View Full Version : What impact has WipEout had on your life?

Bob Todd
17th May 2003, 06:23 PM
It dawned on me today that without WipEout, my musical tastes would be very different from what they are now. Were it not for me discovering the WipEout series, I would not even have heard of FSOL, Fluke and Nightmares On Wax, the three of whom are now my favourite artists. I had heard of The Chemical Brothers and The Prodigy before playing the games, but it was Wip3out's Under The Influence and 2097's Firestarter that encouraged me to get into both the bands. Orbital, Propellorheads, Leftfield and Underworld are another four I like... and again, they would not be found in my CD collection today if not for the WipEouts.
And they have influenced my tastes in more indirect ways too... I only tried out Daft Punk, Autechre and Boards Of Canada because they are all electronica, and I knew I liked this genre because it is the one of a lot of WipEout tracks.

I wondered what I would listen to in an alternative universe in which I had never dicovered WipEout. I was brought up on The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Paul Simon and other such artists, and I discovered Garbage, Talking Heads, REM, Pink Floyd and David Bowie by raiding my parents' CD collections. And I found out about Rammstein, Massive Attack and Rob Zombie through The Matrix, and Jean Michel Jarre through a chance hearing on telly. Maybe, without the brash neon noise of WipEout, I'd've gone further down the Matrix route and become a goth. Ick.

And 2097 turned me into a Red Bull addict! :D

17th May 2003, 09:08 PM
This thread reminds me of this one.
However, nobody started conjecturing about that parallel world there.

Some things that happened to me because of WipEout (directly or indirectly).
I started listening to electronic music with 2097. I'm sure I wouldn't listen to it as much if it weren't for WipEout. Now, most of the time I'm with my computer I listen to a trance Internet radio.
Lookin for information on WipEout I found WPA and later WipeoutZone, the first Internet community I ever belonged to and the one I feel more attached to.
I discovered phpBB forums in WipeoutZone. After that I started using their support forums where I acquired the biggest part of my knowledge about the Internet and software. Now I'm the official Catalan translator of phpBB. :D
I discovered Keenspot (a comic stripes site) thanks to a post of a WipeoutZone member.
Lance converted me to the Opera browser.
Thanks to Opera and some phpBB members I'm some kind of standards compliance geek (although not a very skilled one).In a nutshell, WipEout has completely determined my Internet activity. The sites I visit on a daily basis without failure are WipEoutZone, phpBB, myOpera, and a couple of comics at Keenspot.


17th May 2003, 10:44 PM

i was used to play stuff like Warcraft II and Red Alert when i went to my elder brother who had boroughed a PS 1 that one special day...the two of us and some of his friends he had invited - at these times a PS 1 at home was sort of a reason to jam together, doing a little party with your friends, a bowl of crisps and a fiew cd-cases - played Crash Bandicoot, Tekken 3 and WipEOut. the others enjoyed the first ones but when i first saw WipEOut i was hit...that was how i imagined a game to be, your character as a machine, fighting and racing at dead speeds in an environment that seemed to be the future to even the most futuristic visions...and there were a lot of them at this time.
I remember the term 'Techno' had a sound of being underground, something for the real anarchists that every youngster feels like (until he gets plugged into the system ;)) but WipEOut's style was still superior to it because of it's clear aim i guess, there's just no rubbish, style-trying stuff in it, it is like it is and that fits!

The influence on me was rather not so much the music, it was rather the graphic arts style, clean and futurisic, non-trying, determinant, i don't know really how to put it, but i guess most of you feel it as well. The strongest influence is surely the one that i got rid of my ideas of doing some sort of render-adventure...in those days, Myst and its clones where the fashion to go and since i was a person interested in raytracers and renderers these days, that was what i wanted to do.
WipEOut changed that, and since then, i'm working on a demo for a publisher that includes racing, fighting and the ability to fight without your vessel = rather Quake-like.
That one said, the only games that inspired me that much when it comes to gameplay, were Quake (a world fully in 3D!) and Duke Nukem 3D (a living world, just not so 3D-ish!).

