View Full Version : IT help - Using a lap top as a phone?

30th May 2012, 01:08 PM
My mum's going to Spain for the summer next week, and rather than run up a huge mobile bill, she'd like to know if it's possible to buy a dongle to connect her laptop to the internet, then use the mic and speakers as a phone (it doesn't have a webcam unfortunately).

Any idea how she'd go about this?

Thanks in advance,


30th May 2012, 02:05 PM
Skype is a popular program for that. I was just through Europe recently (though not Spain), and most places I stayed had WiFi available (usually free), but I'm sure a Spanish Telco would have dongles available for access to their wireless network (you'd have to look into that yourself, unless someone does that for you).

Also with Skype, you can actually purchase (or even get a free deal on) credits from them that allow you to call any standard phone in the world via the program, if you have an internet connection of course. Probably a touch of a delay, but it would work and saves the recipient having to be on Skype all the time as well.

30th May 2012, 05:10 PM
If she has a GMS phone she can buy a pre-paid SIM card once she's there and swap it in. Some offer free incoming calls so she'd just have to pay the smallest fee available and arrange for you to call her.
GSM phones are things like iPhones, most Android phones and Blackberry. A SIM card is the little microchip you put in it.
She might have to unlock her phone to do that though. Going to the carrier's store and asking about it (saying she plans on traveling) and they should be able to do it.

30th May 2012, 08:05 PM
Thanks for the tips guys, I'll have a look around and see what's best. Cheers :+

Ragsus Maxima
31st May 2012, 04:38 PM
I consider Skype the most sensible option if she has a laptop with her and a Wi-Fi spot where she's going to stay, as long as she doesn't want to use a wireless Internet connection (3G, HSDPA, etc.).

If this is the case or there's no Wi-Fi, then it's better to purchase a dongle so she can be completely safe of the travesty roaming tariffs. But on the other hand, I don't know how much data are used in a VoIP calling.

31st May 2012, 05:03 PM
Well she'll be in my parents' apartment, and there definitely isn't any WiFi.

Ragsus Maxima
31st May 2012, 06:09 PM
In that scenario, I'd get a 500 or 600 MB tariff for VoIP and a moderate Internet browsing, and 1 GB for a more intensive usage. If I'm not mistaken, with 100 MB it's possible to talk up to 600 minutes. If I'm mistaken, then anybody here correct me, please.

3rd June 2012, 12:15 AM
Well she'll be in my parents' apartment, and there definitely isn't any WiFi.There any internet there? If so: this (http://www.amazon.co.uk/NO-BRAND-PP12-10M-Ethernet-Network/dp/B000IT5POY/ref=sr_1_1?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1338682241&sr=1-1) + Skype.
If she has a phone with SIM Card: one of those (http://www.telestial.com/sim_cards.php) (or look around) + having her phone unlocked at the carrier.
If she doesn't have a phone... They sell a 20$ phone with the 5$ SIM card. Here (http://www.telestial.com/gsm_phones.php?COMPATIBLE_WITH_PRODUCT_ID=MSIM-PPL2). They also rent, but duration might make it more costly.
If she doesn't want a phone... USB Dongle and laptop with Skype. But that's definitely more costly than the above, and I'm not sure dongles can be purchased, only used with a data contract (And if she goes over, you get overages).

Ragsus Maxima
4th June 2012, 03:11 PM
One of the carriers from my country allow you to buy an unlocked dongle, but a data contract is mandatory (I think I hadn't helped you with this :P).

If Internet is not a necessity for her, an unlocked phone and a SIM card for going abroad is, in my opinion, a good alternative as long as she is OK with not using Skype (and Internet in general).

About the carrier of choice for this, I prefer to leave it up to you.

5th June 2012, 02:39 PM
Well actually she does want to be able to go on the internet, she uses Facebook and amazon a lot. Apparently there's a Vodafone shop in the town there that sells USB dongles so I think she'll get one of those with a usage allowance. To be fair this is my Dad trying to save money, as my Mum goes out to Spain every summer for a couple of months and runs up a huge mobile bill. Chances are he'll sort all this out for her and she'll just use her mobile anyway :lol

Ragsus Maxima
6th June 2012, 02:48 PM
Then the said dongle will be your best option. :P Here, normally if you don't have a Wi-Fi spot where you're going to stay, you don't have Internet at all (I forgot to mention that. My very bad).

If you guys end up with the 3G option, I think with 1 GB it'll be enough for such intensive Internet usage, but of course, the bill will be large (Captain Obvious, d'oh!).

If you end up with the international calls instead, then a unlocked phone and a SIM of your choice will save you several headaches and pounds.