View Full Version : I for one, accept Wipeout Fusion. Thoughts?

14th December 2013, 11:31 PM
Okay, it's time to come out of the proverbial closet.

I like, maybe love, Wipeout Fusion!
It may not have the best art style, teams or gamemodes, but you have to admit it had interesting concepts.

Ship upgrading kept each team fresh to fly, you could tweak them however you want and the look and feel changed every time you pressed circle and mucked around. The superweapons weren't completely OP like I thought they would be, and I find I actually don't mind some of the ship designs.

I think it actually has a better sense of speed than HD, and its definitely a sight seeing 12 or so engine flare sets all alongside you, it gives you the feeling you aren't alone on the track, these people are chasing you and they want that title!

The tracks at least took some skill for me to learn, like a throwback to the PS1 Wipeouts, I find with the short tracks of the PSP era onwards I am quite quick to adapt, this game gives you a fair bit of challenge remembering when to begin turning in, and where the grav stinger might have been dropped.

And hey, the music wasn't bad either! Smartbomb, Bolt Up, Krushyn, all okay songs. Albeit kinda slow, and there were flunkers in there.

But yes, Fusion did have its flaws, I can't see below me from a huge jump, sometimes the weapons feel like they aren't doing anything ironically, the rubberbanding can get nuts after a while, and there are a fair share of bastard tracks. And of course, a little bit of height variation could have been well received, for now it is just a horizontal Wip3out/2048. The camera angle is a bit stiff, and some ships completely outclass others.

But the some things still irk me though:

I can't emulate it at full speed, I have to underclock PCSX's EE to get it to run, and that induces the interlacing thing

The Auricom in this one isn't the best looking, nor is it the lightest, but I still use it.

The walls are quite sticky, and the freeform sections affect the handling somehow. Do they do this in Wipeout 2048?

And lastly, a huuuuge bug in which a contender's Gravity Bomb may send you FLYING out of the track, although sometimes I do get respite with a reasonable respawn. This may be due to my emulator however.

To prove my point, I have actually bought Wipeout Fusion for Christmas, and I'm eager to play it at full speed alongside my other presents :P

EDIT: I thought I'd like to mention this is one of the games where I have been eliminated the least. Wipeout HD's Elite AI has a habit of utterly annihilating you with ramming, rockets and general bastardry, Fusion's isn't nearly as violent! although they do have a habit of just appearing in front on you on the finish line.

15th December 2013, 03:41 AM
Agreed with absolutely everything. I also emulate Fusion, although it runs at about half speed, lol :P, but I still love it like the rest. I think you hit the nail on the head there, Ruuku, and I disagree with none of it. :D

Edit: You should join this group: http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/group.php?groupid=90

18th December 2013, 01:18 AM
I didn't like the handling personally, it made all the ships feel clunky and slow. Mastering the control on Fusion was much more difficult than any other game (except maybe the original wipeout). Even the FEISAR seemed to handle sluggish, even with the silver ship upgrades. But aside from that one defect, its probably my 3rd favorite in the series behind HD/Fury and wip3out.

The game is a better experience on the actual console, I've owned the game for many years now, and I still play it often. It is a pretty difficult jump backwards from HD, but for the most part I don't understand why people dislike this game so much.

The music quality was definitely there. The graphics were as good on the PS2 as HD/Fury is on the PS3. The tracks were innovative and exciting. The upgrade system was something that I would still like to see in a future Wipeout game. Additionally, I liked the obstacles on the tracks (rocks, trees, etc); they could bring that back to a future game too. At the very least, I like the discontinued ships, especially Tigron. Oh yeah, SUPER WEAPON!

18th December 2013, 02:47 AM
I think why people hated Fusion was because of A, the handling modeling - a heavy craft was INSANELY hard to get round a track and get a perfect lap, B, the real backstory behind it (Overtel corruption, EG-R, Xios, G-Tech, and Tigron), and C, the insane carnage. I personally like this game a lot, especially because it really improves your reaction time (Dodging almost CONSTANT weapon fire), and it helps with craft control (I personally flew a Tigron with all the engine upgrades added and no handling/stability parts added. It was a bastard to fly, but it helped me pilot some of the hardest tracks in all of the Wipeout games with ease. I totally agree with you, even though I HATE those stupid gravity bombs!


