View Full Version : 2012-06-24: A new beginning - renewed
24th June 2012, 11:31 AM
Following concerns from some members, especially over recent events, I am pleased to announce that Rob will be renewing the WipeoutZone domain, meaning the site will remain active until 2017. However, in doing so he has also taken the decision to stand down from the day-to-day running of the forums. As a member of the site for over ten years myself, I'd like to extend a personal thanks to Rob for all the work he has done over the last 12 years and for being a good friend and drinking buddy for a good chunk of that too. I'm sure this sentiment will be echoed by the whole community.
From today, I will be taking over as full-time administrator, any problems with accounts or other forum-based issues should now be directed to me.
Rob's departure also leaves us short of a person on the moderation team. Following his excellent contributions to the community here, I am pleased to announce that Colonel has accepted an offer and has been promoted to moderator. I would like to wish him all the best in his new role
This community has seen its ups and downs over the course of its life, but at its peak, it has always had the capacity to be one of the most intelligent and welcoming communities anywhere on the internet. It is one of the reasons why I have spent so long here, and I'm sure that is the case for a lot of you too. All I ask is that everyone helps to make WipeoutZone a community we can all be proud of.
Thanks everyone
24th June 2012, 11:47 AM
congrats To gaddafi :g and thank you hellfire for taking over, but also big thanks to Rob for keeping this site going and active for over a decade :clap you should be proud to have managed such a thriving community through all its highs and lows and coming out tops :+
also i cant think of a better person to moderate than colonel gaddaffi (terrible dictatorship aside :P) he would have been the one that i would have chosen :D
24th June 2012, 11:49 AM
It's sad to see Infoxicated stand down, but I'd like to thank him on the behalf of members past and present for the hard work he's put in developing and running the site.
Challenger #001
24th June 2012, 02:08 PM
Completely agree. Rob and I haven't always seen eye to eye but he's a fair guy and he's done a huge amount for the community. It'll be good to have you in charge, Hellfire. And Gadaffi absolutely deserves that spot on the mod team. Keep it up you two.
24th June 2012, 03:39 PM
First of all I am happy for Rob to be able to let go off, what he has raised as one of his children. I think it must have been a real difficult decision, but I understand it really well. Time for a new period in your life Rob. Thank you so much and take care. I know for sure we will see each other again in real life. Wipeoutzone is a great place where people can meet from all over the world. I was lucky to meet Rob within three months since I became a member. But I was also very lucky to meet so many more zone members in real life and some of them became real friends. On top of that wipeoutzone gave me the opportunity to organise real life Wipeout meetings.
I am very happy to hear that you Charlie are taking over the heavy duty that Rob carried for so long. Congratulations and I wish you great fun.
Also congratulations to our Colonel Gaddafi, I promise to be a good boy ;)
Greetz Mad-Ice
24th June 2012, 06:27 PM
I'm happy to see the website will be staying open. I enjoy reading the site even if I don't take part in many discussions. Good luck to you Hellfire with running the website and to Infoxicated for letting the website continue.
24th June 2012, 07:31 PM
Thanks Hellfire for stepping up even more, and I wish you the best in your moderating dutes Colonel Gaddafi, really the mods have a huge part in keeping the real spirit of the community on track!
And thank you Infoxicated for keeping the zone going, I have more to say but that's for PM :) Happy retirement you tough mudder ;)
24th June 2012, 11:05 PM
Im glad that the forum will be kept alive! Thank you :)
It is sad that infoxicated has stepped down... but i hope that he will still post from time to time! he has a great internet aura imo lol, and this forum would be nothing without him.
Also the Colonel is a great choice! an extremely active and friendly member of the community who is widely respected, and Hellfire_WZ will make a great admin!
Good choices all round :D
Dogg Thang
25th June 2012, 07:58 AM
Not much of an active poster these days but I wanted to chime in to thank Rob for making the best Wipeout site on the planet and building this community. It has been through many changes over the years and yet is always somewhere I can come back to for Wipeout news and discussion. All things considered, Rob should be very proud of building this place and keeping it alive all these years through ups and downs. I have really enjoyed being a part of it, will always have fond memories of my more active years and will no doubt always pop back when something new happens in Wipeout world. So thanks Rob.
And good luck to you, Hellfire_WZ, and thanks for taking over and keeping the site going.
25th June 2012, 11:53 AM
Wow, I don't know what to say. Seeing Rob without that "Administrator" custom title is certainly going to take a lot of getting used to. I'd like to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to him for everything that he's done over the years. The site has been through a lot, but he's always steered it in a positive direction and ensured that its legacy can continue. A lot of people don't realise how much work things like this can be and how much time you need to put into it. So once again, and I genuinely mean this, thank you for everything Rob. You won't be forgotten.
Big respect to Hellfire taking over full-time as an Admin. It's great to see that Rob's work and the site will live on. Given the amount of time that he's been with the site and all of the contributions that he's made, it's only natural to see him promoted to this position. I know that WipEoutZone will be just as awesome as ever under his rule.
And last but by no means least, the good Colonel. Big congratulations for the Moderator promotion mate. I always said to myself that if WZ ever got another Mod that it'd be you. It's an extremely rewarding experience and I know that you'll do a fine job.
