT faster to navigate and use the PSN, the PS3 is absolutely slug like in comparison .

13th April 2016, 05:13 PM
Just thought about reinventing our old pal P.Belmondo as a racer. born later, obvs.

Any ideas?

14th April 2016, 04:54 AM
You know, after recently getting my own PS4 I have 2 games. Fallout 4 which I loved until the latest DLC screwed up my save game files and Farcry 4 which is almost identical to all the other Farcry games. As it turns out, I'm VERY underwhelmed, I don't really care much for a PS+ account, and I despise indie games. In fact, had Sony put a little more effort into 1st party and good 3rd party software, the Vita might have even been a success. How many COD games can anyone possibly need?

At this point, I'm hoping Doom will be worth the wait, but after playing the Final Fantasy 15 Demo, I'm now sad about that future release, and will probably wait until it hits the bargain bin. Despite being produced by Bethesda, Doom may yet hold some promise with its dedication to old school RPG action.

Bottom line is that the PS4 is on the verge of making too many non needed sequels and is risking becoming a next gen Indie console in my opinion. All the current racing games out there are garbage and I don't really have much faith that the genre will see any kind of attention it deserves. It is early on in the console's lifespan, but I hate to admit that I'm using my Wii U way more these days. I don't care how cool the system is. Without games, I'm still bored. I'm SICK AND TIRED of crappy rehashed sequels to games that should have died a long time ago. I also HATE indie games. If you really want to play Indie games, just dig up an old 8-16 bit console or get a good emulator. You'll get the same experience but with a more polished finished game.

Seriously though, how many more COD and Assassin's Creed games can they possibly make? I never thought I'd be so bored with a next gen console. You really should get a Wii U. I highly recommend it. Because at this point, it seems like PS4 is sinking to be a console of utter irrelevance. One shining light is the No Man's Sky which comes out in June. Aside from that I literally have nothing to look forward to. Presently, Wii U has a few gems: MK8 is great, I personally LOVE Skylanders and the system exclusives make it the obvious system of choice for it, Xenoblade Chronicles X is awesome too (though nowhere near as good as the first), Monster Hunter 3 U is incredible and I personally have over 1000 hours in that alone, Open World Zelda is coming soon, and the Bayonetta Exclusive is another top rate must have and unlike the later PS3's and PS4, you can still play old Wii games. I never thought I'd say it, but I think presently Nintendo's doomed and forgotten Wii U is winning the next gen console race for me.

If you are really bored, Open Beta for Battleborn is going on right now. But I can't really say anything good about that either as I'd rather play a Mature rated game that involves many guns (like say, Borderlands anyone?). I think that Doom open beta is going to hit soon too. The top rated game on the PS4 stateside these days is The Last of Us HD. A rehashed version of a dated mediocre game in my own opinion. I'll take RE4 over that any day. Does Sony even care anymore?

14th April 2016, 10:57 AM
Yesterday I lost my best friend to cancer, he only had two more weeks left of chemotherapy and was expected to make a full recovery. But unexpectedly he passed away in his sleep, the cancer cells managed to get into his heart and just stopped it dead. I knew him since year 2 of primary school and we were the bestest of friends, but I now know he has moved on to a place where he is finally at peace.
RIP Dan, I'll miss you.

I now know which charity I'll be fundraising for next.

14th April 2016, 11:24 AM
Ugh, that sucks man. My condolences.

14th April 2016, 01:16 PM
I know what you mean.
Where are the games for the PS4.....where the hell is the "Last Guardian"
95% of the free games released for the PS4 under the PS+ banner, I do a search on before downloading blindly..... put it this way.... I have a very empty PS4 HD....the games on the PS3 seem better IMHO

Hell, I've even had to resorted to replaying / Downloading / paying for ... The Last of Us..... just for something decent to play on the PS4......Fallout 4 , I bought, but just can't get into, Far Cry 4...lost me when having to do tournament events to get trophies [Yes I like to Platinum games]

My Sympathies.
I lost my Mother to Breast cancer when I was 20.
She had been in and out of remission for 7 years, well since I was a kid, it just came back and ravished her totally ..... Oh well...**** happens .... life goes on....you can't dwell on these things...... if you do, well you become sort of useless, and end up wavering about doing nothing [speaking from personal experience]

15th April 2016, 05:30 PM
Ain't a power in the 'verse that can bring me down.