In Fusion, I fly a Stage 2 upgraded FEISAR LS-59 (LS-50340 version), piloted by Daniel Johnson.

19th December 2013, 02:36 AM
Yeah I seem to recall that I stuck with a Van Uber until I got to the EG-R, and then I upgraded to the Xios before staying with the Pirhana. I preferred the bald chick for the better stats (can't remember the name). That was a hard one-on-one to unlock too.

I unlocked everything and fully upgraded every ship, but I never beat all the challenges. Weapons challenges for the Van Uber were insane due to the worse-than-Icaras shield strength. I also struggled with TT challenges for the Auricom. The ship strengths were definitely overshadowed by the weaknesses in Fusion.

30th December 2013, 01:19 AM
I suppose one reason why I've been facinated with Wipeout Fusion was that it could have ended up my first WipEout game or Wip3out (although it's going to be some time until I can FINALLY buy WipEout HD Fury as my first WipEout game), that and in a sense, what kept me at least curious was how some people reacted to this game.

Between everything else I've been sidetracked with, been also taking my own look at Wipeout as a whole in regards to art, be it level design, color schemes, graphic design, ship design and so on.

All things considered, while a lot could be said about Fusion, so far it seems for being supposedly one of the 'weaker' of games, it still has quite an art style that in a way defines it just as much as every other game has done so in some way.

I also find it interesting from a lore perspective because it's a time when Overtell took over, and events from that still have some far reaching effects even into the FX-350/400 (2206/07 onwards), including the existence of EG-X.

It also makes for some intersting fan-fiction matereal...I'm still trying to work out some fan-art among other things.

To me, I find it as yet another interesting chapter, and I may end up doing quite a lot of fan-related work in regards to Fusion alone. But we'll see.

Rachel Johnson
1st January 2014, 10:07 PM
To this day I adore this game. I still create fanart of it and still continue the old fan comic based on it too.

I loved that they had awesome backstories to everything and had pilots. To most Wipeout is 'just a racing game', but I felt these touches made it more personable and I got attached. Much like with the original pilot set. Handlibv for me was not an issue, it was all down to spending time and getting used to each ship. But, hey... I am a Feisar (Daniel Johnson - Full upgrades) through and through, so after 100% completion I didn't need the other ships unless I was challenged.

1st January 2014, 11:53 PM
100% completion :clap You can't ignore a display of skill like that, on any WipEout game. It's nice to see that so many people still enjoy Fusion after the initial negative reception. It was really the first incarnation of the skillcut, too, with the Turbo Jump in Alca Vexus, leading later to the bridge skillcut in Anulpha Pass and the countless skillcuts in 2048. Overall, it was a necessary step in the evolution of the series, and it may always be the most iconic, whether famous or infamous. :D

2nd January 2014, 09:08 PM
So I have a questions for all the Daniel Chang fans out there.

(Please don't take this the wrong way, I mean no offense!!!) Did you guys actually make it to the end of the game with a FEISAR, or were you unable to unlock the other ships and had to stick with it?

I personally didn't find FEISAR useful after Van Uber unlocked, but everyone has a different strategy. I find Sarong's Piranha the hands down best ship of the game, but it is also the last ship to unlock and the hardest to fund/upgrade. I'm planning to go back and do another play through, but I was wondering if there was some other reason than personal like of the FEISAR for using throughout the game.

I liked Xios a little, EG-R somewhat, Tigron a little, and Piranha A LOT.

Rachel Johnson
2nd January 2014, 10:03 PM
Daniel Johnson, do you mean? Chang was AG Systems.

And, after unlocking challenges with the teams, yes. I completed with Feisar. I never needed the other teams. ( I only played as other teams if challenged in multiplayer by my brother. ) As I say, 100% completion. It's impossible to do that without using the other teams anyway.

