View Full Version : Some wipEout Fanart

20th June 2012, 07:18 PM
On the suggestion of Hellfire WZ, I've decided to post some fan-art based on the wipeout series.

Honestly, I've always had some interest in the games, but never had the chance, nor time, nor money to really get into a single one. Things changed a little when I played the HD demo for the PS3, but then my interest was re-ignited when seeing the intro to Wipeout 2048. When going over some apparent commentary mentioning backstory to the series, I looked around where I could...

And came across Hellfire WZ's video on the teams of Wipeout.

While I'm in no hurry to buy a Vita for many reasons, I would buy HD/Fury if I had the cash, for now I'll have to settle for the demo, and decided to take my shot at some fan art from where I could.

Given I lack the full game, I looked up for what references I could find, including some screen caps from Hellfire WZ's video...and here's from Devaintart


If for whatever reason that link fails, just search on my Deviantart Account (Rossriders) and it should be among the most recent of posted art.

Hope you all like, and until then.

23rd June 2012, 07:51 PM
I sure wish I could get that kind of professional look with machines. I turned Vic Viper into a WipEout craft. It looks like...****. DX

24th June 2012, 12:44 AM
I hope you don't mind but I submit your work into the WipEout Group on Deviant Art. If you draw anything else I'm sure the group wouldn't mind you submitting more work in the future. Keep up the good work!

You can find the group here: http://wipeout-agrc.deviantart.com/

25th June 2012, 06:59 PM
Looks pretty neat, but being a tough critic as I am I have to say that you need to practice those perspectives a bit, a lot of the ships don't have paralel sides, like the top Icaras nose doesn't match the top of the canopy. But that comes easy if you draw a very light grid on your piece of paper when you draw to check the paralel lines. After a while you'll be doing that instinctively without needing the grid.

25th June 2012, 09:48 PM
Looks pretty neat, but being a tough critic as I am I have to say that you need to practice those perspectives a bit, a lot of the ships don't have paralel sides, like the top Icaras nose doesn't match the top of the canopy. But that comes easy if you draw a very light grid on your piece of paper when you draw to check the paralel lines. After a while you'll be doing that instinctively without needing the grid.

I guess I'll start by saying thanks for the criticism, and while I'll consider the grid idea, I am aware that they aren't really ideal. But the same can really be said for all of my art really...

But I suppose that's why I'm still trying since a problem I'm still trying to deal with is how I try to make some things 'perfect' or at least to do them best I can at any given time, and while on one end that isn't such a bad approach, in my case, sometimes I can end up freezing or not even trying because I know I'll be messing up.

So...well I decided to simply just draw, and improve when I can, to just let go and simply draw. That being said, I'll keep the criticisms in mind and well yeah, I'm more than aware of a lot of flaws with all of em.

but heck... I can only keep at it.

As for the rest...

I have replied to the request for my work to be on the WipEout AGRC group, so yeah, and I may have some more WipEout related art in time...it'll be a while given everything else I'm trying to do. Thanks everybody for their input in any event.

25th June 2012, 10:09 PM
I decided to simply just draw, and improve when I can, to just let go and simply draw.

That’s really the best you can do (for most things anyway!). You will get better with each drawing. Do not focus on the tiny details when you start, that may just get you frustrated and stop you from drawing, which then leads to less practise. So just let go and do. Too many thoughts can be unproductive when being creative. Focus on the details later, when the basic shapes are done. :)

That being said, a simple grid with one or two (or three) vanishing points, made of very few lines, can be really helpful to get things right in the end.

Liger Inuzuka
5th January 2013, 11:28 AM
I was indeed searching for a fan-art thread here on the forums to share some of my Wipeout related works. I find that Wipeout is one of the most inspiring muses I have ever had but I found myself alone in my previous communities in knowing it and loving it.
My internet home, if one can call it, is my Deviant Art (http://liger-inuzuka.deviantart.com/).

Qirex Vs Auricom Mechs

Goteki 45 Mech Design

If Anyone is interested I can post more?

5th January 2013, 11:41 AM
Theres this group on here for fan art if you're interested ^_^


5th January 2013, 11:49 AM
They're ace, I'd love to see more. I've seen the Auricom vs Qirex ones before, have you posted them on Facebook or something?

5th January 2013, 06:35 PM
Any WipEout Fan Art could be posted up on The WipEout Fan Art Freaks Group, http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/group.php?groupid=86

Rachel Johnson
8th January 2013, 11:37 PM
I recall posting some of my created works on here many years ago and getting flak for it, so it's nice to see things have mellowed a touch. Those are some really decent images. :)