I've had Bronchitis now for 1 whole week, coughing to the point of shortness of breath. Just got done having a root canal and I can't feel my face (in a bad way), and I just got home to had an urge to see if I could beat Zico. Did it first try, first lap, no BSB. Take that Universe *cough* *cough, cough, cough* *ow*

For everyone that likes the Bethesda Fallout type games, has there been a good mix of open world and survival horror? I know that Dead whatever it was called was close, but I'm looking for something that is immersive as Fallout, with creepy overtones similar to the way silent hill was. Just imagine a resident Evil game that had an open world to explore of Racoon City. OR........... what if they made a Walking Dead game that was a first person shooter/RPG with an open world to explore. Tell me that wouldn't revive the PS4. Think about it, in the show, they go from camp to camp. They pick up sparsely available supplies and learn skills along the way. I wouldn't want the perma death motif in there, but I'm sure they could work around that somehow by maybe using some plot development and discover some few people are immune. Still likely to get killed, but immune from being zombies. Just a thought.

26th May 2016, 01:20 PM
Got myself a part time job, now an Assistant for Vets4Pets ^^

24th June 2016, 07:45 AM
Just found out the EU referendum results here. Can't say I'm happy at over 50% of the country choosing racism, xenophobia and lies :( Well done Britain once again you prove that my yearning to leave isn't a mistake

And on a more loving note, congrats Snake :)

24th June 2016, 10:05 AM
I don't have much say in the matter, i'm no Britt, but it strikes me as odd, very odd ._.

24th June 2016, 10:12 AM
I'm waiting for the amount of friendships I'm gonna have destroyed now because of this farce, honestly thought remain would win but that's politics for ya, stupidly unpredictable sometimes.
I will be honest, I voted leave as did my family for many reasons, not based on racism, I cannot stress that enough, but because we wanted change. I'm hoping that despite our differences in reasons for voting contradicting from one another, we all remain civil about this and not jump to conclusions. We'll have to see what the future has in store for us now.

24th June 2016, 01:38 PM
I cant say that I'm disappointed. Actually, I appreciate GB's decision - not because I dislike you guys but because we need some change regarding the system of the EU as a whole. Izs not that I deny the idea of the EU but the way it is executed.
The Brexit gives us the chance to make a cut and to investigate what is going on.
We might also see in the next years whether it is a good idea to leave this "team" and play solo again.
I dont like the way the people who have chosen to leave, are treated. They dont deserve to be stereotyped as racists or uneducated fools. Thats not fair because you ll never know their real intention.
I'M really looking forward to see what kind of impact it will have on the long turn...

24th June 2016, 03:28 PM
next brexit for England is against Iceland xD
now seriously, that's a BIG shot in the foot by them, like using a rocket launcher to get rid of some tiny insect. the UK had lots of 'extra würste', which none of the other European states have. there ya go, but plz don't come back & beg for help, you won't get it anymore ...

24th June 2016, 04:39 PM
Ok so I was pretty upset this morning, so forgive me for labelling the 'leave' voters but I kinda do feel that way. I understand that not everyone voted leave for bad reasons, however I still don't understand how giving up on something is going to incite change. I can see Britain really going to hell and deserving it tbh lol.

And I am honestly not judging anyone, I won't lose any friends over politics...that'd be a total waste :)

Hybrid Divide
24th June 2016, 05:08 PM
Guess this thread already turned into an Britain/EU discussion. The whole affair just makes me sad, really.

I hope it works out for everybody.