Your Hi-NRG

18th May 2003, 03:04 AM
I remember opening the booklet in 2097(my first experience of wipeout) and being blown away by the piece of writing there, you know the whole "a pin drops" thing. i cant seem to remember the rest at the moment. I thought oh my god this is not just a racing game this is a vision of a future. It felt like the game just happened to show one aspect of that world, it was a revelation and the only game other then rollcage to make me feel like it was more than a game. It was for this reason that recently i have started to explore this universe myself with some pieces of writing hence my other post regarding fan fiction.
Wipeout showed me a world beyond the game. Amazing!!!!!!!

18th May 2003, 10:18 AM
Well, where do I start with this one!

From the day I got Wipeout 3, I knew it was a special game, yet I couldn't have imagined that almost four years down the line the whole thing would pretty much change my entire life.

With the music thing I'm pretty much with Anna - I've picked up albums by Fluke, the Chemical Brothers, Orbital and PVD just because I associate them with the game.

Then there's this site - a place I always wish I had more time to devote to its upkeep. Three years ago, when I first had the idea of doing a fan site, I figured it would just be a small tribute thing - nothing like the community that followed on from the W3PA and grew larger here. Now it dictates the path I take whenever I'm online - right away I stop off here and check everything's cool while at the same time I check my mail for forum accounts to activate.

The fact that it has affected the job I do and the place I live is just so bizarre that I try not to think about it too much. It's like the guy who runs the GTA3 fan site taking up residence in Liberty City! ;)

Other games have affected my life and my routine (don't remember what I did with Saturday mornings before I got Madden!), but none in the way that Wipeout has. I count this site and the people here among the most important things in my life. Getting attached to friends and your relationships online is something that a lot of people scoff at, but I've come to realise you can just as easily be thinking about your online friends as you would a real-world friend.

Cool topic Anna - welcome back :)

18th May 2003, 11:24 AM
Wipeout is what got me interested in the internet. I joined the wipeout fusion forums, then jays forums, then here. From the fusion forums i met lots of people, unfortunatly not many of them come online anymore. But the person who I talk to most on the net, and who I run a website with I met through fusion.com.

Wipeoutzone got me interested in phpBB, every time I'm online i visit phpbb.com. Not that Im really any good at doing anything...

Anyways, thats about it. Music in wipeout hasnt had any influence on me.

Piranha Advancements
18th May 2003, 05:57 PM

+First and foremost,to find this site and discover other dedicated pilots.

+ It reinvolved me back into UK trance.Wasn't such a fan of the genre previously but CoLD SToRAGE just lit the path and bgean to appreciate more of it.

+ The physics and aero-dynamism induce a sense of being so free and so calm.I plug in a good house track for example,close my eyes and I'll just imagine a race,a different streaming circuit as the song plays on.

+ "Surrealism".Such is the beauty of the Wip'Eout" universe that I'm almost certain it's the future that we are soaring towards.

+ Cutting-edge graphic design implementation THEN.I guess I gotta thank DR *grumble* for that.


18th May 2003, 07:50 PM
* Wip3out made me buy a PS One (got the game before the console, played it on borrowed hardware @ first).

* I found out about this place. Even though I've "been on the 'net" since 1994, I've only ever gotten involved in two communities, the 68kmla (go ahead, do a web search :wink: ) and the WipeoutZone. I come here at least twice daily.

* Musically, Wipeout was familiar territory, as I'm a long time follower of Orbital, FSOL, Fluke etc. DJ Sasha's stuff was a new accuaintance, though.

19th May 2003, 02:56 PM

I got Wipeout for my PC when it first came out as a Xmas present, but I never got the control right, so I just did Time Trials, lol.

*A Discontinued Time Slot (5-6 years)*

What made me play Wipeout again?

