View Full Version : Scotland

24th January 2012, 11:42 AM
I guess most of you have heard that Scotland want to break away from the UK and i want to hear some views from other people about this...
Im from England and i dont want the scottish to leave the UK, Scotland will lose out on soo much, they will lose out on the NHS and also free healthcare for the elderly if they leave and they will also have no army once the UK takes everything back and they will have to buy new weapons and stuff, probably from the UK.
They will also have the Pound taken away and anything else that is UK related.
Scotland are a very tough country so i believe they can cope with being independent.
Like i said before, i dont want Scotland to leave and there are only a few positives for England in my opinion...
I will no longer have to sit through all the scottish football results on the BBC lol...

24th January 2012, 01:37 PM
I think Alex Salmand is being very naive to think that Scotland would be better off independant. Here's some brief opinions of mine as to why:

Money - If Scotland become independent and ditch the Pound, what only alternative do they have? That's right, the Euro, and we all know how unstable that is right now. Thank god we didn't join that. I just can't understand how people thought that a single currency would work for so many countries that have different economies and fiscal policies.

Defence - They would become an independant country so they'd have to invest millions into border defences, not to mention that you'd need a passport to travel there which is utterly ridiculous. Also, what would happen to the Scottish soldiers that are in the British army?

Worldwide Membership - Becoming independent means that they'd have to apply for membership of dozens of worldwide organisations such as the EU, NATO and UN. That's a lot of hassle, and they may not even get accepted into some of them.

Learn from the past! When Southern Ireland broke away from the UK, they all thought that it'd work out, but it didn't. I'm pretty sure that they would be in a much better position now if they'd remained with us.

There are numerous other reasons too, and this is really not a good idea. A big :- from me.

25th January 2012, 02:15 AM
I can't say it seems like a very good idea (Not that I'm qualified to make an informed judgement), but it would be interesting to watch unfold if nothing else. I wonder if the United Kingdom would become just 'England' again, of if they'd opt for the rather more long-winded 'United Kingdom of England, Wales and Northern Ireland'.

25th January 2012, 05:48 AM
Can't help it but i immediately started thinking of Braveheart. But back then they didn't have to think about economy and healthcare eh. =P

Oryx Crake
25th January 2012, 01:28 PM
I think whether or not they'll be better off eventually depends on how determined they are to break off and for what reasons. now obviously I don't know the reasons or how determined they are so I couldn't say how well it'd go or what problems they'd have to deal with but if the reason is that scotland is somehow being oppressed by england in some way then they should go for it, if it's just vanity then I don't see that it's worth it and it would probably end up bad.

26th January 2012, 09:22 AM
I think Alex Salmand is being very naive to think that Scotland would be better off independant. Here's some brief opinions of mine as to why:

Money - If Scotland become independent and ditch the Pound, what only alternative do they have? That's right, the Euro, and we all know how unstable that is right now. Thank god we didn't join that. I just can't understand how people thought that a single currency would work for so many countries that have different economies and fiscal policies.

Defence - They would become an independant country so they'd have to invest millions into border defences, not to mention that you'd need a passport to travel there which is utterly ridiculous. Also, what would happen to the Scottish soldiers that are in the British army?

Worldwide Membership - Becoming independent means that they'd have to apply for membership of dozens of worldwide organisations such as the EU, NATO and UN. That's a lot of hassle, and they may not even get accepted into some of them.

Learn from the past! When Southern Ireland broke away from the UK, they all thought that it'd work out, but it didn't. I'm pretty sure that they would be in a much better position now if they'd remained with us.

There are numerous other reasons too, and this is really not a good idea. A big :- from me.

Money - By the time Scotland go independent (IF they do) the euro will be obsolete, replaced by a much stronger currency. We are talking independence over night here, we are talking 10 years or so, even if the referendum is due to to go forward in 2014.

Defence - Starting up our very own army would be a building process, but I don't think there would be a shortage of people willing to sign up

Worldwide Membership - It's a lot of hassle but no more than the whole process of becoming independent anyway, if Salmond wants it, judging by the fact he is one of the best politicians in the past decade, i'm sure he could "get 'er done"

Learn from the past! We have, and we are not willing for another Tory to lead us back into the dark ages, Thatcher was enough.

I want independence, just to see how we would cope. The fact it's reaching general discussion now shows its coming of age, Salmond isn't as daft as some people paint him...he's a bit of a genius to be honest. :lol

26th January 2012, 09:34 AM
Money - The Euro won't be obsolete if Sarkozy and Merkel have anything to do with it. They're desperate to keep flogging this dead horse. Starting up a new currency is a major hassle in itself. Think of all the conversion and transferring of the current money, not to mention the impact that it could have on the Stock Market.

Defence - Scotland isn't an extremely populated nation, so I think it may have some problems on the Army front. Not to mention that it would still have to invest millions into border defence, which it can't really afford to do.

Worldwide Membership - Maybe so, but Scotland would have to undergo extensive checks to see if it's eligible. That could mean changes in the economy and the introduction of greater tax to meet these demands.

Learn from the past! I don't think Scotland is exactly in the dark ages. You guys have done pretty well for yourselves.

Also, I'll add something else in. Healthcare. If Scotland became independent, then it wouldn't be able to reap the benefits of the NHS. You'd have to start up your own system which would cost billions to do.

I can see why some Scotsmen would want independence, but they have quite a lot of their own way already. You guys have your own parliament, money, education system, etc.

I think it just boils down to our patriotic duties. You're very proud to be Scottish and I'm very proud to be English. Nothing against you mate, I like a good friendly and mature debate amongst friends. :)

26th January 2012, 09:39 AM
I know bud! :+ Can't beat a good ol debate. :D

26th January 2012, 10:16 AM
I don't really trust Salmond - I think he's empire building for the benefit of himself alone.

That said, I wouldn't mind seeing what Scotland could do with the oil money that we have to share with the rest of the UK right now.

Anyone old enough to remember the way the Tories treated Scotland with the Poll Tax disaster will be mindful that there's little regard for anything north of the border.

Full out independence might be a step too far, though - it'd be a mistake to create an isolated silo of a country.

26th January 2012, 11:18 AM
Anyone old enough to remember the way the Tories treated Scotland with the Poll Tax disaster will be mindful that there's little regard for anything north of the border.

The stories are enough. :cold

26th January 2012, 11:32 AM
Yeh, that was a bit much I agree, but I think that things have moved on from then and the relationship (whilst still perhaps a little tense,) has improved.

Rapier Racer
27th January 2012, 01:27 PM
I don't see the point of it. Why are some Scottish people so desperate for independence? In what way does this country actually benefit from it? All I hear about is North Sea oil, oil money is going to pay for everything is it? It won’t, and then it’ll run out….

I'd bet a large number of people who vote yes on this if and when it comes up are part of that "we hate the English but for no real reason" crowd.

The voting process itself will just be tragic waste of money just what we need in such times.

27th January 2012, 01:49 PM
I have done some more research into this and i have found out that if scotland do leave the UK they will have to take on their fair share of the UK's national debt... estimates are around 400-500 Billion pounds!
So scotland could start off with -500Billion pounds and with this huge debt europe could deny scotland access to the euro and could be forced to sell the oil company just to keep the country afloat.
It sounds to me that there is an "insider" who is purposefuly doing this to kill scotland and to take away there oil... using the patriotic scots people to vote and kill there own country without them even realising what they are really voting for.