24th June 2016, 06:37 PM
It probably won't work out for everyone hybrid.

There's a huge shitstorm going on about the results, people are falling out with each other left and right and lots of hatred being spread around. Lots of accusations about people being racists and blah blah the list goes on...
Bottom line is regardless of opinions and who voted for what, this is it, we'll have to make this work regardless and we can only do that if everyone in Britain pulls together. Sadly I fear people are to hateful to one another to even do that. But we shall see what the future has in store for us, its to early to confirm any speculations just yet.

From what I can tell the £ and stock are going to recover very slowly so there's a silver lining.

24th June 2016, 07:53 PM
I mean, I can understand the rage because nobody really can tell the consequences of such a huge change. And i know it is most likely caused by the fear of negative consequences. Its like entering a dark cave without knowing what you are going to face. And i never claimed that it will improve GB in any way. It will probably harm GB since scotlsnd is already talking about its independency again.
The chances are higher that only the EU might benefit but I wish you good luck and acknowledge your "courage" ( euphemism) to chose this route.

24th June 2016, 08:55 PM
TBH, I was kinda gutted {understatement}, Whoever voted leave?, good on them but, if they are thinking of immigrants, benefits, media hype, etc, etc (total bullshit!) £350 million a week towards euro?, so! (only 1.1% in UK population! (correct me if l`m wrong?)) This morning in my work, apprentice joiner who just told me, yeah!, we`ve won the referendum over Turkey!!, My mind said "WTF" and I told him "Mate, you`re not got a ****ing clue!!!" (Even better, he just became a dad and he is just 19yrs old! Honestly, I was ready to punch him!

Now I am totally dreading this bloody "Brexit shite"

Rant off!

stevie :(

Oryx Crake
26th June 2016, 02:04 AM
My biggest question, and dont take this as a joke, cause it really isn't. Isn't the UK, a union in and of itself? I mean I figure a fracturing of a union that has been more or less unpopular for about 400 years(hope I got the numbers right or I'll look a fool) now seems closer than ever...

In all honesty there is no concievable future in which trade doesn't go on more or less unhindered by this, if nothing else the british isles wont survive without it, but I am concerned that no one truly understands the rammifications(I certainly don't) of this. Not least of which will likely be animosity towards brittain. Not saying it's right but people will be saying that the britts ****ed the rest of us over, at a crucial point, and that sentiment in and of itself could become a major problem.

I am personally a bit angry honestly(not going to lie about that), but I'll try to at least keep a level head, I'm not so sure most of europe will share my attitude, best of luck to us all... We'll need it.

5th July 2016, 10:35 AM
I feel like the main reason enough people voted Leave for a very tiny majority to emerge can be debunked easily. Apparently most of them had no clue what the EU was and would've voted Remain with more knowledge. And anyone who claims we have choice over our rules now, we ALWAYS had choice! Someone close to me, but a nobody to almost everyone else, MANAGED TO GET A LAW INTO THE EU!

So yeah, this whole Brexit thing was a dumb mistake, but let's try and rebuild the friendships rather than winding up like Icaras... again. Personally, my priority were I in parliament would be to rebuild relations with Japan after the fiasco.

2nd August 2016, 10:04 PM
I just realized Joy Noodle Bar is a real place. Joy Noodle Bar: a proud sponsor of AG-Systems.

5th August 2016, 11:37 PM
I found the perfect music to sum up Zone Battle. Now I need a way to get it onto my PS3.

The music:

6th August 2016, 02:47 PM
Just download it in MP3 format: http://www.savetube.com/

Put it on your PS3's hard drive and there you go.

Amaroq Dricaldari
19th August 2016, 08:07 AM
I saw the latest Ross's Game Dungeon. This time, it covered a game that I actually own. And talked about a lot of important subjects both directly related and not related to the game and/or current events.

Also, my PS Vita is broken; the L Button doesn't work anymore, and the headphone jack is gunked up irreparably. I do not have the money I need to get a replacement Vita, nor the tools to fix it myself.

