View Full Version : So, D-pad or analog stick?

29th May 2013, 04:10 PM
I started out using the pad, then hating it and switching to the analog stick, and now I'm back to using the pad :) WAAAAYYYYY more control with the pad when it comes to pitch control and barrel rolling, and I also make a lot less noise with the controller :g

29th May 2013, 05:46 PM
Negcon :)

29th May 2013, 06:13 PM
??? what you mean?


I find negcon but how to play wipeout ? No R2L2?


29th May 2013, 08:17 PM
D-pad. You have no idea how weird the analog stick seems to me. I tried it once recently and as you said more mildly than me, I had basically no control whatsoever (Well maybe it's the extent of my piloting skills and my recent extreme rustiness rendering me unable to pilot half the track without crashing SOMEWHERE). And the noise when I try barrel rolling (note 'try' as it didn't pick up or maybe that's my crap controller).

So, D-pad and L1 R1 for the airbrakes.

29th May 2013, 09:58 PM
Negcon :)

Waaaaaat???? How'd you get it to work? Or is this just a cruel joke 0_o

29th May 2013, 11:39 PM
D-pad, NeGcon when Im using the PS1. I lack the brains to get the NeGcon to work on the PS3.

30th May 2013, 09:20 PM
d-pad. Way more control.

30th May 2013, 10:22 PM
Analogue with 6axis pitch control. I dislike the PSX D-Pad: it feels stiff, inaccurate, and uncomfortable to me. D-Pads are only good for 2D games, IMO... yet there are players like Leungbok who surprise me with how good they are, so it obviously to me boils down to how comfortable you are. Even seen one player get a top 10 time using pure 6axis motion control.

I've actually tested the D-pad out, and maybe it's just the way I use it, but there are common points that when held actually correspond not to the button you're pressing, but to the perpendicular option, e.g. if I'm holding down D-pad right, if I hold it in the right spot, will actually be D-pad down or D-pad up. So that, mixed with those other serious issues, turns me off the D-pad massively. I think it was fine back in the PS1 days, but then with the PS2>onward they made all the buttons analogue, and it ****ed them up bigtime.

31st May 2013, 02:39 AM
I made a few negcons that work on the ps3, BUT, I ended up using element42's converter ( work of art). Sensitivity, dead zone adjustment, and some switches that change button functions.

31st May 2013, 08:47 PM
For navigating around the track I always use the analogue stick as it can be pointed in loads of different directions (unlike the D-pad), though I often use the D-pad buttons for pulling the nose up/down. I know my way of using the controller may be rather weird, but... it seems to work for me. :g

31st May 2013, 10:35 PM
Read the posts from this page onwards about getting a NegCon to work with HD/FURY.

I always use the D-Pad because that's what I've always played Wipeout with, and the fact that I can't control the craft as well with the stick, let alone do a BR with it.

1st June 2013, 02:50 AM
D-pad: WipEout 1, 2097, Wip3out, Fusion
Analog Stick: Pulse, HD/Fury, 2048
For pure, I cant find what's best, so I find myself switching from both most of the time.

I don't get why people find it so hard to use the analog stick?

1st June 2013, 10:59 AM
I use the D-pad for steering and pitch. I tried the stick, but I just don't get it. I never held it half way or used it any different than the D-pad so all it did was make me turn slightly too late and ruin my Zone runs. Oddly though, I use the L2/R2 buttons instead of L1/R1 for airbreaks.

I really wish there was a third button just for side-shifting. It takes /way/ too long to double-tap airbreaks..

amplificated: It sounds like your controller's defective. Under the D-pad's actually an analog stick that the buttons push around. Judging by your symptoms it seems to be mis-aligned. Do you have a second controller you can try with?

2nd June 2013, 02:29 PM
I'm just used to using the D-pad. I started playing with the D-pad and it's so difficult to switch to the analog stick. I don't feel in control with the analog stick.

So that's why I find it hard, I never use it.

2nd June 2013, 03:00 PM
amplificated: It sounds like your controller's defective. Under the D-pad's actually an analog stick that the buttons push around. Judging by your symptoms it seems to be mis-aligned. Do you have a second controller you can try with?

I highly doubt it. I have two control pads that function identically in this regard.

2nd June 2013, 04:27 PM
I use the D-pad for general steering, but I quickly switch to the analog stick for barrel rolls. I guess my fingers are faster with the analog stick than they are with the D-pad when attempting barrel rolls. And if I play zone, I use my right hand to control the left analog stick because I don't need to press the X button. Weird, I know. But it works for me.

5th December 2013, 04:59 PM
Has to be analog for me. It feels more fluent and I find it a hell of a lot easier to barrel roll using the analog stick than the directional pad :)

8th December 2013, 11:21 PM
D-pad. I don't like analog sticks.

@IXxNOCTURNALxXI : Yes, i think you are right about barrel rolling with analog stick. But maybe keeping a good line, like when you have to do a double br, is harder?
If peoples who mastered analog sticks and tried d-pad too could answer this, it could be interesting to know.

8th December 2013, 11:39 PM
It depends really mate, I used to use the directional pad and found it okay but I found it harder to do barrel rolls then as soon as I started using the analog stick I could race a lot better :) I know its obvious me saying this but go with what feels better for you haha :)

9th December 2013, 11:15 AM
For the classics like WipEout, WipEout 3, and WipEout XL I use the D-Pad without a doubt. Also on the PSP versions WipEout Pure and Pulse for the most part I use the D-Pad. Though when playing HD/Fury I usually use the analogue stick and then occasionally use the D-Pad for a barrel roll. Curious to see how the upgraded dual analogue sticks are on the PSVita when I pick that up and a copy of WipEout 2048. I just couldn't stand the short nubby stick on the PSP, but the new analogue looks more precise on the Vita.