At this local trading post (Trade-A-Tape), I saw all three Wipeouts on the shelf. I was like, "I'm gonna get you all now! I haven't played you Mr. Wipeout 1 since you first came out on the PC. I'm gonna get you, watch and see." lol.

But, I first got WOXL...

Beat that; went on to WO3... *As Of Today, Trying to Beat Everything... ;)*

Got WO1 finally...

My father, Robert Sr., asked me, "Isn't this that one game I gave you for the computer that one Xmas?" I was like, "Yeah..." He's like, "Okay, I'll just go upstairs." He sorta blasts his 70s/80s music, but I blasted the music from the game. He didn't hear it! Surprised? Interesting? Didn't think so, lol :P :)

As of today, like I said on my intro post, my favorite song from the enire WO series, excluding Fusion, is Sasha's Xpander. Heck, I'm listening to the 11'30" version right now! :D

Nick Burcombe
20th May 2003, 11:05 AM
Wipeout has changed my life by allowing me to firstly have a career in game design and more recently have my first stab at joining with some people and running a business. That's a positive. On the negative side, it's also had me pegged for 8 years as a one-trick donkey. So, now it's time to try my hand at something else. :)

Nick B

20th May 2003, 11:10 AM
Tell me you're not trying to launch a pop career on the back of all this fame?! :o :P

20th May 2003, 12:30 PM
No he must be going for Prime Minister. :P You'd have my vote if I were a UK citizen. ;)


20th May 2003, 12:56 PM
what? you don't want to become the next Edwin O. Link and build flight simulators for the governments of the world? i suppose that would be doing the same trick, though

20th May 2003, 01:45 PM

NIce topic.

I have always been very much into sf and futurism so buying the first wipEout was no great step for me (the Saturn version).

But it immediately blew me away. It truly felt like being at home in the future.

And although I was already listening to club and trance, wipEout steered me into the idm direction. Without wipEout, I wouldn't know FSOL, Photek or Fluke.

AG-racing also appears in my sci-fi stories by the way (well they're more than stories, they've become books... about 600 pages altogether ;)). I can't imagine a future anymore without AG-racing! :lol:


Nick Burcombe
20th May 2003, 04:33 PM
Nope - no prime minister, no pop star - just a different type of driving game ;)

20th May 2003, 04:36 PM
But then you'll never take part in the Eurovision Song Contest. :cry:


20th May 2003, 05:30 PM
i predict that Eurovision will be won by Bulgaria who will somehow come up with a song by a group that is more TATU than TATU!

Synthetic Consciousness
21st May 2003, 01:34 AM
Pretty much the same as Anna: Electronica's a big portion of my musical diet now, I'm a Red Bull addict, and riding in my brother's Fiero is a more interesting experience. :D (He still won't let me put the Feisar window decal I made for him on the window, though...)


What?? No "Curly & The Floaters"? :( Man, you'd be the next big thing. :P And you'll come up with a good idea. Keep your mind open...ideas can come from anywhere. Behind you all the way, man! 8)

21st May 2003, 03:43 PM
Lance, I didn't know there were fans of Eurovision in the US, too!

Man, Eurovision is thé most absurd and lavish spectacle of bad taste, and I always watch it precisely because of that ;). I've also given up supporting Belgium, they never ever win (only won once in 1986 by cheating) and end up last or at the bottom of the list, no matter how hard they try their best.

I like TATU though. But then again I have a strange thing for Mother Russia :).

Anyway, I predict I'll be rolling over the floor with tears of laughter again this year.


21st May 2003, 05:16 PM
over here, we have American Idol. love it or hate it, it's crAzy fun!

21st May 2003, 06:53 PM
No... that one show, if I'm correct, was called, "Are You Hot?" That one is my fav.

And just to let everyone know, I do NOT like A.I.