My reasons? Despite swooning over Daniel, I enjoy the handling and feel most suited to the ship. I judged my team in this one with how well I could use the ships, as I was ALWAYS Qirex in previous games. Since there was no Qirex, I had to find another team. I was pulling off the most perfect laps, best times and (oddly) the most eliminations with Feisar.

If I was ever to go insane and switch to another team I'd go Auricom. I have a soft spot for that greased up brick.♥

3rd January 2014, 12:42 AM
"Swooning over Daniel" is no joke! I enjoyed your comic strip, it was quite amusing. Mr. Johnson has a lot to juggle. :P

3rd January 2014, 12:50 AM
Talk about a brick... I wish they'd bring back good ol' Tigron Enterprises! Interesting you talk about your Qirex loyalty. I was team loyal to Icaras from wip3out, which failed to make an appearance in Fusion. My second choice was actually Assegai, which ALSO failed to make an appearance. So in theory, my 3rd favorite is actually my favorite for Fusion.

Do you recall what the super weapon was for FEISAR? I just started a new game this afternoon, and I usually stick with FEISAR until I can unlock Uber-EGR-Xios-Pirhana, so I stick with FEISAR for about the first 30% of the game. I think I recall the FEISAR super weapon being among the easier challenge sets to unlock. Is it worth it you think?

3rd January 2014, 12:55 AM
FEISAR has the super missiles. They could be better, but could be worse, so I would unlock them and wait for EG-R :)

Rachel Johnson
3rd January 2014, 01:06 AM
I loved super missiles. I'd harass a Van-Uber until it smoked and blast them with supers just for pure overkill. That or use them as a victory celebration. Nose up, blast blast blast.

I am ashamed to admit that I hadn't played Fusion for years until a couple of months back. No fault of my own though. I used to play on my brother's copy. I managed to find my own copy recently for incredibly cheap, so now I'm back to 0% and working my way up.

5th January 2014, 09:08 PM
I liked the concept behind Fusion and its visual aspect. But the gameplay was horrid. It felt so detached and unresponsive, unlike all the other WO games.

5th January 2014, 09:46 PM
^^ That is true. If the tracks would have been a little less wild and the handling would have been looser, like the first 3 games, Fusion just might be one of the most popular WO games.

8th January 2014, 12:10 PM
The tracks are okay for this 16 years. Actually I like them most.
But the handling is to different.

8th June 2014, 05:17 PM
This is my favorite game in the series! well... tied with HD Fury. I love it and still play it!:P I fly a Piranha Swift Killer 6.0

The only problems with this game to me is the stupid Piranha super weapon and the fact that some ships completely out class others.
The stupid Piranha super weapon does more damage to YOU than the target! useless!
Lastly, I end up usually over lapping Feisar in races as well a van uber and other ships. Sometimes the game lacks challenge. :|

8th June 2014, 05:29 PM
You are a swiftkiller?


Rapier Racer
10th June 2014, 11:48 PM
Piranha had a stupid super weapon though, the penetrator (sounds dodgy haha) it does more damage to the bloody Piranha than the ship your attacking! Breaks off the nose and screws up the handling.

13th June 2014, 07:20 PM
I joined the Fusion acceptors group after seeing this thread - and like most of you, I'm also messing around with emulating it. (Like what kind of PC do you need to have it run decently???)


and some ships completely outclass others.
That's actually a realistic thing - see real F1 championship.

14th June 2014, 01:54 AM
Its a real thing? I was under the impression the FIA introduced regulations so all cars are nearly the same, so power gaps like that couldn't happen.

14th June 2014, 10:03 PM
Nope, the only thing the FIA is doing, is f*cking up the rules with tiny V6 engines (at least they´re faster than last year).

20th June 2014, 06:22 PM
Even though I did rather like Fusion, it was very much a different animal than the others were, and it definitely felt that way too. Though I liked some of the new teams, the ones that had to be lost upset me a mite (see my profile picture.) And two of the things I adored about the series in the first place was that all the teams were more or less balanced and it was personal preference, and that aerial combat was both fun and took a backseat to racing, and those things kinda got thrown out the window. I still find it a damn good racing game that out classes most the stuff that comes out today, but I do find it the second weakest game in the series.

