View Full Version : Is WipEout HD Fury the best overall PS3 game?

9th January 2013, 07:43 PM
I've been giving this particular subject a lot of thought recently and so far my mind points to the fact that WipEout HD Fury is virtually the only PS3 game I've played with no complaints whatsoever. Let me get one thing straight, I am a total Gran Turismo fanboy, the reason I bought my PS3 was for GT5. However, even though I have played a ridiculous amount of that game (Including 5 24 Hr Endurance races (Still not done the one on the Nurb though, haha ;) ) I just feel like there was too many flaws and faults for it to be considered the best PS3 game. It wasn't even best in the entire series.

WipEout HD on the other hand, it's totally redefined gaming for me. It is the only game I've literally played where there is always that tiny bit better you can do, you can always find that edge, you can always leapfrog yourself and become a better pilot. The tracks just seem spot on to me, unlike all the other games I've played with Maps/Tracks/Environments, there isn't one track where I groan and curse about it. They all are pretty much perfect. The graphics are absolutely stunning. Nothing more to add. It easily has the best custom soundtrack implementation of any game I've played since Vib Ribbon on the PS1. The online does the job it sets out to perfectly. It's fast, frenetic fun, do I wish it had integrated VC that worked? Of course I do, but that's a minor point.

So, yes. My opinion is that WipEout HD Fury is the best PS3 game out at the moment. What are your thoughts?

10th January 2013, 08:00 PM
Well I bought my ps3 for wipeout and lbp, stoped playing lbp and am still playing wipeout.
I'm hooked since it was my first ps1 game.
there are many other good games out there, but for shooters and rts games I pick a pc.
and games like stombraider are just not my cup of tea.
I always loved fast race games so you this wipeout with zone mode is so verry adicting!
for me i'ts the best but its not a party game so depending if you play with lots of mates or not!

most people suck at the game so mp with new mates is not that cool because you win while lapping them.
But because V-K zone mode makes me go nuts its my fav by far!

14th January 2013, 10:13 AM
Over the last three years I've bought a number of games with a view to playing something other than HD. It's not worked. Fight Night round 4, GT5, Dirt 3, Skate 2, NFS Hot Pursuit, WRC 2 and many others, they've all fallen by the wayside, some within hours. And yet HD has over 1,100 hours of race time, probably double that in terms of the game actually being on, and probably double that again in terms of time spent in the Wipeout Universe e.g. on here, Youtube, rankings site, Facebook etc.

So yes, I'd say it's the best PS3 game. If I didn't think that I'd be mental.

14th January 2013, 10:26 AM
Though I find the question a bit useless in a community of Wipeout lovers, I have to say I agree with Colonel.
I got few games to be honest, but even the overall beauty of Mass Effect Trilogy isn't distracting me from HD long enough. I got tired of FIFA 12 pretty soon, I completed Shatter and put LittleBigPlanet and Flower aside. I finished Uncharted just for the sake of it, and now it'll be some time before I buy another game.
In the end it's always HD I come back to. Maybe because it's relatively new to me, maybe because there's that "always-improving" thingy that my other games don't have.

Oryx Crake
14th January 2013, 10:28 AM
when I first saw the question I thought "of course not there is bound to be something better than what was essentially a tech demo" but to be honest after thinking about it for a while... honestly I can't think of another game that I think is better, more well rounded, more replayable and more easily accessible... let's not even mention value for money.

if I'm perfectly honest I think probably to my mind the best ps3 games have been ps-store games, stuff like castle crashers, lbp, mega man 9 & 10 hours of fun for very little money, and wipeout HD as you've very well described bren,... well it delivers almost everything in spades.

It really is too bad that not more people ever got into it, but then the learning curve is steep I suppose and while it's a lot less experimental and avant-garde than the first few titles were especially in design and atmosphere, it does still have that wipeout edge to it which I think might put your average Sunday gamer off a little, or maybe I'm just prejudiced, but nonetheless wipeout HD does not have the following it deserves, though the community is one of the best in all of video/pc-game fandom.

14th January 2013, 10:45 AM
No you're right about the learning curve Theo. I have three "real life" friends who own HD. One of them is fairly decent at Eliminator, but not very proficient at any other mode. None of the others can play it at all, they've all sacked it off long ago because they can't do it.

I don't want that to sound like a criticism of the game because it's not. I blame my friends entirely for not having the patience to stick with it. And it's not like SL didn't try and help people out with Pilot Assist. I dunno, maybe you just have to be a bit mad to get into HD.

Rapier Racer
14th January 2013, 12:06 PM
Or a bit less casual? I know a fair few people who commented on it being too hard, its not if you give it time, any real gamer could play wipeout, for everyone else there's Call of duty.

Oryx Crake
14th January 2013, 12:23 PM
I think video games are just generally so much easier these days that when games have a genuine challenge to them people tend to not be arsed because there are a mkillion games out there that they can learn to play easily.

every hard game I know of from the past few years has been either an indie game a fan service game or it has bombed. I mean since the super nintendo game difficulty has radically dropped, for every genre of gaming, racing is no exception, so I think yeah... unless you've really fallen for a game, really like a challenge, or is like me a long time fan of the series the learning curve can be discouraging.

I wont berate anyone for liking easy gaming experiences but I do think that it's starting to reach a point now where the easiness of games is becoming slightly patronizing... thats my own feelings on the matter but er... I digress, back to my point yes if you are a casual gamer you're more likely to play call of duty than wipeout HD, just as rapier racer says.

