View Full Version : It has been 'fun', but now I'm gone

Amaroq Dricaldari
22nd August 2012, 05:15 PM
By the time you are reading this, I will already have begun the process of closing my account. Long story short, all I have done was get myself into trouble. I never contributed anything, and any ideas I have come up with were immediately rejected. Plus, I have had bad luck on every forum I have visited.

If you want to say your final goodbyes to me, then email me instead, because even if my account isn't closed I won't be returning to these forums. Ever.

I would like to apologize in advance for everything I have done. Sorry for unintentionally being rude, sorry for trying to be myself, sorry for trying to contribute to a community that obviously wasn't meant for me, sorry for even making an account in the first place. And most importantly, sorry for screwing everything up.

Goodbye. My stay has been interesting, but I know that I will only make things worse for myself by staying.

22nd August 2012, 05:18 PM
Aw come on. This happens all the time. Just try and stay a little longer.

I've been in this situation before. But I learned and persevered.

Amaroq Dricaldari
22nd August 2012, 05:36 PM
What if I told you that I almost got banned from every forum I've been on? In fact, I actually did get banned twice on the XGen forums.

It is only a matter of time until I get banned from this forum. I may as well leave half-honorably, of my own accord.

22nd August 2012, 05:37 PM
We've all been there. Quitting now is doing yourself a disservice.

22nd August 2012, 05:48 PM
I always wondered why you had negative rep? iv never seen any bad posts made by you.
You should stay of course... and if people disagree with your opinions just take it on the chin and focus on the racing!

Amaroq Dricaldari
22nd August 2012, 05:57 PM
Go ask the moderators, they'll probably tell you everything.

22nd August 2012, 06:01 PM
Not to be rude or anything, but it's not the end of the world when you receive an infraction. Most of us have had one for one thing or another and it's nothing to get all in a flurry about.

Oryx Crake
22nd August 2012, 06:35 PM
well here's how I see it if you feel that you're being met with hostility everywhere then start slowly allow people to get to know you before you try to be yourself as you put it, I don't see that you've been very rude or otherwise a bad influence or existence on the forums, but maybe you should look for a middle ground, also I don't think all your ideas have been rejected and if you feel that they have, then trust me when I say that most of mine have been as well... it's just a part of being part of a community. So long as you're not being intentionally rude or mean infractions aren't a problem, if you get one just re-read the forum guidelines and try not to make the same mistake again.

It takes a little while to get to know people, for you to get to know us as well as for us to get to know you, and I will tell you that just over 3 months is not enough time, I certainly wasn't known or knew many people around here after my first 3 months, but it gets better if you hang in there and stay positive in your interactions with people.

Amaroq Dricaldari
22nd August 2012, 06:52 PM
Would it help if I told you that I have been on the XGen forums for 6 months before I got banned for a week (for a crime I didn't commit), and then it was about a year later that I got banned a second time (funny that the second one was a one-year ban).


When I'm feelin' far away
And I've got no place to stay
Where will I go? You do not know my name.
If I let you hold my place
You'll deny me to my face
What can I do to wash my ways

You became a guiding light
But the fire did not burn brightly now
Along the way, your death was quick to fall
It was then I realized
I had to open up my eyes
to see the world I'd seen so long

So when you're feelin' far away
And you've got no place to stay
Don't come to me - I do not know your name.
And if you let me hold your place
I will deny you to your face
This is what we will accept as fate!

22nd August 2012, 07:05 PM
Honestly man, you seem like a nice guy (or gal) from your posts, but you have to remember this is just a forum and the only way for people to form an opinion of you is from the percentage of your posts here that they've actually read AND comprehended. Like the guys above said, hold out, give it some time. Like choosing a new hangout it takes time for you to adapt to what's normal there and for the people there to adapt to who and how you are. Relax, take the advice and constructive criticisms of mods, they're here to keep the zone as great as it is and maybe make it better.
Here, have a :beer and chill for awhile.

P.S. As regards ideas etc, you have to remember that the fanfic section here is VERY new and I'm willing to bet that most members don't give a whit about it. So if fanfic/story/background ideas is what you're feeling down about, don't worry about it.

22nd August 2012, 07:08 PM
XGen is different to WipEoutZone and I'm sure they have different rules in place. You shouldn't let your run-in with them affect your view of WZ.