P.S.: Screw that gravity bomb. You had a 50/50 chance of it working, or glitching out and sending you to Firestar.

P.P.S: And isn't saying "weakest WipEout game" like saying "least expensive 50-pound gold brick?"

20th June 2014, 10:28 PM
Worst WipEout game -> Tenth best game ever ;)

Coincidentally I just play Fusion though^^.

Albino Ace
26th June 2014, 12:07 AM
Piranha had a stupid super weapon though, the penetrator (sounds dodgy haha) it does more damage to the bloody Piranha than the ship your attacking! Breaks off the nose and screws up the handling.

Ironic they give a super weapon based on ramming to the team with the least-massive ships...I found it fun to use nonetheless.

17th October 2014, 01:40 AM
The "Penetrator" super-weapon sounded good on paper (using the craft as an actual weapon), however the autopilot sometimes goes too slow to catch up to the targeted craft.
Also, I preferred the "Grav Stinger" over the "Gravity Bomb", though I wished they brought back the "Grenades".

17th October 2014, 08:41 AM
SLOooow Loadings times, and those total bastard gates that shut suddenly on some tracks were , still are, my biggest gripes with FUSION.
It up scales to 1080p well [I run a PS2 and a PSP GO! into a surround amp that has video up scaling], even quite enjoyable playing in 3D

17th October 2014, 07:54 PM
SLOooow Loadings times, and those total bastard gates that shut suddenly on some tracks were , still are, my biggest gripes with FUSION.
It up scales to 1080p well [I run a PS2 and a PSP GO! into a surround amp that has video up scaling], even quite enjoyable playing in 3D
Granted, it's not like the WipEout series NEVER had the loading time problem in previous installments.

18th October 2014, 02:47 AM
Quality takes it's time :D

I lovehate Fusion.
I love that it has character, there is so much story behind itt, like in the original wipEout. There are pilots, unlike in 8/10 of the series.
But I hate how frustrating it can be, either you are a van-Über pilot, or because you try to get gold in the first Auricom Chase-Challenge.
Back then Fusion was probably a big deal, discussing the usual wipeout stuff, fan discussions about storyline and trivia. Comparing times.
Maybe instant (hackable) online-rankings make that stuff unpersonal.*
One of my classmates told be he "used to play an old WipEout PS2 game", I will get him back to that game! NOONE QUITS WIPEOUT! :D

IF there will be a new WipEout game, I hope it will have character, thats one of the main reasons why I love the first one and Fusion.
It is just better when you have a concrete name in your head and can swear revenge to Omarr Khumala with his Nitro-Rockets than just thinking "oh, a Goteki eleminated me".

Also I like that AI performance isn't random, in Pure, Pulse, HD/Fury or the original a Feisar can win, in 2097 the results are everytime the same. Butin Fusion it's like motorracing, there are the topteams (Mercedes, Red Bull) like Xios or Piranha, the midfield (Williams, Force India) with Tigron, EGr and Auricom and the backmarkers (Caterham) G-Tech, FEISAR (still a good craft if not piloted by Carlos Beneto #TeamDanny) or (sadly) van-Über.

And the pilot makes a difference, the first pilot is infront of the second one, but anyway Zala Wolff can beat Natasha Belmondo in a battle, the old Songen Grey is usually outperformed by Nami Mishima and both G-Techs are on one level.

I think the other WipEouts are just to clean. Very good games, but without character.

* I was thinking about hosting times for EVERY WipEout, WOZone-exclusive. ^^

21st October 2014, 03:45 PM
I follow Jonny word by word, but would like to add the often confusing track layout that would kill your lap time if taken a wrong turn at a certain crosspoint.

