View Full Version : Wipeout induced/inspired art

The Loz
27th May 2003, 09:56 PM
I drew this earlier - http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/2009110

Tell me what yous think.


27th May 2003, 11:36 PM
i like the reasonably bright colours and the single-tone shading that give it that cel-animation look. nice job. thanks for showing it to us

28th May 2003, 08:28 AM
Very cool :)

The Loz
28th May 2003, 05:18 PM
Heheh thanks for the kind words. ^_^ I might draw another one eventually. (Emphasis on "eventually" - I tend to take quite a while to get started on things)


28th May 2003, 06:08 PM
thats cool! i like the colors you used, and the african face paint style design on the ship. nice! :)

since the topic is wipeout inspired art, here are some drawings if people are interested in looking at ship designs. the design of your ship loz reminded me of some of these old sketches i did for a computer game idea extrapolated from a concept based on the design of wipeout. these ships are geared more toward aircraft and spacecraft as opposed to racing. the first image shows some of the rather low-polygon designs i was working on and the second is one i was creating for my friend to model. side view on that one was never finished. again, these are very sketchy because i was more concerned with the actual coding. :roll:

ship variety (http://www.foxzero.net/linked/ships01c.gif)

render ready (http://www.foxzero.net/linked/skeleton.gif)

edit: oh yeah i forgot, this was a drawing warm up i did on an oekaki board. colored and all. of particular interest is the ship design (pirhana a-la wo3) and the dual joysticks, like in the hackers arcade.

close call (http://www.foxzero.net/linked/10970.gif)

28th May 2003, 07:52 PM
This thing isn't by me (I could try it all my life and I wouldn't draw that well) but when I found it some weeks ago I thought it was really neat.

Scroll down until you find Vera "Zadra" Gentinetta drawings. It's in the second row second column.


28th May 2003, 08:27 PM
Jason, i especially like the one in the upper right corner of the first page you linked. very clean and compact


the Feisar looks great, and the scene reminds me of Terminal combined with P-Mar. 'zadra' has got some drawing talent, all right. so has giuseppe stella, and with an even greater variation of styles. thanks for the link, xEik

30th May 2003, 12:40 AM
That painting was zadra was so cool. It totally captured the feel of wipeout. kinda reminded me of the intro from 2097. I just wish somebody would do some writing in the wipeout world, it's impossible to find, if anyone finds any tell me.

Hybrid Divide
30th May 2003, 01:02 AM
I've got the introduction to a WipEout screenplay I wrote for a class. I'm just waiting for Infox to add it to the fan fiction section. 8)

Bob Todd
30th May 2003, 08:39 AM
Zadra's piccy rocks!

I love the NOT-Feisar, it's got a lovely anime feel to it.
I like the skellies too, nice designs.

I had a fanmade team called Hyena Industries ages ago... I must resurrect it.

31st May 2003, 01:12 AM
good stuff vagrant logic it's encouraging to see other people exploring the world of wipeout. Cant wait to read it.

31st May 2003, 01:29 AM
yeah, what with your hyena, my minsawki, wamdue`s team.... and I`m certain we had a fourth team.... there must be some bright spark somewhere on the wipeoutzone who can put together a one-track mini-flash-game for us... something like "whypout" or "wipeout XXL" for a title....
who gives a damn if its perfect, it would be so gaddam cool! :P

:back to topic
Cool fan-art!
I would be very anxious to see wipeout in cel-shading.... it could work, because of the neon-soaked building environments, naturally being blocky, would give a real sense of speed, but looking at the previous attempts....
1) prototyp3 tracks :.... similar, but in hi-res, with proper backgrounds, please?
and 2) Auto Modellista:... <shudder> eurrrggghh, there was so much wrong with that, where do I start! :lol:

31st May 2003, 01:38 AM
i had high hopes for Auto Modellista, but even though i've not see the game live, i've seen a lot of screenshots and the colours just ... uh... no. they went wrong on the tone value balances and the juxtaposed colours in the backgrounds, which just don't fit well with the car colours and just plain don't look good on their own either. i wish someone would make a racing game that looks like the Dark Horse produced animated series, Big Guy and Rusty. i loved the visual mood of that one

Hybrid Divide
31st May 2003, 08:11 AM
Thruster, the 4th team was mine.

Ynos Aero Drive Systems.

The ship is still in the early development stages. And won't be viewable till I learn 3D Max. :wink:

Bob Todd
31st May 2003, 12:04 PM
I love cel-shading... I reckon a lot of games could be improved by the inclusion of it somewhere. I liked Sly Raccoon's graphics: they had realistically-rendered backgrounds but cel-shaded characters... verra nice. Perhaps the WipEout tracks could be realistically mapped but the ships cel-shaded?

31st May 2003, 03:38 PM
Hey hey!

Y'all forgot my baby, Omn¡tek Unlimited! [Also mentioned in my big series of postings on the hypothetical wipEout maximum]

I've been re-editing that document by the way, and might repost it within a few weeks/months, with additions and omissions based on the comments I received here on the forum.


31st May 2003, 05:03 PM
well, thats five... include "the loz"`s design, and thats six.... two more and we got ourselves a game, folks! :lol:

Bob Todd
1st June 2003, 08:44 AM
The first WipEout only had four teams... why can't we have just the six?

1st June 2003, 09:23 AM
errr... yeah, why not?
I just thought that designing a team is way easier than making a game about it. I dont know anybody skilled enough to make a game.

Would have been a good idea, I just got a little too ambitious.

Synthetic Consciousness
1st June 2003, 12:22 PM
You can download programs here that allow you to make games (Jamagic and The Games Factory are good [available in the downloads section of the site--I think Jamagic requires knowledge of C++, though]): http://www.clickteam.com/

I could probably try my hand at making a team. Or, if someone's able to use one of the programs on the Clickteam site to start making a game, I could lay down some tracks for the music...just let me know what kind of groove you're wanting. :D

Hmmm...maybe mine wouldn't be a team, as much as a company that makes weapons/etc for existing ships. Synthetic Consciousness Technological Advancements [tm]: Makers of reliable Autopilot Drives and Artificial Intelligence Collision Detection Shield Generators and Proximity Indicators. 8)

1st June 2003, 06:54 PM
heh, dream away! the more the merrier.... I already got Ceratech Components making my Team Minsawki missile guidance systems :lol:

Seriously, I will try to do some programming (and if that means learning C++ then so be it) but you`re going to have to be patient.... I havent done programming before, and to try and replicate something as beautiful and intricate as WipEout is a hard task even for a multi-million software company, nevermind a one-man newbie army!!

As for audio, I have been pestering CoLD SToRAGE for a follow-up to Messij Received.
Like Big Brother, he`s going to get back to me. Other than that...just listen to the 2097 soundtrack and get inspired! :P

-edit- just d/l the games maker from the clickteam site (muchas gracias for the link, senor)
and I got MOO (the online multiplayer patch.)
you know, if anyone else wants to try this, they are more than welcome to... I`m starting to get a terrible feeling that I have let myself in for a task which is way too complex..

2nd June 2003, 04:19 AM
... I could probably do it. I'm usually pretty busy with my full-time work now (as a programmer) but if there's a package that gives me a bunch of pre-defined objects for gaming and it's sufficiently high-level (C++ can be a high-level programming language, so I guess that might be okay) then there's a good chance I could pull something off.