View Full Version : YouTube - New Design

3rd December 2011, 02:00 PM
Holy sh*t, what the hell have they done to the homepage?! :eek

It's horrible! That sidebar is totally unneccesary and takes up room on what is a limited area to begin with. Also, organising uploads from subscribed channels in one long column makes it a nightmare to see at a glance what has changed, and the pinning system will inevitably have a major impact on small channels as users will pin large channels over smaller ones.

Needless to say the feedback thread in their forums is absolutely swamped with negative comments. From what I'm reading as well, they did allow some users to try out the new design before it went live, and again the feedback was overwhelmingly negative. So they push ahead with it anyway. Bad move, Google...

3rd December 2011, 02:17 PM
No one actually likes at first... but after a while everyone stops whining about it and resume their normal business....
I think the inbox should be the most important feature in youtube and it's being thrown to an even more hidden place. I miss the days where you just had to look right on the screen to see if you had any messages, comments or friend invitiations...

3rd December 2011, 02:45 PM
I'm not keen at all. The Analytics page is a bit of a mess, much prefered the simpler Insight Page. It isn't a nice design overall either.

3rd December 2011, 02:59 PM
It's very pretty but looks like they've sacrificed functionality. It doesn't look like you can see what your friends are doing at all unless you're connected to facebook or google+...

3rd December 2011, 03:18 PM
Part of the fun of new UIs is figuring out where the hell everything went. Be glad watching videos is still easy.

4th December 2011, 02:26 AM
i personally dont mind it... O_O . and you still have the option to revert your channel to the old style for now. I do hope they add a friends/subscribers module to the new channel layout though.

ps- as fellow wipers i feel like you guys should friend me and sub me up on there...i just started a new gaming channel for all things games. i keep content coming all the time and do guide requests also for ps3 titles :D


Ragsus Maxima
4th December 2011, 02:26 PM
Mmmm... this situation reminded me to this one (see attached image).

Anyway, I don't feel very bad about the new layout of YouTube; once you get used to it, you'll forget the old one. :D
On the other hand, I prefer the old channel layout and I hope they won't force you to use the new one (get used, Ragsus, get used; you just told it).

4th December 2011, 08:27 PM
I really like it! The homepage is a vast improvement, my subscriptions are channeled into one coherent list, recommended videos are right next to it and more to hand than they used to be. The side bar makes it easy to navigate straight to where you want to right off the bat. It also looks much cleaner and more streamlined imo.

People always react badly to change for some reason. This new homepage has obviously been designed with the users in mind, and the update cleans up most of the little flaws that have been bugging me on Youtube since I started using it.

5th December 2011, 03:25 AM
I'd rather have channel updates clustered under an area specifically for that channel.

The list is just...like an endless gift list for Christmas...

5th December 2011, 09:09 AM

Er, you can do that. If you just click on one of the different channel names in the sidebar, it just gives you content from that channel rather than all your subscriptions. You can even tell it to list uploads only instead of all news for that channel.

5th December 2011, 11:48 AM
Yeah but if you have more than three subscriptions you have to click See All, then the channel you are looking for to see if they did anything more than what the front page can display. And if you pin stuff to the side, you still have to do it for the unpinned ones. If your subscriptions upload more than one video, you have to click One More Video, etc.

This interface buried the stuff you want to see beneath an increased amount of interactions required from the user. Therefore it is not good at all.
Hell I'm sure that even the partners are sad to be relegated to some insignificant space in the bottom right.

5th December 2011, 01:19 PM
So two quick mouse clicks and I get a list of the past 20 videos my subscription has put up! On the old system I had to wade down a long list of videos until I found the subscription I wanted, then click 'see more' so I could see more than 4 videos.

Come on, the old system was basically a complete mess! The new interface is really sorted.

Additionally, the analytics page is a lot more comprehensive now, I can see pretty much every detail on how viewers react to my videos and my channel looks a lot cleaner and nicer with bigger thumbnails.

5th December 2011, 03:37 PM
I hate it!
It looks more clear... but it's totally the opposite!

They should have let the choice...

7th December 2011, 01:27 AM
there still is choice, you can revert back iif you want :D

7th December 2011, 08:52 AM
I've been searching for 15 minutes... HOW CAN I REVERT TO OLD LOOK please????????

13th December 2011, 07:48 AM
To be honest I prefer the new channel design (especially seems I messed up my custom background) I use the 'everything' feature page, this allows one featured video and the ability to feature playlists and other users. check it out: http://www.youtube.com/user/killercrusher232

18th December 2011, 08:12 PM
I switched to the new channel as well, because it's not like Youtube is known for design rollbacks right?

Check it out (http://www.youtube.com/Darkdrium777) :g

18th December 2011, 09:11 PM
Wow, nice wrapper! Self made?

18th December 2011, 09:24 PM
Yes, I made "all" of it.

Technically the logos on the sides are made by SL's graphics and web artists, the gray bar that goes around is by Youtube (rotated) and Derpy in the top right is by DraikJack on deviantArt.