View Full Version : Back Up your game save data PLEASE- WHY!

5th November 2011, 03:58 PM
Oh man this is embarrassing for all long term Wipeout HD players.

I sent a random call for "Bling Brigade" help out to a few long term forum members here, and a few from Wipeout Arena [including one of it's administrators :brickwall:redface: ] .....shock horror :eek:eek:rolleyes::(

More than half reported back that they had suffered YLOD or some other data transfer stuff up, and had NOT SAVED their Wipeout HD Game Save Data and as such, no longer had a "Chrome Skin".
So are effectively useless to call on when needing help for a Bling Brigade GG

This situation sucks big time.

Could anybody that is suffering the same problem please report it in this post , then at least I, or anybody else that requires help for a Bling Brigade GG doesn't waste their time.

5th November 2011, 04:42 PM
Suffered from data corruption a while ago,lost everything but online level (also lost badges)

5th November 2011, 05:14 PM
I'm not that hopeful of online backup PS+ storage either after all the shambles of earlier this year.
That's apart from the personal information that is made available at Sony's usage, since they are storing it.
I don't trust corporations full stop, give them as little info about yourself as possible....they only deem information as a asset that can be sold on to 3rd parties.

I mean, a decent sized USB stick is all you need to give you safe back up.
You can always download the USB's sticks data to a folder on a PC, then make multiple copies.

6th November 2011, 05:45 PM
Today i got another corruption...I'm really following JFthebestJan's steps :lol

6th November 2011, 07:24 PM
I'd make sure your hard drive isn't dying if I were you... Unless the corruptions aren't happening as quickly as I understand from your posts.

6th November 2011, 08:10 PM
I had my latest save corruption a week ago. And I'll never bother to back up my data (or get the silver skin back), it's pointless imo. I'll spare you my opinion on Bling Brigade (or how pleasant it is to be evicted out of a 5 player room).

7th November 2011, 10:25 AM
I'd make sure your hard drive isn't dying if I were you... Unless the corruptions aren't happening as quickly as I understand from your posts.

They are taking about 1-2 months to happen,but I'm not really bothering anymore...When the leaderboards start updating again I can always get better records :sonar

Also,only WOHD is having this problem...

7th November 2011, 09:52 PM
That's strange the data corruption is only happening to HD, if others are suffering the same fate it might explain why the records have not been updated as they would be sending corrupt data to the server.

Although the only game I've ever had corrupt data with is Assassin's creed II, so I suppose it's not that unusual.

The way things look at the moment I doubt the records will get sorted till shortly before 2048 goes on sale in Feb, when they will want it all nice and tidy again for those new to it who want to crossplay the HD/FURY portion of 2048 via the VITA.

19th November 2011, 09:53 PM
Yeah, I had the problem during the summer and had to replace my ps3.

When I got back into Wipeout HD, I didn't have the same status I used to have. It was a little bit like having a stroke, I guess.

I don't really care about that stuff anymore, anyway. I usually switch the game on and choose some online settings that fit my mood, and just race.

28th November 2011, 01:36 PM
I must back this so much, just today i signed in to find allmy stats and records are gone, i didnt have YLOD or any transfer mistakes, it just happened randomly. If it wasnt for cons site my work would have been worthless :L so please backup your data because otherwise youll end up like me starting from scratch :(

28th November 2011, 01:58 PM
I wish I had read this before.

A long time Wipeout fan (since 2097), I purchased HD as soon as it was released. For several reasons, I never obsessed myself with Trascendence until now, and I seriously started to work on Elite Campaign legend.

I was already struggling with the last Meltdown cells, getting used to Phantom class and honestly seeing improvement. I was getting close.

And last Friday...game data was corrupted. Just like that. No YLoD or anything happening to any other data.

Amidst tears, I've just started from scratch, after 3 years. Well, fortunately some of those hours did help me improve a bit, and within the hour, I had reached Head Rush with all gold medals on Elite. I expect it won't take ages to get to where I was before the loss of data.

Nevertheless, now I back up my data after each and every season. Just in case.

28th November 2011, 03:15 PM
Commiserations to Rincewind and Booney. I'm going to back up all my data tonight.

29th November 2011, 08:12 AM

Thanks, buddy. However, this could very well benefit me in the long run. I'm already finishing the 6th event, and I'm finding it very, very easy to win races and tournaments on Elite Rapier/Flash/Venom.

Going back to basics after a lot of time without playing Wipeout is helping me to polish long-forgotten skills.

I expect I'll get to Meltdown events before the weekend, so no real loss, and I did get a ton of fun replaying the game. I had 0 medals in Fury events (didn't work on them at all), so no issues there either.

Fortunately, I'm only 3 trophies away from Platinum (Elite Campaign legend, Beat Zico and Zone Zeus, of course), so even if I lost everything, I don't care for races won or rivals killed online, skins or anything else.

29th November 2011, 08:07 PM
I made some experiences today,and this is what I got:

While the game is autosaving, DO NOT turn off the PS3 system,eject the disc or exit the game,this will bring data corruption to you in 45 of the cases...Also if you turn off the system in an online game it will also bring you a christmas data corruption for free! Wait for it to save or for the race to end (or abandon the race) before exiting the game for more safety