WZ is a very tight-knit community, but it's one that's always happy to welcome new members. You seem like a nice chap so I don't know why you have this negative view of yourself. I'm not a Mod or Admin on here by any means, but none of your actions on this forum have come across as hostile to me. Just give it time. :)

22nd August 2012, 07:09 PM
What is it you think you're going to get banned for? I looked at your profile and you don't even have any infractions - I've had two :lol

I would urge you to stick around for a bit, there's no need to leave. I read almost everything on the site and I've not seen you do anything wrong. So I can't imagine you're going to get banned, unless you were planning on starting a white supremecist social group or something ;)

Chill dude, things will look up and you'll be glad you stayed. And don't take it personally if you have ideas rejected, or if it feels like they sometimes fall on deaf ears, it happens to all of us now and then. Pick yourself up, brush yourself off and keep plugging away. Everybody is welcome here; and now more than ever, as has been said, the community needs to stick together.



22nd August 2012, 07:29 PM
I don't quite see the point of closing your account. You may not feel "at home" here (which would be very sad because most of the pilots around here are nice, and then there's me) but you could simply have a break and come back in a few days/weeks/months (not in a few years, I copyrighted this kind of pause) and I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy the community even more than before.

You seem to put enormous energy in these forums and as a gamer who did that too many times (in these forums or other ones), my best and only advice is that you should try to learn to balance between investment and enjoyment. Well, I still didn't find it yet so if you do, give me a call ! But I think the point is right nonetheless.

As usual, my 2c.

Amaroq Dricaldari
22nd August 2012, 07:37 PM
Everybody is welcome here; and now more than ever, as has been said, the community needs to stick together.

Now more than ever, huh? Are you planning on taking Studio Liverpool's Rebellion to the next level and starting an actual Uprising? Hacking Sony's servers, burning down their hardware manufacturing plants, that kind of thing? No thanks, I think I'll keep myself out of any uprisings.

22nd August 2012, 07:48 PM
No, I don't think Sony's reached Tigron levels of antics yet. But without new games and the studio that held them together to guide them it's very likely that we could drift apart if we don't watch it as well.

It's a good thing we have ideas like SSGX and all the writers in the fanfic/RP section who can give us things to come for, and the rest of the community to be something to stay for.

Amaroq Dricaldari
22nd August 2012, 07:54 PM
Look, the fact remains: Life (Sony) gave us Lemons. While all of the other Sony studios were trying to make Lemonade, Studio Liverpool didn't make Lemonade.
When SL made WipEout 2048, a game that was decent on its own but intentionally crappy compared to the other WipEout games, they made Sony take the Lemons back! They got mad!

And they are sending us a message: We need to get mad as well! We're going to demand to see Life's manager! We are going to make Sony rue the day that they thought they could give us Lemons! DO THEY KNOW WHO WE ARE?! WE'RE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING TO BURN THEIR HOUSE DOWN, WITH THE LEMONS! We are going to get FEISAR's engineers to invent a Combustable Lemon, THAT BURNS THEIR HOUSE DOWN!

If WipEout is going to die, it is at least going to die with some dignity! We all have a common interest besides WipEout; REVENGE! You like revenge, right? Everybody likes revenge! Well let's go get some! We are going to take matters in our hands! We might not use actual violence, but in the world of Corporate Politics, what I have planned is even worse! We are going to boycott the Playstation Vita, the Playstation 4, and PSN purchases! We are going to nearly put Sony out of business!

We are going to round up as much Sony stuff as we can and send it to the Smash Doctor! We are going to tel him to destroy it all, ON CAMERA! We're going to show Sony who's boss!


And yes, I have played too much Portal 2.

Amaroq Dricaldari
22nd August 2012, 08:47 PM
Sorry for the Double Post, but as you can clearly see I am not ready to be a member of this community, as perfectlly illustrated by my behavior today.

22nd August 2012, 08:50 PM
LOL, that made me laugh... but maybe we should give it a few weeks before we throw sony under the bus, its still early days yet and sony may make an announcement stating that Wipeout is not dead in the coming weeks. Wishful thinking maybe but i have my fingers crossed!
But if they have killed it then il happily get my lemons out for the cause.

22nd August 2012, 08:51 PM
You and I have completely different viewpoints on this. Let's just forget you said that.

Amaroq Dricaldari
22nd August 2012, 09:20 PM
Alright, so I was mainly joking on the Combustable Lemons part. WZ is going to lay the Smackdown on me, but at least I can leave happy that WipEout will never truely die.

22nd August 2012, 09:33 PM
Right, this has gone far enough. Amaroq, you need to make a level headed decision whether you wish to remain on this forum, a thread like this isn't going to help you make that decision. But the fact you now seem to be deliberately making posts trying to force my hand I am considering making that decision for you. I'm putting your account on hold for one week while you gather your thoughts. Should you wish to remain a member of this community after that time then we will welcome you back. If not, then that's your call,