View Full Version : London Riots

9th August 2011, 10:05 AM
Since the other thread seems to be getting derailed, I figured it would be better to chat about it in a dedicated thread.

Things are really getting out of control...

9th August 2011, 10:39 AM
Hope it doesn't spread to where I am, although thoughts are out to those currently affected by these hooligan scum. What really irritates me is that they don't have a reason to riot, they're just rioting because they can and looting because they're greedy thieves.

9th August 2011, 10:55 AM
The England game tomorrow has been cancelled :(
The government can do something under "the terrorism act" because this is terrorism.
These people should be charged with crimes against the country and have their nationality revoked...
fkin terrorists

wow, that's unfair. :(

I think its very fair because 80% of the people are just there in groups, standing around doing nothing, thinking there all that whilst the other 20% are causing chaos and destruction.
If i was in charge this 20% would be charged with crimes against the UK and be put into asylum camps and be made to re-apply to work and live in the UK.
If you seriously cause damage and deface your country you should have all your rights taken away.
Its terrorism and supposedly we have a 0% tolerance against terrorism.

9th August 2011, 10:57 AM
Hopefully whats happening will result in a police crackdown, and more power being handed to them, Zero tolerance, no bull **** armed police activly patrolling the streets to stop these scum bags dead in there tracks.
it seems like for many years people over here have been allowed to literally get away with murder as result of the ridiculous amount of laws and rules that tie up our public services. and now people are fearless of authority as they don't appear to wield any power.

If they were animals they would have been put down. if they aren't fit to live in our society then they should be removed from it

9th August 2011, 11:04 AM
I think its very fair because 80% of the people are just there in groups, standing around doing nothing, thinking there all that whilst the other 20% are causing chaos and destruction.
If i was in charge this 20% would be charged with crimes against the UK and be put into asylum camps and be made to re-apply to work and live in the UK.
If you seriously cause damage and deface your country you should have all your rights taken away.
Its terrorism and supposedly we have a 0% tolerance against terrorism.

I meant it was unfair about the England match mate. :+

9th August 2011, 11:06 AM
It was a good call IMO, you don't want the Dutch and other fans going to Wembley and getting stuck there because the riots are disrupting things. Have the match when people are actually more focused on it rather than the riots which are happening now.

9th August 2011, 11:22 AM
I still say that they need to stop taking this nonsense and crack down on it. Bring on the tear gas, rubber bullets and tazer guns and use them against anybody who is seen to be participating in these acts of violence and vandalism. These people's rights were taken away the second they joined in the rioting, so why should the police have to be fearful of getting sued? They are doing their job, that is to protect people and make the streets safer. The sooner we do away with all of this stupid red tape, the better. Other countries don't tolerate this kind of crap, so why should we?

9th August 2011, 11:38 AM
The police can't win.

Intervene, be accused of being heavy handed. Don't intervene, be accused of doing nothing.

9th August 2011, 12:19 PM
I meant it was unfair about the England match mate. :+

lol, i thought you could of meant that but then i realised your from scotland.... and they usually like to see england lose lol.
They are putting 16,000 police in london tonight! it should be very interesting to see what happens!!
But knowing the police they will just stand their tapping their shields in unison with their batons lol.
16,000 police vs 300-500 youths.... if this doesnt stop it then we will have to use our own army to stop it and they wont fk about.
They might cry "Police brutality" but they cant cry "Army brutality"

9th August 2011, 01:20 PM
Police are considering the use of rubber bullets according to Sky and BBC. I'd still prefer live ammunition but it's a start!

9th August 2011, 01:28 PM
Shame these good folk will probably have to do it all again tomorrow: http://yfrog.com/kj5oewj

9th August 2011, 01:58 PM
Looks like I'll have to wait until I can get a chance to visit London as a special trip once the riots have ended. If not, then my trip will be short-lived. :(

Challenger #001
9th August 2011, 02:07 PM

I loved that picture, really felt warming when I saw it. I kinda feel guilty I'm in France at the moment just watching it instead of being able to help.

9th August 2011, 03:09 PM
Rubber bullets have to be deployed, apparently 16,000 police are taking to London tonight...they're gonna need ammo!

9th August 2011, 03:32 PM

9th August 2011, 03:33 PM
Police are considering the use of rubber bullets according to Sky and BBC. I'd still prefer live ammunition but it's a start!

+1 to that Hellfire. :P

9th August 2011, 04:17 PM
Amazon's movers & shakers in Sports & Leisure:


Funny... I didn't think baseball had really caught on in this country. :|

Looks like people are gearing up to go to war.

9th August 2011, 04:25 PM
Jeez, that's disturbing. I hope the police do their job and get order restored, without killing people. It's crazy how much is going on, and crazier that people are showing up just to watch! Need their heads checked. Isn't there some type of law which forbids gathering to the scene of a riot? Also, doesn't Britain have a law similar to the Canadian War Measures Act? Just curious.

9th August 2011, 04:30 PM
We have the anti-terrorism act, but the government are probably reluctant to brand anything as terrorism unless there are bombs involved.

To me this is a fair equivalent, though - destroying peoples homes and businesses is pretty much terrorism.

9th August 2011, 04:33 PM
Heard rumours that there organising and going after the old london overspill cties and towns in the south
The one a few mins away from me have got all the shops closed down already, http://www.crawleyobserver.co.uk/news/local/london_riots_massive_police_presence_in_crawley_1_ 2944630 (artical from yesterday night, todays morning)

im fairly certain thats just rumours though, and if it is'nt that they dont cross the dual carrige way that splits the two towns :blarg

EDIT: and bloody hell, just looked at that amazon link??? Baseball bats up 6,541% thats crazy!

