View Full Version : Game Tattoo

12th May 2012, 12:36 PM
Oofty, not been on here in a while. I despise a lack of internet access but theres not much I can do. Cutting to the point here, I'm currently in the process of designing my ultimate tattoo. The theme? Video games. I already have a small list of games that will most definatly have a place in the sleeve, (Sonic, Final Fantasy, Abes Oddysee / Exodus to name a few), most of which I can either just draw up an image or and an in game play shot I can modify. Sounds simple I know.

I just have one teeny tiny problem... The Wipeout section of my tattoo. I cant get it quite right... I either cant find images to work with, have a nightmare time drawing it up or cant get s decent in game play shot. It's driving me mad. So, lovely people of WipeoutZone, do any of you have any art work, screen shots etc that I could take a look at or point me in the direction of some images I can look at? I if use someone elses stuff I will give full and utter credit and if need be I would pay for commissioned work. I'm just really struggling here. Any help would be appreciated as it is a rather large portion of my tattoo, most of my forearm infact.

Thank you ^_^

12th May 2012, 06:52 PM
Just wondering, were you thinking icon/logos (http://www.gamerdna.com/uimage/115Ba0G/full/dr-angryman.jpg) from the game or more of a composition of track/ship like this (http://www.gamershell.com/static/screenshots/26062/564376_full.jpg)?

There are quite a few threads on this site in the various individual categories (sorted by specific game in the series, at the main forums page) which are worth searching through as well - seen lots of images of game cover designs/concept art (quite a lot from wipeout pure actually), team logos, that "go" guy/girl from the older wipeouts, will try digging some up later if you can't find any.

12th May 2012, 07:01 PM
I have the icons and logos part sorted, its more the track/ship/weapons fire thing Im trying to get. I'm slowly ploughing my way through the forums on here for ideas etc but I'm not having too much luck. Curly is an absolute must have!!Yeah, anything you can find would be appreciated though, I just need some ideas and something I can work with.

12th May 2012, 07:08 PM
The new sol track has some nice curves on it, might be able to do faint/simple clouds in the background too?

Main official page for 2048 has various pics might be useful:
Check out this thread, last post has the Pure image pack:
Lots of galleries of HD here:

12th May 2012, 07:16 PM
That would be awesome if you could. And uber thanks for the links, browsing shall commence!! Thank you again ^_^

12th May 2012, 07:31 PM
Not sure if they are so useful, but here are some I've taken earlier - although I wasn't particularly focussed on curves, and no real weapon action - I rarely tend to pause it to go into photo mode - it's hectic enough. Might have more luck in those photobucket galleries in the HD thread though. And no worries, of course compulsory pics if it happens!


12th May 2012, 07:52 PM
I adore the top pic of the Qirex ship. Love the purpley glow with the bright yellow. ^_^

12th May 2012, 09:12 PM
Why not fancy Goteki 45 ship?, the reason why?, cos I killed your fiancee through Ad-Hoc ;)

Seriously, whatever your fancy and good luck.


12th May 2012, 11:01 PM
HA!!! See if I could get a cheeky wee screen shot just to taunt him with I would :P I keep thinking my tattoo should have my wee AG Systems ship blowing his Assegai one up... Is that nasty :P

15th May 2012, 02:06 PM
I've thought about this a bit - getting a gaming tattoo that charts the history of games I've been captivated by since I first got into gaming.

It ends up being quite a list - Space Invaders, Pac Man, Jet Set Willy, Dizzy, a Sensible Soccer player, Lester from Another World, the AG Systems logo from WipEout 3, some kind of GTA tribute, some kind of SOCOM tribute, Kratos... I could go on! It'd be tough to mix all those styles into a coherent tattoo, though - plus they'd have to somehow fit with the Psygnosis Owl on my left shoulder. I'd still love to get it done at some point, though.

Let us know how it turns out. :)

16th May 2012, 05:35 PM
This has been at the planning stage for many many years now. I had a list of about 30 - 40 games to begin with. Had to really short list it which was really difficult as you can imagine. I now have about 10 deffinate games that will be on there, everything else might just end up as a gap filler. Part of me wants to take it down my arm and my right side just so I can fit a few more in there lol.

Anywyas, as soon as I have it started I post up a pic or 2 and will most deffinatly keep you guys posted on its progress :)

18th May 2012, 09:14 AM
It's been over two years since I got my Psygnosis Owl and I've wanted to get the other one done from the moment I walked out of the tattoo shop that day. It's amazing how time can fly when you're indecisive!

