View Full Version : Facebook wo1 challenge

2nd June 2012, 02:35 AM
There is a challenge on Facebook right now

Wo1 NTSC/ pal

John dekka
Full TT

Even if you are not a Facebook participant, you could upload your video to YouTube, and I could post them under your name. Just send me a pm with the link.

This is for the ps1 games, not the ( psn, Saturn, pc)

2nd June 2012, 09:42 AM
Venom challenge :rolleyes:

2nd June 2012, 11:37 AM
True, it always seems that way. In wo1 though, there are a lot of little nuances to separate pilots more, lots of absolutely necessary pitch control. In the NTSC version, there are considerably more ways to slow down. Give it a shot

2nd June 2012, 11:59 AM
why not, but i only own the psn version ! :|

2nd June 2012, 12:55 PM
LOL!, well, original antique Playstation One!! ;) Use it and it`s cheap too ;)


2nd June 2012, 10:02 PM
I think this is the verdict for the psn version. I posted these comments on Facebook

Ok, the psn euro version at least, and I think the us version as well run differently than PAL/ NTSC ps1 versions. The psn version seems to run at very similar speeds to pal ps1 versions. The differences are the following

‎1) the ship loses some thrust on mistakes or sometimes over steering causing slower times
2) the ship doesn't float as high as pal, but floats like the NTSC version causing faster times
3) the game runs smoother like the NTSC version allowing for potential faster times.

OVERALL VERDICT: I believe the pal ps1 version and the psn version are very close to being the same speed.

3rd June 2012, 12:49 PM

Done this morning and uploaded for you to watch. :)



3rd June 2012, 01:11 PM
Very good race, that was the pal version I believe? You beat the best developer time by 20 seconds

3rd June 2012, 01:50 PM
Yes it is Pal Version.

Thank you and I did enjoyed while racing especially good music too.


3rd June 2012, 10:13 PM
Send me your pic or YouTube vid if you don't have Facebook

Times so far

1) Al Sartwell. 3:37.0 ( conv) NTSC time converted to pal
2) rj oconnell 3:39.7 ( conv) NTSC time converted to pal
3) isadora Allen 3:44.9 (conv) NTSC time converted to pal
4) steven hunter 3:45.3.
5) travis zygmunt 3:49.8 ( conv) NTSC time to pal
6) Charlie emery 3:51.5
7) Jaime Sanchez. 3:51.9.
8: Alex hart. 3:52.2.
9) mike wisnewski. 4:03.3.
10) Sean Bayes 4:05.6
11)Stu Tilley 4:06.8 ( current top time for 2048 team). I'm trying to get all their in house times, but got to wait until Monday. He is ahead of zico, so here is your chance
Last edited by JABBERJAW; Today at 01:48 AM.

4th June 2012, 08:27 PM
Have to run off again. If it finishes uploading properly then here's the link:

I sigh when people dismiss venom on WipEout. There are a lot of little nuances you HAVE to do correctly and consistently and it requires a lot of focus and finesse. Don't diss the F3600, really. Or if you're going to, then get the top time and then tell everybody how easy it is. :rolleyes

4th June 2012, 09:52 PM
Is there any skills on venom that are not necessary for phantom ?
All top times are hard to reach, everybody knows that !!
But the choice of slow classes only from some pilots, in a game like wipeout, legendary for its speed, amazes me !
I'm sorry if i'm too much elitist, but the fastest speed class on any wipeout is the only one that a hardcore fan should be proud to master, top time or not !
When i read the ps1's wipeouts booklets, years ago, i desired to make part of the "experts" of phantom class, even the last expert, than the best "beginner" of venom.

4th June 2012, 10:35 PM
I personally only like the top speed class of each game, however with wipeout 1, medusa is correct. The minor pitch/brake nuances, and required perfect steering make huge gaps between players. These nuances are not even close in any other wipeout game, including the classics. In hd I can come within 2 seconds of the top time pretty quickly on the slow speed, but in wo1, that does not happen. You really need to dig in and learn every turn to perfection. I stopped playing some of the slower tracks in wo1, because I didn't have the patience to learn the course correctly. When I started first trying to get some records in wo1 venom, I cleared a perfect lap only to see that was 2 seconds off the top times lap, " what the hell!" was my next statement, as I thought I had raced pretty well, and I wasn't missing any brs :) @ Leungbok, you definitely try this so you can have that same wonderful moment I had.

Oh, forgot to add, medusa has some of the number 1 spots on rapier as well. Wipeout one was good in the fact you had two styles of racing, and it didn't require a lifetime of play. 4 speeds is too much.

5th June 2012, 08:36 AM
I know that she rules on Wo1 ! ;) I just don't want that slow classes are too much considered as a full accomplishment, because i'm sick when i look at HD when no phantom room exists anymore !
I'll give a try quickly at this challenge on my psn version, just to compete for once against the devs, but don't expect anything fast, if i'm in front of Stu Tiley and Zico that's great ! :p

5th June 2012, 12:31 PM
I'm not fond of ALL slow rooms either :(. The slow records are definitely an accomplishment on wo1 more than any other game, but combined with rapier, that's even better.

