View Full Version : A real case for Turbos in time trial

1st February 2012, 03:33 PM
So I WAS thinking the same as Arnaud and Leungbok, turbos are not really necessary at the fast speeds in TT and speed lap, HOWEVER, here is why it is a necessity.

----you cannot reach some of the shortcut routes on some tracks without them. This means you have a hard to get to faster route, but without a turbo jump, you cannot reach it. This means you can only use in in a head to head weapon race, that is it. No need to elaborate more, they are needed----

1st February 2012, 03:41 PM
Al please, this section starts to looks like a general complain section.

Currently, this is no priority. Let's focus on what is needed.

I know there are some skillcuts you cannot use (and then cannot practice) in speed lap, but it's the same for everybody so the competition is fair ;)

1st February 2012, 04:07 PM
Not the main priority, no, but why have the cool sections if you can't use them or practice them. They are taking out what is wipeout. You are right though, the controls and options are the major priority and the thing that needs to be fixed. Also I want people to know about these things now, so they can discuss them, maybe discuss with SL, and not be seriously upset when they get the game. I have given the game great praise, it really is a joy to play, but we need to let SL that not enough was done to keep it fun ( not removing all previous wipeout goodies)

1st February 2012, 04:58 PM
you cannot reach some of the shortcut routes on some tracks without them. This means you have a hard to get to faster route, but without a turbo jump, you cannot reach it

Only the skill cut shown by kakeru on rockway stadium can't be reached without a turbo. The similar one on metro park can be reached on A+ if you nose up ;)

1st February 2012, 05:06 PM
What about altima, the high section?

1st February 2012, 05:22 PM
possible also, kakeru reaches one of those skill cuts on his video once without turbo at A class
lap 2 ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOQCAyDFN44&feature=related

1st February 2012, 05:26 PM
In all fairness there's an even higher one that seems only reachable via boost.

1st February 2012, 05:29 PM
Hmm, not sure i'll try that at A+ class, but IMO using a turbo to reach a skill cut breaks a bit the pleasure to find the best locations where using it, like it was for amphiseum reverse on HD ! ;)

1st February 2012, 05:43 PM
It can give you more barrel rolls in a different location that otherwise you couldn't do. Oops, I forgot, you dont like those :)

I just don't like the basic ( best ) formulas changed for change sake. Not the biggest of deals, but it would be awesome to have in tt head to head. OH, it would help the slower classes immensely.

1st February 2012, 06:34 PM
Off course, i have nothing against any option giving more tactics to be the fastest. ;)

2nd February 2012, 02:44 AM
yes leave them out of speed laps (no more dead lap every other go around) but put them back into tt, it adds a lot of depth to things.

2nd February 2012, 09:05 AM
Since wipeout HD there's no dead lap with possibility to reset a lap and getting another turbo. If turbos are back it must be for both SL/TT.

2nd February 2012, 04:18 PM
Yes there is since you have to make the lap and use it at the end of this one to have 2 turbo in the next lap

2nd February 2012, 04:58 PM
Cancelling gives you your turbo back, so the only dead lap is the first one.

2nd February 2012, 06:03 PM
...use it at the end of this one to have 2 turbo in the next lap

very smart, i'll try that ! ;)

2nd February 2012, 06:13 PM
you have seriously never try this out ? i did it the first time i played a sl in Pulse and tought wow the turbo system is broken...

2nd February 2012, 06:21 PM
Honestly, wipeoutzone is the first website about wipeout franchise with the bests pilots on each episode as members, so i can't imagine that sort of thing wasn't known by everybody here. I thought your answer was ironic, mine was ! ;)

2nd February 2012, 06:21 PM

2nd February 2012, 06:36 PM
:redface: it is hard to detect sarcasm in text because i dont see your face, usually people on internet will write /sarcasm after their text and your text highter was saying that turbo should be back in sl... thats what confuse me

2nd February 2012, 06:44 PM
Cancelling gives you your turbo back, so the only dead lap is the first one.

doh you're right, totally forgot about that!

2nd February 2012, 06:47 PM
@lanceurdehache, lol, no pb. I perfectly know all possibilities with turbos on speed laps, even bsb stuff on HD. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3rqt4QJXuQ No sarcasm this time ! ;)

In all fairness there's an even higher one that seems only reachable via boost.
It's reachable even at A class if you succeed to BR before the big jump !! ;)

3rd February 2012, 06:46 PM
Wait. Amidst all the jokes I've got to ask, were health and boost regeneration at the start of each lap removed from Time Trial mode in Wipeout 2048? I haven't played the game so I know nothing about the mechanics of the game.

3rd February 2012, 07:03 PM
Regeneration is still there for TT and SL, not sure what you mean by boost regen though. There are no turbos and you never had to regen anything but health for br's...

6th February 2012, 04:07 AM
I meant how, in WOHD Time Trial, you would get a new turbo (boost) every lap. But for some reason 2048 gives no turbos in TT or SL? That is bogus. Turbos are freaking everywhere in single race. That was the whole point of separating offensive and defensive pick ups in single race. It seems like the whole design of this game is based around multiplayer racing, not piloting.

6th February 2012, 04:37 AM
It's based on campaign, that's pretty much it