22nd October 2014, 09:12 PM
I follow Jonny word by word, but would like to add the often confusing track layout that would kill your lap time if taken a wrong turn at a certain crosspoint.
Sums up reverse variant of "Cubiss Float Course 2 Reverse" aka "SilverStream Fusion Edition"

25th October 2014, 02:55 AM
Paul Chung cyborg FTW... oh those red windows on the maxed out Eg-r looked sick as well, as well as that dead kennedys rip off logo on the wing. :D

7th February 2015, 06:35 PM
My stance for Fusion is neutral at best. When I first played it, there was a bit of con-FUSION (lame pun is lame:?) going on in my head. "Where's Goteki? Where's Icaras? WHERE'S AG SYSTEMS?!?!?!" I thought. To make me even more stupider, I thought G-Tech was Goteki 45. But, after I read up on the back story, I figured out everything that happened between the events of Wip3out and Fusion. Even though the A.I. is very bloodthirsty, I enjoyed it nonetheless.

8th February 2015, 05:30 PM
I'd like to point out that the theme's of Fusion's story our perfect. A select number of fan's hate Fusion because it completely changes the ideals presented in the previous games, there's too much focus on eliminations, whats left of our favorite teams are overshadowed by new and unfamiliar teams, and the track design is unnecessarily and frustratingly complex. I like to think that Studio Liverpool (after a recent name change, mind you) used these game mechanics to assist in telling the story of the purists fight to regain their sport. It's all symbolic and s**t.

Fusion was part of a bunch of wipeout games that I got after completing the original (my first wipeout), and not only did I discover these frustrations, but I found it to be the most rewarding and developed game of the series, even if it's still the worst. My favorite moment in gaming is actually realizing that the Tibetan monk, who has a vow of non-violence, never gets points for eliminations. I can't think of any other game that goes to that level of detail.

I was thinking of starting a new save. I haven't played it in a long time, as I got much more sucked into wip3out. I never actually finished fusion, I made one save where I used cheats to unlock everything, and one save where I got as far as tigron (I think).

8th February 2015, 08:58 PM
Myima Tsarong never owns points for elemination? Or does she just never eleminates someone?

9th February 2015, 05:11 AM
Myima Tsarong previously piloted craft in the arcane world of Tibetan anti-grav racing, a strange variant on the conventional sport with an emphasis on calmness and non-violence.

So yeah, I'm guessing she never eliminates anyone.

16th February 2015, 01:29 PM
Think of the innovations though with Fusion. It had the best graphics for the PS2 available at the time (with maybe FFXII as a possible exception). If had a horrid control scheme, that you eventually get used to and almost appreciate. It was the first game in the series to offer multiple different track routes, it had outdoor/offroad, it had and RPG style campaign mode where you earned credits to upgrade ships. It really did have the making of one of the best games in the series. It just fell short primarily on controls. It just didn't feel like a wipeout game. The controls were clunky, horribly unresponsive, and really difficult to master and then go back to a different game in the series.

For what it is worth, it does at least serve as the direct link from the old school games to the current Gen. I don't think anyone would argue that it gave way to a new wipeout experience, despite lacking a certain amount of polish. I personally loved it (despite what I may say on other posts). I thought the single player was superb, and it still offered local couch co-op, which was only the second game in the series to do so (with wip3out being the first). And you have to remember that it was developed in an age where online play was just getting started on the console. People tend to hate it, but I see it as the gateway to HD, Pulse, Pure and Fury. It is an oddball in the family yes, but still the best racing game available on the PS2 in my opinion.

5th April 2015, 03:30 PM
I like this game a lot, it's my favorite tied with pulse, but there are problems. Like I said, the piranha super weapon is !#%$! and I overlap many ships in every race, but I still love it. I don't see what's wrong with the handling, seriously. That one glitch with the AI gravity bomb gets me eliminated almost every time. (probably because I fly a swiftkiller)
Really all this game needs is more difficulty to impress me.

I'm going to join the fusion accepters group

5th April 2015, 07:29 PM
You want this game difficult? Use the Stage 1 van-Über.

