View Full Version : Harimau Racers Club Vs Team Feisar

4th November 2011, 09:45 AM
It looks like we're ready to roll...

Representing Harimau Racers Club:

Representing Team Feisar:

I propose the following format:

2 x 12 race tournament, phantom speed, all tracks (HD/Fury) forward and reverse.

R3BU5ER chooses 6 tracks on which we will use weapons, and I pick 6 more tracks on which we will use weapons. The reverses of the chosen tracks will all be played with weapons off.

HRC host the first 12 race tournament (weapons on) and Feisar host the second tournament (weapons off).

This should ensure a good balance between nice clean racing and turboing, quaking carnage. Trying to do a GP format for all 24 tracks would take all night and some people don't have time.

I hope this makes sense. As for a date, I'd like to propose 7.00pm Sunday 27th November if you guys can all make it.

Let me know what you think.


Adam :)

Oryx Crake
4th November 2011, 04:19 PM
ooh this is gonna be a spectacular match :g

4th November 2011, 05:07 PM
yeah i agree oryx, will be fun ;) and saturday is fine for me aslong as its in the afternoon :) if its too late may run into party time xD

4th November 2011, 06:13 PM
Next let's have Harimau vs Eg-X :nod

4th November 2011, 06:55 PM
If you can get a team together D, We're on. I can't see an EG-X social group actually, maybe you should start one :)

4th November 2011, 06:56 PM
So the format is as follows:

Harimau team hosts a 12 race tournament, weapons on
6 Feisar team chosen tracks
6 Harimau team chosen tracks

Then R3BU5ER hosts a 12 race tournament, weapons off
6 Harimau chosen tracks reversed
6 Feisar chosen tracks reversed

Is this correct? Will Fury ships be allowed? I think it'd be cool to have two racers from each team run HD crafts while the others run Fury. And of course, I want to see videos from both teams perspectives!

yeah i agree oryx, will be fun ;) and saturday is fine for me aslong as its in the afternoon :) if its too late may run into party time xD

Cheers! But don't party too hard, Booney. I know you're a young man!

4th November 2011, 07:02 PM
Hey guys, it all sounds very cool, but the only thing is I'm moving to my new apartment in the weekend of 12/13 November. So there is no way that's going to work for me, I propose the last weekend of November, or so. Sorry for that.

4th November 2011, 07:02 PM
You're absolutely correct about the format Archon. With regards to the HD / Fury ships, it will be left to each pilot to decide. Personally I'll be flying the Furymau.

I'll definitely be recording, hopefully some of the others will be too.

Edit - Just seen R3's post. That's fine with me mate. I anticipated scheduling problems, they're a given with these things :lol

4th November 2011, 07:05 PM
Furymau, that's godlike! If a room is full of 8 racers, can others still spectate?

4th November 2011, 07:08 PM
Hehe, this is gonna be extremely fun for sure :beer

Only problem is that I play football matches on Saturdays, and until Wednesday or Thursday I can't know what hour it will be. Anyway, I will be at home no later than 22:30 GMT in the worst of the cases.

4th November 2011, 07:10 PM
"Furymau, that's godlike! If a room is full of 8 racers, can others still spectate?"

Well I certainly can't take any credit for the term "Furymau", that was around before I had the game.

The only way people could spectate live is if we could stream the match over the net, and I'm led to believe that's very difficult :(

Edit: Damn Oli, that's not great. Erm... we'll sort something out don't worry. Blind optimism will win the day!

4th November 2011, 07:19 PM
Yeah I'm sure there won't be any problem, I'm optimistic :g I'll try to know the hour of the football match the sooner I can.

4th November 2011, 07:27 PM
A lot of people have stuff on Saturday, maybe we should make it a Sunday afternoon match?

4th November 2011, 07:33 PM
I'm cool with Sunday afternoon if everyone else is.

4th November 2011, 08:39 PM
How does scoring work? First place for each race gains a point for their team?

What happens if both teams vote to race an identical track (say, Vineta K Forward with weapons, Reverse without)? There are a couple options. One, you could race the track twice, consecutively. Two, you could race it once and the losing team chooses the following track. Three, you could decide to race it once, and in the event of a tie use the same track as the tiebreaker.

Maybe I'm over analyzing this too much, but I'm home alone on a Friday; you guys have given me something to do!

4th November 2011, 09:16 PM
I'm ok with Sundays too.

