View Full Version : Temet's Achille tendon

20th November 2012, 10:01 AM
Hello friends in speed,

Ok, as some of you might know, the last European Convention has not been very friendly with me.
The thing is that I broke my Achille's tendon playing tennis in September and I didn't know if I could go to the convention. The cast was removed 2 weeks before the convention and I asked the doctor if it was OK to go. He said yes... well I would have prefered if he said no, or at least warned me that is was still very weak.
What happened is that I felt and the consequences were quite bad : the scar broke, some skin torn, the tendon broke again and was partly outside of the leg. This was not nice to see and I'm sure I would have been even more shocked if it happened to someone else... so I guess the present wipers have been very shocked too. Sorry for this guys. I know I had a terrible expression on my face when I left the hostel... I was just beginning to walk again after 2 monthes so it was indeed very hard, psychologically speaking.
Once you are in the hospital and they say : "Ok, it's fully broken again" ... I had to accept it so it was a bit easier but the first nights where very bad, with a lot of guilt.
You know : "I should have taken a taxi", "I shouldn't have care that I was slowing down the whole group", etc etc... but it's done.
The first day and let's say 1 day and a half after the surgery have been quite painful, but since this time it's OK, no pain.
I have a "magic boot" where you can set the angle between the foot and the leg. I started with 30°, and now I'm 15°... 0° being when the foot and the leg are perpendicular. The threads where removed last Saturday so I have nothing to do until 3 weeks from now, when I will have to switch to 0°.

7040 7041

I had to stay more than 2 weeks in the hospital because there has been some complications : an infection started and they had to cut a small part of the tendon. After that, I had to stay so that they could check the wound every 2 days and give me a specific antibiotic that can be given in intravenous manner only.

I have to thank a lot AmigoJack that visited me nearly every day and was bringing me some chocolate. You're not a friend in speed anymore, you're a real friend now!
I have to thank also all the people that called me.

This bad episode doesn't mean I don't remember the first awesome days I spent with you guys!
I already had a good feeling/friendship with some of the wipers, but I could get closer to other ones.
I remember saying before the convention that I couldn't find the right frequency to discuss with Guillaume during the previous conventions. We found it this time! Guillaume was very kind, helping me for breakfast every day ... and there is also a soap story, he will understand :)
I spent a very nice Pure tournament being always (but once) in second division with Ben. I thought that I have been an asshole in Paris not to see you the last day as you proposed 2 years ago.
I met Marcus for the first time but he was very friendly and brought us an awesome cake.
I met some other people for the first time : Rennfish, Zeez, Dreamerx and I didn't spend a lot of time with you, but it was nice meeting you.

I really hope I will see most of you next year! Just remember I will have to be careful again, as I can try to run again only in September next year!!

I'm back to work since last week so I feel like having a normal life, since I'm used to living with one leg since September! :)

I will update the thread for the next step and keep you inform about my recovery.



20th November 2012, 11:00 PM
Thanks for the update Temet, I think if you are next year's convention someone had better put a leash on you and make sure you walk slow! No running!

No, seriously I hope you are back to running and jumping and all the good stuff as soon as your tendon has healed. Please be careful and maybe you and I will have a foot race one day!
And also seriously, I think it was very cool of the hospital to put a FEISAR boot on you.
Take care Temet :)

21st November 2012, 12:43 PM
Don't know who you are but ouch, man. Get better soon!

21st November 2012, 03:52 PM
Thanks Medusa! It reminds me more and an AgSys boot, if you take the alternative color skin no? :)

Thanks TypeProton ;)

21st November 2012, 06:14 PM
Looks like, you over done to yourself in that convention after two weeks!, bud, take it easy, and build on it but not not on Pure! ;), you know :P

At least, you are on the mend and keep it going.


21st November 2012, 09:50 PM
:eek Faaack! All the best mate, that looks seriously painful!

22nd November 2012, 07:15 AM
Thanks mate.