9th May 2015, 04:52 PM
Wipeout Fusion will always be my home.
I loved everything about the game and still play it on my PS2 because damn it's gud.
Maybe I'm just a huge fanboy when I say I don't see a problem with the gravity bomb?
My brother and I love further defying physics by throwing each other through the level after a jump
And the quake hype was the best, even if looking back on it it may be slightly op
I think we were just too hyped about futuristic racing with loops and amazing ship designs and upgrades and names and logos and weapons that we weren't really digging for any faults, they just equated to "get gud" or "this map is hard lol"
These are one of the games that have influenced me in the music and sounds I do today, so much so that I wish I could just float around in its levels and roam, spectate and appreciate.
And as far as some ships outclassing others, I would expect nothing less than to be able to acquire better ships/cars and weapons as I progress through ANY game really.
Nobody wants to be statistically where they started after they beat the game, but as far as that goes, I think the super weapons balanced out the general racing stats of a ship *coughPiranhacough* and with a bit of skill it's even less of a gap.
tl;dr ilu Wipeout Fusion

9th May 2015, 08:52 PM
I just played it some minutes ago and I see no problem with "Offroad"-Sections. For me the ship behaves like usual.

9th May 2015, 11:47 PM
I find fusion has easier handling, but the offroad sections handle like a typical wipeout game

14th May 2015, 05:05 AM
What turned me on most about this game was the dark heavy and epic euphoric style of it.. Sure the track sucked you down, but there were epic styles to each massive track.. Even the music felt heavy and matched the atmosphere. That was the thing I loved most about it. If I could relate the euphoria to anything, it would be the feeling you get as a kid when an epic thunder storm takes out the power of a city and your left in awe by the bolts of light in the deep massive night sky.

And yes, I got 100% completion some years back.. Along with most Wipeouts..

New euphoria is something that hasn't been around since the first SL installment of Wipeout Pure, it felt as if the sequels were simply extensions as opposed to new games.. That's something I've missed for a while, along with a good backstory that really sets you into that world.

14th May 2015, 05:43 AM
New euphoria is something that hasn't been around since the first SL installment of Wipeout Pure, it felt as if the sequels were simply extensions as opposed to new games.. That's something I've missed for a while, along with a good backstory that really sets you into that world.

It didn't help that the ship designs weren't that radically different between games, like how it was up to Pure.

14th May 2015, 05:52 AM
That's true, and the over-all atmosphere seemed to remain the same.. But Pulse broke some good new ground with the skin-editor and online mode.. Really wish the kept those things up with it but oh well..

3rd October 2016, 08:27 PM
I hope nobody minds mining an over-a-year inert topic, but since I already posted what I do not like in Fusion, I want also to share what I think Fusion did right as well, and I did not want to create a duplicate topic.

The best thing: Zone! Got to remember and respect the game that gave us such a genius gamemode.

Next: the courses. Each of them has three variations, and finally can be raced in both directions (what took Psygnosis so long to create reverse tracks?!). I think they positively count as different tracks, as all three courses at the venue branch off for most of the base (1st) course (little is left of the course 1 in other ones - only Florion Height 2 copies almost all of FH1). They also have tons of details, and the locales are interesting and encapsulating enough to race on their tracks only for the vibe they give (Cubiss Float is my favourite, as I like snowy courses). The addition of off-track sections is also worthy a mention, as they are tricky to navigate and offer some more variation in scenery (CF3 comes to mind, as well as Vohl Square 3 that was teased in the game's intro). I liked that Alca Vexus aimed at recreating the beauty of Valparaiso (and came close IMO; BTW, VS2 kind of reminds me of Manor Top... also, do not forget that track section, hanging on a crane in the later part of the course in the background!). Lastly, Devilla! The only point-to-point tracks in Wipeout. Why so? Are only circuits allowed?

As to add to the topic of the track design: shortcuts and the special switch pads associated with them. Made tracks more alive and interesting overall. They also gave an element of tactics to the navigation of the track - is it better to use the weapon on the contender ahead, or hold it to blow up a shortcut blockade, opening a detour that will allow me to pass by him/her the other way? Or do I have enough speed to risk raising the Mandrashee bridge and attempting to get to the trench? I am bewildered why shortcuts never returned. Gravity flip pads were fun to see in action, but they essentially work the same, unlocking new routes.

Graphically, I think the game looked amazing when was released, although it did not have the same style that The Designer's Republic poured into earlier games - less minimalistic and 'rugged', I think? But some cyberpunk is still there (Vohl Square and Katmoda 12 are nothing but this), which is a good thing in my book.