I think my next tattoo will (hopefully) be the one you can get for completing the Tough Mudder (http://www.toughmudder.co.uk) event in July, so I'll need to pick somewhere for it that won't interfere with any future gaming/other tattoo venture. :)

18th May 2012, 03:30 PM
Tough Mudder looks wicked! Good luck, maybe in 5 years ;)

3rd July 2012, 01:16 PM
It begins on Thursday!!! Starting it off with something small, think you guys will like it though. Will post a pic once its done ^_^

9th July 2012, 07:06 PM
And here she is... 4 days later than expected, still fresh and covered in clingfilm. Im building the rest of my tattoo around her. Again I'll post a pic as it heals and progresses ^_^

9th July 2012, 11:30 PM
Very cool Knux :)

10th July 2012, 02:15 PM
Nice one - was thinking of adding Curly to my sleeve that I'm getting done later this year. Looks good! :)

Amaroq Dricaldari
2nd August 2012, 01:50 PM
You need a tattoo of a stylized silhouette of an FX-400 AG-Systems ship.

But if you really want to stand out, you also need a circuit board tattoo somewhere else on your body.

7th October 2012, 02:51 PM
Progress report: Booked in for another addition to it. Again, its Wipeout related (No surprises there:P) Going to get that segment done first I think ^_^ The tattoo Im booked in for is a ship... One of the HD/Fury ones, purely for the detail. Im getting it started this Wednesday. Will post up pics of its progress ^_^

9th October 2012, 10:15 PM
I love the idea of this and the go girl looks awesome. I'll have to keep an eye on this, I wanna see how it progresses :3

10th October 2012, 09:30 AM
I'm mulling over getting this just on my right Pec above the nipple...


15th October 2012, 10:16 AM
Do it!!! That would look great. I think everyone should get at least one tattoo :P

15th October 2012, 04:29 PM
Might book it after Christmas!

18th November 2012, 01:48 PM
As promised, I keep you guys updated on the progress on my tatt. Last time I was on, I was supposed to be tattooed the day after I posted but after a long consultation with my tattoo artist, he and I decided not to go ahead that day. Instead, he asked for every image I had and wanted to be sent to him. Done that. Tomorrow Im going back in for another consultation and hopefully I get to see some of it drawn up. Hoping to get more ink either just before or after christmas, Wipeout related ink of course :P. Again, will keep you guys posted ^_^

13th August 2013, 08:30 PM
77877788Well as promised, an update is now due as the progress continues. Just an outline for now but he looks good ^_^

14th August 2013, 09:12 PM
I'd put together a list of gaming characters I wanted to turn into a half sleeve, but the more I looked at the list and tried to imagine them together, the less I liked the idea.

Still keep thinking about it, though - I've essentially grown up with gaming, but that's part of the problem - there's no specific era I'm focussing on. When I see gaming related tattoos on the 'net it's usually folk who have a Nintendo or Sega theme, whereas all the art I'd chosen spans from the late 70's all the way up to present day and the relation between them all is just a bit too woolly for it to hang together.

Still want to get some other tribute to gaming to go along with my Psygnosis owl. It's so niche that I notice the little light going on in someone's head when they spot it and I can see them racking their brains to work out where they've seen it before.

Keep us up to date with the progress of yours, Knux!

15th August 2013, 12:39 AM
As I said before, this has been in the planning stage for years now. Thats pretty much what I done, I have a list of absolute must haves (Knux, Curly ((Who are already done ^_^)), Wipeout, Psygnosis Owl, Abe, Pac Man, Tetris etc), also a list of smaller things for gap fillers such as odd bits an pieces from games I played such as background from Greenhill Zone etc ^_^ My theme is just games I love, it goes across a few eras. With the way its being done, it's looking good on paper and hopefully even better on skin.

Im getting far too into the idea of my sleeve and I keep adding little bits too it, if I dont stop it'll end up down my side as well XD

The way I managed to blend together the older games with the newer ones was by pretty much using them as a gap filler to thread between some of the bigger parts ^_^ Usually when I see someone with a game related tattoo it takes a lot of self restraint not to go charging over and spark up conversation lol. Keep playing around with ideas, you never know, you may end up finding something you like ^_^

13th November 2013, 10:52 PM
Progress report again, Knuckles is coloured. In again next week to talk about the Wipeout portion of my sleeve ^_^


14th November 2013, 10:24 AM
It's getting a good job.

16th November 2013, 05:22 PM
That tattoos epic man :)

16th November 2013, 05:32 PM
Nice tat