View Full Version : Some WipEout Fanart and (would be) streaming plans

23rd March 2013, 01:24 PM
I thought about posting this in the pilots section, but well, not sure still, that and wanted to talk about something else that isn't entirely related to WipEout as well.

First off, I have been working on said WipEout Fanart, though with life being the way it is, and how I hate being half-arsed, it's been taking a while.

Plus it hasn't been the only thing I've been working on, I'll explain more later.

For now, enjoy what's here, if the attachment fails to work, there's my Deviantart Link as well, if that fails...PM me and I'll try to send it via E-mail and if that fails...I'm out of ideas.



And now to the second part, my would be plans to stream.

Every so ofthen when I can get a chance, I've been trying to stream when I work on some kind of art project. Be it something WipEout or anything, which can include but isn't limited to Gran Turismo, Ridge Racer, something Anthro/Furry and so on.

The only issue apart from my less-than-abled computer, and Pro-Caster (or as I like to call it Pro-Crasher, I'd use Join.me but besides the 10 viewer limit and how it shows EVERYTHING until I find a workaround in my situation, Pro-crasher will have to due), is when I can stream given how in life, everything else takes priorty over my artwork.

I still try, and it's been at best sporatic. I'll try to schedule in my case afternoon-evening EST, (so a range between 2 PM to 9PM).

I mention it since, well again been working on WipEout art, and I figure if I can come up with some would be schedule, maybe a few people here could take a look. As of late I'm still trying to finish the Logo evolutions by RuinedMirage on DA as well as the Van Uber successor team.

While I have a basic ship drawn in front/rear/side and 3/4 drawings, I'm still working ideas out, and probably because I want to give this some degree of attention not unlike how Studio Liverpool handled any ship up to HD/Fury even if say they wern't changed much from their earlier variants.

More so with the Fury variant, though my ramble on how I feel on the art direction(s) of the series in general is for another time.

Rambling aside...what does everybody else think if I may ask?

Until then.

PS, I have to thank KEG_11 again for the various screenshots of the fusion craft, and well, since I lack the majority of the WipEout titles, I'll be asking for help soon enough on Pulse, and 2048...maybe even the very first WipEout unless I can get the abadonware PC port to work proper.

Time will tell, and assuming I get less sidetracked.