View Full Version : In The Flesh - New 3 part Zombie based drama series from BBC3

19th March 2013, 12:51 PM
In the Flesh is no "Twilight"
It is not some replacement for "Being Human" which was a very successful BBC3 drama/COMEDY that ran over 5 series.

I watched part one of 3 x 1 hour episodes last on Monday after it's debut on BBC3 the day before.


I was thinking it was going to be a replacement for Being Human that finished the week before, a sort of tongue in cheek, part comedy part drama.

Well it wasn't, this is a full on drama, and quite a effecting one at that.

The premise is that there has been a outbreak of the dead rising from their graves and running rampage as zombies several years before the start of the story.

During the outbreak the politicians at the time tried to control the zombies, but only had enough resources to do so in the major cities.

Subsequently country town based vigilante groups sprang up to protect their towns.

The story starts several years after the health authorities find a treatment for what is now called, in a politically correct manner, "PDS" - Partially Dead Syndrome.

PDS sufferers are kept in internment camps for treatment and rehabilitation, to the stage where the authorities release them back into the care of their families.

Those released are registered as PDS sufferers [Much like sex offenders] and must comply to daily medication.

I won't go into any more detail because it will destroy a great story.

Suffice to say this is a great twist on any zombie related story I have ever seen, the end of part one has a particularly chilling incident .
This is NOT a kids show like Dr Who, this is serious, in your face, ethically , if not emotionally confrontational TV.

Highly recommended watching if you get the chance.

I suspect it will eventually get shown on Australian ABC2 sometime later in the year.

19th March 2013, 04:54 PM
I'm so tired of zombies. After Shaun of the Dead everyone seem to like them a lot.

19th March 2013, 06:42 PM
Sounds great wiggle, gonna check it out at once.