I also like the design of some of the ships. Van-Uber and EG.r look just right, and I have to admit I am in love with how aggressive and armoured my dear LS-59400 looks (but arguably it is more in place of an potential Eliminator mode than ordinary racing).

Soundtrack is not as solid as in the previous games (Wip3out raised the bar REALLY high - how could you compete with Xpander?), but there are still good tracks, like Papua New Guinea, Smartbomb and Down The River. It is still a respectable electronica, IMO. In comparison, the HD's selection is just bland and unrecognizable from one another.

Challenges. The superweapon challenges had Survival Races and Chases, which I would gladly see return as separate gamemodes. Also, the return of superweapons was a nice idea, but they were unbalanced (Seismic Field was rather random in effectiveness, Bio Snare not too good, overpowered Nitro Rocket and Shield Drain).

Upgrades... now I am unsure about this. On one hand, throwing money into your ship to improve its performance gave a tangible extra goal to complete when doing Leagues (alongside Duel Challenges and the Custom League). However, the other ships stat-scaled to whichever you picked, making this a bit of a self-defeating endeavour (other ships should become more advanced in later Leagues). I would prefer a few variations of the same craft, restricted to different events (like in W2048 ).

Upgrade-related thing: ship specifications. A rather minor, but seeing such detail dedicated to describing the stars of the game seemed impressive and immersive to me at the time, like it originated in an actual future racing (I still wonder if mass figures willl be accurate, if AG racing ever comes true...)

Lots of unlockable content, including game art (and cheats hidden on some of it!). This made feel Fusion like a complete package of a game (albeit Time Trial should be available from the beginning).

So yes, I too accept Wipeout Fusion. It innovated and thus made some things badly, but there are also many good decisions. I just wish that more of the good elements of this game remained into later iterations.

5th October 2016, 05:14 AM
I was messing about with my new at the time, surround amp, and using it's video upscaling to upscale the video output of a PSP GO! loaded with the PSP Wipeouts, and using a PS3 controller, so the those games play like on a full console...... it worked quite well, so well I thought I'd try using my TV's 3D processing for a laugh..... well it was playable, but too pixelated really.

But then I thought, hey, why don't I try the same thing with the PS2 and Fusion, so I did.
WOW ! I was surprised at just how well that works, Fusion appears smooth enough to make playing in 3D worthwhile.
The only thing that annoyed me then about Fusion, and still annoys me now is the loading times, otherwise I don't think it's that bad..... not some of my favorite Wipeout tracks, but no real hated ones either - like WO Fury's Modesto :blarg

I've since upgraded the PSP GO! to a PSTV unit, the extra processing grunt of the PSTV's VITA engine makes a hell of a lot of difference on how those titles play and look, well worth the effort trying to get one if your a wipeout tragic, plus you can, with a bit of skullduggery, get 2048 to be playable on a TV with a PS3/4 controller as well, so you can have all the Wipeouts playable with a controller on a big TV.

We are starting to see quite a few PS2 titles being remastered for the PS4.
Would I buy Fusion if it was remastered for the PS4?
I think it would end up being a must have title for pretty much everybody at this forum, despite it being a sort of Orphan of the Wipeout series.

5th October 2016, 08:12 PM
Well, I already have it :) But surely I would not buy a new console and a remastered version of this game. I never cared too much about graphics. Besides, SL is no more, and I am not too interested in paying Sony directly.

I also recalled another thing I liked in Fusion: unlocking ships. Acquiring them via Duel challenges was a great idea, and definitely felt rewarding. I just wish that ships were more balanced. I suppose that having a selection of balanced teams could clash somewhat with having access to limited number of them at the start, as you potentially could have no access from the beginning to a ship that you would prefer (like being a speedfreak and having Icaras locked). But the crafts are the centerpiece of the series after all, and what greater incentive to win subsequent events there could be, if not getting the new shipkeys? (or shipcard, or... whatever :rolleyes: ) Still, I would not mind if only the Old Four (FEISAR, AG-S, Auricom and Qirex) were available at the start.