*says it again*

NO, not Artificial Intellengence, both on games and the movie, lol :P Maybe Allen Iverson. I meant American Idol. ;)

21st May 2003, 08:11 PM
but 'are you hot' is not a musical contest

21st May 2003, 08:58 PM
We also have our own version of Idol (tentatively called "Idool") here in the land of chocolate and waffles ;).

An all-American show (well, a soap opera actually) I do watch from time to time is Days of our Lives. Hilarious!


21st May 2003, 10:01 PM
do you find that you are always able to adopt the mindset that finds it funny instead of pathetically dreadful, or do you have to be in the mood?

22nd May 2003, 09:38 AM
I am always in the mood :lol:!

I guess one of my simpler life mottos is that it's always better to laugh than to cry. To quote the (admittedly very corny) band Enigma: "if you want, start to laugh, if you must, start to cry." :)


3rd June 2003, 08:41 PM
I was listening to much type of music all time, but wipeout had changed my musically style since 1995... and with wipeout i got to know stylez from leftfield & all the other artists.
I m mixing especially dancehall music but i let all the stylez flow in my riddims... and thats why i thank wipeout 1 for its great musically influence pon mi and DesignerzRepublic for letting me know when future starts :wink: NUFF RESPECT

Hybrid Divide
5th June 2003, 12:07 PM
Man, where to start...

WipEout has had a huge effect on my life. The main reason I bought a Playstation, the main reason I got into Cyber-Culture, graphic design, Web Design, and so much more.

And ever since, it's only grown to take over more and more of my imagination, a day doesn't go by now where I don't think about it. Where I don't have some daydream of walking out to my driveway and getting into an AG craft (Classically painted like a 2097 FEISAR) and crusing around.

I don't think I would be here in this college, working towards a degree in Multimedia and Web Design had it not been for WIpEout.

And also with you people on the Zone forums, you've also had a huge impact on my life, I'm glad I've gotten to know such a great group of people. This also only happens to be the only forum I feel really at home at.

*laughs* I remember the first time I rented a Playstation and WipEout 1, I couldn't read any of the futuristic fonts. "wip 3 out?" and it took me forever to read "F-3600 Anti-Gravity Racing League" that was written on the disk itself. So funny that now I can read just about any futuristic font like it was "Times New Roman" :D I remember how hard a time I was having on "that ice track" (Silverstream). I don't remember exactly where my first encounter with WIpEout was, but I just remember being fasinated by it as far back as I can remember even knowing about it.

Boy, I should add to this sometime.. Happy Racing Everyone! :D

EDIT: Gah! I completely forgot to mention how it's what turned me on to Techno / Electronica music! :lol:

6th June 2003, 12:12 PM
Ha ha, fond memories.

first of, playing the first wipeout was one of the best things i've done; i really liked that game a lot, although Silverstream jacked me right off :evil: Grrr...

Then i played 2097. belive it or not, it was the first PLaystation game i ever played. i was so bad at it i coudn't get past the second corner on the first track! (AAAARGH! Mental Block!) if it wasn't that, i would of gottern a 64! Imagine how bad that would have been!!!

also i like that feeling you get when you feel like you are the absolute best at that game, i like that a lot. (then i met you lot, now i feel like i really suck!)

it also introduced me to techno music. sometimes i stick the 2067 CD in my stereo and turn it up really loud 8) allways gets me in a good mood :wink:

6th June 2003, 07:21 PM
SilverStream jacked you off? You have strange habits dude.


I'm sorry if any minors read this and were traumatised for life by this message. Oh well, everyone has traumas these days. Now you can be proud to belong :).

silly V.

12th June 2003, 12:31 PM
:oops: heh heh, wrong terminology!
i meant 'jacked off' as upset, PO'd, angy at silverstream, not what most people think.

to all those who don't know what it means, ... i ain't about to tell ya!!

12th June 2003, 04:27 PM
Wow, Wipeout fansite... Why have I never looked for one before?

