View Full Version : Looking for anti-gravity love! <3

9th May 2012, 01:19 PM
Heya! Thought it was about time I signed up to the forum after browsing it for a week or so.
I'm a big fan of WipEout and have been playing it since the original. My dad taught me how to pilot my first Feisar when I was about 6. XD

Just recently got back into HD Fury and it's a blast. I'm very big on fighting games (which have stolen my time) and i'm at pretty high level, but I got a lot of love for racing games, and I've decided to start putting some effort in. WipEout, Ridge Racer and Gran Turismo are my favourites. :)

I'm a Harimau/Icaras Pilot from England and I look forward to getting back into the ZONE. (See what I did there? Yeah, yeah!)

...oh yeah. About me. I'm 19, male (sorry dudes), I like long walks on the beach, rainy days and my beautiful girlfriend. :3

(Really sorry if this isn't in the right section of the forums. I don't see where else it should have gone.)

9th May 2012, 02:13 PM
Hey there, welcome to the site. :+

This is sort of the right place for it for now - I'll move it to the Pilot's Lounge when you have access to that after a few more posts.


Oryx Crake
9th May 2012, 04:38 PM
welcome to the forum turbulence you made the right choice joining up :)

9th May 2012, 04:41 PM
Thanks guys. :)

I'll go post some morrrreee.

9th May 2012, 07:08 PM
Nice to meet you Turbulence, welcome to the zone :D

9th May 2012, 07:54 PM
Welcome to wipeoutzone, Turbulence :)