View Full Version : Coca-Cola Super Bowl commercial backlash

4th February 2014, 01:38 AM
What do you think about the Coca-Cola commercial during the Super Bowl and the backlash after the Super Bowl was over?



4th February 2014, 09:38 AM
Why are Americans such assholes? And the commercial was touching, trying to display a message of peace and unity but unfortunately all Americans care about are their guns and "freedoms". #NukeAmerica #CleanseThePlanet

All the nice Americans should move to Canada. :P

4th February 2014, 12:37 PM
Reminds me of Borat singing the Kazachi national anthem

Oryx Crake
4th February 2014, 02:28 PM
the response to that is utter arse of the highest order, but then lets remember that it's usually a very vocal very stupid but very loud minority that gets airtime in these cases, I guarantee you that about 90% of americans just thought it was a rather nice coke commercial as commercials go.

4th February 2014, 03:09 PM
^ don't forget that this event, and the commercial is braodcasted all over the world. I think in that case it's a little respectless.

4th February 2014, 03:45 PM
Im a little shocked at the intense negative reaction from people. The ad had a very positive message behind it IMO, its just a real shame how some people have reacted.

4th February 2014, 05:13 PM
Sigh... When will the media learn to stop taking the Internet seriously? I mean come on the Internet is THE WORST place to get feedback for anything. Ever read YouTube comments or crap people comment on CNN articles? Most of the people who post on the Internet are either trolling or closed minded individuals. I guarantee people interview in person would have much different views

5th February 2014, 08:57 AM
Sigh... When will the media learn to stop taking the Internet seriously?
While I 99% agree that most of these kind of reactions should not be taken seriously (the 1% left being my ability to admit I can be wrong), whether we like it or not many people read it and, in fact, use it to strengthen their own convictions.

I mean, when you’re alone at home and scream "f*cking ad" you don’t really know if you’re right or wrong because nobody hears you thus nobody can debate about it. But then when you google "f*cking ad coca cola super bowl", you realize that thousands of other people reacted they way you did, and then you start thinking that you were even smarter to react like this in the first place. And while it’s mostly a stupid analysis of the situation (mainly because there’s no debate when you google a question that already contains the answer, it’s rather an echo chamber (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echo_chamber_%28media%29)), we can not ignore that many people give credit to this, unfortunately.

5th February 2014, 10:14 AM
Who could possibly care less. It's an ad. It's as culturally important as a pimple is on an arse.

5th February 2014, 11:26 AM
The media isn’t really relevant here. Would it be more important if it was e.g. a music clip, a movie, a novel?

5th February 2014, 11:52 AM
I don't see how it's respectless. It only shows the multiculturalism of the USA and it's the truth. English isn't even the USA's official language, they have none. This backlash is just the pure stupidity of people trying to deny the truth from their comfortable closed environment. Just like they do with science, the government, etc.

'Murica, where opinion is fact.

5th February 2014, 02:22 PM
Let me restate my comment, what I meant is that the majority of Americans who posted those vile comments are a very small minority, no one pays attention to the overwhelming majority of people who enjoyed that commercial, 99% of the country loved it, it's the small bigoted amount of idiots that got the limelight, to show just how pitiful these people are the majority of them actually thought "America the beautiful" was the country's national anthem. As an American citizen I can tell you that is far from what the country's actual reaction was, America is a country because of immigrants and immigrants continue to be what keeps us strong, hence the term melting pot. I don't know where these ill-bred scum (probably from the Deep South) get the feeling of entitlement to state that we anything else. It's just pure ignorance and is the shame of our nation, which is why you won't see opinions such as that in novels, music, movies, or any other media.