Well, Waaaay back when the PS1 was released, a friend of mine got the original WO game, and I got hooked, but unfortunatly somebody stole the damn thing...

So it wasn't until 1997 I finally got my own PS1, and Demo 1 at that time had Wipeout 2097 on it. I rushed down to the shops to buy it, having rediscovered my old love.

Since then I have eagerly awaited and gobbled up all the PS1 and PS2 releases, Wipeout alert me to the presense of soom good music, and I have the soundtracks for all the WO games on my music playlist... In fact, I have Wip3out's soundtrack playing right now.

It probably would have taken a bigger hold on my life, had I not discovered Star Wars soon after then :D

12th June 2003, 07:10 PM
sounds as though, despite the presence of Star Wars, you've become addicted to Wipeout. and a good thing, too! :)
welcome to the WZ

12th June 2003, 10:15 PM
For me, watching the trailers for wipeout 1 on the TV had the same influence that the beatles had on my dad. Attraction on a truly magnetic scale. WipEout changed my outlook on life, and my culture. WipEout came out when I was 16 (or 15, not sure...), and I was just getting interested in the whole "pub & club" scene. It was being advertised on the national radio as " the ultimate game to play" after a crowd of you & your best mates came in after a big night out. Okay, so I didnt have the big nights out (only because I wasnt old enough) but a load of my mates at school had wipeout too, and we would just chat for ages about it. I loved everything about the game, and never lost that interest. WipEout2097 was the reason I got a PlayStation... and I was also getting older, so the music in 2097 was really hitting me on two levels... because it felt right with the game and it contained tracks from signed artists which I hadnt really noticed before (the chems, prodigy, fsol...) , and so it introduced me into the social scene of the late 90`s. Wip3out was a technical marvel, and thats what introduced me to the world of "computer". I wanted to learn how they could make a game look better while still being on the same system, so I learnt about FramesPerSecond, CyclesPerSecond, Resolution and all that sorta stuff that I now just take for granted as common knowledge. It also bought me to the world of chatrooms and forums, from www.playstation.com/wip3out, then www.wip3out.de.... then ezboard, then www.wipeoutzone.com..... and wherever we go from here, I`m gonna be there, too!

So in short, wipeout has only influenced the past 7 years of my life.... :P

and about the eurovision...
I apologise on behalf of the UK for unleashing jemini.
They suck, and they know it!
I hope it wont happen again...ever! :lol:

22nd June 2003, 04:25 AM
becoming a Dedicated Wiper! I'm stoked! Really!! 8) 8)

30th June 2003, 01:10 AM
sounds as though, despite the presence of Star Wars, you've become addicted to Wipeout. and a good thing, too! :)
welcome to the WZ

Thanks, although I can't really post too often due to busy-ness. I have a more hectic schedule online than in real life :p

1st July 2003, 12:24 AM
yes, i was already into computer graphics and graphic design and electronic music when wipeout came out, but the timing was so perfect, i might not have been so inclined to follow both things had wipeout not come around and gotten me extremely hyped up to do them 8 years ago (wow, seems so quick). i think its safe to say my web pages would not be looking like this (http://www.foxzero.net/drape) had wipeout not appeared or had i not been interested in racing games or video games. :wink:

6th July 2003, 11:11 AM
Wipeout was the game that got me hooked on PSX all that time ago, which took some doing (I'm a devout Sega fan, and would have loved a Dreamcast Wipeout). My first technology project in secondary school was a pencil case, which I decorated with logos from the first two Wipeout games

Wipeout 2097 made me spend countless hours sitting in the kitchen playing it, and made me remember how much I loved Prodigy - thanks to Wipeout 2097, I now own a Prodigy album. Also, it made me want a PSX Link Cable!