14th January 2013, 12:34 PM
Ha, the thing is I can't play Call Of Duty, or any FPS at all. Controlling direction with one stick and aim with the other is like trying to rub my stomach and pat my head. It's been the same since Golden Eye on the N-64, wandering round firing into the sky / karate chopping thin air while I get shot to ribbons. Useless.

15th January 2013, 09:00 PM
I genuinely sat and thought about this one. Like proper dedicated thought. I have to say yes it is. My reasons are really that I have plenty of other games for my PS3 I could be sat playing, but the truth is, I get bored easily... Wipeout on the other hand, I go back to it every time and I am yet to tire of it. I don't know what it is but it keeps me coming back for more. I've heard a few friends of mine complain that it's "too hard"... When I first picked HD up, it was. I don't give up easily. I was determined to get better at it and now I cant stop. It's stolen hours of my life and I've only been hard at it for just over a year now. I will keep playing ^_^ I will keep improving ^_^ I love Wipeout.

16th January 2013, 06:20 PM
I buy PS3 for wipeout in my home country.

I come to France and not have PS3.

I buy new PS3 slim and wipeout for play it in France.

I have 2 PS3 now. One Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. One the France :D

My first time I play online it the France and I very scare for the professional racer because they is very good. Last year I play a lot of online. This year I have study more less play.

I only play wipeout. Other game not interest for me. WIPEOUT IS THE BEST.

16th January 2013, 07:14 PM
I agree TERRA-WRISTS! :) Hope you got some vids of those races last night. I think we were all hitting Top 30 times every race lol, got loads of PBs! :)

16th January 2013, 11:51 PM
Over the last three years I've bought a number of games with a view to playing something other than HD. It's not worked. Fight Night round 4, GT5, Dirt 3, Skate 2, NFS Hot Pursuit, WRC 2 and many others, they've all fallen by the wayside, some within hours. And yet HD has over 1,100 hours of race time, probably double that in terms of the game actually being on, and probably double that again in terms of time spent in the Wipeout Universe e.g. on here, Youtube, rankings site, Facebook etc.

So yes, I'd say it's the best PS3 game. If I didn't think that I'd be mental.

I couldn't agree more! I am sane because I know WipEout is the best game :) lol I have had it for 2 years now and i'm still learning! To me, a great game is one where you are constantly figuring new thing out. It never gets old!!!

17th January 2013, 01:48 PM
Probably among the best games I've ever played, and the best one among PS3 ones. Technically almost perfect (You must be reeeeally proud of your graphics if you put inside your game a photo mode able to grab pictures from ANY moment of the game), challenging but not impossible, stylish... How could you want more?

17th January 2013, 10:27 PM
I would really like to know who voted "no"! Not to flame or criticize them, I just want to know what game is, in case I've been missing out here.

Tell us? Please? :)

18th January 2013, 12:20 AM
I bet it's AG WOLF :). Blur would be the game

18th January 2013, 02:28 AM
Nothing beats wipeout hd. It's the one game I keep coming back to. The only other games to even come close would be demon's souls and dark souls in my opinion.

18th January 2013, 05:24 AM
I agree TERRA-WRISTS! :) Hope you got some vids of those races last night. I think we were all hitting Top 30 times every race lol, got loads of PBs! :)

My roxio not working. It say not find device driver lol. I change nothing. I can not record now :(

But so much fun we play the wipeout. I can play more Monday same time :)

18th January 2013, 06:27 AM
The only very visible issues I have with WipEout HD are more due to the hardware it is running on and more technical than design related.

-Poor split screen with bad framerate
-3D also halves framerate
-framerate instability during high action and dynamic framebuffer adjustment

I would love for Wipeout to have a constant 1080p 60FPS+ experience in 3D and split screen. Passed those, the issues are:

-Voice chat.
-Networking improvements (ghosting/precision issues/etc.)

Regarding the content itself, maps should've been a bit more exploit proof than they were. Other than that there isn't really anything I can say about it.

However while other games may run at 720p 30FPS they can do so consistently. IMO I prefer higher resolutions, so I would still count this against.
Networking can be better specifically in higher budget releases, and content and re-playability also appropriate. Again this is a wash IMO.

Considering that HD and Fury are not supposed to be on a similar level, it certainly gives a good run for the money and I can appreciate that. I'm not sure I would declare it the best because of cost though. I guess I am neutral on this.

Before WipEout HD I played a ton of Resistance Fall of Man and I appreciated that a lot too for the gameplay, the amount of content, re-playability and the fact that it was also a very stable release. So yeah, I can't really say.

Unfortunately my PS3 was quite literally abandoned after YLOD, so I have not kept up with anything after. I'm not sure you will ever see me on PSN again too because I don't really have an interest in that anymore.

TLDR: I can't vote on this, buncha reasons and feelings.

3rd February 2013, 08:38 AM
It is the best game available on the PS3/VITA
It has far and away the best replay value of ANY PS3 game.
It is far and away the best VALUE for it's asking price , for the same reason.

I mean nearly 3 years of solid controller thrashing video gaming on the one title ... I basically gave it up for a year ... then the OMNIUM Tournament .... Oh you bastard .... I'm HOOKED AGAIN ...Need to shave that fraction of a second off my SL/TT Times.:brickwall

I forgot how much I LOVE THIS GAME! :)

Try it in 3D ...Totally different experience to normal 2D.
Zone in 3D will just do your head in ..... well Hellfire & Problemsolver would lov3e it .... TOO MUCH for me.
Visual overload, same as I find the FURY Tracks.