View Full Version : Multiple PSN accounts SAME PS3 share downloadable games (like WOHD)

22nd April 2012, 08:36 AM
So my old PSN account I can no longer remember the password for so I've been using auto sign-in for the past year or so. I don't know the birthday on the account either since it originally belonged to someone else who I no longer can contact. Anyway, all my achievements and downloadable games are attached to that account. I now want to buy new downloadable games but I need to know the password in order to change my credit card info (new card). So anyway, I want to make a new account but if I do so I will no longer be able to log into my old one since autosignin for that account won't work after I've logged into a new account. Will I still be able to play my downloadable games from my old account on the SAME PS3 using my new account? For example, I have WipEout HD attached to my old account, will I be able to play it online using my new account and still get achievements and lap records etc? I know that I will need to start my trophies over since it's a new account but as long as I can still use online features on my new account and continue to get trophies etc I don't mind starting over.

Thanks in advance.

22nd April 2012, 09:08 AM
I think you should be able to, i have 2 accounts on my ps3 and iv platinum'd wipeout on both accounts, also my bro has my wipeout on his ps3.
Try it, i think you can play downloadable games on 2 accounts these days... it used to be 5.
Also its possible that sonys customer support can help because that account has your credit card details, its worth a try!

22nd April 2012, 11:08 AM
If you access the game in your download list via Account Management, then you'll be able to download it again onto the same PS3. It technically falls into gamesharing though, which is against Sony's ToS because another account would be getting the game for free.