View Full Version : Save data broken

3rd October 2012, 07:59 PM
So this happened to me today. My game and also the ps3 froze multiple times and for some reason it broke my Wipeout HD save data.
Good news is that online rank and trophies are still intact, since they're saved online. But all my settings, statistics, ship liveries and badges are gone. The statistics and badges I feel especially sad about, because they showed me some kind of progress.

I recommend everyone of you to copy your save data on memory card, stick or something like that from time to time, so you are on the save side. The whole game seems to get more and more broken as time goes on, I hardly had time racing without it letting me go through some shitty things today.
If anyone has an idea how to restore the data I beg you to tell me. Though I'm afraid it's lost forever, also google didn't help me on that matter.


3rd October 2012, 10:17 PM
That sucks, sorry to hear that!
I take it that you still have the game saves? Maybe if you copy them to a memory stick and then delete them from your ps3, then copy them back to your ps3? Thats all i can think of... I hope that works.
Good luck!

4th October 2012, 07:59 AM
I'm afraid that won't work. When I go to the folder with save games, it just says the data is broken. It's not even recognisable from which game it was. I could only guess by the way the game treated me as a new player asking me if I want to turn on pilots assist and stuff like that. Also copying the broken data isn't possible.
I got a save game from June though, a bit old, but better than nothing.
Thanks for bringing it up anyway, any help is appreciated, though I'm afraid this is beyond repair.

4th October 2012, 02:44 PM
O that's bad, really bad!!!

4th October 2012, 09:25 PM
Bad news again. It seems my online rank isn't updating anymore. After several races it still shows rank 55 1.9% progress. If this is really the case, this would make me so sick. Seems I'll have to open up a new account, since there isn't any technical support for this game anymore to fix it.
I could have lived with all the other data gone, but this just makes me crazy. I've grown so fond of my current account, the choice of the ID's name was thought out well, having to give up on it is hard. But I still want to get to 101, so...

22nd October 2012, 08:25 AM
Ughh. Save data corrupted... all my ghosts are fine, but my career is caput.

Not really sure how this happened as I always quit the game from the main menu using the ps3 controller, then turned off the game from the XMB, then turned off the system from the back... you can't be any more careful than that.

Anyways this sets me pretty far back in Arcade Perfect (was at 9/16 but I'm sure I can bounce back). More painfully that's a lot of lost campaign time. I don't even want to conceptualize the loyalty points...

New players take heed, back your **** up! Fifteen seconds could save you 15 hours or more on your save data.

22nd October 2012, 12:16 PM
I am so sad how this game seems to get more and more broken as time goes on, like liod19 said... Sony have really, really dropped the ball here.

29th October 2012, 07:37 PM
Yeah thankfully it wasn't that bad for me because everything I had done I was able to redo fairly quickly, other than the loyalty points.

On the other hand people losing their online records is painful and embarrassing (for Sony). Not impressed...

29th October 2012, 08:00 PM
The account problem sorted itself out fairly quickly. Someone told me the ranks weren't updating for a while that day. And I had already been overly sensitive to wipeout problems due to the save data issue.

Now I'm back to enjoying online racing and more then ever. After all it's only been numbers that were lost, so I'm over it. Wipeout can be as broken as it wants to be, I still love it more than any other game.

Just copy your save states after playing. It's not nice that this is even necessary, but you'll be fine then.