9th August 2011, 05:27 PM
Shame these good folk will probably have to do it all again tomorrow: http://yfrog.com/kj5oewj

Forces can't handle a couple of people sporting push brooms? What are they going to do, break the broom handles up in the policemen arses? Just lob 10 or 20 tear gas canisters on the mix, that will disperse them. :mr-t

9th August 2011, 05:37 PM
Wow, that link you posted is disturbing rob. :- Scary stuff.

Challenger #001
9th August 2011, 05:45 PM
dmc, that was a picture of the community clean-up after the riots that went on today. Not actual rioters.

9th August 2011, 05:47 PM
whoops! Makes it kinda funny now eh? :P

9th August 2011, 07:19 PM
So I've just learned that police in my area have received a tip off that the rioters may be making their way down to my area. This is absolutely ridiculous - England is not a warzone and we should not be made to feel unsafe in a country as developed as this.

9th August 2011, 07:25 PM
Well, few years ago it was France (when 2 guy died pursuit by Policemen). It was incredible :/

9th August 2011, 07:41 PM
So I've just learned that police in my area have received a tip off that the rioters may be making their way down to my area. This is absolutely ridiculous - England is not a warzone and we should not be made to feel unsafe in a country as developed as this.

Yeah, my brother lives near to some of the riot locations too. Hopefully, he'll be able to stay away from the trouble and his house won't be burned down by the disgusting scum.
It is ridiculous, I agree. The police seem to be doing next to nothing to stop this.

Well, hope you remain safe, mate. ;)

9th August 2011, 09:26 PM
In this country, you have the right to defend yourself if someone comes to your house (say to burn it down) with force (guns). Why wouldnt the entire army/ police force deal with these people? Makes no sense to me.

9th August 2011, 09:53 PM
Because in previous riot / police confrontations in this country, police officers have ended up in court for being heavy handed or causing injury to those who are rioting.

So the police aren't going to stampede the feral bastards and cull them like they deserve for fear of ending up in jail themselves.

9th August 2011, 10:00 PM
^^ That's an absolute joke. What does it say when a legal system puts the rights of the criminals before the lawmen? Criminals lose their rights as soon as they commit a crime. The lack of common sense here is just shocking.

9th August 2011, 10:04 PM
Exactly Fox and DP, They are not citizens anymore.

9th August 2011, 10:08 PM
Hopefully after this, the government will see what a ridiculous system we have, with police bound in paperwork and OTT human rights and give them the freedom to fight the good fight without fear of being prosecuted themselves.

Shame it has to take literally a decent into anarchy for things to change :?

Mr Phlanj
9th August 2011, 10:34 PM
with police bound in paperwork and OTT human rights

the real english way would be to beat the crap out of them, then fine them for bleeding all over the street.

10th August 2011, 12:56 AM
these animals who are rioting are a disgrace to the human race.

picture below..Typical gangster scum.walking along in his hoodie and tracksuit holding his dick..trying to be the big boy.

why do we allow hoodies..there are countrys banning muslim clothing but gangsters are hoodies are allowed..


the police need to up their game and get tough with them.

the tactics of prevention and disperse and retain order simply do not work.

they are dispersed only to reform within the hours somewhere else, thats after they are bored with throwing things at the policemen and swearing at them and totally disrespecting society and authority.

the tactic the police use are really for demonstrations and rowdy crowds these pacts of dingos are nothing of the same.

I think that people really want to see these sub humans punished for what they have done its gone too far.

the are creating racism too as sadley most of the rioters are black in london.people i talk too are talking the n** word and generalising and tarring all blacks with the same brush.these blacks involved are creating the rod for there own back.
I talk to black friends i have they say the same thing .they are so ashamed of these people and i feel bad for them as they have worked hard and enjoy being part of a great society.

the media are talking about what caused this..was it the shooting last week is it society didnt care for the youth..its all a load of crap and lies and polictical correctness.

they are rioting because they are having fun stealing what they want and doing what they want.
and trying to act hard
and increase their rep and standing in their worthless gang.

picture below showing scumbag filming his work on his mobile..gang pride..they are having a holiday at our expence

we are too blame for our 99% tolerance society and feebleness
we are too blame for allowing gang culture and it promotion through its musics and fashions.
gangs are not cool.
our garbage political correctness has anyone too scared to say the truth or do anything
human rights leftie scumbags protect these arsewipes..i say stand by a arsewipe and go down with them..

i see gangs as a pack of cowardly dingos who only prey on weak individuals who dont want any trouble.
they are not hard, they are weak and hunt in groups.
has their ever been a knife gang fight that involved two men one on one in a fight?..

of course not their cowards and are weak
has their ever been a situation where 20 of them chase a kid who is running and stab him whilst he is defencless..?

yes all the time..wow what bravery what gang pride.

they think its cool to be in a gang and they look at us as rubbish weak and feeble.

we must show them their is only one gang worth being in and thats society as a self accountable person of worth.

10th August 2011, 06:21 AM
Because in previous riot / police confrontations in this country, police officers have ended up in court for being heavy handed or causing injury to those who are rioting.

So the police aren't going to stampede the feral bastards and cull them like they deserve for fear of ending up in jail themselves.

Sounds like the boarder police in this country.. :|

10th August 2011, 01:59 PM

DJ Techno
16th August 2011, 04:50 PM
this is nothing like the Detroit Riots and LA Rodney King riots

hell the guy holding his crouch and wearing a suit like that. sure he wasn't with the police instead. cause no real rioter would get up in a suit like that with gas mask and all.

did the guy taking a film with his cell phone at the cop infront him. then get the thrashing of his life from that riot police man. or did the cop just tell him.

"move along"