View Full Version : Jabberjaw's wonderful day

22nd December 2011, 02:59 AM
Get up after 4.5 hours of crappy sleep, tell CRUDBALL to play with his younger brother when he gets home, and not to play games until I get home ( 3X), go to work sick and very tired, get through work kinda ok, finish and go to coach an xc ski practice that is cancelled due to freezing rain at the site. Go for a too short 4.5 mile ( 7k) run in pouring rain. I ran short to go pick up a couple extra presents for CRUDBALL and Jordan ( other son). Stop at radio shack to pick up a couple micro switches for a new negcon project I am going to work on when they go to bed for the ps3, get home to water running through the living room ceiling onto guess what? All my freaking electronics. HD TUBE TV, PS3 flicking on/ off, atari 5200 soaked, psp2 tv soaked, xbox ( unplugged) soaked, and a Saturn which is also wet. Needless to say I am f'ing pissed. Jordan had stuffed crAp in the toilet upstairs, while CRUDBALL was guess what? ( playing freaking video games). There is no one trying to turn off power mind you, just let the **** sit in water. CRUDBALL goes immediately to bed as I was not dealing with that, more important issues awaited, like not using my damn brain and getting shocked 3 damn times, each accompanied by the F word. Finally I rip the extension cord out of the outlets that power this, also turning out all the lights ( they were in kitchen outlets because the breaker was blown a few days ago, and wouldn't come back on ( this was 4 hours of rewiring work). I then get the systems/ 135 lb TV (62kg) out of the areas they are located and dry off the shelves and floors. The TV will not come on, and will need to be repaired by someone other than me. It's going to be a damn blast carrying that to my car. I put the systems in front of a space heater, and wait. Then open the 5200, it is dry, it works. Next, psp2tv ( shock off of this bastard earlier). It works. I take apart the ps3/xbox/Saturn, and they are currently sitting in front of the heater. I'll make an attempt at them soon. OH, got my ps vita today, however, now that I'm trying to play ridge racer, I have NO DAMN IDEA how to actually start a race, tried everything, and I don't even know if there is an English option, which wouldn't matter if I could actually start a race. Nice big screen though, if I liked looking at menus.

How was your day?

22nd December 2011, 06:53 AM
How was your day?

Not great but a lot better than yours! :g
... except I don't have the frakking vita :frown:

EDIT : and taking into account the very bad start of the console and the games, I'll probably wait a bit... I suspect a huge price drop like it was for 3DS.

22nd December 2011, 07:13 AM
Where was your wife at the time of happening?:cold

Oooh...that`s serious stuff and hope everything will work but make sure they are rust free:brickwall

Vita!, alright for some!:frown:


22nd December 2011, 07:50 AM
(voice of Jim Raynor)
Sounds fun...

I hope the rest of your stuff is okay.

22nd December 2011, 07:53 AM
OH, got my ps vita today, however, now that I'm trying to play ridge racer, I have NO DAMN IDEA how to actually start a race, tried everything, and I don't even know if there is an English option, which wouldn't matter if I could actually start a race. Nice big screen though, if I liked looking at menus

Do like me when i played japanese imported games on ps1 : try randomly all the options and take particular attention to recognize the save and load options ! :lol

22nd December 2011, 08:23 AM
Figured out how to play a bit. It felt just like RR on the ps3

22nd December 2011, 05:47 PM
Ps3 is blinking alternating red and blue, don't have a clue. Original ps3!!! The 32 tube hd tv is red screen from the damn heater, which apparently had a big magnet. It is starting to leave though, slowly.

22nd December 2011, 06:15 PM
Mine wasn't as bad as yours... I had to stay the whole day cramming Calculus... End result: Now I know less than I did when I started... :brickwall

23rd December 2011, 03:36 AM
Tv is fixed, whew!!

Ps3 is done, found another original today, should get it tomorrow.

Total cost:

194$ replacement

6 hours of electrical/ water cleanup/ system saving

13 hours pissed off

All game saves, unless locus2k has a trick with Linux for me

4 more hours tomorrow of rewiring/setup of systems

( unfortunate about calculus:( , sometimes studying too hard creates ERRORS in the memory banks). Thank god I never actually have to study again unless by choice

23rd December 2011, 12:37 PM
Well; I got a Vita the other day and Uncharted is in english. If as I presume you have already set the system language to english (one of the first things you do), I guess there is simply no option for it.

At least your vita doesn't have a dead pixel..? *grumble grumble*

23rd December 2011, 05:35 PM
RR HAS no option, it is part English, but not the directions.

24th December 2011, 07:41 AM
Jabberjaw, Amplificated, do you have a hdmi port on your vita ? Is it possible to plug it on a tv ?

24th December 2011, 08:27 AM
No HDMI :( Apparently only dev consoles have one.

There's one port left on the device other than the charge, headphone, game and memory card slots, which I think is an "accessory" port.

It doesn't look like it could support enough data throughput for a 3rd party device to enable acceptable quality video out through the accessory port, either; but that's only a guess.

24th December 2011, 08:54 AM
Thanks for the answer ! I saw on a french website, testers showing a vita with hdmi port, i suspected it was a particular model ! :|

24th December 2011, 01:45 PM
I'm hoping 2048 supports crossplay with the PS3, but TBH I'm not even sure how that works and likely won't have a chance 'til I get home.

DJ Techno
24th December 2011, 07:32 PM
hows that snow al?

you should bring some of it or alot down here... its like south america over here