View Full Version : Wipeout 2048 Control

19th January 2012, 06:08 AM
I wasn't sure if this was the best place to put this, maybe it should go in the Pilot's Lounge?

Here's my question:

Can anyone who has had a chance to use a Vita (preferably for WipEout though I know that most people haven't gotten to try it) tell me if the controls feel like the PSP 2000/3000 or more like a PS3 controller? I'm mostly interested in how the d-pad feels as that's what I use (not the analog stick).

Background for context:

I have no problem BRing Phantom in WipEout HD (PS3 controller) but I CANNOT BR on a consistent basis in WipEout Pulse (PSP controls). I've tried for a long time but my Pulse BRs only work around half the time and it's extremely frustrating whereas in HD I never miss a BR (I mean, my ship at least tries to BR even if it doesn't complete it whereas in Pulse I often can't even get my ship to attempt the BR). The PS3 d-pad just feels a lot more "loose"/responsive compared to the stiffer PSP d-pad.

EDIT: By the way, this is THE deciding factor determining whether I will buy a Vita or not since the only game I care about is WipEout (The same is true of my PSP and PS3).

19th January 2012, 08:06 AM
Normally im a dpad wipeout pilot but when I had a chance to play vita, for some reason I instinctively used the analogs and I found them to be very comfortable - but not like a psp or a ps3.

I have a metaphor for what the two nubs felt like but I'm not sure it would be suitable for this forum...

So unfortunately I can't comment on the vita dpad.

19th January 2012, 08:38 AM
Background for context:

I have no problem BRing Phantom in WipEout HD (PS3 controller) but I CANNOT BR on a consistent basis in WipEout Pulse (PSP controls). I've tried for a long time but my Pulse BRs only work around half the time and it's extremely frustrating whereas in HD I never miss a BR ...

This has nothing to do with the PAD, this is a bug of Pure and Pulse... you can hardly BR when there are other contenders near you!
Go in time trial and you will see all the BR will work perfectly ;)

19th January 2012, 11:36 AM
Normally im a dpad wipeout pilot but when I had a chance to play vita, for some reason I instinctively used the analogs and I found them to be very comfortable - but not like a psp or a ps3.

I have a metaphor for what the two nubs felt like but I'm not sure it would be suitable for this forum...

So unfortunately I can't comment on the vita dpad.

You mean nipples, do you?

On Vita I should give the analog controller another chance.

20th January 2012, 12:14 AM
I have a Vita with 2048, but I never really played a PSP, so I can't compare sorry :/

I also use the nipple-stick rather than the d-pad, but IMO the D-Pad feels nice too, in its own way of course. Just wait 'til the console is released and play with one in-store when they're inevitably on display. There is absolutely no reason to pre-order, and I've never understood that mentality.

20th January 2012, 08:40 AM
Yeah kowareta ;)

Regarding pre-ordering, I think there is a benefit this time around to it because you get the earphones and free DLC stuff.