View Full Version : Things you thought as a kid

25th November 2013, 02:34 PM
Hey guiz, I was just pondering over what I used to think about when I was a kid when looking around my surroundings. Then all of a sudden so many of them came rushing back. These are some of the things I'm talking about:

I heard the word "pornography" on TV and thought it was a type of running. I thought computers were the monitors themselves. I thought up to 10 people could easily ride in a sedan. I thought babies could jump right out of their beds and start playing with us. I thought games were an actual reality that if you were a grown up, you could actually transcend into one. I thought everyone talked the same language, just that I didn't know all the words. I thought teachers were tyrannous overlords for all eternity. I thought the F-word was a type of spicy candy. I remembered numbers by remembering colors for certain ones, like blue is 4, red is 9, green is 6 (weird stuff I know). And many many more. If you still remember some, share them down below! xD

25th November 2013, 04:44 PM
I know most people probably thought this when they were young but I used think that when television was black and white so was the world itself xD

25th November 2013, 06:37 PM
are you both rather young, still being ableto remember that stuf or is my meory that horrible, i've been pondeeing for a good while now but can't seem to think of anything o_O


25th November 2013, 06:41 PM
Na i'm still young haha, i'm 20 :)

25th November 2013, 07:32 PM
I can't remember much from my infancy, but I know I thought the moon was like a window for someone's kitchen because it was white lit and reminded me of the circular kitchen window in my old house, and the outside view of my kitchen resembled the moon at night. I also remember thinking that people on TV actually lived there, and when an character got shot, they got shot for real. But I guess lots of children think that. I also thought PC's were just the monitor. I remember being scared of my uncle's anatomy books, thinking the pictures could jump out and chase me, especially the skulls. I used to hide the books about anatomy that people gave me on top of the cabinet so I didn't have to see the cover images.
Other than that I can't remember much else, mainly because I was always very curious and usually proved my assumptions wrong before they could settle in my memory.

Sadly I didn't interact with the internet in my childhood. I bet that would produce some pretty interesting effects in my memories.

30th November 2013, 11:17 PM
I remember when I was very young, my uncle played some Rage Against The Machine to me and I could barely sleep at night cuz I found the music so scary :D Also I was always fascinated by satellite dishes, dunno why. I thought that if it rains too much and the rain would stay inside the satellite dish, all TV's on the globe would stop functioning. And when I was very little, I thought about living in the nature when I grow up :D

1st December 2013, 10:38 AM
haha, satellite dishes, wonderful doc :D

And i just remembered one, me and my sis in the evenings, when there was lightning always hid somewhere in the middle of the house, we thought lightning could chose it's own path and would come to get us, we were always scared it would spook around a corner in the house XD
Good times lol, sis is still scared of lighting nowadays (she be 22 now ^^) i find it cute :)