5th June 2012, 01:52 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbgD2xXfXFY psn version with ds3 controller

5th June 2012, 03:24 PM
Good stuff leungbok!! It is super hard to play WO1 with the dpad, at least for me.
And I'm sorry I wasn't as clear in my above post, I'm talking about Venom on WO1 only. I don't care a whit about the slower speeds in any of the other games. Like AL says, WO1 is different. Regardless, I think this statement sounds really demeaning "but the fastest speed class on any wipeout is the only one that a hardcore fan should be proud to master, top time or not !"

Of any of my records I am the proudest of my Karbonis 40.6 on the slow speed, venom, and I regard Lunar's 2:07:2 on Karbonis Venom as a record equally legendary to Oggob's 151, Skrotos' HD Cup win, and Al and Asa's Phantom records. He is only .1 off of absolute perfection on that track. And yes, I am a hardcore fan. Sorry to break the mold. :p Not! I am also proud of getting a top ten Phantom in W3O once upon a time, but Venom on WO1 is really a special animal and doesn't deserve to get classed in with Venom on XL, 3, or especially Pure/Pulse/HD.

In answer to this question: "Is there any skills on venom that are not necessary for phantom ?" Yes, for WO1 (except it's not Phantom, it's Rapier, but anyway), in my opinion there certainly is. It's a different style of racing from Venom to Rapier. On venom, any time you correct your line you lose significant speed/time. On rapier you can make small adjustments and not lose a significant amount. The same applies to the pitch nuances. In other games on Venom/slow speeds you can still made little corrections and not lose too much time, but in WO1, as soon as you get it wrong on Venom you've lost speed/time that you can't recover. On rapier, you can make a quick adjustment and basically be okay. Plus, you fly over many of the bumps you would have to pitch up/down on if you were on venom. I found my venom records much more difficult to get than my rapier ones. Venom requires a disgusting amount of concentration. I couldn't handle Korodera on Venom, it was so long I literally couldn't remember which minor adjustments were the best and got so frustrated I just stopped racing it. Rapier is fine, you just stay off the walls and try not to bounce and you're well on your way to a decent time! To illustrate, WO1 Venom racing is like a tai chi master who can do gong fu, wushu etc, but mastering tai chi to the ultimate requires all of his internal strength and concentration to really do it properly. He can just do the motions easily if he wants and put on an okay show for others, but he knows when he's actually getting it right.
To do his gong fu, wushu, he knows the actions, it still requires his strength and concentration but not as much. He can rely on his reflexes and muscle memory more. (This is the part where an actual master comes along and tells me how wrong this illustration is. :D )

(Also, I don't rule at WO1. I am only good on the two tracks that I've spent obscene amounts of time studying.)

As regards the developers' times, do they know that WO1 has a turbo start? Makes me wonder a bit.

5th June 2012, 03:31 PM
@ medusa, not sure if you have played the pal version, but that version is easier, in that the correction don't kill quite as much speed as NTSC, but still a lot. The psn version is comparable in final times to the pal version, but somewhere in between for the corrections issue.

Times so far

1) Al Sartwell. 3:37.0 ( conv) NTSC time converted to pal
2) rj oconnell 3:39.7 ( conv) NTSC time converted to pal
3) isadora Allen 3:44.9 (conv) NTSC time converted to pal
4) steven hunter 3:45.3.
5) travis zygmunt 3:49.8 ( conv) NTSC time to pal
6) Charlie emery 3:50.1
7) leungbok 3:51.2
8: jaime Sanchez. 3:51.9.
9) Alex hart. 3:52.2.
10) mike wisnewski. 4:03.3.
11) Sean Bayes 4:05.6
12)Stu Tilley 4:06.8
13) ZICO. 4:20.5
14) Ami Nakajima 4:20.6
15) Alan Martinez 4:27

5th June 2012, 03:36 PM
Haven't played PAL, just PSN version. I didn't like it as much, mainly because I can't use my neggies with it and that adds to the enjoyment infinitesimally for me.
Ah, well then it sounds like we're talking about two different games lol!

Anyway, that's just me being F3600 elitist. :p

6th June 2012, 12:17 AM
Karbonis venom time? What ship?

6th June 2012, 10:06 PM
It was AG SYS, but this was on SR, not TT. I got a stupid number of turboes, I can't remember how many in that lap if it was 3 or 4, plus I nailed the raceline/pitch on the same run. I really doubt that lap record will ever get beaten, like lunar's TT race time, it has to be the minimum time.
:lol Bloody addictive track that one. Never a dull moment even on venom IMO.

When I have some spare PayPal change maybe I'll snag a PAL WO1 and give it a go. Will it be NTSC or PAL at the tourney?

7th June 2012, 12:10 AM
ALL NTSC. We had done both before, but there are two many people now, and I don't have the dough for 12 more of those nice pal/ NTSC tube tvs. You should get the pal version, it plays different enough to be fun, and it is actually easier ( you'll see when you play it)

If I win powerball, that would be the tournament to come to!