30th August 2016, 02:51 AM
I went back in time to see this website at around 2001-2005.(To where there we only 297 members).Very odd but cool

2nd September 2016, 06:54 PM
10418 I got these in special order today! Charging them now so they can operate.

18th September 2016, 05:54 AM
Playing Horizon 3 and this comes on. Gotta love Wipeout Fusion


30th October 2016, 06:18 PM
After sinking +200hrs and getting into several top 5 and 10 positions on Fast Racing NEO, going back to Wipeout was a catastrophe waiting to happen :P

8th November 2016, 08:50 PM
Today is just awful....

My Grandfather just died.

I swear, 2016 is the worst year of my life. :(

Amaroq Dricaldari
8th November 2016, 08:58 PM
Seconded. I still haven't gotten my phone back, for instance, and probably never will... which means 80% of my privacy/social life is gone forever.

Edit: I also lost my dog only a week or so ago. And quite a few other things happened this year that just SUCKED.
Edit P.S.: Basically, we've had enough bullshit in this one year to last us until the Year 2032 Problem... do we really need MORE bullshit on top of it?

8th November 2016, 10:48 PM
My Grandfather just died.

Makes two of us, I lost my Grandfather on October 8th just gone, it sucks really bad. Gives us a shout if you need someone to talk to bud.

9th November 2016, 02:58 AM

Amaroq Dricaldari
9th November 2016, 04:11 PM
It seems that my hat has completely evaporated this morning. I can't find it anywhere.

Amaroq Dricaldari
14th November 2016, 08:15 PM
I would like somebody to draw this:

As a social experiment, the FX-400 Race Commission has modified this toilet seat for Phantom-Class AG Racing.

EDIT: Funniest thing ever.

8th December 2016, 12:28 AM
A cheat code used in Formula 1 97 to have "WipEout Mode". I call it the original "Formula Fusion" :P


11th December 2016, 04:24 PM
I thought this was interesting


12th December 2016, 10:01 PM
You do realise that statement was largely influenced by marketing right? :p
Photorealism in games is still far from reality, particles, realistic lighting & shadows, reflections, dynamic visual changes and the lack of perfection (everything is too clean, cars do not look as if they are standing in a show room during races, something a lot of racers fail to understand (WO HD does it good though)) all lag behind

16th December 2016, 11:44 PM
ending sequence of 'Rogue One', just so good :rock
makes Star Wars great again

28th December 2016, 11:54 AM
Failed my driving theory test by one mark but aced the hazard perception test, how frustrating >.<

(Theory pass mark is 43/50 correct and I got 42)

6th January 2017, 09:17 AM
I'm thinking "Thank God it's over".

On Monday last, I removed everything from my lounge room so I could clean the carpet.....sounds boring doesn't it.
That meant stripping down my Home Theater setup ......It had to be done, I live in central Sydney, and the pollution from cars [fine black grit] builds up on everything, as I leave my balcony door open.
Took me a day to strip it down, and clean the carpet.....then crashed out, carpet now clean.

Next day started rethinking how to improve my lounge room [so it looks neater re cabling ]
Decided on getting some conduit, and running the cables for the 4 surround speakers + the HDMI cable to the newly fixed Projector....went to the hardware store and bought what I thought I needed.
Mucho Mucho swearing, and nearly weeping in frustration of a plan, just not happening.....let it sit and went and bought a couple of bottles of wine :p

ARGH! Next day, Pissing down raining, can't cycle to the hardware shop in this.....a few hours later, no rain, YaH !, go to hardware shop, get what's needed, then Wammo, conduit up a room cabling looking a damm site neater.

After another several hours labeling all the input & output ends of each cable [If building a complex system, you have to do this] and, putting masking tape on the power board, writing what plug goes where, I was ready to wire up ...:dizzy

This would be around the 6th rebuild of my system......I've learn't a LOT about what works and what doesn't, RE PS 2, 3 and 4, you need to have utilize the optional AUDIO OUT, PS 2 & 4 use Optical, PS3 uses Analog when wiring into a HT Surround amp.