5th November 2011, 11:29 AM

Think sunday is a better day so that's fine with me:P
Looking forward to this event8)

5th November 2011, 01:52 PM
sunday sounds good :) i may ask to play round a friends and then record, no promises though xD

10th November 2011, 04:09 PM
Just to confirm, are we all okay with Sunday 27th November?

Oryx Crake
10th November 2011, 04:24 PM
works for me.

10th November 2011, 05:41 PM
I'm fine with that.

11th November 2011, 10:40 AM
I will contact chaos and vlitzetron!

11th November 2011, 02:42 PM
Works for me to;)

11th November 2011, 02:45 PM
Yeah I knew you would check this thread Erich so that's why :) Chaos is in, only waiting for vlitzetron now. I really don't know what timezone he is in btw. Damn this site acts weird on my iPhone

12th November 2011, 11:51 AM
Vlitzetron is in! It's hardly believable, but I think we have ourselves a match :)

13th November 2011, 07:41 PM
Good work Rick, looking forward to it :D

25th November 2011, 12:37 PM
I've just spoken to R3BU5ER and we've settled on 6 weapons tracks each. Therefore the Weapons-on tournament (hosted by Harimau Racers Club) will be...

Sol 2 (R)
Sebenco Climb (R)
Moa Therma(R)
Tech De Ra (R)
The Amphiseum
Modesto Heights (R)
Anulpha Pass (R)
Chenghou Project
Talon's Junction
Vineta K (R)

We'll then do another 12 race tournament, Weapons-off, racing the opposites of the above tracks. Team Feisar will host this tournament.

Is everybody okay with 7pm (GMT) this Sunday?

I'll send PSN messages tonight to everybody involved.

Oryx Crake
25th November 2011, 03:11 PM
sounds fine to me so that would be 8pm my time. yeah that shouldn't be a problem.

25th November 2011, 09:54 PM
Yeah, it's a good hour :D

26th November 2011, 03:08 PM
Klar som et egg:P

26th November 2011, 11:03 PM
Yo,it seems like everybody is GO for tomorrow, only Vlitzetron isn't confirming in any way. So if you read this, don't bail out man. I could ask Serpent, A pretty good player I've come across. (are you in the forums?) If you guys are ok with that. But first I'll wait and see what happens c'yall tomorrow

27th November 2011, 12:18 PM
Ah Serpent, good idea and a really nice guy. I'll send Vlitzertron a PSN message now and see if we can't get hold of him anyway.

27th November 2011, 10:43 PM
Well we got the match done this evening. A few technical problems meant we didn't complete the weps off tourney, but I really enjoyed the races we did. Scores below...

Harimau Racers Club:
SoA_Booney - 127
Oliver_Fighter7 - 72
Colonel__Gaddafi - 65
Oryx_Crake - 45

= 309

Team Feisar:
Serpent - 73
erich123 - 70
R3BU5ER - 67
chaos80 - 61

= 271

Thanks again guys, it was a really good laugh. I'll get the vids up this week.


Adam :)

27th November 2011, 10:50 PM
well done ad for figuring them results out, especially with the messy races and the order of recording :) well played HRC and Team Fiesar, some very good and very messy races :)

Oryx Crake
28th November 2011, 12:29 AM
Thanks for the races guys and sorry for being a whiny arse there. Lag was getting the better of me where you guys stayed in control, good on ya.

On another note I think it's time for me to retire from Harimau I could feel it today how weird the ship feels to me these days... I don't feel the love anymore great to have a first and last match before that though :)

29th November 2011, 10:22 PM
Thanks all for the great races :+. I performed better at weps off than weps on, as usual, but I had overall a great time.

7th December 2011, 01:05 PM
Finally got the videos up for HRC vs Feisar. They would have been up two days ago but my PC was being very strange to say the least.

Weapons On (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAAigRZjNoo)
Weapons Off (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUMGWtKEIOM)

Sorry for the lack of SFX, technical glitch with the camera it seems. Enjoy the music anyway :)

8th December 2011, 07:42 PM
This different time zone thing is rough. You'll upload videos when I'm about to go to bed; then, I have to stay up and race more :( but I'm really like :)

8th December 2011, 08:55 PM
Thanks very much Archon :+

10th December 2011, 11:18 AM
Damn those races were hectic! Nice vids Adam :)