25th June 2012, 12:23 PM
I cannot write an essay based reply as I have no idea on what to write.
It's been quite an experience with Rob/Infox as the Administrator(what with all the ups and downs and all-arounds).
Congrats to HellFire on being promoted to Full Time admin,along with Col-Gaddafi on being promoted to mod(from a lowly RP&Fanfic mod)
25th June 2012, 12:26 PM
As everybody else has said, many thanks Rob for all your hard work and dedication over the years. As I mentioned in my PM, I've only been here a couple of years but it's been fantastic. So many people have come together here for our shared love of Wipeout, and it's hands down the best online community I've come across. It's sad that you're stepping down as admin, but I hope you'll still be around in the future.
Luckily for all of us Hellfire is here to take the reigns, he'll do a fantastic job, I'm sure of it. Good man for stepping and and taking the considerable responsibility (and workload) :+
I'm very pleased to have been made a moderator, thanks to everyone for their kind words. I shall try my hardest to do a good job, just bare with me as I get used to it. Thread locked, infractions all round :g
25th June 2012, 12:30 PM
Not if anyone can help it :)
25th June 2012, 01:43 PM
Many thanks to Charlie for stepping up and keeping things alive.
For Rob also congratulations are due for moving on and keeping the site going too. Firstly, as far as I am concerned, you always have been and always will be the wittiest poster on the site - that should be on record! But not only that, I would just like to echo what everyone has said: for starting and running the site over the years, inspired by the game we all love in some form, through thick and thin, a massive thank you is due - it cant be said enough.
25th June 2012, 09:21 PM
Not been on here for a long while but felt inclined to write something. Rob, you have done a great job with this site over the years, most of which I wasnt a member. Had the pleasure of meeting you and Charlie once which is still a great memory. It was a big gesture to invite me drinking in London at the time. So I have nothing but good thoughts about you. Cheers
27th June 2012, 02:58 AM
I knew this would happen eventually. Hellfire and Colonel__Gaddafi, I'll think you guys will fill your new positions nicely.
Oh, by the way, will the main site ever go back up?;)
27th June 2012, 02:59 AM
Hats off to Rob, a job well done. I've been able to make so many great connections through this community he's built and maintained, and I'm so thankful for that. Congrats Hellfire and Colonel on the promotions. :)
27th June 2012, 01:10 PM
The quick brown Hellfire jumps over a lazy dog ? It doesn't make any sense ! Please bring Rob back :(
As a former member of the w3pa that Robert saved from extinction by transforming it into the wipeoutzone, and now mostly as a retired (who said retarded?) pilot I'd like to express my most sincere gratitude to infoxicated for its incredibly dedicated, selfless and forward-looking work since the beginning. I don't recall meeting any other person over the Internet in which I have so much faith into. Time to create your sect, bro', you already have an adept ! Jokes apart you're the kind of guys that reminds me there is still some chance that this world is not doomed. Keep up the good work, whatever you chose next.
While I don't know Hellfire or Mister Gaddafi very well (though I had the chance to talk a bit with Hellfire awhile ago), I am pretty confident they will do a very good job at their respective new roles. And of course I wish the best of luck for both of them.
Keep WipE'ing !
28th June 2012, 05:26 PM
Sorry for a slight delay.
I`m not surprised, foxy decided to step down but, I was getting worried he was ready to shut this website down forever till Hellfire decided to take over and I`m very pleased for it and long may it continue......
It is pleasure to meet foxy in person and met a quite few new friends over the years especially typical asa and zargz, also met Hellfire in Liverpool.
Hopefully this website will go from strength to strength. And congratulation to Colonel_Gaddafi to become a moderator, keep working ;)
28th June 2012, 10:03 PM
Thanks, Rob. It's been the best fansite on the web. You and the WZ determined the course of my weblife to a great degree. I especially thank you for that.
Charlie, best of luck. To the future!
The Gracer
8th July 2012, 02:30 AM
it's been a LONG while since i posted!
sad to see Rob stand-down, definitely. you've done a superb job of maintaining this little corner of the internet, and thanks are definitely in order.
glad to see the site still lives on, though - and at the hands of a longstanding member!
hope all is well with you lot!!
16th July 2012, 10:41 AM
Wow, big change!
I'm just gonna add my voice to the general feeling here:
Rob, thank you for everything you've created and maintained for so long. I've travelled abroad and made friends thanks to you!
I hope life is treating you well these days!
Hellfire, Colonel: Congrats, good luck and thank you for your respective new "jobs"! Long live the Zone! :beer
31st July 2012, 10:32 AM
Wow, big news for Rob - sadly not unexpected though. You have had more than most to deal with over the years, even to the point where it affected your personal life and happiness. I hope that never happens again. But at the end of the day, I hope you know the impact you have had on many lives through this site, enabling friendships online and in real life for wipers all over the world! You did a great job :)
I wish you a mass of success in whatever you choose to do from now on, this site will always be an important part of my life and I'll always be thankful for what you created and how you ran it :) Good luck and hope you come back to visit now and again!
Congrats to Hellfire and the Colonel, I'm sure you guys will do an excellent job from here on in :D
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