WHY ?, well some games like ROCKSMITH don't track well via HDMI, but will if using a different audio output, So I use a optional Analog for the PS3 and optional Optical for the PS4....works well, if still a PITA to wire up.

So, 4 days after I cleaned my carpet I have finally finished putting it all back together, it looks so neat, I'm glad I didn't give up on the project....I think having to wire 6 components to use the internet added to the frustration [ I have thick concrete walls, WiFi just fails for me between rooms ] so I had to use Ethernet cables.

Yamaha Surround amp.
Inputs [5] : Laptop - HDMI, PS4- HDMI + Optical[dual audio inputs], PS3- HDMI + Analog[Dual audio inputs], PSTV - HDMI, PS2 - Component + Optical Audio, DVR- HDMI
Outputs: [2] Sony TV, Sony Projector.
3 Powerboards with 14 pieces of gear plugged in.
Ethernet all cabled [6]: Laptop, TV, Surround Amp [For Internet Radio + Network ], PS4, PS3, DVR

You can hardly see a cable anywhere.....Mission accomplished ....feeling very happy about the end result......but F*&K it was a frustrating thing to do.
I'll edit and post a photo when I can.

6th January 2017, 11:25 AM
Pics or it didn't happen! ;)

9th January 2017, 11:14 AM
Here a few pictures
First is of the lounge room showing usual day time setup......I removed the center channel and subwoofer as they were overkill, as the big Harbeth SHL5's were doing a better job of it without them, you can see the projector sitting on the wall shelf on the left, along with the B&W floor standers and near ceiling mounted.

This with the motorized screen down in front of the now closed curtains

Last one is with WO 2048 being projected on a 2m across screen, courtesy of the PSTV hack.

9th January 2017, 01:33 PM
Hmmm. Those didn't work.

Way to open a can of worms! ;)

9th January 2017, 09:32 PM
OOP's :redface: , Fixed. :)

13th January 2017, 12:38 PM
Nice one - great setup! :)

Amaroq Dricaldari
13th January 2017, 02:03 PM
I accidentally imported an ImpulseTracker song into Audacity. And it worked.

16th January 2017, 01:45 AM
Life is short, life is unpredictable. Tell people how you feel, live every day to its fullest potential, life is too short... I've said similar before, but every now and then things happen that make you take another look at life and take stock of it. Just dont waste your time here.

20th January 2017, 12:41 AM
even 2097's phantom class can't go this fast :p


Amaroq Dricaldari
20th January 2017, 12:45 AM
Looks like futuristic bobsledding.

20th January 2017, 11:53 AM
looks like a futuristic sewer snake to me.
Although, I will grant it's speed does make it compelling viewing.....not sure about play ability.

21st January 2017, 06:56 AM
This is got to be the shittest month of the year!!! Absolutely gutted, had to cancel everything including my holiday of a lifetime (even lost my deposit, but hell it`s only money that I DO not care)
Me and my wife are fine (100%) but it is family reasons.


21st January 2017, 09:13 PM
Take care Stevie, sounds like there's more important things than wipeout convention for you, hang in there! ;)

25th January 2017, 09:00 AM
Looks like futuristic bobsledding.

yea fo real! it's more like sliding inside a tube instead of driving :D

looks like a futuristic sewer snake to me.
Although, I will grant it's speed does make it compelling viewing.....not sure about play ability.

i think the same, it's too fast to recognize the blocks or the X grates that slows you down, almost unplayable, it's just luck or you have a super hero's sight

i would like to try Extreme g 3 or XGRA, these futuristic-bike racers are pure fun and speed imho, must grab one original copy for ps2 from ebay!