Actually, it's not so painful when it breaks.
When I felt MadIce told me : "It didn't break otherwise you would feel pain".
... I told him : "But I'm in pain" ... just the fear to have the tendon broken again was "covering" the pain.
In the hospital, they had to make me several injections in the wound... I couldn't see because I was lying on my stomach. This was by far the most painful part, even if it last 2 or 3 minutes.
After it was OK.
After the surgery, it was painful for 1 day an half. It was the same for the first surgery, but it has been more painful this time, espescially during the first night.
But since that it's OK, I don't have any pain at all. They were giving me painkillers at the hospital and I had to refuse several times saying : "No pain".

So yes, it's painful, but fortunately not for several days! ;)

Btw, I had 2 spinal injections for the anaesthetic ... it was what was scaring me the most the first time! You know what, I felt nearly nothing the two times! So don't be scared if one day you have to get one ;)

24th November 2012, 06:38 AM
Get better soon, the AG league is missing you.

Quote:Btw, I had 2 spinal injections for the anaesthetic ... it was what was scaring me the most the first time! You know what, I felt nearly nothing the two times! So don't be scared if one day you have to get one

God I would hate to have spinal injections, the thought of ever having to need one scares the crap out of me.

24th November 2012, 08:08 PM
OH yes, definitely the alternative AG-SYS skin. I'm ashamed I didn't think of that :)
Spinal injections, yet one more reason for me to never want kids!! (yes I know, too much info!)

Really though, now Temet can empathize in a way with new moms :D

26th November 2012, 09:16 AM
Spinal injections, yet one more reason for me to never want kids!!

Amongst others the same reason for me. ;)

27th November 2012, 11:08 AM
Thanks Blackwiggle!

@Medusa and Rennfish : because you don't know! I asked for the spinal the second time : you don't feel the injection and it's very efficient! It's not the same anesthetic ... mine was for the pain and the feelings. They explained me that for women, it was for pain only.
Oh, and about 20 years ago, there was no spinal... still there were kids ;)

27th November 2012, 05:10 PM
Interesting, I wasn't aware of the different types of epidural until now, having only all the information relating to labour...

Oh, and about 20 years ago, there was no spinal... still there were kids ;)

I fear I've dragged you into far too womanly territory now, Temet
I'm just smiling at this misunderstanding...because most of the women I know deliberately avoid having the epidural. Getting the epidural during childbirth increases risks to the child and mother(longer labour, child can turn, increased need for forceps to be used, more likely to need sped up drips, decreased mobility afterwards etc, etc). In short, there is so much to be concerned about already that if one is trying to have a somewhat natural childbirth (not caesarean) then adding risks is avoided. At least in my little circle of the universe.
What I meant was that I want to avoid the epidural completely and as Renn said, there are many reasons for the choice to avoid childbirth! For myself, in addition to my selfish reasons I have fairly philosophical ones, and I think I'd better leave it at that ;)

28th November 2012, 11:38 AM
You can have your reasons.
I'm personnaly very pessemistic regarding the very near future of mankind and I often think I was part of the happy last generation of kids having a normal life.
I also think there are too many humans on the planet, but that's just my opinion ;)

In France, the epidural is more or less systematic ... it like for the pill for women, nobody talks about the other means.

28th November 2012, 04:08 PM
:lol I certainly share some of your opinions!

7th January 2013, 01:47 PM


Today is my first day with my 2 feet in shoes at work :)

7th January 2013, 05:02 PM
Nice to hear, you are good on foot again.

8th January 2013, 12:53 PM
Haha, nice picture :D

I hadn't seen this thread before, thanks for sharing. Your first post made me laugh. :) The soap part, not the tendon part...
Glad to see you're "up and running" now. Actually, don't run...
Take care my friend!

17th January 2013, 10:05 PM
Congratulations Temet! Heal carefully now :)

And by the way, nice shoes ^^