View Full Version : WZ Game of the Year 2011
9th December 2011, 01:10 PM
Hello everyone, welcome to the Game of the Year thread. :D
In order to determine the best game of 2011 as voted by you, here is the voting process.
-Game must have been released in 2011
-Can be downloadable title or Retail
-Can even be a DLC expansion pack if you wish
-Any console , not just PS3
-To vote for a game, just write the name of the title in your post, this counts as one of your "votes", you have 2 votes but can't vote for the same game twice.
-When a game reaches 3 votes it gets into the "finals" stage where a poll will decide the winner based on those games which received 3 or more votes. (although if the game you wanted to win already has 3 votes you might as well vote for your 2nd favorite to give it a shot too.)
The preliminary stage ends on the 18th of December. Get voting. :D
9th December 2011, 04:25 PM
Fallout New Vegas
inFamous 2
9th December 2011, 04:55 PM
9th December 2011, 05:00 PM
New Vegas was released in 2010, Rob, the DLC was released in 2011. :)
Fallout New Vegas: Old World Blues (one of the funniest DLC's I've ever played, if at all, definite purchase for those who love their energy weapons and a bit of daft humour)
Terraria (Self explanatory for those who've played it, really)
Flint Fandango
9th December 2011, 05:07 PM
Motorstorm - Apocalypse :mr-t
Great idea, UB3R~JKP! :+
Challenger #001
9th December 2011, 06:56 PM
Portal 2
9th December 2011, 07:36 PM
That's a very tough decision. I'd go for Skyrim and Portal 2, but there's a couple of others that I'd happily throw into the mix
9th December 2011, 08:34 PM
I've only played three games released this year: Killzone 3, Dark Souls and Skyrim. My vote for Dark Souls.
9th December 2011, 09:14 PM
Deus Ex : Human Revolution.
(second choice would be Batman AC)
9th December 2011, 10:37 PM
Really only bought 2 games this year... Crysis 2 and Battlefield 3. Crysis 2 was a massive, massive disappointment, so...
Battlefield 3
(and really, it's not even that good. It's quite flawed)
9th December 2011, 11:19 PM
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
I've already put 80 hours into this, you can always find something to do, even if it's FUS'ing at old women in the street.
Pokémon White Version
I enjoyed it much more than Diamond and Pearl and the emphasis on new Pokémon only for most of the game helped it feel fresh.
I would really like to have put Duke Nukem Forever, but I can't. :(
Challenger #001
9th December 2011, 11:30 PM
I would have loved to vote Human Revolution, but I don't think it's fair to do so when I haven't actually completed it yet...
10th December 2011, 12:44 AM
Well, i fell in love with Skyrim so i vote Skyrim!
(despite the bugs)
10th December 2011, 07:21 AM
Motorstorm - Apocalypse
Best game for this year due, I just succeeded two plats!:rock
10th December 2011, 10:19 AM
Glad to see you guys like the idea. :D I'm gonna post my 2 nominees now too...
Sonic Generations - PS3
This game is purely about the gameplay and It's absolutely outstanding. As a long term Sonic nut, it was nice to see the blue blur get some well over-due credit from Sega. The modern levels are just as fun(if not slightly more fun) than the classic levels. Also great level design and a spot-on soundtrack add to the awesome-ness. Who would've thought this time last year I'd ever nominate a Sonic game for GOTY. The blue-blur s back.
I think we all know what's so great about this game. 60 hours in, main story completed, feel as if I haven't scratched the surface.
10th December 2011, 10:33 AM
I was going to vote for Skyrim, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
10th December 2011, 03:47 PM
New Vegas was released in 2010, Rob, the DLC was released in 2011. :)
It was released at the end of 2010, yes, but wasn't fit for consumption until they'd patched it, which took it into 2011 for me. :)
10th December 2011, 04:16 PM
Portal 2 and Pokémon Black (seriously, Reshiram is cuter than the big bad Zekrom (probably hurts a bit less the awesome multiscale lugia :lol)).
Skyrim is a close third. Really awesome game, but I can't help feeling a tad disappointed sometimes ie invincible "main" characters, too few sequences of gameplays with several dragons and ennemies on foot (a single one if memory serves...). Can't remember what FUSS'ing does, I guess I'm going to find out like right now :) Roo dah never fails to make me smile XD4
EDIT : oh I just remembered... I oughta try that in Solitude if I find anyone in the streets.
10th December 2011, 04:34 PM
Portal 2
Battlefield 3
10th December 2011, 07:29 PM
...but wasn't fit for consumption until they'd patched it, which took it into 2011 for me. :)
To be fair, it still isn't. I still get random crashes to desktop when leaving a building and strangely large memory leaks from time to time for no reason, it's Gamebryo, I'd imagine, it's a load of horse how that passed QA. It's also strange how Skyrim can run on high settings but NV can barely manage medium, yet looks far, far, far worse. But then, NV on PS3 is likely different, hopefully not like Fallout 3. :cold
10th December 2011, 10:30 PM
Amazed to see Pokemon might make it into the finals! :D I was actually considering putting it down cause it was awesome this year but voted for Skyrim because It just pipped it.
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