4th March 2017, 11:15 AM

4th March 2017, 11:19 PM
even 2097's phantom class can't go this fast :p

try playing the video at 2x speed :D


28th April 2017, 04:06 PM
Is anyone else having problems getting online for HD? I'm getting errors retrieving the universe list so cannot race online currently :P

28th April 2017, 04:21 PM
Probably a server migration in progress, can take anywhere from about half an hour to up to multiple days (like last time, where it was out for over a week)

10th May 2017, 03:19 AM
Just got a hate comment.

He said, "I draw like sh*t".

But, that's alright! He's just a hater! And you know about haters.....

15th May 2017, 01:10 PM
Today is a one of the best days of my life. In my city basketball competitions were held. I played in the final (http://funky-fruits-slot.com/) and my team won!!!! That was amazing moment!

16th May 2017, 09:59 PM
I met a girl and I find it interesting to talk with her. Actually I am just interested in trying to find out if she is interesting. Oh well...

17th May 2017, 02:22 AM
Well, there's only one way to find out. Communication is key.:+

(says the guy who rarely speaks):|

17th May 2017, 09:22 PM
Heh, I know that too. Just saying what I think at this moment xD

22nd May 2017, 04:05 PM
I recently signed up for a theatre audition "Carrie: The Musical" (based on the movie) for the support of a charity. Unfortunately the rehearsal place is an hour's drive there and back but I'd like to get back into performing, so hopefully I pass the audition :D

23rd May 2017, 07:45 AM
I've a random craving for Jelly

23rd May 2017, 05:09 PM
So I'm guessing most of you heard about the Manchester attacks yesterday. Well my girlfriend was at the arena doing surveys with some friends for her degree at the time of the attack. I hadn't heard from her once the news broke out until midday today where I found out she spent the night at one of the inns without means of communication. I put aside everything, left my university and rushed all the way from Preston to Stockport (a 2hr 30min journey for me) faster than a Icaras using turbos to see her. Thankfully she is fine but has been emotionally affected by the whole situation.

I never knew the feeling of harrowing dread until now, I haven't slept since yesterday worried for her wellbeing. I am lucky to still have her around, but those feelings will never leave me from now on.
Make sure that you all cherish the ones you hold dear to your heart, because **** like this can happen to anyone. The feeling of losing them to an unjust reason will destroy you like it did to me last night. Fortune was kind to us two this time, but all the other families who lost their children were not as fortunate. I pray for everyone who has been affected by the attack and hope they can all find some sort of normalcy in their lives in the future.

23rd May 2017, 08:04 PM
Oh god.

Snake, I'm so, so sorry you both had to experience that first hand. I'm glad she's okay. I didn't know anyone there but it's shaken me to my core.

Force Ten
23rd May 2017, 09:28 PM
Snake, I feel immensely for you two. Such a heinous act to the most innocent of people, with kids involved no less. Hope you two can overcome this and keep flying high.

24th May 2017, 03:32 PM
My thoughts are with you Snake, and I'll take your advice and cherish the ones close to me whenever I can :) Hope everything will be alright.

24th May 2017, 03:42 PM
Bloody hell dude, that's horrific! Really glad to hear she's okay

24th May 2017, 07:41 PM
This is the second time in mere days where I met an F-Zero player who got nothing betetr to do than to simply comment how F-Zero is "objectively better"...
Isn't really growing my sympathies for these guys...

In more important news: I'm really sorry for what happened Snake, to imagine that a loved one...and in the end simply due to such an empty reason...

25th May 2017, 12:46 AM
Hang in there Snake and Snake’s GF!

26th May 2017, 05:11 PM
Well, I'm glad she's okay.

Stay strong, you two.

5th June 2017, 01:17 AM
Was going to post a random thought... but i started reading the past few comments... now i'm not sure weather to or not...

No matter how bad things get or the terrible things you see... don't give up, don't give in to the chaos...

Light Buster
7th June 2017, 02:41 AM
When will Sony ever change their policy and add custom soundtrack in Omega Collection?

Also, I'm very sorry to hear about what happened to your girlfriend Snakenator. Hope she can recover fully from that event.