Wipeout 3 Special Edition didn't have the same immediate impact. It was only through seeing the awesome-looking F-Zero GX that I revisited Wipeout 3 SE. Since then, I started looking for footage of the game online to try and make an advert with. My search for footage wasn't successful, but I found what I wasn't looking for - this place! It's now a fairly large part of my online routine (I check my Sonic forums and this one pretty much as soon as I come online).

Wipeout hass shaped my visions of the future and design. I've had to create a logo for a car going to the Max Power show in Birmingham this year, which I based off a Wipeout 2097 font. I own a Chemical Brothers album (Surrender) and a Prodigy one (Experience), and it's gotten me interested in other future racing series, including F-Zero. My next design projects are all more futuristic than modern, and I'm going to be studying Media at college - a winner!

Wipeout has sent me where I want to go.

RJ O'Connell
18th July 2003, 07:28 PM
Well,I was very young when I first picked up WipEout (7) thought it was Wipeout XL actually, dumb me :P I wasn't very good at it,I picked the hardest track for my first race :lol: But I got better. I got hooked on it. In 1998 the N64 was my favorite game system. So when I heard about Wipeout 64,I was ecstatic. I rented the game the first day it came out,eventually buying it and Extreme-G 2 that christmas.

When Wipeout 3 came out,I was wondering why the game wasn't available for rent despite it being available earlier than I thought. I got that game for my birthday. My Wipeout obsession reached a peak in 2000,and I began the countdown to Wipeout Fusion....playing WipEout for PC. Back then my comp was a wimpy 166. :lol:

I was getting mad about the constant delays of WIpeout Fusion. I wondered if it would ever be released...until I saw EGM review it in their April magazine. I knew it was coming out soon.....

June 19th 2002. Sunny day, Summer Vacation, going into 7th grade.....and that was the day I got it. It was a bit quick though,I beat AG League in 2 weeks. :( I joined the Wipeout boards shortly after,until they were erm....disabled for a bit.

Well,I still wait for the Online experience. And maybe by then, I'll be a mod for WipeoutZone (doubtful) but I still have hope!!!!

WIP3R 4 EVER!!!!!!! :D

20th July 2003, 12:39 AM
It's because of Wipeout that I dress like an idiot. :x

26th July 2003, 10:39 AM
Is there really a wipEout dresscode? The pilots just seem to wear, um, pilot suits 8).

Perhaps you mean the "techno clothes", but I have the feeling that in the world of idm and techno lovers dresscodes are much weaker than in other subcultures such as skaters or goths. But that's just my observation.

Recently I missed out the EZ Rollers and Hawtin (aka Plastikman) here in Ghent because none of my friends knew who they were and they're not very fond of techno... (the closest I get is someone who likes ambient and another person who likes trance and ebm). *sigh*


26th July 2003, 11:01 PM
it helped me find god, i dont mean beardy christian god!, but a spiritual oneness with all things, th@ feeling you get when you have just elimin@ed the pilot in front and are now in first place, before you have even done a lap, when your brain switches off , and everything ceases to exist except the game, when your blood races round your veins and arteries like they were some kind of organic ag track, and your soul just wants to fly forever. oh yeah, and it helped me get laid!!! dont ask! :lol:

26th July 2003, 11:28 PM
oh yeah, and it helped me get laid!!! dont ask!

you win.

31st July 2003, 01:16 PM
WipEout made me want to design games. Short after wo´s appearance and that was also the first time I saw any tDR work. I started working in Flash 2 and some old photoshop version.. It got me intrested in the web media, but since a couple of years ago I found out there actually were universitys here in Sweden who teaches game design in close cooperation with proffesionals (ie. DICE,MA,etc). It became my goal to be a student there, now Im four weeks from starting my first term in that school.. A dream come true, and none of it would have happened if it werent for the impact Wipeout had done to me when I was younger. It also opened my eyes for some music genres and later on when the release of wip3out was getting closer, I got in touch with this wonderful community. Its been fun seeing we have come a long way since then, all of us.

or something like that :oops: