View Full Version : Questions: Online Campaign, Crossplay, Fury Stats

5th July 2012, 02:07 AM
I have a few questions regarding WipEout 2048.

1. Is there any way to race competitively in WipEout 2048? The online campaign certainly isn't... you're even encouraged to try to get behind the people you're supposedly 'racing' to shoot them with weapons and get Elite Passes. =/

Personally I find Eliminator quite dull against human players and would rather just race (part of the reason 2048's online campaign is a disaster for me).

2. [Solved]

3. Are the Fury ship stats on Vita the same as the PS3 ship stats? On the vita it doesn't display decimal places but maybe the values are just hidden. Anyone know?

4. Is there an efficient way to 'grind' the online campaign to get to the end and unlock the extra ship skins? If campaign were fun I would just play through it normally even if it is long, but quite frankly the campaign is terrible. Races that encourage you to lose and combat in long narrow arenas (let's face it, Combat events in 2048 consist of flying back and forth along narrow paths and shooting at oncoming vehicles). Maybe if you couldn't pick up weapons while going in the 'wrong direction' or if they made separate large/open arenas it would be better...

I've been enjoying WipEout on Vita quite a lot so far (the main reason I got one =D), but the online portion really bugs me... that and no racebox =/ I actually don't mind the absence of racebox in 2048 that much since there is a speedlap grid, but no racebox in HD/Fury?! wtf? How can they take out racebox in HD/Fury and not at least add a speedlap grid like in 2048?

Anyway, thanks in advance!

5th July 2012, 07:01 AM
There is a way to enjoy multiplayer campaign, but it's all about luck, to be honest. Consider yourself lucky once you get stuck with a bunch of good racers. These players tend to choose races instead of combats, although if a track or speed class is not enjoyable, they'll go with a combat mode. I experienced this yesterday, when after the fifth attempt of finding a not in progress race I entered a game with four or five 50 rank racers. As the result 2 multiplayer levels were completed in one sitting, with a lot of races to enjoy.

As for the cross play, you can choose what you play when you're creating a game, similar to PS3: speed class, mode, track. Everything is there, in 2048.

17th July 2012, 01:54 AM
Ah yea, I figured out the crossplay part. Was just being blind before. It really gets me though that in crossplay you have so much freedom to choose what mode you want to play but you can't do it in singleplayer. Makes no sense, the tech for racebox is pretty much there already... why can't we just play it in singleplayer too? As for the 2048 campaign it's a shame you need to just count on getting lucky and finding good racers. Thanks for the help though! Hopefully we'll get racebox in 2048 and HD/Fury vita along with a reworked campaign system. I just don't get how you're encouraged not to win in races... it's dumb. I want to compete with good racers, not come across good racers but then have them trying to shoot me with weapons instead of actually trying to win =/

31st July 2012, 01:03 PM
Can you play cross play between a PS3 and Vita in the same room?

A bit like ad-hoc mode, only it would be between a Vita player and a PS3 player. I've tried doing this over wireless, but if I create a game in Wipeout HD online on my PS3, my Vita never finds it.

I've looked at doing it through ad-hoc but can't find a solution.

31st July 2012, 02:42 PM
I have a few questions regarding WipEout 2048.

1. Is there any way to race competitively in WipEout 2048? The online campaign certainly isn't... you're even encouraged to try to get behind the people you're supposedly 'racing' to shoot them with weapons and get Elite Passes. =/

Personally I find Eliminator quite dull against human players and would rather just race (part of the reason 2048's online campaign is a disaster for me).

2. [Solved]

3. Are the Fury ship stats on Vita the same as the PS3 ship stats? On the vita it doesn't display decimal places but maybe the values are just hidden. Anyone know?

4. Is there an efficient way to 'grind' the online campaign to get to the end and unlock the extra ship skins? If campaign were fun I would just play through it normally even if it is long, but quite frankly the campaign is terrible. Races that encourage you to lose and combat in long narrow arenas (let's face it, Combat events in 2048 consist of flying back and forth along narrow paths and shooting at oncoming vehicles). Maybe if you couldn't pick up weapons while going in the 'wrong direction' or if they made separate large/open arenas it would be better...

I've been enjoying WipEout on Vita quite a lot so far (the main reason I got one =D), but the online portion really bugs me... that and no racebox =/ I actually don't mind the absence of racebox in 2048 that much since there is a speedlap grid, but no racebox in HD/Fury?! wtf? How can they take out racebox in HD/Fury and not at least add a speedlap grid like in 2048?

Anyway, thanks in advance!

1. The best way I found is the Near function. You can send and receive ghosts. No turbos, no collision, only speed lap. It's pure racing skills.

3. Yes stats are the same, we can't see decimal but the ships are the same on PS Vita and PS3, only the Combat Zone ships have shiny edges.

4. Not really, only some tips. You see your objectives after the vote ! If you need to kill an opponent in a race, you should try to use the Prototype Qirex, it's powerful. In the combat, the best way to get points is to stay in the pack, with a lot of weapon pads, going and coming, firing at maximum. Leech Beam is useful, like a shield.

1st August 2012, 06:14 PM
Can you play cross play between a PS3 and Vita in the same room?

The answer is yes you can play. :)


1st August 2012, 08:12 PM
You can play but you have to be connected to the PSN. WipEout HD hasn't adhoc option :(

2nd August 2012, 08:54 AM
Ok, well being connected to PSN is no problem. I just need a guide on how to set a game up because I'm lost...