View Full Version : Nice to See More Americans!

27th November 2013, 03:33 AM
Hello to all of you forum goers from around the world! If you're not North American, this doesn't really apply to you, but if you are, and especially if you've joined recently, I have to thank you. It's really nice to see new interest in WipEout in North America. Sony always told us that there were very little supporters over here, and it's nice to see more interest brewing! Happy flying to all pilots of all nationalities! :D

27th November 2013, 01:50 PM
Hello DDD113 meanwhile that North America responds to you ... Hello, I am in the north of something. :g
It 'a pleasure, because in the forum feels your love.

The North America I hope to greet you soon.
I do not like the idea of ​​giving reason to Sony. :g

27th November 2013, 02:18 PM
Dawwwwww, this forum is full of heart warming sweetness ^^
Love it :)


27th November 2013, 04:41 PM
You say Americans only but what about Canadians. D: We like to think we're part of North America too!

27th November 2013, 05:05 PM
Sorry, terminology failure, I was referring to all North Americans as "Americans." Anyone from this continent who plays WipEout, my bad for not specifying! :P Original post fixed.

28th November 2013, 05:31 PM
Its great having such a nice community to welcome any of us from across the great pond!

DJ Techno
2nd December 2013, 02:46 AM
How was your turkey day

2nd December 2013, 02:55 AM
Mighty fine, to tell you the truth. Had a hearty meal, and then half watched football and half napped in the afternoon. I always love the extended football weekend on Thanksgiving, you've got four days of the best games (Alabama vs. Auburn, anybody?). But yeah, overall, a nice break; I'm ready to get back to the normal swing of life. ;)

10th December 2013, 11:58 PM
mannjon from Alabama here feeling like the only guy in Alabama that plays WipeoutHD until I saw that post! I'm actually an Auburn graduate, go Tigers! Where are you from DDD?

Anyone else from the southeast?

- - - Updated - - -

Oh, I almost forgot to mention it... if you haven't signed up already, go to www.wipeoutrankings.com. It is a site where you can upload race times and view other peoples' stats. It also has a database that shows all the players by region, and ranks your "position" in your respected area and overall (Just moved up to #3 in the US for Venom and #5 for Flash this week!!!).

Now it isn't the have-all-end-all ranking system, but it does a way better job of tracking things than the WO servers do, and it is a good place to go to get "inspiration" to become a better racer. A lot of the top records have videos posted to them, so it is a good place to learn technique and BR spots! Perhaps the best thing is that it is FAR MORE ACCURATE than the WO server logs because it discards all the erroneous records (like the 0.00 lap times for example).

11th December 2013, 03:16 PM
I notice a lot of americans canadians and some mexicans online :) some of them are unbelievable too. Really good racers!

15th December 2013, 09:32 PM
I'm from Kansas, mannjon, and pulling for the Tigers all the way to the BCS National Championship! :D :D :D Anyone that can beat Alabama deserves that title.

DJ Techno
23rd December 2013, 10:06 AM
In a near month or time. I will be having my own place.

And it was done each year over Sartwells places doing tournaments.

So for those who know me already and in person.

I want to bring over fellas from the state's here to the out of wack weather of south carolina.
Of course the french are welcome to. Even though Arnaud n the others known. Y'alls country just didn't like my trashy mouth lol.

So welcome again. From the American (better looking than George Clooney)

And also DDD, I was in Kansas City for a magic the gathering GP and their again for a girls birthday. I should hit u up.

3rd January 2014, 05:35 AM
You guys want to do something like a US Open (we'll go ahead and include Canada and Mexico while we're at it!) tournament some time in February? Maybe a team event?

It could be sweet!

3rd January 2014, 10:43 PM
Not a bad idea there, mannjon, it would be interesting to go for a spin with all North Americans! :D

4th January 2014, 06:02 PM
Well, how about towards the end of the month? Maybe a team event.

Rules: Teams of 2 compete. Points are shared (so if I place 1st I get 8 points, partner places last, he gets 0, so we BOTH get 8 pts). 8 total racers each match. Top 3 teams stay, last team is eliminated. Double elimination -so teams can redeem themselves.

Track Selection: I figure we do 4 main events. 1. Every HD track forward on Flash, 2. Every HD track backwards on Flash, 3. Each Fury track fwd. 4. Each Fury rev on Flash.
Top 2 teams go on to play a final race event. This will be based on the number of competitors we get.

Speed: Flash seems to be a nice compromise, and it makes it easy. Maybe the final event will be at Rapier or something

Ships: Teams must use same ship (can be either Fury or HD)

Must be Canadian, American, or Mexican to participate for the US Open.

Let me know if you are interested, so I can start a running tally. Let's do this thing!

4th January 2014, 07:31 PM
I'm in! No turning down a competition like this! :D

5th January 2014, 05:40 PM
Spread the word! No tentative date yet, but I was thinking 2nd or 3rd weekend in February?

Since the circuits will be all tracks at Flash, that gives everyone at all skill levels time to prepare and practice.

5th January 2014, 06:40 PM
Mid February would work for me as of now, and I'll try to get a few friends interested. I also wanted to say that while I like the idea of racing at Flash to incorporate all skill levels, I think the finals should be held at Rapier for a true test of skill. ;)