View Full Version : RGB cable - whoa!

9th June 2003, 09:30 AM
Picked up an RGB cable for my PS One at a flea market last week. It cost me 3 euros, and let me tell you - 'twas a great investment. The picture quality is so much better than using the standard AV cable.

How much sharper is the image now? Well, the menus in Wip3out are now fullly legible - even down to the smallest font sizes!

Whether the better picture will improve my race times (not likely) remains to be seen.

The picture's so bright, I gotta wear... 8)

Bob Todd
9th June 2003, 03:08 PM
I tried using one of those but it made the picture go all jumpy... I wonder what went wrong?

9th June 2003, 04:42 PM
I tried using one of those but it made the picture go all jumpy...
Hmm, maybe your TV doesn't support RGB input. The cable I got connects to the PS One's "multi out" jack, and to the TV's Euro/SCART connector. I got the TV second hand, guess its five to ten years old.