20th June 2017, 11:12 AM
I should hurry up to figure where and what to study...

20th June 2017, 02:13 PM
You could always just work for the moment if you're not sure yet :P

29th September 2017, 11:48 AM

this gets me SOO hyped! 2049 not far away now...

Oryx Crake
1st October 2017, 10:39 AM
2 things: if I get a ps 4 by christmas will there still be an online precense on hd and 2048?

How have the parents among you managed or failed to introduce wipeout to your little ones?

2nd October 2017, 10:43 PM
I imagine there will be some online presence still. Fingers crossed you get one!! And I have successfully introduced Wipeout to my son. He loves it and has been playing the PS3 version for the last year. He is hoping Santa will bring him a PS4 and Wipeout for Christmas.

5th October 2017, 03:22 AM
Time for... My random thought...

Space Patrol Delta! S.P.D Emergency!

5th October 2017, 09:55 AM
Omega pack needs those brought up on the PSP/VITA titles to carry on the Wipeout Legacy.
Seems the success of the Omega Pack has been relying on a lot of older WO pilots to do it for them.....we are all in either are 40's+ or 50's +.[already played them to death ]

The fact that the Wipeout Arena forum has died in the arse has a lot to do with why the Omega Pack has died online.

You think the UK online presence was big on Omega pack release, you should of seen the amount of French playing online when HD was released....... and that my friends is the biggest loss.... No activity on the wipeoutarena site.....you have at least 40% less Euro pilots because of this.
Sad but true

It's up to you people who under 30 years old to get it happening again

6th October 2017, 04:23 PM
Do you have any data for that?

6th October 2017, 04:48 PM
@blackwiggle I dont think the lack of activity on Wipeout Arena has much to do with the lack of activity with Omega online. You need to take into account that not everyone is going to have as die hard an interest in the game as the people in the Communities. To most people, Wipeout is something you pick up and have a quick spin of every now and that. Not everyone wants to play it to death.

6th October 2017, 05:01 PM
The problem with online activity in Omega is that if you don't have PS Plus you can't play online, if you have PS Plus you have lots of other games to play.

6th October 2017, 11:01 PM
There’s not just one, but a combination of different reasons that explain why WOOC isn’t being played anymore.

This can be solved in a future game, but not without a major uphaul of the game dynamics. This has been discussed at length in other threads, notably this one:


8th October 2017, 09:44 PM
So I'm now studying my BSc in Veterinary Nursing and being 91 miles away from home, I brought my PS3 to play HD/Fury during down time. To say the least it's very weird playing HD/Fury now compared to omega collection. Everything feels heavier on the ps3 from handling to air-time, I know omega uses the 2048 version of the game but I didn't realise it was this different in feel.

Nevertheless a couple of races later and I'm back into the swing of the old HD/Fury, might try and see if I can suggest the game to the gaming society on campus ^^

28th October 2017, 04:08 PM
I'm starting to have my usual winter mood by now. At least unlike the years before I feel a bit more optimism in it.

Oh, about Omega Collection: For me it's mostly that I lack the time and additionally in my free time the energy to play such games...

25th December 2017, 09:48 PM


25th December 2017, 10:57 PM
I miss Studio Liverpool...

4th January 2018, 10:32 PM
I got myself a PS4 Pro and got myself two games for it (NASCAR Heat 2 and WipEout Omega Collection)
I even streamed WipEout for a while. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvEAoWze67Q

12th January 2018, 03:52 PM
this is the future :mr-t

6th March 2018, 04:31 PM
My chaotic thoughts finally cleared up...
There is no need to worry, just to admit that she is...a pretty interesting perosn...

23rd March 2018, 05:03 PM
today is a historical one, cause THE fastest human of all time (Usain Bolt) is training together with my favorite football club (BVB09). the club even considers to give him a contract, so he can start his professional football career with us. that would be a hell of a PR success for BVB :rock